Give Your Heart A Break.
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 14

E - Words: 1,703 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
640 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: I love you all and I want you to remember that! Also remember that I ALWAYS do happy endings. :)With that being said... here's the next chapter.

When the alarm went off the next morning Kurt groaned and pulled the pillow over his face.

"Hey, wake up babe." Blaine shook Kurt lightly.

"I'm awake. I don't wanna go." Kurt's voice was muffled by the pillow.

"Why?" Blaine asked as he got out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

"Just don't." Kurt sighed. He couldn't tell Blaine that it was because he didn't want his stomach to flip flop and his heart to start racing when he saw Adam.

"Not good enough. Since you have to leave before me today, I'll go get you a bowl of cereal ready while you shower." Blaine exited the bathroom with a smile.

"Blaine wait." Kurt stood up and walked towards Blaine, taking both of his hands.

"What's wrong Kurt?" Blaine saw something in Kurt's eyes that he couldn't place, but he could tell something was wrong.

"N-nothing, I just want you to know that I love you. You're the best thing to ever happen to me, I would be completely lost without you." Kurt felt himself start crying.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Blaine softened his tone.

"Nothing, it's just- it's nothing. I'm going to go shower." Kurt left Blaine standing there confused and worried about his boyfriend.



Kurt met up with Rachel as soon as he got to school. "Hey Rach, what's-"

"You and I need to talk." She interupted, looking dead serious.

"O-okay, what about?"

"Adam, but first what on Earth possessed you to join the Apples?"

"Uh, I- he asked and I love singing. You said I should join clubs, so why are you getting mad?" Kurt started to get defensive.

"When I said join clubs, I meant real clubs. Clubs that could help you, not that sorry excuse for a Glee Club. Now-"

"No. You listen to me Rachel Berry, you listen to me very carefully, because I am only going to say this once. If I hear you say another rude thing like that about the Apples, Adam, or anything, you and I will not be speaking. Also, Adam is my friend, I can have gay guy friends without liking them in that way so don't you dare even think about accusing me of what's going through your mind right now. Now, I have a class to get to." Kurt walked off, not looking back. He knew he shouldn't have snapped like that, it'll only make her more suspicious. 

He was thinking so hard that he wasn't paying attention and ran into Adam, literally.

"Wha- oh, hey Kurt." Adam smiled that infectious smile that made Kurt smile too.

"Hey, sorry, I thinking and not paying attention to where I was walking."

"It's fine. We still on for lunch?" Adam looked hopeful.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, of course." Kurt smiled.

"Awesome. I'll see you then. Meet me outside of room 145."

"Okay, see ya." Kurt walked off, telling himself that having lunch with a gay friend was nothing to worry about.



"Hey Blaine!" Lucy called as she jogged up to him. He was just about to go to his intro to acting class.

"Hey Lucy, what's up?"

"Nothing just class and all that jazz. I wanted to ask you of you wanted to go get lunch with me?"

"Sure, I'm free after this class." Blaine said, he could tell he and Lucy were going to be best friends.

"Awesome! Hey, you should text your boyfriend and see if he's free to join us." She smiled.

"Yeah, I'll do that. Thanks Lucy." Blaine smiled as he pulled out his phone to text Kurt.

"No problem. I gotta run, but I'll meet you here when your class is over."

"Okay, see ya."

"Bye Blaine!"

As he took his seat he recieved a text from Kurt. "Can't, sorry. In class. Love you."

Blaine sighed, he'd just have to wait tuntil they were both home. He pulled out his notebook and noticed the ring box that he always carries with him. "Tonight. I'll make dinner and I'll propose to him tonight." He thought as the class began.



"Why did I lie to him? I don't have class, I'm going to lunch with Adam." Kurt thought after he recieved a text back from Blaine. "It's okay. Love you too." 

"Hey, what's on your mind?" Rachel asked, walking up to where Kurt was sitting in the common area.

"Nothing, everything. Being an adult sucks." Kurt sighed. 

"Yeah, I know. Kurt, I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier. I'm sorry." 

"It's okay Rach. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have snapped at you." Kurt smiled, taking Rachel's hand.

"You had every right to snap. I shouldn't have even thought that you'd cheat on Blaine, let alone try to confront you about it."

Kurt paled, she was right, he'd never cheat on Blaine. So why was he lying to him about going to lunch with Adam?

"Kurt, are you okay?" Rachel asked, noticing how he had tensed up.

"Uh yeah, yeah. Gotta go, sorry." Kurt jumped up and ran off towards Adam's class.



This place has the best grilled cheese ever!" Lucy said as she pulled Blaine towards a little café.

As they walked towards the door, Blaine glanced around inside. It wasn't busy, just an elderly couple, a few college students on laptops and a young couple. 

Blaine frowned as he looked at the young couple. The one facing him was a blonde haired, blue eyed guy, who was laughing at something the other guy was saying. As Blaine focused his attention on the other boy, his heart stopped "Kurt." What was Kurt doing here? He said he had class.

"Blaine, hey what's wrong?" Lucy asked, noticing Blaine hadn't moved to go inside.

"I-I- uh, can we go somewhere else? Please." He gave her a pleading look.

"Sure, that's fine." She looked at him with concern, but didn't say anything. They noticed a pizza joint and decided to eat there.

The whole time they were eating Blaine couldn't stop thinking about seeing Kurt having lunch with that blonde guy. Then he thought about what he had planned for the evening. He pushed his doubts away, Kurt would never do anything like cheating. Why was he getting so worked up over this? Instead of dwelling on it, Blaine focused on his plans for proposing to Kurt that evening.



