Give Your Heart A Break.
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 15

E - Words: 1,770 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
638 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: So this chapter is kind of Rachel heavy, she's got a plan to save the boys. :)Enjoy :D

"Kurt, hey Kurt wake up." Rachel shook him lightly.

"No, just no." Kurt groaned, he just wanted to be left alone.

"Get up Kurt, I'm not going to let you mope around here all day feeling sorry for yourself. You're the one that walked out, you don't get to mope, now get your ass up." Rachel was in no mood to deal with Kurt being a stubborn diva.

"Don't you have classes to go to?" Kurt snapped, he was already feeling horrible, he didn't need Rachel up his ass.

"Don't you? Look, I'm going over to your place. I'm sure Blaine isn't going to class today either. Someone needs to check on him, or have you forgotten about everything happened last year?" Rachel glared at Kurt.

"Of course I haven't. You don't easily forget when your boy- Oh just go." Kurt sighed and covered his face with a pillow.

"I am. Maybe while I'm gone you can think about the mess you've made, and figure out a way to clean it up." Rachel said before slamming the door, heading towards Kurt and Blaine's condo.



When Blaine woke up that morning, he felt just as tired, if not more so than wehen he went to sleep. He glanced ocer at his phone, knowing he should turn it on, just in case, but decided not to. He didn't want to deal with it, he just wanted to try to get some breakfast without breaking down.

He had just finished a bowl of cereal when he heard the buzzer "Who on Earth?" 

"Blaine, open up!" Rachel called from the other side.

"Ah, Rachel, just great. This is exactly what I need." Blaine thought as he made his way to the door.

"You look-"

"Tired, exhausted, angry, sad, pissed?" Blaine offered, stepping aside to let her in.

"I was going to say better than I expected." Rachel said softly.

"Rachel, please don't." Blaine had to look away before he started crying.

"Blaine, I know you, I know you don't do well in situations like this. So please, please don't shut me out." Rachel pleaded.

"It's easier, better that way. When I shut everything out, I don't have to feel. I don't want to feel." Blaine sighed, wishing she'd just leave.

"Maybe it's easier, but it's not better. I don't care how upset you get with me for this but I refuse to let you shut me out. I'm not going to let what happened before, happen now." Rachel took a step towards Blaine.

"Rachel, please." Blaine warned, he could feel his walls crumbling.

"It's oka Blaine, you don't have to keep it all bottled up, I'm here, let me help." Rachel pulled Blaine into a hug.

That's when Blaine broke, the tears came fast and heavy, he gave up, no even able to hold himself up. He felt Rachel help him to the couch and wrap her arms around him. He just let the tears fall. he let go and let himself feel everything.

"It's okay, I've got you." Rachel chanted, trying to comfort her friend. 

"W-why i-is this h-happening?" Blaine choked out.

"I don't know. I wish I did, but it's going to be okay, I promise."

"H-how? H-he left. he-he d-doesn't want-"

"No, stop. He does want you, he loves you, he's just being an idiot right now." Rachel hated seeing Blaine like this after everything he's been through.

They just sat there for what seemed like hours. Rachel holding Blaine while he cried. He cried until he had no more tears left to cry.

"What am I g-going to d-do?" Blaine asked as he sat up.

"You're going to stay strong and let me handle Kurt for now." Rachel said.


"I have a plan, don't worry Blaine. I have to go, do you think you'll be okay?" Rachel asked, concern written all over her face. She really didn't want to leave him alone.

"No, but I'll manage." Blaine sighed, he didn't have the strength to fight.

"Okay. I'll be back later to check on you, if you need me, call. I will get here as fast as I can."

"Okay, thanks Rach, really. Wait, should I call him, would he even answer if I did?" Blaine wasn't sure what to do.

"No, don't call him, let him have some time. I'll deal with him, you just stay here and take care of yourself."

"Alright, I'll try."

"Good, I'll see you later." Rachel said as she made her way out of the condo. She pulled her phone out and dialed a number she hadn't used in a while.

"Hello?" Finn's voice sounded through the speaker, slightly confused.

"Hey Finn. I-I need your help." Rachel said, diving into the story of what happened and explaining that she needed him to come to New York to help with Kurt.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there." Finn was already packing, his brother needed him.

After calling Finn, Rachel called Sam and Tina, explaining everything to them and asking them to come help. Both agreed and decided to meet up with Finn who had managed to book three plane tickets for noon, they'd be there by evening.



When Rachel made it back to her place, she found Kurt sitting in the kitchen, looking at his phone. "You're up." She noted.

"Yeah." Kurt sighed, not looking up from his phone.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Rachel asked.

"What's there to talk about?" Kurt looked up at her, his eyes cold and distant.

"Well, first we could start with why you walked out on him instead of explaining, or we could start with you telling about your feelings for Adam."

"I'm very confused about my feelings for Adam and I walked out because I couldn't stand to tell Blaine."


"What do you want from me Rachel?! I'm confused, upset, probably ruined my relationship and-" 

"Whose fault is that? I'll tell you, yours! You let some stupid little crush get in between your love for Blaine. It's okay to have crushes and notice other guys Kurt, however, it is not okay to let them ruin something as special as what you and Blaine have. You and I both know that deep down you know Adam's just a crush. Blaine is the man you love, your soulmate, the man that, once you get your head out of your ass and noice, you'll marry. It always has been and it always will be Blaine."

"How do I know that for sure? I've never been with anyone else." Kurt countered.

Rachel took a deep breath, sometimes Kurt was far too stubborn. "You don't need to be with a bunch of other people to know if someone is right for you or not. Look, if you want to break up with Blaine and start dating other guys, fine. Just remember everything you've been through and remember that he needs you and you need him. Now, I'm going to go take a walk before I try to strangle you." With that, Rachel got up and left, leaving Kurt there with his thoughts.



