Give Your Heart A Break.
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 12

E - Words: 1,011 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
597 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: The morning after. :) This is just a short chapter of fluff. Time is going to speed up after this but I wanted to add this in.Enjoy. :)

Kurt woke up the next morning feeling happier than he had since, well, it's been a while. He rolled out of Blaine's grib, attempting to get up when a sharp pain shot through his body. "Oh God."

"Kurt? Wha- what's wrong?" Blaine asked, still half asleep.

"N-nothing, go back to sleep honey." Kurt could feel his cheeks flushing.

"Kurt, you're lying, I can tell. What's wrong?" Blaine sat up, completely awake and looking slightly worried.

"Really, it's nothing. I'm just- ugh, I'm a little sore, that's all."

"Wha- oh, OH Kurt, I'm so sorry, I didnt mean-"

Kurt cut Blaine's freak out off with a kiss. "It's okay love, it's a good kind of sore, so don't apologize."

"Okay, I just- I know know it's been a while, I should have been more careful."

"Blaine stop it, I said it's fine and I meant it. Now, why don't you go pour us two bowls of cereal annd bring them in here so we can have breakfast in bed?" Kurt smiled lovingly at Blaine, knowing he couldn't refuse that smile.

"I- okay, is it really that bad?" Blaine asked, still feeling horrible for hurting Kurt.

"It's fine, really, I just need some time. So how about that cereal?" Kurt could tell Blaine was beating himself up about it so he didn't want to let him know just how bad he was actually hurting. 

"Right, cereal." Blaine slid from the bed, pulled on a pair of sweatpants before heading for the kitchen.

Kurt took the time to check his phone, he had a text from Finn, a voicemail from his dad and a missed call from Rachel. Finn's text was letting him know they made it back to Ohio, as was Burt's voicemail. He decided he'd wait to call Rachel until later. He was texting Finn back when Blaine came in with two bowls of cereal and a big glass of orange juice.

"I thought we could share the juice." Blaine says, handing Kurt one of the bowls.

"That's fine. Dad and Finn made it home safe." 

"That's good. When did they get in?" Blaine asked before shoving a huge spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

"No one's taking it away from you Blaine, pace yourself." Kurt laughed at Blaine's puffed out cheeks and bright, innocent eyes. "And I dunno, some time after we went to bed I guess." He smiled as he thought about the night before.

"What's the smile for?" Blaine asked after swollowing his cereal.

"I was just thinking about how absolutely amazing last night was."

"It was pretty amazing, and I'm glad we waited to do this until now."

"Me too, but just for the record, I forgave you along time ago. I've trusted you for a while, I just wasn't sure you were ready." Kurt smiled fondly at Blaine.

Blaine smiled at Kurt before his face turned serious. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course honey, anything."

"When did you forgive me?" Blaine asked, not looking at Kurt, playing with his cereal instead.

"Well I started forgiving you as soon as Sam called me and said you needed help, then I saw you and I really started to forgive you. I completely forgave you when I asked you to be my boyfriend again. Trust me, if I hadn't forgiven you, I wouldn't have asked." Kurt said honestly.

"There's still part of me that hates myself for what I did to you, but mostly I think I've forgiven myself." Blaine wanted to be completely honest with Kurt.

"That's good. I would hate it if you hadn't forgiven yourself yet. We're together now and we're happy, that's all that matters. The past is the past, there's no reason to dwell on it now." Kurt smiled, taking Blaine's hand and squeezing it.

"Yeah, you're right." Blaine smiled back.

"So, have you changed your major from pre-law yet?" Kurt asked, changing the subject.

"I called before we left Ohio and had it changed to musical theatre, my classes are all scheduled and ready to go."

"Good. I'm really proud of you Blaine. I don't know if I tell you that enough, but I am, so very, very proud of you." Kurt said, putting his empty bowl on the bedside table and leaned in to kiss Blaine.

"I hope so, I want you to be." Blaine said, voice full of emotion. Both of them remembering the last time they had a conversation like this back before their first time.

"I am, always. Never, ever forget that. I will always be in your corner."

"Thank you Kurt. I am so proud of you too. Getting into NYADA, you've changed so much since we first met, you're happier. I'm so proud of you, and of us, and I will always be in your corner too."

"Thank you Blaine. You're 99% of how and why I'm so open and happy. You taught me that I am loved and that I'm perfect the way I am, perfectly imperfect. I love you so much for that, I owe you so much for that."

"You owe me nothing, your love, you, that's all I need. I love you too Kurt, so much." Blaine pulled Kurt into him, laying back down. "We're going to have a stay in bed all day, day."

"Sounds perfect." Kurt snuggled into Blaine as he reached for the remote to turn on the t.v.

"Oh my God, West Side Story is on, we have to watch it." Blaine set the channel before wrapping his arms around Kurt.

"Brings back memories, really great, awesome memories." Kurt smiled into Blaine's chest.

"Yes it does." Blaine placed a kiss to Kurt's hair.



The rest of the day was spent lying in bed, watching t.v. and just talking, getting up only to use the bathroom and for lunch and dinner. By the time night time rolled around they had made up for the time they had been apart. They burried the past and made a vow to never bring it up again.

Time would fly by and soon school would be starting, they just wanted to spend what time they had now, together. Neither one of them knowing that very soon, things wouldn't be so happy and beautiful. Right now, all that matters is them, together, happy and in love

End Notes: Like I said, short and fluffy :) I know the last chapter is very criptic, but we'll be finding out what it means very very soon. (dun dun dun!)Let me know what you thought and what you think is in store for our boys. :DUntil next Monday!-Krystal :) x


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Is there gonna be something seriously wrong with Kurt or something because that would be sooo sad. I know that something bad's gonna happen but I hope its nothing too serious or that stops them both from going to college and living their lives how they always wanted it to be. I hope Rachel will come back into the story soon. I miss her a little , she is Kurt's best friend. Also did you have any of the other New Directions going to school in New York, because that might be interesting. Can't wait to read more! Love this story. :D<3 Emma

There are going to be some bumps in the road, but nothing that will keep them from school or anything like that. Nothing's wrong with Kurt, he's perfectly fine :) Rachel will be back next chapter because of the time jump I have planned. I've toyed around with maybe having Tina and Sam come to New York, maybe just to visit though later on, although that's not set in stone yet. If everything goes the way I've been planning we will see the beginning of the bad thing that is kind of obviously going to happen, next chapter. I've been trying to keep a low profile on exactly what is happening because I don't want anyone to freak out and stop reading. All I will say is there is a new character coming into the story who will shake some things up for our boys, but I promise before the end the ring will be presented and all will be well. <3-Krystal :) x