Give Your Heart A Break.
Chapter 18 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 18

E - Words: 1,576 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
589 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: A relatively short chapter. There's quite a lot of different emotions in this one. In the beginning its kind of angsty, then we have some funny, then we have some serious. We have mama and papa Anderson back in this one, so for those of you who liked them, I think you'll like this chapter. :)

It has been a week and a half since Blaine found out about his father's cancer and he still couldn't wrap his brain around it. He felt kind of numb to the whole thing really. He went back to school at Kurt's insistance, hung out with his friends in between classes, came home, did homework, ate dinner, maybe watch a movie with Kurt, then went to sleep. Lucy stopped asking him to hang out outside of school, he knew he should apologize to her, but he didn't.

For the most part, people just left him alone, except for Kurt who could see that Blaine was hurting and shutting himself off from everyone.

"Blaine come on, can you at least pretend to be interested in the movie?" Kurt asked with a sigh. He's been trying to be patient with Blaine, but it was getting harder.

"What?" Blaine asked, he hadn't been paying attention to the movie, or Kurt. He'd been thinking about a camping trip he'd went on with his family when he was five.

"Okay, that's it! I know you're hurting but you're pushing everyone away, you're pushing me away! I don't even know how to act around you anymore because you're so detached from everything."

"I'm not pushing you away, I just- I need time to deal with this. My dad has brain cancer Kurt, he's dying, so yeah maybe I've been a little distant but-"

"A little distant? Blaine, we haven't had an honest conversation in a week and a half." Kurt kept his tone soft, but firm enough to let Blaine know he wasn't going to back down from this.

"We're having one right now." Blaine snapped.

"Yes, and we're arguing! You're not yourself Blaine, you didn't even notice that I spent the night at Rachel's last night or you would have asked where I was!" Kurt was trying not to let his frustration out, he knew it would just cause Blaine to shut down even more.

Blaine just looked right through Kurt, his eyes cold and distant. Kurt remembered seeing Blaine look at him like that in the locker room that night he rushed to Ohio to help Blaine last year.

"Blaine honey, please. Just talk to me, let me in." Kurt begged.

"It hurts too much. I like it the way it is, closed off and locked away."

"Maybe for now that's working, but eventually it won't be enough and you'll have to deal with it. Wouldn't it be easier if you would just let me help you."

"I'm sorry, I just-" Blaine was interupted by his phone. He knew it was either his mom or dad because everyone else had stopped calling when he refused to answer.


"Blaine, honey it's your mom." Andrea could hear the cold tone in her son's voice that told her everything she needed to know without asking.

"Hey mom." Blaine sighed, he almost wished it had been his dad. He knew his mom would be able to tell that he wasn't okay just by the sound of his voice.

"Hey sweetie. Your dad told you we would be coming to visit soon right?" 

"Yeah." Blaine decided to keep it simple.

"Well, we're flying out tonight,, we'll be there tomorrow. Your dad wants to visit one of his college buddies before we head over to the condo so it'll be afternoon when we get there."

"Okay, we'll be ready." A small bit of emotion came through. Blaine would be able to see his dad, maybe get some answers.

"Okay, I've got to go sweetie, don't want to miss our flight. I love you."

"I love you too." Blaine hung up and turned to Kurt who was patiently waiting to hear what was going on.

"Mom and Dad will be here tomorrow afternoon." A smile formed on Blaine's face, his walls slowly crumbling.

Kurt smiled seeing a little bit of his Blaine showing through. "That's great."

"Yeah it is." Blaine pulled Kurt into a hug. "I'm sorry I've been acting so weird lately and pushing you away, I just-"

"I know honey, I know." Kurt squeezed Blaine tighter. He would do anything he could to help Blaine through this.



The following morning felt like a blur. They were rushing around the condo, making sure everything was ready for when James and Andrea got there.

"Blaine! Come here!" Kurt yelled from their bedroom.

Blaine was in the guest room getting it ready for his parents. He ran across the hall when Kurt yelled for him. "What's wrong, where's the fire?"

"Not funny, this is serious!" Kurt was freaking out.

"Okay, okay, what's wrong?"

"Our lube, where is it?"

"Kurt, this really isn't the time- in the dresser drawer with my socks." Blaine had never seen Kurt look at him like that.

"That's where it's suppose to be, I asked where is it."

Blaine just stared at Kurt, not grasping what he meant.

"Blaine this is serious. What if we left it in the guest room or the living room and your parents find it?"

"Uh, I- where did we-"

"Oh my God! The kitchen!" Kurt yelled and ran out of the room towards the kitchen. Blaine followed, trying not to laugh at the whole situation.

"Okay, so your parents will be here in ten minutes. We have ten minutes to find the lube and return it to the drawer." Kurt was determined. The last thing he wasnted was for James or Andrea to find their lube, in the kitchen of all places. He was not ready to have that conversation.

The both dived in and started searching. They had searched just about everywhere except under the refrigerator , which was were Kurt was looking when the buzzer went of to let them know the Andersons had arrived.

"Shit! I almost got it." Kurt had his arm elbow deep under the frig, trying to stretch enought to reach the bottle.

"Hurry up, I'll try to keep them out of here until you get it." Leaving Kurt in the kitchen to go answer the door.

