Give Your Heart A Break.
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 13

E - Words: 2,014 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
599 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: It's Monday, that means time for another update.I want to say that there is a time jump in here. We are jumping to them starting school. I also want to say that there is a new character introduced and if you read between the lines you'll see what could end up happening. Honestly, I have not planned what is really going to happen involving this new character, but I will assure you, there is a happy ending, and that's all that matters.:)

Time had indeed flown by, before they knew it, it was August and they were getting ready for their first day of college.

"Please tell me you aren't planning on wearing that Blaine." Kurt was already up and in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal.

"What's wrong with this?" Blaine looked down at his darkwash jeans and plain white v-neck t-shirt."

"It's so, boring and plain. You need some color, like a bowtie or something."

"Kurt, I really don't think bowties go with t-shirts. Anyways, my jacket is red, that's color." Blaine said as he grabbed a pack of Pop Tarts from the pantry.

"Blaine, this isn't you. You love to wear your cute little polos and bowties with your jeans rolled up. Why are you dressing so differently?" Kurt didn't understand, he loved the way Blaine normally dressed.

"It's college Kurt, besides, I have dance rehearsals and this is much easier to get in and out of than what I usually wear."

"You know, I kind of wish we were going to the same school, seeing you work up a sweat in dance class..." Kurt trailed off, smirking at Blaine.

"Kurt! You can't just say things like that." Blaine whined.

"Well you shouldn't put those images in my head by talking about it." Kurt winked at Blaine.

They sat there, staring at each other until the buzzer went off in the living room to let them know they had a visitor.

"That would be Rachel I assume." Blaine looked questioningly at Kurt.

"Yeah, I asked her to meet me here so we could go to school together." Kurt said as he made his way to the door.

"Hey Rach, come in."

"Good morning boys, ready to start your first day of college?" Rachel asked, walking into the kitchen.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I should really get going, don't want to be late on the first day." Blaine got up and grabbed his bag. "I should be home around 4:00." He said, kissing Kurt on the cheek.

"Hey, get back here and kiss me. I am having none od that 'we have a visitor we have to be polite' shit, it's Rachel, she's seen worse." Kurt grabbed Blaine's arm to pull him back over.

"Kurt, I-" Blaine was cut off by Kurt's mouth on his, he easily melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist.

"Now you can go. I'll be home at 3:00 so I'll get dinner started." Kurt smiled as he unwound himself from Blaine.

"You don't have to do that."

"I know, but I want to, so I am. Now go before you really are late."

"Okay bye, love you. See ya Rach."

"See ya Blaine."

"Love you too honey."

"So, we have an hour before we have to be at school, what do you want to do until then?" Rachel asked once Blaine was out of the condo.

"I don't know, maybe go get some coffee?" 

"Sounds good to me, let's go." Rachel pulled Kurt to the door. He already missed Blaine, and the day hadn't even started yet.



"So, any NYADA clubs you want to join?" Rachel asked once they got their coffee.

"Dunno, havent really thought about it, I think I'll wait and see once I get settled in." Kurt answered, he honestly wasn't sure if he wanted to do anything exta, he wanted to spend his free time with Blaine.

"Alright, just keep on the look out for flyers, they post them all over the school. I'm sure you'll find something you like."

"Yeah, so what about you, any clubs you want to join?"

"Well there is this group that meets every Tuesday and works on improv. I thought about doing that. I've been working extra over the summer on my dancing too, I want to get better so I can show Cassie."

"That's great Rach." Kurt glanced at his phone. "We should get going, don't wanna be late.

"Yeah, not a good idea to be late on the first day."

They ordered more coffee before heading off to school.



Blaine was having a pretty good day, he'd easily made friends with his entire dance class. He felt good, accepted, he'd even been invited to go to dinner with a few of them. He politely refused, saying he had a boyfriend at home.

Just as he was getting ready to pack up, one of the girls came up to him. "I know you from somewhere."

"Uh, I just moved here three months ago, so I doubt it." Blaine smiled, something was telling him he had seen her before.

"Hmm... oh! Now I knnow, you're Blaine Anderson, you moved into the Coleman Condo Complex back in May right?" She smiled sweetly at Blaine.

