May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
"It's been a week Blaine, please just come home? I miss you." Andrea sighed through the phone. She missed her son so much, knowing he would be leaving for New York soon.
"I know mom, I miss you too, but I'm not coming home." Blaine was starting to get frustrated, she had been calling every single day to try and get him to come back.
"Maybe if you just tried talking to him-"
"No, we have nothing to say to each other."
"Fine, I'll drop it for now. When are you and Kurt leaving for New York?"
Um, well we were thinking of leaving in the next few days." Blaine had avoided talking about New York all week with his mother.
"Oh wow, that's uh, that's great Blaine. What about your stuff?"
"Kurt and I were planning on coming over tomorrow to pack up what I need. I'll worry about the rest later."
"Oh, okay." Andrea tried to hide the sadness she was feeling.
"Mom, you know I love you, and I'm going to miss you, but I'm not a kid anymore. I'll be okay." Blaine half smiled when Andrea sighed.
"I know Blaine, I love you too, so much. I just hope you know that I will always be here for you, even if your father is being a stubborn ass."
"Mom!" Blaine had never heard his mother curse, she's always so perfessional and put together.
"I'm sorry, but it's true." Andrea said with a laugh.
"Mom you now that you'll always be welcomed to visit me and Kurt in New York right?"
"Just try and stop me."
"Um mom, I gotta go, Kurt's working on packing and I am being summoned to help." Blaine said, motioning to Kurt to give him a second.
"O-okay sweetie, I love you." Andrea was trying to keep her composure.
"I love you too Mom. We'll see you tomorrow." With that, Blaine hung up, letting out a sigh, running his hands through his ungelled hair.
"She just wants what's best for you, she loves you." Kurt said, walking up behind Blaine, hooking his chin over Blaine's shoulder and wrapping his arms around Blaine's chest, hugging him from behind.
"I know, it just- sometimes it's frustrating." Blaine said, leaning back into Kurt. "How much more do you have left?"
"Not much, I should be done in about ten minutes, we could go get lunch after I'm done." Kurt smiled, kissing Blaine's cheek before stepping back.
"Sounds good to me." Kurt said before disappearing amongst the piles of clothes Kurt had left to sort through.
"So I'm thinking since your dad is taking us we should at least have him stay a night or two before driving back." Blaine said before digging into his salad.
"Yeah, it's a long drive, he'll need to rest up. Oh, and I know this amazing little diner that you'd both love, we could take him there before he leaves." Kurt was getting excited, it was almost time to leave for New York, just a few more days.
"That sounds good, I can't wait to see the condo, knowing my grandma it's going to be amazing. She was always a very fashionable woman who didn't settle for anything other than the best."
"I can't wait either, I'm so excited to just be in New York with you, living together. I just-"
"Me either." Blaine smiled, reaching across the table to squeeze Kurt's hand.
"So we'll go to your place tomorrow and pick up what you want to take. We'll get everything put in the bags and load them up, then leave the next day?"
"That would be amazing." Blaine couldn't wait to get out of Lima and away from everything.
The rest of the day was spent sorting through Kurt's things, deciding what would go and what would stay. They were both exhausted when they fell into bed that night. Sleep took them both immediately.
"So boys, what's the plan for today?" Burt asked after breakfast.
"We're going to Blaine's to picl up what he wants to take to New York." Kurt answered, pulling Blaine over to sit on the couch with him.
"And you want to leave tomorrow right?"
"Yep, we'll make sure to have everything loaded tonight."
"Okay, we'll want to get started early in the morning, with stops and everything it'll take us about eight and a half hours to get there."
"Alright, thanks Dad. What do you say we go ahead over to your plave and get to work?" Kurt asked Blaine.
"Yeah sure, it won't take me that long, I know exactly what I want to take." Blaine said, standing up and offering Kurt his hand.
"Blaine, maybe you should at least spend a little time with your mom before you leave." Burt said, his eyes softening.
"Uh well I-"
"That's a great idea Dad." Kurt smiled and pulled Blaine out of the room towards the door, he had a feeling he was in for an interesting afternoon.
When they arrived at the Anderson home the first thing Blaine noticed was that his dad wasn't home. "He isn't here."
"Let's just go inside and get to work." Kurt knew Blaine was upset with his dad, but he didn't understand why he was being so difficult about this.
As they got out of the car and headed for the door, Blaine noticed the curtains flutter shut. "She's been watching for us."
"She hasn't seen you in a week, of course she was watching." Kurt laughed as they reached the door.
"Boys! Come in, I made coffee, I know how you two love your coffee." Andrea said as she ushered them inside.
"Thanks Mom, you didn't have-"
"I haven't seen you in a week, you let me do what I want for you." Andrea said, giving Blaine a stern look.
"See, I told you." Kurt gave Blaine his I-told-you-so look before heading to the kitchen.
"I should know better than to argue with both of you. I know I'm going to lose." Blaine laughed and followed Kurt and his mom into the kitchen.
"So, when are you leaving?" Andrea asked once they all had coffe and were seated at the table.
"Tomorrow." Blaine said, glancing over his coffee mug to judge his mother's reaction.
"Oh, and Kurt's father is taking you?"
"Yeah, his truck is big enough to fit everything in."
