May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
The weeks continued to fly by after Thanksgiving. Blaine and Kurt spent the days relaxing at either the Hummel-Hudson home or the Anderson home. Some nights they'd go out for dinner, some nights a movie, and some night's they'd just stay in and spend time with their families.
Before they knew it, it was Decemeber 21st, four days before Christmas. They'd already decided to spend Christmas Eve with Burt, Carole, and Finn, then go to the Anderson's for Christmas Day. Blaine was excited to spend the holidays with both of his families, but one thing he hadn't expected was for Cooper to show up on Burt and Carole's doorstep that morning, completely unannounced, at least to him.
"Coop, it's one thing to show up at Mom and Dad's without warning, but you can't just pop into other people's houses without asking first." Blaine just shook his head when Cooper pushed past him into the Hummel-Hudson home.
"It's good to see you little brother, it's been way too long." Cooper dropped his bags and pulled Blaine into a hug.
"Yeah, you too Cooper, but why didn't you call, or drop your bags off at Mom and Dad's before coming here?" Blaine asked, pulling away from Cooper.
"Because we invited him to stay here so you two can have some more time together since you're staying here." Carole smiled as she, Burt, and Kurt walked into the room.
Kurt gave Blaine an apologetic smile. He'd tried to talk Carole out of it, but she wouldn't listen to him.
"Oh uh, wow, thanks." Blaine's grew wide when he realized exactly what that meant. "Uh Kurt, can I talk to you in the kitchen please?"
"Sure honey." Kurt walked towards the kitchen, nodding to Cooper as he passed.
Once in the kitchen, Blaine turned to Kurt, his expression unreadable. "Please tell me this wasn't your idea, because if it was-"
"Whoa, calm down tiger. No it wasn't my idea, I tried to talk Carole out of it but she's Carole so I failed miserably." Kurt held his hands up in surrender, trying not to laugh.
"Kurt, this isn't funny. I can't handle being in the same house as him for this long. We'll kill each other before Christmas Eve." Blaine complained.
"I don't know what to tell you sweetie. You're just going to have to deal with it, because there's no way Carole's going to ask him to leave now."
"This isn't going to end well." Blaine warned.
"You'll be fine Blaine, stop acting like he's got the plague and you can't stand to be around him. He's your brother and you hardly ever get to see him, enjoy what time you have with him."
"Just don't let me be alone with him please." Blaine didn't want to think about having to spend too much alone time with Cooper, that never really ended well.
"Alright you big baby, come on, let's go." Kurt sighed, ushering Blaine back out into the living room. This was going to be an interesting holiday.
To Blaine's surprise, Cooper didn't start anything all day. They just talked like normal, civilized brothers would. Blaine told him all about New York and the condo. They talked about the engagement and the rings. Cooper talked about L.A. and the different auditions he had. They talked about James' cancer and the treatments he may or may not need. All in all, it was a lovely day of spending time with each other.
Kurt watched them closely, ready to jump in if things got heated, but nothing happened. They just laughed and joked around, they got along better than he and Finn had the entire visit.
By the time night time rolled in, they had talked about pretty much everything. So Cooper decided it was time to tell the future in-laws an embarrassing story or two about Blainey.
"So, who wants to hear about the time Blaine watched his first horror movie?" Cooper asked. Everyone, including Finn, was sitting in the living room after dinner.
"Cooper." Blaine warned. He knew this was bound to happen sooner or later, he'd just hoped for later.
"Aww cme on squirt, it's a good story." Cooper smiled innocently at Blaine.
"It's not a good story, it's embarrassing." Blaine muttered, already blushing just thinking about it. "And don't call me squirt."
"Alright, alright, fine. I'll make you a deal, I won't call you squirt for the rest of my visit if you let me tell this story."
Blaine sighed and buried his head into Kurt's side where they were snuggled up together on the couch. "Fine."
Cooper beemed, he knew that would work. "Okay, so it was my first time babysitting little Blainey while our parents went out. He was suppose to be playing in his room, so I put on the original Halloween movie because I wasn't allowed to watch it and I was a rebelious teen."
"You were fourteen years old Cooper, there's a reason you weren't allowed to watch it." Blaine said sarcasticly.
"Yeah well, like I said, I was a rebel. Anyway, little Blaine snuck downstairs and hid behind the couch. Once I noticed him, I should've sent him upstairs or turned the movie off, but I really wanted to watch the movie and he really wanted to be a big boy too, and he was looking at me with those pleading eyes of his so I let him sit and watch the movie with me,"
"Hold on, you let your six year old brother watch Holloween?" Kurt wasn't sure why it was such a surprise to him.
"Yes I did. I was fourteen, I didn't really understand why that wasn't such a good thing until about halfway through the movie when he literally peed himself because he was so scared.
Blaine groaned and hid his face in Kurt's shoulder, trying to hide his blush. Why did Cooper have to tell this story?
"Oh my God really?" Finn asked, trying not to laugh.
"Yep, right there on the couch." Cooper smiled, glad someone else thought it was funny.
