Give Your Heart A Break.
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,693 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
787 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Welcome back for Chapter 2. I hope you like it :)I've set up a schedule for posting this fic. I will be posting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Leaving Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday to work on writing and other things :)Now, have the chapter :D


"Kurt, I love bowties as much as the next guy, but do I have to wear this one? It doesn't even match my cap and gown." After spending two hours arguing over colors and blazers, they had Blaine's outfit picked out all except the bowtie.

"It's cute, and it matches your skin tone." Kurt said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"It's purple, like bright purple, it won't match my gown. Can't I atleast wear a red one?"

Kurt gave it a thought before he spoke. "Wait, I have the perfect one. I forgot all about it, I picked it out on my last trip to New York." Kurt said, jumping up and running out of the bedroom.

"Kurt!" Blaine called after him but he was already down the stairs. He turned back to the mirror and adjusted the collor of his white button up. Tonight was Dalton's rehearsal dinner for the graduates, after the dinner he and Kurt were going to go to Kurt's house since his parents were insisting on setting up for the party without him there. They wanted it to be a surprise.

"Here we go, I think this will work perfectly." Kurt walked back in the room, slightly out of breath as he walked over to Blaine, holding a small box wrapped in red paper with a navy blue bow on top.

Blaine took the box and carefully unwrapped it. "Oh Kurt, it;s beautiful." He pulled the red and blue bowtie from the box admiring it.

"I saw it and thought of you. Here, let me put it on for you." Kurt took the bowtie from Blaine and began to tie it. "There, what do you think?" He asked.

"It's perfect, thank you Kurt." Blaine glanced at Kurt through the mirror, giving him a soft, happy smile.

"You're welcome sweetie. Now put your blazer on and let's see how it all goes together."

Blaine did as Kurt asked, turning around as he buttoned it up. "Well, how do I look?"

"Amazing, sexy, beautiful, perfect, wonder-"

"Okay, okay, I get it, thank you." Blaine laughed, grabbing Kurt by the waist to pull him closer.

"I could have went on forever you know." Kurt said softly, leaning in to brush his lips over Blaine's.

"Mhmm." Was all Blaine replied with before kissing Kurt.

"I love you too Blaine, and I am so proud of you." Kurt whispered as they pulled back.

"I love you too Kurt, and I want you to be." Blaine whispered back, swollowing down the lump in his throat.

They stayed like that, hugging and resting their foreheads together until Andrea knocked on the door.

"Boys, can I come in?" Andrea asked through the closed door.

"Yea Mom, it's open." Blaine said, pulling back from the hug and wrapping his arm around Kurt's waist, resting his head on Kurt's shoulder.

"Blaine honey, you look so handsome."

"Thanks Mom, Kurt picked everything out." Blaine blushed, he was still getting use to his parents really taking interest in him and his life.

"Where did you get that bowtie? It's beautiful." Andrea asked, looking at Blaine.

"I got it for him. I found it in this little boutique in Manhattan that I really like, as soon as I saw it, I had to get it for him." Kurt gushed. He'd grown quite fond of Andrea since he started spending more time around her. They could talk fashion all day if Blaine and James would let them.

"Well, when we come to visit you two in New York, I'll be sure to have you take me." Andrea smiled, she really loved Kurt, he was everything she could ask for in a boyfriend for Blaine.

"Sounds like a plan, we could make a day of it, I know some amazing little shops!" Kurt's face lit up like a christmas tree, already planning things in his head.

"Why don't we focus on tonight and tomorrow for now." Blaine said, pulling Kurt back to reality. "Mom, was there something you needed?"

"Oh yes, your father wants to see you in his study."

"O-okay." Blaine was suddenly nervous.

"Sweeite, breathe. It's nothing bad, he just wants to give you something." 

"Oh, okay. I'll go now." 

"I'm going to get ready and then I'll be waiting for you downstairs." Kurt said, kissing Blaine's cheek, trying to get him to relax.

"Okay, I love you." Blaine never wasted a chance to tell Kurt.

"I love you too Blaine, forever." Kurt smiled encouragingly at him, pushing him out of the room. 


Blaine made his way to his father's study, he was still nervous even though Andrea had told him it wasn't bad. Growing up, when he was called into the study, it was to get scolded for something.

"Are you going to stand out there all day or come in?" James asked from inside the room. 

Blaine didn't notice the door was opened. "Uh, yeah, sorry."

"Close the door befind you please." James said standing from behind his desk to put the book he had been reading back on the shelf. "Go ahead and have a seat."

"Mom said you needed to see me." 

"Yes, but first, relax son, you're not in trouble."

"O-okay, sorry." Blaine was still somewhat nervous.

"Seriously kid, I just wanted to give you a graduation gift." James said, reaching into one of the desk drawers to pull out a small box and handing it to Blaine. "Open it."

Blaine made quick work of the simple white paper it was wrapped in and opened the lid, revealing a small silver house key. "What's this?"

