Give Your Heart A Break.
Chapter 21 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 21

E - Words: 1,382 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
573 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Last update for the week, and we get a time jump. We're moving ahead to the boys heading back to Ohio for Thanksgiving which means we get the Blaine/Burt talk and a Finn/Kurt talk. :)Enjoy! :D

After the initial shock of being engaged wore off, the boys returned to their normal, every day lifes. Time seemed to fly by because before they knew it, they were packing and heading for the airport to catch their flight to Ohio. They decided to fly in the week before Thanksgiving and leave the Saturday after Christmas so they could make it back and settled before New Years.

Kurt called his dad as soon as they landed in Ohio. "He'll be here in about an hour, we can go get coffee and wait for him."

"Sounds good. I'll call my parents and let them know we made it." Blaine said as they walked towards the coffee shop.

"Do you want me to get your coffee while you call them?" Kurt asked.

"Uh, sure, if you don't mind. I'll take a-"

"Medium drip. I know your coffee order sweetie."

Blaine just laughed and sat down while Kurt went to stand in line. He called his mom and let her know they'd made it safely and promised to come seen them as soon as he could.

"Here's your drip, I even got us a cookie to share, just like old times." Kurt smiled as he sat down across from Blaine.

"So I was thinking, we could take our families out to dinner while we're in. Have one big family dinner." Blaine said before taking a drink.

"Sounds good, I think they'd enjoy that."

"We also need to meet up with our frends, we haven't been back since we moved, I miss them."

"Me too. Mercedes said she was coming in for Thanksgiving. So is Puck, Quinn, and literally everyone except Rachel." Kurt said with a laugh.

"She's got a once in a life time oppurtunity with this audition Kurt. You can't say that you would do it any different if you were in her shoes."

"I know, I know." Kurt sighed. Rachel was working on an audtition for Wicked, of course she wasn't coming to Ohio, Kurt didn't blame her.

"We should head towards the pick up area, we don't want Burt to have to walk around trying to find us."

"Yeah, let's go." Kurt took his and Blaine's cups to the trash while Blaine gathered their bags. They walked hand in hand to the pick up area to wait for Burt.



"We left your room how you had it, so just make yourselves at home. Carole and Finn will be home soon." Burt said as they entered the Hummel-Hudson home.

"Thanks Dad, we're going to go unpack." Kurt looked around his old home, not much had changed. It felt weird having his dad tell him to make himself at home, though.

"Alright kiddo. I'll be watching a game if you need me."

"Okay." Kurt laughed as he watched his father disappear into the living room.

They took their time unpacking, exchanging memories of times they'd spent in this room.

"Oh, don't forget that one time your dad walked in on us almost completely naked and you falling off the bed." Blaine laughed when Kurt glared at him.

"That wasn't funny Blaine, I could've hurt myself and I couldn't look my dad in eye for almost a month." Kurt pouted as Blaine laughed harder.

"Yeah, and I learned to knock before coming in, even if the door was suppose to be open." Burt said from the doorway.

"Dad! How long have you been standing there?" Kurt asked as a blush creeped onto his cheeks.

"Long enough to know that the door was closed more often than open. I came up to tell you that Carole and Finn are back and Finn wanted to see you." Burt spoke the last part to Kurt.

"Alright. We'll finish this up later." Kurt said to Blaine before heading downstairs to find his brother.



Burt waited until Kurt was out of earshot before speaking. "Got a minute kiddo?"

"Sure." Blaine smiled, he was ready for this talk.

"So you boys are getting married, that's a pretty big deal."

"Yes it is, but we're ready Burt. We love each other and we want to spend the rest of our lives together."

"I know. To be honest, I'm surprised it took this long, you two have been through so much together, I always knew this would happen. It wasn't an if, it was a when. I just wanted to tell you that I'm proud of you boys and I want you to take care of my son. He loves you and I know you love him, just take care of him for me."

"Thank you Burt. I do love Kurt, so much. He's my soulmate and I don't know what I'd do without him. I promise to take care of him, he's everything to me."

"Good. Uh, that's all I wanted to say. Oh, and a word of advice, once you two start planning, be prepared. I say this with total love, but he's going to be worse than any bridezilla you've ever encountered." Burt said with a laugh.

"I know, but in the end it'll be worth it because we'll be married, so I can live with the crazy."

"If anyone can handle it, you're the one."

Blaine laughed. "I hope so."

"Well, I'll leave you to it. I should go make sure Kurt's not killing Finn."