Blaine wasn't sure what his mom was thinking ot feeling, her expression was unreadable.
"I guess I should let you get packing then. But before I do, I just want to tell you that I hope, one day, you'll be ready to talk to your father. I know you're upset, but you only get one father Blaine, and he may not be doing his best at showing it right now, but he really does love you. I just hope that one day, you'll see it, before it's too late." Giving Blaine one last, pleading look, she stood up and headed off to her home office to work on paper work.
"She's right you know." Kurt spoke up, side glancing at Blaine.
"Let's just go get packing so I can leave before he comes home." Blaine got up and sat his mug in the sink before heading towards his room, trying to ignore the sick feeling that was slowly creeping up on him.
They spent the entire time packing, silent, except for small talk. Blaine was trying to concentrate on not punching a hole in the wall. He hated this feeling, he felt angry and worthless. He didn't have the strength to talk to his dad and that pissed him off. Kurt was trying to give Blaine space, he could tell Blaine was fighting an internal battle and just needed some time.
After four hours of sorting through everything Blaine owned, they had everything he wanted in boxes in the back of Kurt's car. Blaine let out a sigh after loading he last box.
"That's everything right?" Kurt asked.
"Yes, finally. I'm ready to get out of here."
"Blaine, don't you think you should at least tell your mom goodbye?" Kurt didn't want to set Blaine off, but he had to ask.
Blaine looked over at Kurt before answering. "Yeah, probably. Will you go with me?"
"I-I- no. You need to do this on your own. I'll wait her, in the car."
"Okay, I'll be right back." Blaine knew he couldn't convince Kurt to come, so he turned and headed back for the house. Alone.
"Where's Kurt?" Andrea asked when Blaine walked into her office.
"In the car. We- uh, we're finished loading everything. I came to tell you goodbye." Blaine suddenly felt like the shy little kid who walked into this same room to ask his mom why the kids at school kept calling him a fag.
"Oh um, okay." Andrea didnt know what to say.
"Yeah, well-"
"Wait, before you go, I want to give you something." Andrea said, getting up from her desk to walk over to the small safe she had for her important and priceless possessions. "I was going to give it to you sooner, but with everything that happened, I didn't get a chance."
Blaine had no clue what she was going to give him, and to be honest, he was a little nervous.
"Here it is, it belonged to your grandfather." Andrea smiled, handing Blaine a small Tiffany blue box.
Blaine opened it with shaking hands and gasped when he saw the beautiful, yet simple gold band with diamonds around it. "Wow- Mom I-"
"I know that one day, you and Kurt will get married, and I think this would look very good on Kurt."
"Th-thank you. Wow mom." Blaine had no idea what to say.
"Your grandfather would be so proud of you. I know you never got to know him, but he would have loved you. You remind me of him, I think he'd want you to have this." Andrea said, wiping away a tear.
"Thank you mom. I love you so much, and I'm going to miss you." Blaine felt himself choking up as he pulled him mom in for a hug.
"Me too sweetie, me too."
"Uh, I-I Should go, we still have to load everything into Burt's truck, I'll call you tomorrow." Blaine said, pulling back.
"Okay, be careful and take care of Kurt."
"I will. Goodbye Mom."
"Goodbye son."
Blaine shut the door behind him before opening the ring box one more timme. It really was beautiful. He smiled as he slid the box carefully into his pocket and headed back outside where Kurt was waiting.
Kurt immediately noticed a change in Blaine's attitude, but chose not to question it. They sang along to the radio the whoe drive back to the Hummel house. Once they got there they found Burt and Finn ready to help get their stuff loaded, and Carole ready with sandwiches.
It took them a good two and a half hours to get everything loaded into the truck with a Kurt Hummel seal of approval. Once it was done, they all went inside to rest up for tomorrow. Kurt pulled Blaine up to his room for some alone time.
"I am exhausted." Kurt groaned as he fell back on the bed.
"Me too. We'll have plenty of time to rest on the drive tomorrow." Blaine said as he laid down beside Kurt.
"Are you ready for this?"
"Absolutely, living in New York, going to NYU, and having the man of my dreams there to share it with, I've never been more ready for anything."
"Good, me either." Kurt smiled, situating himself to where he could hold Blaine.
"I love you Kurt." Blaine said, resting his head on Kurt's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of Kurt's heartbeat.
"I love you too Blaine." Kurt replied, placing a kiss to Blaine's curls and relaxing, letting sleep take over. Tomorrow would be a long day.
OMG I love her sooo much she is the sweetest thing..I feel bad that she has to deal with the whole Blaine-Father battle. I hope that gets better soon. Is Blaine gonna ask him to marry him soon? I hope so! :D Can;t wait til Monday!!!
I will hint that there is a planned proposal once they both start into school which won't be long, but we'll just have to see how it turns out. :) I'm glad you liked it. I wanted to make her the very accepting mother, who may or may not plot with Carole in some up coming chapters ;) that's all I'll spoil for now :)-Krystal :) x
aww my heart broke about blaine being the shy kid going to his mom to ask why he was being called a fag. </3 but yes i love mrs anderson!!
Andrea is one of my absolute favourite characters to write. I absolutely love her! -Krystal :) x