"Uh yeah I did, how did you- wait a minute, you're Lucy, the girl from the front desk!" Blaine smiled back, realizing who she was.

"Yep, that's me. I work there to pay for tuition here." Lucy said, smile falling just a bit.

"I understand, tuition is ridiculous." Blaine laughed as they walked out together.

"You're not kidding. Hey, I'm heading to the complex now to start my shift, what about you?"

"I'm heading back now as well, this was my last class. Wanna walk together?" 

"Sure! Let's go!" Her smile grew wider as she pulled him out the door.

Blaine thought she reminded him of Rachel, only a lot happier and more hyper.



Kurt couldn't wait for the day to be over. So much for Rachel helping him learn the ropes of NYADA. Now that she had a year under her belt, it seemed like she was always busy. By the time lunch rolled around, Kurt had spoken to her once, and that was so she could tell him they couldn't get lunch together like they had planned. So he made his way to the cafeteria by himself.

"Hello. Would you mind if I sit with you, everywhere else is full." Kurt looked up from his food to find a tall, blonde, handsome, and very British man standing beside the empty chair, smiling brightly.

"Uh, s-sure, yeah." Kurt couldn't help but smile back.

"Thanks. It's always crazy around here during the first week back. You must be a freshman since I've never seen you before. My name's Adam and I'm a senior."

"K-Kurt, and yes, I am a freshman." Kurt was slightly mesmerized by Adam's eyes. They were blue, like Kurt's but still differrent.

"So Kurt, where are you from?" Adam asked, still smiling.

"A little crappy cow town in Ohio called Lima. You've probably never heard of it."

"Nope, I haven't."

"You're lucky." Kurt laughed, looking at Adam, he really was handsome. 

"Aww, it can't be that bad." Adam laughed along. Maybe he could get Kurt to join the Apple's, he was pretty easy on the eyes, but he probably has a boyfriend.

"Yes it is actually. New York is much more my speed, much more accepting." Kurt suddenly felt the need to find out if Adam was gay, he really couldn't tell.

"Ahhh, I understand." So he was right, Kurt was gay, he probably did have a boyfriend, he's too handsome to not. "So, thought about joinging any clubs?"

Kurt thought he saw a flash of something in Adam's eye, but he couldn't place it. "Not really actually, why do you ask?" Kurt thought he should say something about Blaine, that's why he didn't want to join any clubs, but he decided against it.

"Well, I just so happen to be the fearless leader of a Glee Club called Adam's Apples and I'm looking for new members." Adam smiled even brighter if that was even possible. He really wanted Kurt in the Apples, they would like him.

"Oh, well I don't know." Why didn't he tell Adam that he wasn't interested because he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend? What was wrong with him?

"Just think about it and let me know. We're having a welcome back meeting today at 3:30 if you would like to come and check us out." Adam stood and gathered his tray and bag. "I'll see you around Kurt." He winked before walking off, leaving Kurt alone and confused.



Kurt's last class had ended ten minutes ago, he should be heading home to get dinner ready. Instead he was standing outside of a door with a sign that read: "Adam's Apples meeting today at 3:30. All are welcome!"

He sent Blaine a text saying he would be late coming home, but not to worry just as Adam rounded the corner. He immediately broke into a smile when he saw Kurt.

"Hey Kurt, didn't think you were interested. Not that I'm complaining."

"Me either, but here I am." Kurt laughed as he followed Adam into the room, waiting for the others to arrive. He didn't think to check his phone before turning it off while he was in the meeting.



When Blaine got home the first thing he noticed was how dark it was. "Kurt? I'm home." He called as he toed off his shoes.

He went to the kitchen first, it looked exactly how it had that morning. "Kurt?" He continued down the hall to the bedroom. No sign of Kurt, he started to panic.

He checked his phone, nothing. He dialed Kurt's number, but it went straight to voicemaul. "Dammit!" He decided to call Rachel.

"Hey Blaine, what's-"

"Is Kurt with you?" Blaine interupted.

"What? No, he should've left a while ago. Is he not home yet?" Rachel asked.

"No. He should've been home and hour ago Rach."

"Hey, Blaine, calm down. I'm still at school, I'll check and see if anyone's seen him around and I'll call you back, okay?"

"Okay, thanks Rachel." Blaine sighed and hung up, hoping Kurt was okay.



