Give Your Heart A Break.
Chapter 24 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 24

E - Words: 1,776 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
509 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: I just want to start of by saying I cried like a baby watching Come What May last night. It was so beautiful.Now onto the story. Rachel is here to save the day, but will it be her who actually fixes everything? Let's find out! :DNot much actual Klaine because this is about Finn and getting his head out of his ass about the wedding.Enjoy. :D

Kurt and Blaine were woke up by Carole the next morning, telling them to get dressed and come down stairs.

As they made their way to the living room, Kurt asked grumpily, "What on Earth could be so God damn- holy mother of God, what the hell are you doing here?"

"It's nice to see you too Kurt." Rachel smiled and ran to hug them both.

"I haven't had my morning coffee, get back to me- hell no. Rachel why the hell did you bring Adam?" Kurt just took notice of Adam standing, quite awkwardly away from everyone else.

"What he meant was, 'hi Adam'." Rachel rolled her eyes at her friend, he could be such a drama queen in the mornings.

"No, I meant why is he here." Kurt insisted.

"It was all Rachel's idea and I found it easier to go along with it than to argue." Adam answered with a smile.

"Which leads me back to my first question, what the hell are you doing here?" 

"Honestly, I have a few things to tell Finn, and yes they needed to be said to him in person and yes you and Blaine need to hear them too."

"That still doesn't tell me why-"

"What the hell, Rachel?" Finn had just walked into the room, not fully awake.

"Good morning Finn. Why don't you get some coffee and come have a seat, we all need to talk." Rachel gave them all a look that said this wasn't up for debate.

"Fine." Finn gave in and headed for the kitchen to start the coffee.



Once everyone was fully awake and full of coffee, Rachel started to tell them why she was there. "As we all know, Kurt and Blaine are engaged. We should all be celebrating because out friends, our family." Rachel looked directly at Finn. "Are happy and in love. Sadly, this is not the case. It would seem that Finn has decided that he knows what's best for Kurt and Blaine and is trying to convince them to postpone the wedding."

"Wait a minute, how do you even know that?" Kurt asked, not having the slightest clue as to what Rachel was doing.

"Finn called me last night and Adam told me you called him."

"You made yourself very clear Rachel, I know you're upset-"

"No, I'm not upset Finn, I'm disappointed in you. Of all the people who I could have imagined to be against them getting married, you were one that I would've never guessed."

"Um Rachel, what exactly are you doing here? It's great to see you, and we realy appreciate your support, it's just- why are you here, and why did you bring him?" Blaine finally spoke up.

"I know you don't need my help, but I'm not about to sit back and watch Finn ruin your happiness. So I brought Adam with me to help talk some sense into Finn."

"No offense Rachel, but I really don't care what-"

"You are going to listen to what Adam and I have to say." Rachel said dangerously.

"Alright, fine, but don't get your hopes up on changing my mind." Finn snapped, settling back in his chair.

"We'll just have to see about that." Rachel paused to give Finn her best bitch glare before going ahead with her speech. "So, first off, this is truth time, that means 100% honesty, no matter what. Now, Finn, why are you so against them getting married?"

Finn sighed as he started to speak. He felt like a broken record. "I'm not against them getting married, I'm against them rushing into this. Not even a week before Blaine proposed, Kurt walked out on him because he had a crush on Adam. They're not ready, it'll be ruined before it even begins."

"And what gives you the right to be the judge of that? Are you aware that Blaine was going to propose the night that Kurt walked out? Tell me Finn, if things had went differently and Blaine had gotten to propose that night, would you still want them to wait?" Rachel wasn't going to go easy on him.

"Yes, no, I- I don't know, okay!" Finn yelled in frustration.

"You're being nothing but a selfish jerk! They deserve to be happy and you bringing them down is not helping!" Rachel yelled back at him.

"Why are you always defending them? Can't they handle it themselves?"

"This isn't about me Finn!" Rachel was getting angrier by the second.

"Can we stop for a second?" Adam asked, silencing Rachel and Finn's yelling. "This fighting isn't getting you any closer Rachel. All it's doing is upsetting you."

"I just-"

"I know. Would it be okay if I talked to Finn for a second, alone?" Adam looked around to Kurt and Blaine, both of whom were shocked into silence.

"I have nothing to say to you." Finn retorted.

"Then just let me talk, because I have something to say to you."