"At least I wasn't the one who had nightmares for two whole weeks after that." Blaine retorted.
"Maybe not, but you were the one afraid of going trick-or-treating for about four years because you thought the movie was real." Cooper remarked, laughing when Blaine blushed a darker shade of red.
"Shut up." Blaine mumbled, refusing to look at anyone.
"Aww Blaine. Honey, is that true?" Kurt asked with a smiled, rubbing Blaine's back soothingly.
"Go ahead and laugh, I know you want to." Blaine pouted.
"Blaine sweetie, you were just a kid, it's cute." Carole tried to reasure Blaine, but even she couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
"I have plenty more embarrassing stories if you want-"
"NO!" Blaine yelled. "I mean, no, no thank you Coop, that's enough for one night. I'm actually really tired so I think I'm going to just go ahead upstairs. Goodnight everyone." Blaine ran upstairs before Cooper had the chance to start in on another story.
Kurt followed Blaine upstairs after telling everyone goodnight.
He found Blaine already in bed, looking at a picture in his wallet. "Hey."
"Kurt, hey, I was just- it's a pitcure of me and Coop when we were younger." Blaine held up his wallet for Kurt to see.
Kurt smiled as he changed into his pajamas. "You were such an adorable kid."
"I hadn't learned to use hair gel yet, my hair was too crazy."
"You think? That's the part I love the most, other than your eyes. I wish you'd leave it ungelled more often." Kurt ran his hand through Blaine's loose curls as if to make a point.
Blaine sighed and melted into the touch. He loved being with Kurt like this.
"Do you ever think about our future? Like after we're married." Kurt asked quietly after a while.
"All the time. Why?"
"Just looking at that picture, it makes me think about us maybe having kids. Is that something you've thought about?"
"Honestly, yes it is. Have you?"
"Yes. I want us to have kids, our own kids. I mean adoption is great, but I want kids with your hair and your eyes, ya know?" This was the first time they'd really discussed this so seriously.
"Yeah, I understand. I want kids with your nose and mouth."
Kurt smiled and leaned over to turn out the lamp light. "One day. We'll be fabulous dads."
"Yeah we will, and I can't wait." Blaine let Kurt spoon him, smiling when Kurt kissed his neck.
"I can't wait either. Goodnight Blaine, I love you."
"I love you too Kurt."
They drifted off into a peaceful and happy sleep. They dreamed of their happy, perfect future with each other.
I really liked this chapter. I LOVE Cooper and love how funny and self obsessed he is. I liked that Blaine and Cooper haven't really had an arguement yet ( although I really hope that does happen at some point). That Blaine story was very cute and I loved how you made it realistic , and how I think Cooper and Blaine would have reacted in that situation. I also really enjoyed when Cooper arrived and Blaine was freaking out because it just shows how Blaine can be a drama queen, which is really funny. At the end when Kurt and Blaine went upstairs and Blaine was looking at that picture and Kurt said that he loved his ungelled hair, that was perfect. Also the talk about the kids looking like the other was soooo sweet and darling and perfect. I hope they talk more in depth about that in future chapters ( and maybe that can happen if you write another story after this one). I really hope that can happen because that would be really interesting to read about. Looking foward to how Christmas goes and how Blaine and Cooper continue to get a long or not. :DUntil next time,<3 EmmaP.S. Sorry I didn't review last night I watched AVPSY and I was a mess, so yeah.( If you don't know what that is its a Starkid musical) Hopefully you do know what that is though because it was AMAZING!
I tried to keep Cooper as close to canon as possible because I love how him and Blaine are so different, yet so much a like at the same time. I'm sure there will be an arguement sometime before Cooper goes back to L.A. and then again once it gets closer to the wedding. :) I really wanted to add in a story because Cooper seems like the kind of person that would just be like "hey, listen to this story that I think is funny but in fact, it's embarrassing for everyone other than me." I love Blaine being a drama queen, and I'm sure that will make a reappearance during the wedding planning. ;) Kurt liking Blaine's ungelled hair is something that I thought would be cute since Blaine is totally for the gel, Kurt seems like the kind of person that would love that thing about Blaine that he himself doesn't really like, and in this case, it's the curls. (plus I love Darren's curls so I'm just kind of projecting my feelings onto Kurt.) The talk about kids was definitely meant to put in as a way to start a third story later. I plan to finish out this one with the wedding then start a third one with the honeymoon and having kids. I want them to have the conversation again, but I'm not sure if it will happen in this story, or if I'll wait until the honeymoon and the next story. :) I have some Blaine/Coop stuff planned for Christmas, we'll just have to see how it turns out. :)-Krystal :) xP.S. I definitely do know what AVPSY is, I'm a huge StarKid fan, I was a StarKid fan and a Glee fan before Darren got on the show, then when he got Glee, I just became a meshed fan of both. I was a complete hot mess last night, to the point that I had to stop and finish it this morning. I cried all the way through the second act, like as soon as Joey started singing Sidekick, I was gone for the rest of the show. It was an amazing end to an amazing story and I'm glad that we got a chance to see it.