Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Making the decision on who was going to be the baby's biological father was the last thing they needed to do before they made an appointment with the surrogacy agency do to the procedure. They made sure to call Lucy and see when she was free before scheduling the appointment, once they all agreed, they called the agency and scheduled an appointment for the following week.
"Our schedules for next week are pretty tight. We have the appointment at the surrogacy agency, we have my dad's doctor appointment, and Rachel's birthday party." Blaine was reading their list of events off his phone. He and Kurt were spending their weekend relaxing to prepare for their busy week.
"I also have to have my designs finished by Wednesday, which means any spare time I have before then is going to be used on that. It's exhausting just to think about." Kurt groaned as he fell onto the couch beside Blaine.
"Maybe we should move the appointment-"
"No, we'll manage. I don't want to wait."
"Okay, we'll just have a busy week then." Blaine laughed. He knew Kurt was excited to move forward in the surrogacy process, but then again, so was he.
"Mhmm. We'll have Tuesday off. Well, you will, I'll be working on designs."
"Actually, I won't. Jen has Tuesday off because it's her son's birthday and I'm going to fill in for her."
"At least I know you'll sleep well on the flight Wednesday then." Kurt joked. He knew Blaine agreed to work Tuesday because he was nervous, and not just about their Monday morning appointment at the surrogacy agency. James' doctor appointment on Thursday would tell them if the increased radiation treatments were having any effect.
"I hope so, Thursday is going to be a long day." Blaine sighed and tried not to think about it.
"I know sweetie, just remember, no matter what happens, I'll be with you. You don't have to deal with it alone."
"I love you so much Kurt."
"I love you too Blaine."
Monday morning Kurt and Blaine both woke up early, unable to sleep because of nerves and excitement.
"How about a light breakfast, then lunch after we finish with the appointment? I'm sure Lucy will be hungry." Blaine suggested after they finished showering.
"Sure, whatever. I need to stop by the theatre afterwards anyway, so we could get lunch in that part of town." Kurt smiled, handing Blaine a cup of coffee.
"Okay, and maybe you could give Lucy and I a tour of the theatre."
"Maybe, if you're nice." Kurt winked. "There should be a box of cereal bars in the cabniet, grab a couple of them, we'll eat them on the way. We need to get going so we aren't late meeting Lucy in Central Park.
"Alright, give me a second, can you grab my phone? It should be-"
"I already got it, let's go borat."
"Hey! That's not- mmph."
Kurt silenced Blaine with a kiss, smiling as he pulled away. "What was that?"
"That's what I thought." Kurt laughed, linking arms with Blaine as they headed for the elevator.
"As soon as we're finished, we'll let you know. It shouldn't be too long." A very cheerful nurse said as she showed the boys to the waiting area.
"Thank you." Kurt gave her a smile as he and Blaine sat down to wait.
"This is it, we're actually doing this." Blaine took Kurt's hand and squeezed it.
"Yep. In a couple of weeks we'll know for sure if we're going to be parents. Are you nervous?" Kurt knew he was, but still wanted to ask.
"Honestly, yes. This is a big moment in out lives, don't tell me you're not."
"Of course I am, I'm just better at hiding it than you are."
"You get really sassy when you're nervous."
"At least my hands aren't sweaty, jesus Blaine, how do you sweat so much?" Kurt let go of Blaine's hand to wipe away the sweat.
"You never complain about my sweat when I'm fucking you into the mattress." Blaine lowered his voice so no one else would hear him.
"Blaine Devon Anderson-Hummel!" Kurt felt himself starting to blush.
"What? It's true." Blaine said innocently.
"Be that as it may, this is not the time or place to talk about it."
"Actually, this is a place where babies are made, so-"
"Blaine please, just- no." Kurt groaned, hiding his face in his hands. When Blaine gets really nervous or excited, his filter stops working.
"Fine, fine, I'm just saying-"
"Don't. Just stop talking, please." Kurt begged.
"Aww, am I embarrassing you? I'm sorry babe."
"Seriously Blaine, shut up." Kurt hoped the nurse would be back soon.
Once they were cleared and ready to go, they headed towards the theatre, and decided to get lunch at a small café that Kurt said was his favorite.
"So what did they tell you?" Kurt asked Lucy after they were seated with their food.
"Not much as of right now, we'll have to wait until we know for sure before they give me instructions. Just basically stay hydrated, don't do anything crazy or reckless and wait two weeks or so for a pregnancy test."
"Lucy, I can't even begin to tell you how much this means to us. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, we'll do everything we can." Blaine reached across the table to take Lucy's hand.
"Let's wait until we see if I'm actually pregnant before we get all emotional, okay?"
"She's right, we don't know if it's actually going to work."
"Okay you pessimistic jerks, you sit there and do your thing while I sit here and do mine. I'm not going to let either one of you spoil this for me." Blaine said.
"You certainly have changed your tune, concidering you said you didn't want to do this right now when I first mentioned it." Kurt smiled, happy to see Blaine so excited.
"Yeah, well I've changed my mind and I'm going to be happy about it. Now, as much as I would love to sit here all day, shouldn't we get going? I know you need to stop by the theatre."
"Yeah, I need to get a couple measurements from one of the actors, shouldn't take too long."
"Well then, let's go, you can show Lucy and I around when you're done." Blaine stood up with a smile and led them towards the theatre. It had been a successful day. Now all he had to worry about was his dad's appointment on Thursday.