"Blaine! Oh sweetie, we've missed you!" Andrea pulled Blaine into a bone crushing hug.

"I've missed you too." Blaine hugged her back.

"Son." James stood there awkwardly, not knowing if he should hug Blaine or not.

"Dad." Blaine hesitated only a second before throwing himself at his dad, hugging him like he hadn't seen him in years.

"Whoa there kid, it's okay." James wrapped his arms around his son, trying not to cry.

"Blaine I got it- oh, uh, hey." Kurt hurried to shove the bottle of lube into his pocket, thankful it was the small bottle.

"Hey Kurt, how are you?" Andrea asked, trying not to laugh when she saw the little bottle.

"Uh good, great actually. Blaine, why don't you let them in and we'll take their bags to the guest room."

"Okay." Blaine managed to hold back his laugh. He wasn't embarrassed, his parents knew that he and Kurt were sexually active, they'd caught them enough back in Ohio to know.



Once the bags were put away, they all gathered in the living room. James was the first to speak. "Do you boys have any questions for me, about anything?"

"How bad is it?" Blaine asked, tightening the grip he had on Kurt's hand.

"Not too bad, it is starting to spread though, so I'll have to start radiation and chemo, but they caught it early so there's a good chance that one round of treatments and I'll be fine." James gave Blaine a reassuring smile.

"This is why you were pushing Blaine for law school. You wanted someone to be able to take over, just in case." Kurt spoke up.

"Yes. I know I should have went about it differently, but yes, I wanted to make sure the firm stayed in the family."

"You could have just told me Dad."

"I didn't want to ruin what was suppose to be a happy time for you boys. I'm sorry Blaine, I really am, and I hope one day you'll be able to forgive me. I never wanted to push you away son, never."

"Blaine just nodded, not trusting his voice enough to speak.



They sat there until dinner time, just talking. Talking about school, work, Ohio, New York, anything and everything they could think of.

"So how about I order us some take out, sound good?" Kurt asked.

"That sounds lovely dear." Andrea smiled. She was so thankful that Blaine had Kurt to help him through this.

Once the food arrived they all went to the kitchen and ate. Blaine looked around at his family. He was so proud of how far they had all come. He remembered back to when he first started dating Kurt, back when his parents weren't accepting of him being gay. So much had changed since then and Blaine couldn't help but smile.



After dinner they all decided to go to bed. They were planning on going out tomorrow and they wanted to be well rested. Kurt couldn't wait to go shopping with Andrea.

As they were getting dressed, Blaine spoke up. "I'm going to do it."

"Do what honey?" Kurt aked.

"Change back to pre-law. I know he said they caught it early, but what if, you know? I want him to know that everything will be taken care of just in case."

Kurt crawled into bed nad waited for Blaine to join him before speaking. "I'm so proud of you."

Blaine just smiled and kissed Kurt before turning out the small table lamp on the bedside table. "That's not all I'm going to do. Tomorrow, we'll go down to Battery Park where everything fell apart and mend it for good. I'm going to propose to you right there, in front of everyone. I promise." Blaine thought before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.


End Notes: A lot of decisions for Blainers. We'll see how long the law school thing lasts this time.My reasoning for having Blaine want to propose in Battery Park is because I was watching The Break Up and thought that would be like full closure for them. To fix it, to start over where it all fell apart.Hope you liked this one, let me know what you thought.-Krystal :) x


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I so called that!!! I didn't want to say that I thought Blaine was gonna switch his major because if it wasn't the cause I didn't want to give you the idea to make him switch majors. This won't last hopfully because Blaine will hate being a lawyer, and he loves preforming. On the other hand I lked the proposal idea. I asked someone recently what their ideal Klaine proposal was and they said if Kurt sang "Single Ladies" and when he turns and says "if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it" Blaine gets down on one knee and proposes,so thats an idea. Anyway back to Blaine's dad's cancer I really hope he survives it because if he doesn't Blaine will probably shut down completely and that would be horrible. Excited to see what comes next :D.Until next time,<3 EmmaP.S. I know that review was a little all over the place so I hope you understood at least most of it.

Hahaha I understood it :DWe'll see about the lawyer thing, I'm actually not sure yet if I'm going to make him stay in law school or change again. I will say that I have a way to get him to not go to law school that is really cute and sweet so maybe I'll use that so Blaine won't have to go. Then on the other hand, my brain keeps telling me Blaine's going to be a lawyer, so I don't know what will come out. :) That proposal idea is actually really adorable! Although, I don't think Kurt will bust into Single Ladies in the middle of Battery Park, but maybe later at home... ;) The official proposal will definitely be happening in Battery Park, but maybe after the Andersons go home.. Kurt could possibly just be dancing around to maybe Single Ladies and then Blaine walks in and cute/sexy times ensue. (Now there's a thought!) On the subject of Blaine's dad's cancer, I have no plans, as of now, to kill him. (maybe a little scare, but not actually die) BUT that doesn't mean it won't happen because I don't write this ahead of time and the chapters always come out based on my moods so.... yeah.Until Monday,-Krystal :) xp.s. my response was way more jumbled than your review.. hopefully it's decodable!