"Fine, follow me." Finn led Adam to the kitchen so they could have some privacy.



"Look dude, I really-"

"You said you would let me talk."

"Yeah, sure, go ahead." Finn sat down in one of the chairs, motioning for Adam to take a seat too.

"I know you care about Kurt and Blaine and you think you're doing the right thing by trying to convince them to wait on getting married, but trust me, all you're doing is hurting them. Yes they've both made mistakes, they're human, humans make mistakes. Kurt and Blaine love each other, I've never seen two people that love each other as much as they do. You say you're doing this because you don't want them to ruin their relationship, but I think that's a lie, there's something else. What's really making you do this? Why are you so determined to make them unhappy?" Adam was trying to figure Finn out, he could tell Finn was struggling.

"I just- I don't want them to make them to make the same mistake Rachel and I made by rushing to get married. In the end, it ruined us. I want better for them."

"Have you stopped to think about the fact that they aren't you and Rachel. Just because your relationship didn't work, doesn't mean theirs won't. They are their own people, completely different from you and Rachel." Adam could tell he was getting somewhere, Finn was cracking.

"I know, it's just- hold on, why are you helping them? Don't you want to be with Kurt?" Finn was honestly curious. How could this guy that liked Kurt be happy for Kurt marrying another man.

"I won't lie to you, I do have feeling for Kurt. He's an amazing person, he's so kind and caring, always putting other people's needs before his own. With that said, no, I don't want to be with him because I know I'd never make him truly happy, and he deserves to he happy. Blaine is his soulmate, his other half, Blaine is the one that makes Kurt truly happy and I accept that. I support them getting married because I know they're meant for each other and I know they'll make it work, not matter what obstacles get in their way." Adam smiled, he knew that would get through to Finn. "Can you sit there and tell me that you don't believe that Kurt and Blaine are meant to be together?"

Finn just sat there, everything hitting him all at once. He has been a jerk to his brother. He should support them, no matter what he thinks. How could someone who's known them all of three months have seen it before him? "I've been a complete jerk, I'm such an idiot."

"You're not an idiot, you were just trying to look out for them. I understand why you did it, and I'm sure they will too, you've just got to apologize and explain."

"Yeah, you're right. I just have to apologize and hope I haven't ruined everything."

"I'm sure once you show them that you truly mean it, they'll forgive you." Adam gave Finn a smile before leading him back into the living room.



"They've been in there too long, maybe we should go check on them." Kurt said to Blaine and Rachel. He hadn't heard any shouts or loud bangs, so he knew they were at least being civilized.

"No need, we're finished and I think Finn has something he wants to say to you and Blaine." Adam announced as he and Finn entered the living room.

"Kurt, Blaine, I want to say I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. I've been a complete jerk to you and I'm sorry. I was so stuck on thinking you were rushing the wedding and not wanting you to end up like me and Rachel that I forgot to take in that it wasn't any of my business. I should've supported you guys, even if I thought it was a bad idea, but instead I made you guys miserable. I really do want you to be happy and I'm sorry that I let my own personal problems keep me from showing you that. I understand if you hate me, I just want you to know I'm truly sorry and I hope you'll be able to forgive me." Finn explained, taking breath and waiting for one of them to respond.

"You really mean that, don't you?" Blaine could tell Finn was being honest with them.

"Yes I do." Finn said quietly, looking down at his feet.

Blaine looked to Kurt to see how he was reacting to Finn's apology. He gave Kurt an encouragig smile when he noticed him looking at Finn like he really wanted to believe him.

"Finn, will you please look at me?" Kurt asked softly.

Finn looked up to find Kurt smiling sadly at him. "I'm really sorry Kurt."

"I know, I believe you. Thank you for apologizing, it means a lot. I want you to be part of my wedding Finn, I was going to ask you to be my best man."

"Really?" Finn looked like was shocked that Kurt would even consider him.

"Yes. You're my brother Finn, your opinion means a lot to me."

"Do you still- uh, do you still want me to be your best man?"

"I would love for you to be my best man." Kurt grinned.

"Then I accept." Finn gave him a big, lopsided smile.

Kurt stood up and walked over to Finn. "I'm glad to have my brother back." He held out his arms for a hug, which Finn gave him with a laugh.


