Give Your Heart A Break.
Chapter 22 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 22

E - Words: 1,362 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
551 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Drama, drama, drama. That's what this chapter is filled with. :)

By the time they all sat down for dinner the following evening, the tension was almost unbearable. Kurt and Finn hadn't spoken to each other since Finn made his opinion about the wedding clear, Burt had been trying to get Finn to drop the whole thing so they could enjoy the holiday, and Kurt refused to tell Blaine why he was in a bad mood. Carole finally had enough when Finn asked Kurt to pass the salt and he replied with 'maybe I should wait, make sure I've had enough time to make sure I'm happy.'

"That's it, I've had enough of this! You two need to work your problems out, this is Thanksgiving and I will not have you two ruining it by bickering like five year olds. Fix it." Carole said, setting her fork down.

"There's nothing to fix Carole, I'm sorry." Kurt hated fighting with Finn, but he wasn't going to back down from this.

"I think maybe there is Kurt." Blaine spoke up. "Ever since you and Finn 'talked' you've been upset, angry, and every time I try to talk to you about it, you snap at me. So maybe there is something that needs fixed."

"Not now Blaine." Kurt said through gritted teeth.

"Why don't we stop arguing and just get it out there so everyone knows? Finn's not happy with Kurt and Blaine getting married. Kurt's angry at Finn for not being okay with it." Burt let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm upset because he keeps comparing Blaine and I to him and Rachel. Just because their relationship didn't work out, doesn't mean mine and Blaine's won't. We're adults, we live together, we're in love, and we are getting married, with or without Finn's approval." Kurt slammed his spoon down, fed up with this. He just wanted to be home, in New York with Blaine and away from Finn.

"Finn-" Blaine started but was cut off.

"Save it dude." Finn said to Blaine before focusing on Kurt. "I know I'm not going to change your mind, but I hope you come to your senses and realize I'm right before you make a huge mistake." He stood up and walked out, leaving the rest of the family stunned.

Carole was the first to speak. "Kurt, Blaine, I am so sor-"

"Don't Carole, please, it's not your fault. He's clearly made his decision and that's fine. I'm not going to let this ruin mine and Blaine's happiness." Kurt gave her a small smile before standing. "I'm going to go finish unpacking. Dinner was lovely."

Blaine sat still until Kurt was out of ear shot, then he spoke to Carole and Burt. "When Finn comes back, let me know, I want to talk to him. I'll be upstairs trying to talk to Kurt."

"Alright kiddo, and we're sorry about all this, I know this isn't want you two wanted your holiday to be like." Burt smiled sadly at Blaine.

"It's fine. I'm just worried about Kurt, I don't want him to start believing Finn." Blaine said, heading upstairs to talk to Kurt.



"I'm sorry I'm calling you but-"

"Kurt, it's fine, what's wrong?" Adam asked, he could tell Kurt was upset.

"My brother thinks I'm making a mistake, rushing into this whole wedding thing, and I wanted- well, do you-"

"Do I think you're rushing?"

"Yeah. I-I trust you to give me an honest, unbiased opinion." Kurt sighed, sitting on the bed. Adam was the only person could think of to call about this.

"Honestly, from what you've told me about your relationship with Blaine, I don't see why you wouldn't get married. You've been through a lot together and you love each other. You're soulmates, so no, I don't think you're making a mistake or rushing. I think it's the natural and logical next step in your relationship."

Kurt immediately felt better, hearing what he thought was true coming from someone else made him realize it was true. "You're exactly right, thank you."

"You're welcome Kurt, and don't worry about your brother, he's just doing what brothers do. He'll come around eventually, so don't let him stop you from doing what makes you happy."

"Thanks, I really needed to hear someone say that."

"No problem." Adam smiled, happy to be able to help Kurt out, he never wanted to see or hear Kurt upset.

"Well, I'd better go, I'll see you when I get back to New York."

"Alright, see ya. Bye Kurt."

"Bye Adam." Kurt hung up with a heavy sigh.

"Hey." Blaine appeared in the doorway. "I wasn't eavesdropping I swear. I was-"

"It's fine silly, there was nothing to eavesdrop on anyway." Kurt smiled at Blaine who just stayed in the doorway, hands in his pockets, sad look in his eyes. "What's wrong Blaine?"

"I-I don't want us getting married to come between you and Finn. Maybe we should wait-"

"No. Finn is not going to ruin this. We're getting married, no matter-"

"Kurt please, just listen. I didn't mean call of the engagement I was just going to suggest we take our time with it."

"You mean like a long engagement? How long are we talking? We haven't even discussed how long we want to be engaged before getting married." Kurt stood and walked over to Blaine, taking his hands and leading him to the bed.

"I think we should give ourselves plenty of time to prepare. I was reading online that average engagements are 18-15 months-"

"No. I am not waiting that long to marry you."

"Okay, how long did you want to wait?" Blaine asked, slightly amused by Kurt's horrified expression at the thought of waiting that long to marry him.

"Nine, maybe ten months at the most. I don't want to wait Blaine, all I've ever done is wait."

"That would put it aroung August or September, a fall wedding." Blaine smiled, he knew Kurt liked fall, it shouldn't have been a surprise that Kurt would want to have a fall wedding.

"Yes, a fall wedding, my favorite. It would give me plenty of time to get everything ready, I don't need eighteen months to plan. Is this okay with you? I mean, we should decide together and I'm not being very-"

"Kurt, it's fine. It's more than fine actually, I just want to marry you I don't care when or where, I just want to be your husband." Blaine took Kurt's face in his hands.