"The key to a condo in Manhattan, it belonged to your grandmother. Before she died she put it in her will for it to go to you for graduation."

"I-I wow, this is-" Blaine didn't know what to say.

"I don't know if you and Kurt have looked for a place, but I know rent is expensive in New York, this is already paid for. It's yours, we had it put in your name before she died."

"I didn't know she'd even lived in New York, let alone own a place." Blaine still couldn' believe it, he kept turning the key over and over in his hand.

"She bought it when Cooper was still a baby. She didn't stay long though, said the city was too busy and fast for her, but she made sure it was kept in shape. She hired someone to go in every month to clean it, it's completely furnished and everything." 

"Wow, Dad thanks." Blaine put the lid on the box and stood up, he couldn't wait to tell Kurt about this.

"No need to thank me son, just passing on a message per say. Is that your outfit for graduation?" James asked nodding to what Blaine was wearing.

"Yeah, Kurt picked it out." Blaine smiled thinking of Kurt.

"You really love that boy don't you?" James noticed how relaxed Blaine got at the mention of Kurt and the smile that was always there when he talked about Kurt.

"Yes Dad, I really do."

"It really shows, and from what I've seen, he really loves you too. I know you'll be leaving for New York soon and I just wanted to say that I wish you boys the best and if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. I-I love you son, I'm sorry I haven't been the father that you've neeeded in the past, but I promise to try to be the one you need now." James walked over to Blaine and pulled him into a bone crushing hug, letting a silent tear fall from his eye.

"I love you too Dad, and I'm sorry that I'm not the son you-"

"Stop right there, do not apologize for being who you were born to be. I am your father, it is my job to love you and accept you no matter what." It hurt James to know Blaine thought he had to apologize. "Now, go tell Kurt about the condo, then we'll get going, you need to be at the school early don't you?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess. Nick and David are going early to go over their speeches, so I guess I should go too." Blaine said. Even though he had transferred in the middle of the year, he managed to keep his grades up and graduate salutatorian of his class, Nick was valedictorian and David was giving a speech for the senior Warblers.

"Okay, go on, and Blaine, I'm proud of you son."

"Thanks Dad, I've always wanted to hear you say that." Blaine swollowed back the lump in his throat as he left the study. He heard voices coming from the kitchen so he headed that way to find Kurt. 

"Hey sweetie, Kurt was just telling me about this apple pie he makes." Andrea said as Blaine entered the room.

"Oh yeah, it's delicious. Kurt, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, sure honey." Kurt followed Blaine into the sitting room, not speaking until he turned around.

"What happened?"

"My grandma left me a graduation gift before she died, that's what my dad wanted to give, and now I want to share it with you." Blaine couldn't stop the smile that forced it's way onto his face.

"Okay, what is it?"

Blaine took the key out of the box and held it up for Kurt to see. "A condo in Manhattan. My grandma bought it and never sold it, then before she died she had it put in my name and told my dad to give it to me for graduation. It's fully furnished and it's ours. We have a house Kurt, in New York." Blaine was getting excited at the thought of New York with Kurt and their new home.

"Wow Blaine that's- Manhattan, wow." Kurt was speechless.

"I know, it's everything we wanted. We're ready to start our lives together."

"I can't wait." Kurt said, pulling Blaine over to hug him.

"Me either." Blaine replied, breathing in the smell of Kurt mixed with cologne and coffee.

"Are you boys ready?" Andrea called from the doorway.

"Yeah." Blaine said pulling back from the hug. "My bag is in Kurt's car."

"So is your cap and gown, I took them out earlier." Kurt chimed in.

"Well then looks like we're ready to go, come on, your dad is waiting in the car."

Blaine took Kurt's hand as they made their way to Kurt's car, smiling and thinking about the new chapter of their lives that was getting ready to begin.


End Notes: And there's the end of chapter 2 :)Our boys are enjoying all of this happiness. :) I'm kind of dragging out the graduation because I like writing it and I don't want to rush them into New York. They'll be leaving soon though and that's when the fun (and not so fun) stuff begins :DLet me know what you thought of this one.-Krystal :) x


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Erm erxerted fer ther nerxed cherpter

It'll be up on Friday! :) glad you like the story!!-Krystal :) x

This was sweet. The bowtie that Kurt got for Blaine in New York sounded like if I had seen it I would have thought of Blaine too. The graduation present from Mr. Anderson was so sweet (even though it was really from his grandmother). Hope all goes well at the graduation. This chapter was really good and I want to read the next. Can't wait til Friday!!<3Emma

Thanks for the review :)I was going to have him wear a purple bowtie, but then I thought that purple wouldn't go with a red gown, so I had Kurt suddenly 'remember' about this one. I wanted them to have a place to live when they got to New York that wasn't Bushwick or anywhere near Rachel, so I had grandma Anderson help me out. :) We'll see how the rehearsal dinner goes and then we'll have graduation. They'll be leaving for NY not long after that! :) -Krystal :) x