May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
Kurt was quiet throughout the dinner, and the drive to his house, partly because he wanted to wait until they got to the house to talk and partly because he didn't know where to begin. As he pulled into the driveway he let out a shaky breath, knowing he couldn't put it off much longer.
"How about I get us two bowls of ice cream and we can take them up to your room?" Blaine asked, neither of them made any move to get out of the car.
"Uh, sure, that sounds great." Kurt wasn't sure if Blain was just being his usual, supportive self, or if he was trying to keep Kurt calm, either way, it wasn't really working.
Blaine turned to look at Kurt, noticing the dark circles under his eyes wondering how he didn't notice them when Kurt first got in. He could tell something was eating at Kurt and it hurt Blaine to think that Kurt wasn't happy.
Kurt could feel Blaine looking at him and it made him squirm, he started feeling trapped inside the small car. "I, uh, I'm going to go inside, I'll be in my room." He didn't wait for a replt, he jumped out of the car and practically ran inside.
Blaine took his time getting inside and to the kitchen. He wanted to give Kurt some time alone. While he fixed the bowls of ice cream, his mind raced with possibilities of what could be bothering Kurt, the more he thought about it, the more worried and nervous he got. Once he successfully had to bowls of chocolate and vinilla swirl with chocolate syrup and two spoons, he made his way carefully up the stairs to Kurt's room, ready to talk.
As soon as he had gotten upstairs, Kurt ran to his bathroom. He turned the water on and splashed his face a few times then pulled out a towel to dry his face with. He knew the stress from the past week in New York mixed with being at Dalton again and the memories that came with it, on top of Blaine's speech really had gotten to him. He hadn't slept well all week, with how busy he was trying to meet his deadlines and being without Blaine. He never could sleep well when he was in New York, knowing he couldn't just go to Blaine's house if he got too lonely. He was exhausted, phyiscally and mentally, and it was really showing. He took one last look in the mirror as he turned the water off and threw the towel in the basket before walking back out in to his room to wait on Blaine.
Blaine walked into the room, finding Kurt standing in front of the window, looking exhausted and deep in thought. "Here's your ice cream. Do you want to change first? I know you'd hate to get ice cream on that outfit."
"Yeah in a second. I never realized how beautiful the sky was at night until I lived in New York. It's so bright that you can't even see the stars shine." Kurt sighed and stepped away from the window, moving to take the bowls from Blaine to set them down on his bedside table.
"You look exhausted babe, did you not sleep well this past week?" Blaine asked as he sorted through his bag for his pajamas.
"No, it's hard to sleep when Rachel and Brody are up until ungodly hours, and I don't sleep well when I'm not with you so, yeah." Kurt opted just to wear sweat pants, no shirt, it was much more comfortable.
"Oh. You know, I don't sleep well when you're not around so I know the feeling. I'm glad you're home." Blaine smiled warmly at Kurt, matching him by only wearing his pajama bottoms, going without a shirt. "So do you want to talk about what happened tonight or not? I won't push you if you don't want to."
"I do, and really, it's nothing horribly bad, I'm just tired adn being there inside the school brought back some unwanted memories." Kurt said, getting settled agaisnt the head board, passing Blaine a bowl to Blaine who was already settled. "Thanks for this by the way."
"You're welcome. What memories did it bring back?" Blaine asked.
"Memories about our breakup and your depression and me chasing you down because you said goodbye. It was suppose to be a happy night, you know. Then your speech made me think about how miserable I was before I met you and moved to Dalton. All of that mixed with the exhaustion and stress from work just took its toll." Kurt leaned his head back against the head board, happy to have gotten all that out and to be back home, with Blaine.
"I'm sorry Kurt. I love you so much, and I'm sorry you had to deal with all that alone tonight.
"It's okay Blaine, I'm fine, just tired. I love you too." Kurt turned to Blaine, giving him a big smile to show him he was telling the truth.
Blaine smiled back as he finished his ice cream, offering to take Kurt's bowl.
"No, you stay, I'll take them down. I need to let my dad know we're back anyways." Kurt said, kissing Blaine on the cheek before getting up, leaving Blaine alone in the room.
When Kurt got back, he noticed Blaine was leaning back against the head board, his eyes closed and a smile smile on his lips. Kurt thought it made him look peacefull and somehow, younger than he was. He couldn't help but smile as he walked over to the bed. "I'm back beautiful."
"Mmm good, I missed you." Blaine said without opening his eyes, his smile got bigger though as he reached out blindly for Kurt.
"I wasn't gone that long." Kurt laughed getting settled under the covers, not taking his eyes off Blaine.
"Doesn't matter, I always miss you when we're not together. Little spoon or big spoon?" Blaine finally opened his eyes, warm honey meeting crisp, clear sky.
"Me too. Little spoon." Kurt said with a smile.
Blaine turned over and pulled Kurt close until his chest was flush with Kurt's back, tangling their legs together, their hands finding each other over Kurt's chest. Blaine loved being the big spoon, he loved just hold Kurt.
"G'night Blaine, I love you." Kurt whispered, sleep already taking over.
"Goodnight Kurt. I love you too." Blaine whispered back and kissed Kurt's hair before letting sleep take him as well, happy and content.
anxious to read kurts good news. also i love the little/big spoon thing. so cute!
I like adding little things like the little/big spoon thing in my chapters. The little things like that are very important as far as I'm concerned. :)-Krystal :) x