"I just want to be your husband too." Kurt smiled as Blaine leaned in to kiss him.

When he pulled away from the kiss he smiled at the thought of them being husbands. "So sometime during August or September, we'll worry about an exact date later."

"Sound perfect. We'll talk about this more later, right now I'm going to take a shower." Kurt stood, kissing Blaine's forehead and walking to his dresser to pick out pajamas.

"Want me to joing you?" Blaine asked teasingly.

Kurt groaned. Blaine knew just how to get to him. "Not that I wouldn't enjoy it, but no with my dad in the house. We may be adults now, but I'm not about to have shower sex in my dad's house."

Blaine laughed and spread out on Kurt's bed. "Who said anything about sex? And we could always sneak around, just like old times."


"Fine, alright, now shower sex. Please tell me we're not going to be abstinent while we're where, I really don't think I can resist you that long."

"Really now?" Kurt smiled wickedly at Blaine, a plan forming in his head.

"Kurt, whatever you're thinking, no, just don't." Blaine could tell he wasn't going to like whatever Kurt was planning.

"I think we should play a game, let's see how long you can resist before you snap. I'll bet you won't last the rest of the month."

"Kurt!" Blaine groaned.

Kurt laughed and headed for the bathroom. "I'm going to shower now sweetie."

"Jerk!" Blaine called after Kurt had shut the door, sighing and staring at the ceiling. He jumped when he heard a knock on the opened door.

"You wanted to talk to me." Finn said, standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, let's go for a walk, I want to do this privately." Blaine got up and followed Finn downstairs. He was going to find out exactly why Finn thought him and Kurt getting married was a mistake. He wasn't going to let Finn ruin his and Kurt's engagement, no matter what.


End Notes: Like I said, drama, drama, drama. I'm kind of keeping Carole neutral in the whole thing, so we probably won't hear what she thinks about this. I will say though, that she is okay with them getting married, she just doesn't want to get into all the fighting. If all goes according to plan, we'll see angry!Blaine during his talk with Finn. I will say that Finn does come around eventually, but the person that makes him come to his senses isn't someone you'd expect. (and when that time comes and we see who it is and you knew this whole time, bravo to you :D) Hope you liked this one. :) Let me know what you thought.-Krystal :) x


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Soooo...Where should I start...Ok, so Finn is being really not ok. I think its normal to me a little cautious about getting married, but Finn has no right to ruin the time Blaine and Kurt are able to spend with Kurt's family. Also Finn is completely overreacting, just because Rachel wasn't his soulmate and they rushed into things doesn't mean that Kurt and Blaine are doing the same thing, they are soulmates. Also I really like that you are making Burt and Carole act diffrently then eachother, because in most stories they are either neutral or on the same side. I hope Blaine doesn't get to angry because that will not end well. You really shouldn't scream at someone you are trying to make agree with you. Also I don't fully understand why Finn is getting so worked up about this it isn't really like him( at least I don't think so). The Adam talk was sweet I like how Adam is a good friend to Kurt instead of a boyfriend or love interest, because I really do like Adam he is a sweet guy. Lastly the thing about how long Blaine can resist Kurt was cute, I like how you put something just between them that was cute and fluffy instead of matching the drama around them. I really really liked this chapter and I really want to see how Blaine and Finn's talk will go. I do have a guess you eventually gets Finn to come around, but knowing that I will probably change my mind a few more times before deciding fully I will keep that to myself. Until next time,<3 Emma

My plan to make Finn out to be the villian is working if you don't like what he's doing. I'll give you a little insight to Finn's thoughts in this: He thinks he's doing right by his brother, he's worried that between Blaine's cheating (which Finn will more than likely bring up during their talk) and Kurt's almost cheating, that they're not ready. But he's taking it a little too far and he doesn't get that he is, he thinks that he's saving them from the same heartache he had to go through with losing Rachel. When in reality, he's just being an ass and making them hate him. In Finn's head he really thinks he's doing the right thing by trying to keep them from getting married. I'm keeping Adam around for the rest of the story, I like writing him as a friend who really does care for Kurt, but would never act on his feelings because he knows it would never work, he knows Kurt is meant to be with Blaine and he respects that. He understands that and decides to stay in Kurt's life as a friend, which will play a big part later on. :) I wanted to make sure there was plenty of drama, just not between Kurt and Blaine, I want them happy and in love while the drama is around them, that's why I threw in the their talk and the resisting thing. I want them to be on each other's sides through this whole thing with Finn, that's what I want to show with little things like that. Blaine and Finn's talk is something that I'm going to take very special care with. We do know that Finn and Blaine didn't get along that well in the beginning of season 3 and Blaine hasn't forgotten that, so we might see a little bit of angry!Blaine come out when Finn starts possibly accusing him of things. The talk will (mostly) be settled in the same chapter, but that doesn't mean it will be settled with a positive outcome, we'll just have to see where things take us, and a deal may or may not be made between Kurt, Blaine and Finn for the rest of the time Klaine are in Ohio. :) I can't wait to reveal who will get Finn to come around, it's something I've been planning for quite a while and I think everyone will like it. It'll be sweet and intense all in one.... but that's later. :) I'm glad you liked this chapter, hopefully you don't hate Finn too much, he'll come around soon. :)-Krystal :) x