"Okay, I'm going to stay here, maybe shower, so id Kurt asks-"

"I'll let him know." Burt said before leaving, heading downstairs to find Kurt and Finn.



"You wanted to see me." Kurt said, finding Finn in the kitchen.

"Oh hey, yeah. How was your flight?" Finn asked, his eyes going immediately to the ring on Kurt's left hand.

"Good, but can we cut the small talk? I know you're not happy with Blaine and I getting engaged."

"Okay then. No, I'm not happy, I think you guys should've waited. What about you and Adam?"

"There's nothing going on between Adam and I. Blaine and I talked about everything, we're better, it's fine." Kurt crossed his arms over his chest, telling himself to stay calm.

"Do you really think you had enough time to get over your crush and fix everything? You almost cheated on him and not even a week later, you're engaged! It doesn't make sense." Finn was to look out for his brother and best friend, he didn't want them jumping the gun then ruining everything.

"Look Finn, just because yours and Rachel's engagement didn't work out, doesn't mean mine and Blaine's won't. We're not you and Rachel, we're soulmates, we're in love." Kurt said defensively.

"I thought the same thing about me and Rachel." Finn said softly.

"Yeah, well you want to know the difference between you and me? You thought it, I know it. So don't try to compare us. Oh, and would it kill you to at least pretend to be happy for us?"

"I am happy for you. I just think you're jumping the gun a lit-"

"Oh that's really rich coming from the guy who was going to marry his girlfriend before they graduated high school!" Kurt's voice started to rise.

"I'm just trying to look out for you. You're my brother and I don't want you to get hurt." Finn sighed, he knew this was going to happen.

"News flash Finn! I don't need you to look out for me! Blaine and I are soulmates, we're getting married and you can support us or not, that's your choice, but don't you dare pull the brother card!" Kurt yelled. He didn't notice his standing in the doorway.

"What's going on boys?" Burt asked, even though he already knew.

"Nothing. Where's Blaine?" Kurt turned away from Finn, ignoring him.

"In the shower. Do you want to talk about-"

"No. I'll be upstairs unpacking." Kurt said, pushing past his father and running up the stairs.

"Maybe you should've waited to talk to him about it." Burt said to Finn.

"No, it's better to just get it over with. I'll let him sit on it for a while then try to talk to him again."

"Look, I know you're just trying to look out for him, but they've been through a lot. I think they'll be fine, so maybe you could be happy for them." Burt suggested.

"I am, I want them to be happy and get married, I just think they should wait."

"It's not your choice Finn, they're adults, they're ready for this."

"I know, I'm just trying to help them. I'm going to go for a walk." Finn said before leaving Burt alone in the kitchen. This was going to be one hell of a stressful holiday.

End Notes: Some drama, just not between the boys. Do you think Finn and Kurt can work through this? Some of the ND and Warblers will be in some of the upcoming chapters. We also have the Hummel-Hudson-Anderson dinner to look forward to. :)Next update on Monday!-Krystal :) x


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Oh, Furt and overprotective Finn :) Good, I love Furt, and brotherly drama ;)

There's plenty more Furt to come! Plenty more brotherly drama as well! :D I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!!! -Krystal :) x

I loved the Burrt and Blaine talk and how Burt said that it wasn't an if it was a when. I also really enjoyed the part with the coffee because it was just a sweet little thing but you took the time to put it in the story. I liked the Finn and Kurt talk because if Finn had said thoughs things to me I would have said the exact thing Kurt had said. Finn is seriously a hipocrate (on the show and in this part of the story). Anyway I can'twait until the next chapter to see what happens next.Until next time,<3 EmmaP.S. sorry this is so short I'm writing this while babysitting my 3 year old sister.

I had to have one person be against the whole wedding thing... for drama, and Finn just fit because it would allow for more drama to be made. I actually really like Finn, he has his moments, but for right now, he's going to be a jerk. :) I knew Burt would be one of those people who just know that they're meant for each other and that's how I wanted to write him, I like Burt he's my favorite non-regular person on the show :) The coffee thing was just something to make the chapter a little longer, I don't even remember why I put that in there, but I liked it so I left it. I like sweet little things like that :) We're going to have some more Finn drama, and not just with Kurt, he's going to rub some more people the wrong way with this whole being against the wedding, so that's going to be fun to write. :) I'm glad you liked it.-Krystal :) xp.s. ahh babysitting, I have a 2 year old that I babysit... so I understand. ;)