Rachel had been looking for an hour before she remembered the Adam's Apples were meeting today. "He wouldn't have." She thought as she made her way to the meeting room.

Kurt was walking out with Adam just as Rachel rounded the corner. "Dear God! Kurt, you- ugh! Hold on." She sent him a death glare, making sure he stayed put, while she called Blaine to let him know she'd found him.

"Okay, explain. Now." She was fuming.

"You said to check out some clubs, so I did." Kurt was confused as to why she was so angry.

"Not that, why didn't you tell Blaine? He's been worried sick!"

"What?! I did, I texted him!" Kurt pulled out his phone and turned it on, finding that the message had failed to send and that he had almost a dozen missed calls from Blaine. "Shit!"

"You might want to get home, he's a mess." Rachel softened her tone.

"Yeah. God, I'm sorry Rach."

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to." Rachel turned her attention to Adam.

"I know. I-I'll see you tomorrow Adam."

"See you Kurt." Adam smiled as Kurt ran off.

"Back off Adam. He has a boyfriend." Rachel warned.

"I figured the moment I saw him. We're just friends, nothing more, I swear." Adam looked at her with pure honesty.

"Yeah, well, keep it that way." Rachel turned and walked off, leaving Adam alone.



When Kurt got home he was greeted by Blaine pulling him into a hug.

"I'm sorry honey, I'm so sorry. I sent you text, but it didn't go through. I didn't mean to worry you." Kurt felt horrible.

"I-I was scared something happened to you. Please dont scare me like that again, please." Blaine was clinging to Kurt like his life depended on it.

"Shh... it's okay honey, I'm here now. I won't I promise. I love you." Kurt ran his hands through Blaine's curls, knowing it helped calm him down.

"I love you too Kurt." Blaine finally pulled back, but immediately took Kurt's hand in his.

"I'm sorry I worried you Blaine, why don't you help me make dinner tonight? We have all the stuff for homemade pizza. I know how much you like to help when I make pizza." Kurt smiled and led them to the kitchen.

"Okay, I'd like that." Blaine smiled back as they started getting the ingredients out for pizza.


Once they were finished, they went to their room. Blaine asked Kurt to just hold him while they watched t.v. While he was laying there, petting Blaine's hair absentmindedly, Kurt's thoughts went to Adam, sure he was handsome, but he wasn't Blaine. Kurt loved Blaine and Blaine loved Kurt, they were soulmates. So why did Kurt feel a rush of happiness knowing he and Adam were planning on having lunch together tommorw?


End Notes: Okay, some very serious end notes.1) I do not hate Adam, in no way am I trying to make him look like a bad guy.2) I'm thinking of having Lucy be to Blaine like Kurt is to Rachel, best girl friend. I do have a shocker planned for exactly who she is though ;)3) If you've figured out where I'm taking the whole Adam storyline please don't stop reading, it's not going to be as bad as you think, all will be well in the end.4) In 2-3 chapters I plan on having Sam and Tina make an appearance to along with Finn.5) If you would like to discuss this story or have any questions about it and where it's heading either ask me in a review or email me: and I will be more than happy to answer any questions that I can without spoiling too much.Thank you for reading and I hope you liked this chapter. :)-Krystal :) x


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I know you say it will all end well, but i have to do this anyway. Sorry. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! I don't hate Adam I just know in my heart Kurt and Blaine are soulmates and that's NEVER going to change. I again aplogize for my overreaction, but I had to. LIked this chapter none the less. :D

I was expecting that kind of response. It's okay, that's the reaction I was going for. :D Sadly, you will have to deal with Adam for quite a few more chapters, and as a result there will be some Blangst. BUT enter Rachel, Finn, Tina, and Sam to save the day. ;) Kurt and Blaine are soulmates and they will be happy in the end, I just have this thing in my head that is making me write this. I just don't want people to think Adam is actively pursuing Kurt, because he's not. He knows Kurt's taken, but he does like Kurt and Kurt is confused. But all will end well, my motto is happy endings or no ending at all. :D I'm glad you liked the chapter :D-Krystal :) x

i just really hope kurt doesnt do anything with adam

Ahhh Adam. That's a fun storyline, also kind of heart breaking. -Krystal :) x