Give Your Heart A Break.
Chapter 29 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 29

E - Words: 1,298 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
154 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Chapter End Notes: And there's the end of that chapter and the end of Christmas, which means the boys will be heading back to New York soon. I still have something I need them to do while they're in Ohio, so they won't be leaving quite yet, and we've still got to see Cooper off to LA. They probably won't leave next chapter, but maybe the one after that (ch. 31?). Then it's New Years time and wedding planning! :D Again, I want to thank you all for being patient with me, this past week has been crazy. I feel as if I can share this with you all, I wasn't sick or anything, I just needed the week because I needed to come out to my family. I wasn't sure how it would go over, but it went quite well and everything is back to normal now, just now, I'm out of the closet. So thank you all for being patient with me, I really really appreciate it. From here on out I'll be back on schedule with updates. -Krystal :) x

On Christmas Eve, the boys found themselves sitting around the Hummel-Hudson family room with Carole, Burt, Finn, and Cooper, exchanging gifts. Blaine, Kurt, and Cooper were leaving on Christmas morning to head over to the Anderson's for their Christmas activities.

Carole handed Blaine and Kurt three gifts, one for each of them and then on for them as a couple. "Open your shared one last."

Kurt opened the neatly wrapped package with a gasp when he saw the most beautiful, blood red vest inside. "Oh my- Carole, this is-"

"Your father and I have been saving up for these gifts, we wanted them to be extra special this year." Carole smiled. "Your turn Blaine."

Blaine slowly lifted the lid of his smaller box, equally as shocked as Kurt when he saw a collection of three solid colored silk bowties. "Wow guys, these are- you really shouldn't have."

"Just open he last one, then you can tell us we shouldn't have." Burt gestured to the small rectanglular box resting in Kurt's lap.

Kurt untied the bow and Blaine pulled the lid back. Kurt almost dropped the box when he saw the plane tickets inside. "D-dad, Carole, how did you-"

"Don't ask, just enjoy. It's not only your Christmas gift though, it's your wedding gift as well. We booked you a hotel and everything, all you boys have to do is show up." Carole explained.

"But this is for-"

"Paris? Yep." Burt had known this was how they'd react.

"Thank you Burt, Carole. This is fantastic, really. How will we ever pay you back for this?" Blaine couldn't believe that they really had tickets to go to Paris.

"Just take care of each other, love each other, and have fun. You two deserve this."

They finished opening gifts. Laughing when Finn gave them both matching Christmas socks and sweaters, and getting all flustered when Cooper gave them condoms and lube. They spent the rest of the day watching t.v. and spending time together. Tomorrow would be Christmas with the Andersons.



"Blaine! Cooper! Kurt! Come in, come in! James is in the sitting room waiting." Andrea ushered the boys inside, hugging them and taking their coats and scarves to the coat closet.

"Boys, come on in. It's good to see you." James stood, shaking Kurt's hand before pulling his boys in for a hug. It had been far too long since they'd all been together and happy for Christmas.

"Okay, let's get started on presents then we'll worry about dinner." Andrea said as she made her way into the room.

James handed Blaine a rather large, but flat box. "I think you'll remember it, it was your grandfathers."

Blaine smiled as he pulled the familiar leather bag out from under the paper. "When I was about five years old I would always look at pictures of my grandad with this bag and say I was going to be just like him."

"What did he do?" Kurt asked, running his hand over the smooth, worn leather.

"He was a teacher. He taught history." Blaine smiled, this bag had a lot of history.

"Here, this is for you Kurt." Andrea handed over a matching box.

"Oh my!" Kurt gasped when he opened it. Inside was a brand new bag, exactly like the one Blaine was just given.

"I saw it while we were in New York and I couldn't pass it up."

"It's perfect, thank you." Kurt smiled at his future in-laws, his second family. He was so greatful for them.

"Alright, now it's time for the main present. It's for both of you." James handed the boys a small box. "Now, I know Kurt will be a little more excited about it than you Blaine, but I think you'll enjoy it."

Blaine opened the box, laughing when he saw the papers for a spa reservation. "Thanks Mom, Dad, really."

"Oh my God Blaine! This is ama- hold on, these are for a spa in-"

"Paris. We may or may not have met with Burt and Carole to decide on what to get you boys." Andrea smiled. 

"This is perfect. A honeymoon in Paris, plus a spa trip. I can't wait!" Kurt squealed in excitement.

"Honey, I think we should focus on getting married first, worry about the honeymoon later." Blaine couldn't help but feel excited too. He and Kurt had talked about wanting to go to Paris back before they even started dating. One of those talks they had in the Dalton common rooms before class or Warbler practice. Now they were engaged and going there for their honeymoon.

"Well, I'm going to head to the kitchen and start working on dinner. Cooper, James, why don't you come help me get everything out?" Andrea stoof and left the room with her son and husbannd, leacing Blaine and Kurt alone in the sitting room.

"Our parents really went all out didn't they?" Kurt handed the box with the spa reservations over to Blaine. 

"Yeah, yeah they did. Sure beats the his and her pajamas we got them." Blaine said with a laugh.

"That's for sure, and on the subject of gifts, I want to give you yours now becuase-"

"Kurt, we said no gifts." Blaine tried to sound serious, but it came out as amused.

"Yes we did, but I know that you have a gift in your bag with my name on it, so you really can't complain."

"How do you-"

"You're not as sneaky as you think mister. Now, here." Kurt handed Blaine a skillfully wrapped box with a note that read: "I will love you until the end of time."

Blaine tried not to choke up as he read the note, but he couldn't stop the stray tear that fell when he opened the box to find a pocket watch inside. "It looks like-"

"It is. It's the one you were carrying the day I met you. I took it and had a little something added." Kurt popped the watch open, there on the inside of the lid, engraved in Kurt's handwriting, was the exact some message as the note.

"Kurt-" Blaine was speechless.

"Do you like it?"

"I-I love it. I love you. It's perfect." Blaine set the watch aside and pulled Kurt in for a kiss.

"I'm glad, and I love you too." Kurt smiled.

"Okay, your turn then." Blaine got up and walked to where his bag was sitting by the door. He walked back to Kurt carrying the gift and a note.

"Kurt read the note, giving Blaine a watery smile. "My missing puzzle piece." He read the note out loud.

"Yeah, I guess great minds think alike and all."

Kurt opened the box to find a silver bracelet. It was engraved with 'My missing puzzle piece' in Blaine's handwriting. There was even a small puzzle piece charm dangling from it. "Blaine, honey, this is beautiful."

"You like it then?" 

"It's perfect sweetie. Thank you, I love it."

"You're welcome, I'm glad you like it. Here, let me put it on for you." Blaine took the bracelet from Kurt and clasped it around his wrist.

"I love you Blaine." Kurt hugged Blaine, burying his face in Blaine's neck.

"I love you too Kurt." Blaine hugged back, kissing Kurt's temple.

"Alright boys, you've had your time, now get in here with the rest of the family and help with dinner." Andrea appeared in the doorway, ushering them into the kitchen.



They all worked on dinner and somehow managed to get it finished even though there was more than one food fight. They laughed and joked, and sang Christmas carrols. Once they had finally got everything made, they sat down and ate, as a family, still talking and singing in between bites.

Blaine looked around at his family and smiled. This was the first Christmas they'd really had all together and happy in such a long time. He reached over for Kurt's hand and squeezed it, just briefly, so happy that he was getting to share this with the love of his life, his future husband. It truly was the best Christmas ever.


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