Kurt recieved a text from Blaine just has his last class ended. "Come straight home. I have a surpirse." He ran to tell Adam that he wouldn't be at Apple's rehearsal that evening.

When he got home he noticed the smell of chicken and spices. Blaine was cooking. "I'm home Blaine!" Kurt called out so he wouldn't startle him.

"Good. Dinner is almost read. Go get washed up and I'll have it on the table when you get back." Blaine said, appearing in the kitchen doorway.

"What's all this for?"

"You'll find out soon." Blaine smiled and motioned for Kurt to go get washed up.

Once he had washed his hands and discarded his bag, Kurt made his way to the kitchen. "Blaine, wow honey, what's all this?" He asked. There were candles in the center of the table, the lights were dimmed and music was playing softly in the background. Then there was the food. Blaine had made his famous chicken alfredo. "You only make this for special occasions."

"Well, I plan on tonight being a very special occasion, but first we eat." Blaine smiled at Kurt, his beautiful, loving boyfriend. All of a sudden the memory of seeing Kurt with the blonde mystery guy filled his thoughts.

"God, this is delicious! I swear it gets better each time you make it." Kurt looked up at Blaine, seeing noting but sadness in his eyes. "Blaine, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing." Blaine shook the thoughts away. Tonight was going to be special. "Why did he lie?"

"Blaine, I can see it in your eyes, something is bothering you." Kurt sighed and pushed his plate to the side.

"It's nothing okay!" Blaine yelled, regreting it immediately.

"Okay. I'm sorry." Kurt moved to stand up.

"No. This isn't how this was suppose to go!" Blaine thought. "Kurt wait. There is something bothering me. I-I just-"

"You just what Blaine? Don't want me to know? Don't want to talk about it? I get it. The food was lovely, but I have work to do."

"No Kurt please. I'll tell you, I just don't want you to get mad." The ring in Blaine's pocket suddenly weighed a hundred pounds.

"What's bothering you?" Kurt asked, but made no move to sit back down.

"Why did you lie to me?" Blaine looked directly into Kurt's eyes. Everything he was feeling, love, hurt, sadness, hope, all visible on his face.

"What? Lie to you? Wha are you talking about?"

"Today, you said you couldn;t go to lunch with me and Lucy because you had class, but I saw you at the café with some guy." Blaine hated that he was jealous, he should trust Kurt.

Kurt sighed, he knew he shouldn't have lied to Blaine, now how was he going to explain this? He still hadn't worked out why he felt the way he did when he was with Adam.

"Y-you like him." It wasn't a question. Blaine could tell by the look in Kurt's eyes that it was true.

"Honestly, I don't know. I know I do feel something, but I-"

"Are you- are you cheating on me?" Blaine could barely get the words out.

"What? No! God no! Blaine, I would nev-" Kurt stopped, was he cheating? He went to lunch with a guy that he's obviously confused about, he hangs out with him, and just today, they exchanged numbers.

"Kurt?" Blaine felt ill. This couldn't be happening, why was this happening?

"I-I, I need to go. I'm sorry." Kurt ran to their room, grabbed his bag and a change of clothes then left, leaving Blaine sitting in the kitchen.



Blaine lost track of time, he just sat there, staring at the candles that were slowly burning down. Kurt left, he walked out. Blaine pulled the ring box from his pocket and opened it, would he ever get to use it now? He sighed and picked up the dishes and blew out the candles before heading to his and Kurt's room. There was no way he could sleep in there tonight. He grabbed his phone and Kurt's pillow and went to the guest room.

Just before he fell asleep, Blaine's phone lit up with a text from Rachel saying Kurt was there and she'd call him tomorrow. He just sighed and turned his phone off before burying his face into Kurt's pillow, crying himself to sleep.


End Notes: Okay, please don't kill me! I will fix everything soon I promise!!Next chapter we'll have some Blaine/Rachel interaction and some New Direction phone calls :)Until Friday!-Krystal :) x


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I'm in love with this storyandyou-what?!this one made me sad but hopefully they'll be okay... Kayloveyoubye

Aww I love you too Cookiesncream :) This one made me sad too, they'll be okay soon. Happy endings :D-Krystal :) x

I'm not gonna freak out cause you said it will get better,but why did you do that to them?? I know for me I was sad and that's how good books or stories are they ting at your emotions, but still why??? And with Blaine about to propose......that's just cruel to Blaine. Hoping very thing will be fixed soon and that the NDs and Rachel will help Blaine out and nock some sense into him. Does Kurt not remember what happens because of cheating and how Blaine reacts to not being around Kurt?? Oh well I know all will end well.Until next time,<3 Emma

First, on a completely unrelated note to your review, I want to say that you are my most faithful reader/reviewer and you deserve awards. Now, on to the review. First off, Blaine isn't going to have time to get too messed up about it. (Thanks to Rachel) Kurt is more or less fighting an internal battle, but Rachel, bless her heart, does remember what happens. *enter the ND* I'm dividing them up, Blaine gets Tina and Sam, Kurt gets Finn and Rachel, each will be given advice and pep talks and all that, and they will eventually find their way back to each other. I hate, hate seeing them apart, but it will make them stronger. I'm also not dragging this out, I plan to have it wrapped up in 2-3 chapters. The next one will be a lot of Rachel talking to Kurt, Rachel talking to Blaine, Rachel talking to ND, and them making their way to NY. (So basically a lot of Rachel) I'm not going to say what exactly does eventually make them make up, but it's something shocking. :) I hope that made a little bit of sense and makes you feel a little better. :) I do fully intend for Blaine to give Kurt that ring. :D Happy endings!!-Krystal :) x