Gift of a Friend.
Forever Mine. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: Forever Mine.

M - Words: 902 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
232 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Alright guys, here's the final chapter. It's been a crazy journey and I'm so happy that I've been able to share it with each and everyone of you.I'm not going to say much here, I'll wait until the end notes to give the info about the one shots and the series I'll be creating for those. For now, enjoy the final chapter of Gift of A Friend.

When you're the two male leads in a musical, time go by exceptionally fast. The musical, titled Dominion of Thieves, lasted three months with two weeks of rehearsal before the show went live. By the time closing night came around, everyone was exhausted but sad to see the show come to and end.

"As much as I'm ready for some down time, I'm really going to miss it." Kurt said to Blaine as they were getting their costumes on for the last time.

"Me too, it's been a good run, and everyone seems to have enjoyed it, but it is going to be weird not having to come to work everyday."

Kurt smiled and grabbed Blaine's hand as they headed towards the stage. "Break a leg."

"You too." Blaine whispered just before the curtain went up and the final show started.


After the show and meet and greets were over, Kurt and Blaine went out with their friends and family to celebrate the end of a successful show.

"You guys killed it tonight! Not that every other night wasn't amazing, but tonight just seemed extra amazing." Lucy said excitedly as the walked towards the restaurant that Finn had chosen.

"Thanks Lucy, I think everyone gave a little extra since this was the last show. It did seem like it was extra special."

"I think these little munchkins enjoyed it too, they liked all the music." Andrea was pushing Ari's stroller and Carole was pushing Payton's.

"It was an amazing show, you guys should be proud." Rachel smiled at the boys.

"Yeah, it was great." Finn agreed just as they arrived at the restaurant.

"Alright, everyone get what they want, this meal is on the proud parents of our Broadway stars." James announced, ushering everyone to the back of the restaurant where they had the party room reserved.

"Better watch out there James, Finn will eat us both out of our saving accounts." Burt joked, laughing when Finn gave him a confused look.

Everyone got seated and ordered their food. They were all having fun just being together.

"Aren't Tina and Sam suppose to be here?" Lucy asked as the waiter delivered their food.

"They had to go back to their hotel, they're going to meet us at the condo when we get finished here." Blaine answered.

"What's up with them? They're always together, are they dating or what?" Finn asked around a mouthful of salad.

"The last time I talked to Tina she said they were 'taking things slow'."

"So, they're dating."

"I- yes." Blaine laughed at Finn's persistence.

"I think they make a good couple, they're good for each other."

"They really are, we're happy for them." Kurt looked up from his plate.

Then rest of the dinner went by fast, they talked about the musical, New York, Ohio, and a little bit of everything. The night had been a success and Kurt and Blaine were happy to have been able to share it with the people they love the most.


On the way to the condo, they dropped Burt, Carole, Andrea, and James off at their hotels promising to have lunch tomorrow before their parents had to fly back home.

When they arrived at the condo, they found Tina and Sam waiting for them.

"How long have you been waiting?" Blaine asked as he unlocked the door.

"Not long, I'd say about ten minutes. Did you guys have a good dinner?" Tina answered, helping get the twins inside.

"Yeah, it was great to be with our family, it's hard to find time to visit so moments like these are definitely some of the most cherished." Kurt replied, lifting Payton from his stroller.

"Where's Finn and Rachel?" Sam asked, looking behind Kurt and Blaine to find Lucy standing there alone.

"Rachel had a spur of the moment idea for a midnight bowling date. Her and Finn left for the bowling alley after we dropped out parents off at their hotel." Kurt rolled his eyes, he loves Rachel, but sometimes she can be a little crazy.

"Aww, we should have done something like that, I love night bowling when they turn the lights out and everything glows in the dark." Tina said, jabbing Sam in the ribs.

"If you guys want to catch up with them, I'm sure you can, they'd be happy to have the company. Rachel loves an audience, no matter what she's doing." Blaine hinted. As much as he wanted to see his friends, he kind of wanted to just relax and spend time with Kurt and the twins.