Rachel found herself at NYADA, she wasn't sure why she was there until she saw Adam. "Hey Adam, you and I need to talk."

"Okay, what's up?" He could tell she wasn't in a good mood.

"You and Kurt, you like him right?"

"Uh, yeah, he's-"

"I mean you like him like him. You find him attractive."

"Oh, uh, yes." Adam wasn't sure where this was going, and honestly, he was a bit scared of Rachel right now.

"But you know he's taken, and when you spend time with him it's beccause you're his friend, it's a strictly platonic relationship." Rachel was suddenly struck with a new idea, she just needed to get everyone here.

"Yes, I told you this the other day. Why are we still talking about it?"

"Kurt has a crush on you, he lied to his boyfriend yesterday so he could spend his lunch with you. He wasn't going to tell his boyfriend, but Blaine saw you two and last night he asked Kurt about it and Kurt walked out."

"Oh my God, I-"

"Look, I know it's not your fault, that's not what I meant. I'm telling you all this because I might need your help to get Kurt to wake up and see that he loves Blaine."

"Yeah, sure, anything. Just let me know." Adam felt awful, Kurt had told him all about his boyfriend and everything they had been through, he admired their relationship. 

"I will." Rachel walked off, smiling to herself. Everything was going to work out.



Blaine just sat in the living room all day, he knew he had work to do, but all his stuff was in his room and he couldn't bare to go back there. He was almost asleep when the buzzer sounded, he knew it was Rachel.

"He Blaine, I brought some friends." Rachel smiled as Sam and Tina made their way around the corner.

"Wha-" Blaine was shocked.

"You don't need to be alone right now. I know they were a big help to you before, so I asked them to come.

"I-I- wow, thanks Rachel." Blaine let them in.

"No problem. I gotta run though. If you guys need me, just call."

"Yeah, I will." Blaine said shutting the door.

"Do you wanna talk?" Tina asked once Blaine had turned to face them.

"Not really, can we just watch a move? I really don't want to think about it right now."

"Yeah, sure dude, whatever you need." Sam smiled as they got comfortable on the couch. Blaine was thankful to Rachel, he really didn't want to be alone.



"Okay, so he's been pretty mouthy, so don't be upset if he snaps at you." Rachel said to Finn as they made their way to Rachel's apartment.

"It's cool, I've gotten yelled at by him more times than I can count. I just want to help." Finn gave her a small smile fore they opened the door.

"Kurt? Hey I'm back!" Rachel called out.

"Where is he?" Finn asked, looking around but not seeing any signs of Kurt.

Rachel started to think maybe Kurt had left until she heard water running in the bathroom. "Bathroom." She told Finn.

When Kurt got out of the bathroom the first thing he noticed was Finn sitting on the couch with Rachel. "What the hell Rachel? What is he doing here?" Kurt yelled.

"Rachel called, I'm here to help-"

"You called Finn? Really? God, I- I'm leaving." Kurt grabbed his bag and headed for the door.

"Kurt wait!" Finn called.

"No, I'm leaving."

"Where are you going to go, back home?" Rachel asked hopefully.

Kurt laughed a humorless laugh. "Yeah right." And walked out, leaving Finn and Rachel staring after him in shock.

Once outside, Kurt pulled his phone out and dialed the only other person he could think of. Adam.


Rachel decided it was best to just let him go, she had a feeling he would go to Adam's and knew he'd at least be safe there. She'd deal with everything tomorrow, once Kurt had calmed down.


End Notes: Annnnddd done. Like I said, Rachel heavy, but in a good way.Next chapter we'll have Adam talking to Kurt about everything. Sam finding out about the ring and telling Rachel, who in turn tells someone else. (Not saying who because it's a secret ;)) The mystery person tells Kurt and some revelations are made. But does this mean that Klaine will be happy and back on track? They'll have a talk with a (not so shocking) end. :)Thought I'd give you a hint of what you'll get on Monday! Hope you liked this chapter, let me know what you thought :)-Krystal :) x


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I wish that you updated like ten thousand times a day cause I love this story sooo much, and I really enjoy where it goes and is going to go. Rachel is such a good friend to both of them and I really love her in this. Sam and Tina are also such good friends to Blaine to go all the way to New York to make him feel better. And Finn is a good brother (I think he is the one that tells Kurt, because I could definitely see him doing that). Why does Blaine tell Sam, he probably is smart enough to know it will eventually get to Kurt. Oh well everthing will turn out for the best soon ( I'm hoping) and then we can get back to lovey dovey klaine for a little while. Can't wait til Monday!<3 Emma

I wish I had time to update ten thousand times a day, because I love writing this! :) I write Rachel the way I wish she was on the show, I purposely left Brody out of this fic because I really couldn't manage this nice, caring Rachel AND Brody. The Sam and Tina friendship just kind of happened, it wasn't planned when I first started writing, but I like it. :D I love writing Finn/Kurt brother scenes (I won't say if you're right or wrong about Finn telling Kurt.) Blaine doesn't exactly tell Sam, but they do have a conversation about the ring and proposing and all that jazz. ;) We will be getting back to Klaine being all lovely dovey soon, they will talk in the next one, but I wouldn't say they're 100% okay. That comes later :) -Krystal :) xp.s. seriously, I love your reviews. :)

god i could kill kurt right now! then bring him back to life just to kill him again!

He will see sense soon. I promise.-Krystal :) x

Such wonderful friends!

Rachel certainly knows how to get shit done. -Krystal :) x