Give Your Heart A Break.
Chapter 35 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 35

E - Words: 1,077 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
432 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: A considerable time jump in this one but I need to get this moving. :)

Three months go by before the boys have their first major argument over something wedding related, and considering everything, three months is a miracle. It all started when the went to pick out their tuxes. Kurt wanted to make them, saying it would be more unique that way, while Blaine just wanted to rent, or even buy them.

"You are not wearing a blue tux Blaine, it's not an option." Kurt said coldly. They'd been arguing for at least half an hour. Rachel and Lucy had came with them and were just sitting there, not sure what to do.

"But Kurt, it's not even- you can't even tell- it's a dark blue, no one will notice." Blaine really didn't see why Kurt was getting so upset.

"I will notice so the answer is no. We are both wearing black, we already discussed this."


"Blaine, don't. Black or nothing, your choice."

"Fine." Blaine turned to go change, but instead of coming out with the black tux on, he came out in his street clothes.

"What are you doing? You need to try on the black one so we can see what work needs to be done." Kurt had reached his breaking point.

"No. I'm going home, we'll do this later." Blaine turned and walked out of the shop, ignoring Kurt and the girls when they called his name.

"Maybe I should-"

"No, I'll go." Lucy ran after Blaine, telling Kurt and Rachel to say there.

Blaine stopped walking once he was out of sight of the shop, letting Lucy catch up with him. "If you came to tell me that I'm acting like a child, you can save it. I don't want to hear it."

"I didn't. I came to stop you from walking out on Kurt." Lucy said, pulling Blaine to a bench and sitting down.

"I really don't understand why he's getting so worked up over this, it's not like you can really tell it's blue."

"Well, didn't you tell me like three weeks ago that you and him had already decided on your outfits? You in a black tux and black bowtie, him in a black tux and white bowtie?" Lucy raised her eyebrow questioningly.

"Yeah but-"

"No buts, that's why he's getting so upset, you had already agreed on this."

"I need to go talk to him, apologize. Thank you Lucy." Blaine smiled and kissed her cheek before getting up and jogging back to the shop.



Their second major argument happened about two weeks later when they were picking out invitations. Blaine wanted something simple but elegant, Kurt wanted colorful and unique.

"It's too much Kurt, it looks like a birthday card for a five year old, not a wedding invitation for two adult men."

"Well you're acting like a five year old so it fits. Your idea is plain and boring." Kurt snapped, running his hands through his hair.

"No one is going to take your pick seriously, it looks like a clown threw up." Blaine bit back.

"Your idea looks like a funeral announcemen not a wedding invitation."

"Now who's acting like a five year old?"

"I'm not dealing with this right now. I'm going to Rachel's, don't wait up." Kurt slammed the laptop shut and pushed his way out of the room and out the door, ignoring Blaine yelling his name.



When he got to Rachel's, she let him in and sat him in the living room. "You and Blaine are fighting again."

"We're not fighting, we just can't agree on anything." Kurt slumped into the couch, his anger wearing off a little.

"What was it this time? Rachel asked, sitting across from him.

"Invitations. I want lively, colorful ones and he wants plain, boring back and white ones."

"So combine them. Use Blaine's idea, but maybe add a touch of red or a dash of orange. And while we're having truth time, you two seriously need to sit down and talk about all of this fighting and disagreeing."

"We're just exhausted, between school, his dance rehearsal, my Apples practice, and wedding planning, we don't have any time just to sit and talk about stuff." Kurt pulled his knees to his chest, his anger gone completely now.

"Then step back, take a week off the wedding planning, talk to Adam about missing some practices, have Blaine skip a few dance rehearsals. Just take some time for yourselves, you need it or this is going to fail before it even begins." Rachel gave him a small smile.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt. We have been working really hard." Kurt smiled. "I gotta go, thanks for listening Rach, you're the best!" He jumped up and ran out, eager to get back home to Blaine.



When he got home, Kurt found Blaine on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, snoring softly.

"Blaine, honey, wake up." Kurt shook Blaine gently.

"Kurt? I thought you were-"

"I'm sorry B, I was out of line and stress. I love you and I hate fighting with you." Kurt sat down beside Blaine, taking his hands.

"I love you too Kurt, what-"

"We need to take a week or so away from the wedding planning. I'm going to talk to Adam about missing some Apples practices and I want you to see about missing some dance rehearsals. We are going to spend time, just you and me, no wedding planning or anything stressful, just us."

"That sounds perfect. I've missed you." Blaine whispered, wiping away he tears that threatened to fall.

"I'm sorry Blaine, I just want everything to be perfect and somehow I forgot that you're just as capable of making our wedding decisions as I am." Kurt actually blushed, he was ashamed of the way he'd been treating Blaine lately.

"Don't apologize sweetie, I know you're just trying to make it perfect, and it will be, I promise. Just, maybe don't try so hard, you're always better when you don't try too hard." Blaine smiled and pulled Kurt in for a kiss.

"Thank you Blaine." Kurt breathed out as he pulled back.

"What for?"

"For being the best and most understanding fiancé in the world. I love you so much."

"I love you too Kurt, nothing is going to change that."


They spent the rest of the evening just talking and cuddling. They talked about anything and everything they could think of, family, friends, school, teachers. When they both go too tired to stay up any longer, they fell asleep wrapped up in each others arms, happy and in love. There would be more arguments, more fights, but that was to be expected. As long as they were able to talk through everything, in the end it would make them stronger.


End Notes: So that chapter had a considerable time jump because I wanted to move things along so we can get to the wedding. :) I wanted to show that not everything is sunshine and rainbows for them, but that no matter what, they are always going to pull through.Next update on Monday. Hope you liked it.-Krystal :) x


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I really liked this because in reality wedding planning is hard and no couple agrees on everything, not even one as perfect as Kurt and Blaine. Lucy and Rachel seem to be being good friends to the boys and they seem to understand what each needs and how to calm them down which is good when they are as stressed as wedding planning can make people. I hope to see them compromising in later chapters because they need to learn how to do that, sometimes compromising makes things turn out better then you could have ever imagined. I hope that the wedding chapter is soon because I can't wait to see how it turns out and how wrong things go(if anything bad happens). I m also looking forward to finding out what the Warbler are gonn be singing at the wedding and how the reception goes. I hope nothing horrible happens anytime soon because in the end they might fight but I don't want them to wind up like Will and Emma did.Until Next Time,<3 Emma

I wanted to show them having agruments because you're exactly right, no one agrees on everything. Lucy and Rachel are their anchors, they know how to calm them down and know just what to say to get through to them when they're being stubborn. There will definitely be some compromising, and maybe even a little something from TNN will pop up to show help with all of that. ;) The wedding chapter, I want to say, will be at least 2 or 3 chapters away, that just depends on my writing. Next chapter will have some time jumps as more planning is done, then the next maybe have the families, groomsmen, best men, and Warblers fly in to New York, then maybe the wedding chapter, or a filler chapter then the wedding chapter. So really it's more like 3-4 chapters, but that's not too long to wait. I promise, they won't end up like Will and Emma, I think I've already caused them enough pain in Fix a Heart and in here with Kurt walking out on Blaine, I want this to be happy because that's what it's suppose to be. :)-Krystal :) x