"Are you sure? We promised we would-"

"Sam, that was a hint for us to get out." Tina interrupted him. "We'll stop by tomorrow and see you. Congratulations on the musical guys, you were fantastic."

"Thanks Tina, we're glad we got to share it with our friends."

After saying goodbye, Tina dragged Sam out of the condo and headed towards the bowling alley, leaving Kurt and Blaine alone in their living room.

"I don't know about you, but I just want to take a shower and get into bed." Blaine said, picking Ari up to carry her back to the nursery.

"It's like you read my mind." Kurt followed behind him with Payton.

"Not a mind reader, I just know you so well that it seems like I can read your mind."

"You're a dork, you know that?" Kurt laughed, tucking Payton in and kissing his forehead.

"I'm your dork though." Blaine smiled, coming up behind Kurt, wrapping his arms around him and kissing his neck.

"Yeah, you're my dork." Kurt sighed, taking Blaine's hand and leading him to their room.



End Notes: I may or may not be a little emotional right now. This story and the two before it are very special to me because the first story in this thee part story was my very first fanfic ever, so to see its success and evolution into three full fics is something I take a lot of pride in. I just want to thank every single person who has read even one chapter of any three parts, you gave me a reason to continue writing, so thank you so much.Now! Onto the info about the one shots and the series. I do plan on writing some one shots to go along with this story, it will be so we can see the twins growing but also so I can jump around freely and not have to worry about a timeline. I'll only be adding them when I have time so they definitely won't be on schedule and I have no idea exactly how many I will write. I'll be creating a "series" not at all cleverly titled Gift of a Friend so it won't be confusing to find. I will post an announcement chapter on THIS story when I get the first one shot up.If none of that made since, contact me and I will try to explain it better.Goodbye for now,-Krystal :) xx


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loved this series!! =D cant wait for the one shots!!

It's been amazing to write, it was such a fun story to work on and I'm very happy that other people enjoyed it. The first one shot will be coming sometime soon, I don't have an exact date set for that yet, but I've already been thinking up some ideas for where I want the first one to start off. -Krystal :) x

I just want to say that I'm really sad to see this story end and that even though I know there will be one shots it won't be the same so, just thanks for making a beautiful story that and that I have loved reading each and every chapter.This chapter was so sweet and I think i was the perfect way to end the story. It had the boys' first Broadway closing and we got to see everyone that was a part of this story. I am soo happy that you decided to make Sam and Tina a couple ,and I really happy that you gave everyone a happy ending (just like you always promised). It doesn't feel like that long ago when I read the first chapter in Fix a Heart and fell in love with your writing. I wish these stories could go on forever, but I understand that everything comes to an end eventually (My review for your last one shot is...No not going there yet). I can't wait for your one shots and I'm looking forward to see the twins grow up (and any other children the boys or others might have). Again I LOVED the way you chose to end this story.Until Next Time,<3 EmmaP.S. Is there a rating above 10?

I feel very indifferent about this story ending, as a writer, I knew it was time to end it, but this series has been so close to me, Fix a Heart was my first ever fic, and to see it come to an end was hard. I wanted this chapter to be short and sweet, a nice clean way to close out the story. I wanted everyone to be there so we could see them one last time, they'll all show up here and there in the ne shots, but that's going to be different. Since writing Tina and Sam together, I've become quite the fan of those two, so I knew I needed to have them together (that's a relationship that will continue to grow throughout the one shots). Everyone gets a happy ending, that's my number 1 rule and I refuse to break it. When I started Fix a Heart, I never imagined it would turn into this, I had never written a fic before and I didn't expect people to like it, but they did and that gave me the inspiration to keep writing. I've already been brainstorming ideas for how I want the first one shot to be, I have a few ideas that I really like so we'll just have to see where those take me. I just want to say thank you for reading and reviewing and helping, it's been fantastic having the feedback, it really does mean the world to me. -Krystal :) x P.S. I honestly have no idea. ???