Things had been rough for the past few days, but now everything seemed to be heading in the right direction. Now they could focus on the holidays and wedding planning without being afraid their friends and family wouldn't be there to support them. They could put all of the pointless drama behind them thanks to Rachel and Adam, who were both happy to see their friends happy. 


End Notes: I would pay a lot of money to get the Glee writers to let me write Adam's character. I really like him, but I hate what they're doing with him.Anyway, we're getting back to the happy, Finn's finally on board (thanks to Adam).I would love to know how many of you knew it was going to be Adam who got Finn to get his head out of his ass.Hope you enjoyed it, next update will be Monday! Have a fabulous weekend!-Krystal :) x


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Soo. I thought it was either going to be Adam, or for some reason Sam( I think I was just hoping that he would do that so he would be back in the story), anyway I am proud of myself for at least kinda knowning who was going to get Finn's head out of his ass. Also I think what Rachel did by bringing Adam was smart because he was on the outside, Finn didn't realy think he would be for Kurt getting married because he like Kurt, so I feel like him saying to Finn that he was happy made everything click for Finn. I thought that Rachel's plan was going to be a lot more trickery than just sitting down and talking to them so I was happily supprised by that.I liked how after Finn appologized Kurt and Blaine could tell he was being honest and they forgave him, because if they hadn't right away it would have made me sad. I just want everyone to be happy for at least a little while. I really liked how even after all of that Kurt still asked him to be his best man, and I hope that Cooper will come into the story soon and Blaine will ask him. Also I am hoping that Tina, Sam, and Mike( because in the show I really like their friendship) will be asked to be Blaine's groomsmen. And that Kurt will ask Rachel, Mercedes, and maybe Adam to be his groomsmen. Can't wait to read about the planning and all the drama going into that because one its Klaine and two my cousin just got engaged and I'm soo happy for her. Can't wait to read more I really liked this chapter and that the Finn problem has ended.Until next time,<3 EmmaP.S. I cried while watching Come What May and almost when I first heard it because it was so BEAUTIFUL!!!

My plan was always to have it be Adam, but Sam will be back, they still have holiday time to spend and they're definitely meeting up with their friends! :) Rachel knew that if anyone of Finn's close friends tried to talk him out of it, he would just fight them. She brought Adam as kind of a reinforcement just in case, but Adam was the one who made the decision to talk to Finn one on one, Rachel didn't plan that. Adam very much cares for Kurt and he would do anything he could to help him. You're right on the fact that with Adam saying what he said that it clicked for Finn, having someone from the outside come in and tell him that he was wrong really made Finn realize it. Funny story behind why Rachel's plan was so simple, I wrote that she had a plan then realized I didn't have a plan for her, so this was the best I came up with on the spot, but it turned out for the best and sometimes simple is best. :) Kurt has forgiven Finn, obviously, but I think Blaine might still have some hard feelings there, nothing that's going to cause issues, just a little bit of hurt from all this. It's nothing that's really going to make it's way into the story, but it's there, in my mind at least. I'm still debating on having Coop come into the story because I've thought about it and I really don't know how to write him, I don't know if I want to write him like in the show or spin him around into my own little thing like I did with Adam. Nothing's set in stone yet, but I do have it in mind because I'd love to see all of Blaine's family there for the wedding. As far as Blaine's groomsmen, I know for sure Sam and Tina will be there, hadn't thought about Mike, but that's a really good idea, I like the Mike/Blaine thing so I'll definitely keep that in mind. Kurt's already asked Rachel to be one of his, I've had Adam in the back of my mind to be part of the wedding but I wasn't sure how that would go over, but I think I have a way to fit him in and make it work. As far as Mercedes, I really hadn't thought that far ahead, but it seems like something Kurt would do, ask Mercedes because they've been friends since the beginning of the show. Of course there will be drama involved, it's wedding planning, but it won't be anything too bad, and what drama is caused should be resolved fairly quickly. I don't want the wedding to be about drama, I want it to be about Kurt and Blaine getting married and being happy and their friends being happy for them. Congrats to your cousin on her engagement! :D-Krystal :) xP.S. I cried while watching Come What May too, I wasn't prepared for those flashback, that's what got me. But the song was amazing, Chris and Darren's voices go so well together, they harmonize so beautifully, then the scene with the tent and the tuxes and the slow dancing and hugging. It was perfect. Most beautiful thing Glee's done in a while and I'm not just saying that because it's Klaine.