Gift of a Friend.
Week Two. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: Week Two.

M - Words: 1,560 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
246 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: I wrote this in a hurry so I want to apologize if it's not up to standards with my other writing. I'm not gonna lie, this is sort of a filler chapter.

Time was flying by for Kurt and Blaine, they were already into the second week of their vacation which meant they would be heading home that weekend.

"As much as I love New York, I wouldn't mind just staying here forever. It's so peaceful out here." Kurt said, looking over at Blaine. They were laying out by the lake, enjoying the calmness of their little hide-a-way.

"It is hard to imagine having to go back to our crazy, rushed lives in the city after being out here for two weeks isn't it?" Blaine knew how Kurt was feeling, he'd felt that everytime he'd have to leave after visiting his grandparents here.

"Tell me more about this place and your grandparents. I know you have tons of stories from coming here as a kid." Kurt sat up, crossing his legs.

Blaine followed suit, his knees touching Kurt's. "My gran and gramps had always wanted a place like this and it wasn't that they didn't have the money, they just wanted to wait until they had gotten all of their kids raised. This was like their retirement home, for lake of better terms. Mom and Dad would always bring me and Coop here as kids to visit Gran and Gramps, every summer we'd pack up and fly out here. I looked forward to it more than anything because I could just be myself out here, I didn't have to worry about other kids picking on me for wearing bowtie a to school, or for being gay."

"It was like your safe haven, the place you always knew you'd be accepted no matter what."

Blaine smiled, taking Kurt's hands in his. "Yeah, and my gran and gramps were like my gardian angels. They were the most amazing people I knew at the time. There was one time after we'd visited when we were getting ready to leave, I hid in Gramps' room because I didn't want to go home."

"Did your parents find you?"

"No, my gramps did. He asked me why I was hiding and when I told him, he asked me why I didn't want to go back. I told him about getting picked on at school for the way I dressed and for being gay. You know what he told me?"


"He told me to look those bullies in the eye and show them that they didn't scare me." Blaine laughed at the memory of that conversation.

"I can only imagine how that went down when you tried it." Kurt was laughing too, trying to picture a young Blaine standing up to his bullies.

"Lets just say it didn't end well for me."

"You're grandparents sound like amazing people, I can tell you really miss them."

"Yeah, I do, a lot." Blaine sighed, he still remembered the day that he found out they'd passed away.

"When was the last time you were here?" Kurt asked, wondering if Blaine had been back after his grandparents had died.

"Right before they died, we had been here that summer, in July and they died in September."

"Why come back now though?"

"I wanted to share this place with you. They would have loved you and I wanted you to be able to get to know them through what's left of them." Blaine knew it was cheesy, but he didn't care.

Kurt squeezed Blaine's hands, feeling his heart flutter in the way it only does when Blaine does or says something that Kurt wasn't expecting. "I'm sure I would've loved them too and thank you for sharing this with me."

"One day we'll live here Kurt, just you and me and maybe a dog. It'll be our happily ever after."

"I wouldn't want anything else." Kurt smiled standing up and extending his hand to help Blaine up.

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to go make lunch, then we're going to see what your grandparents left in the house, I want to know more about this place since it means so much to you."

"That sounds perfect." Blaine accepted Kurt's hand, picking up the blanket before they headed back to the house.


The second week of the Anderson-Hummel vacation also means a change in babysitters. Finn and Rachel had just left the condo, leaving Sam and Tina with the twins.

"Alright, we got this, it shouldn't be that hard right?" Sam asked right before Ari started screaming.

"You jinxed it, so you get to take care of her." Tina walked out of the nursery to go fix bottles for both Ari and Payton.

"Okay, alright, come here sweetie, come to Uncle Sam." Sam picked her up, rocking her back and forth to try and calm her down. "Shh, you're going to wake your brother up." He was trying to remember what Finn had said to do when Tina walked back in.

"Try singing to her, Rachel said she loved hearing Finn sing."

"Okay. What should I sing?"

"Anything, just sing to her." Tina rolled her eyes, patting Sam on the shoulder. He was great with his younger brother and sister, but babies seemed to not be his strong point.

Sam had just gotten Ari calmed Dow enough to take the bottle when his phone starting ringing. "Hello?"

"Hey Sam, how's it going? Are they giving you too much trouble?"

"Blaine, hey man. No, they're doing great, we're actually feeding them right now." Sam put it on speaker so he could focus on feeding Ari.

"That's good to hear, if they get too troublesome just put them to sleep, that usually works for us."

"I think your daughter has a thing for people singing to her, Finn always calmed her down by singing to her and it seems to be working for me too."

"Well Kurt and I sing around the house a lot."

"Or maybe they just like mine and Finn's voice." Sam joked, setting the bottle down to burp Ari.

"Maybe." Blaine laughed. "We'll be home Saturday evening as long as everything goes to plan, think you can handle it that long?"

"Are you kidding? This is going to be a breeze!"

"He says that now, just wait until Saturday." Sam heard Kurt say.

"We'll just have to wait and see then."

"Whatever you say Evans, infants are a little different than kid siblings." Kurt laughed.

"Yeah yeah, we'll just see."

"Alright you two, that's enough. Sam, Tina, thank you for doing this and if you need us, call." Blaine knew Kurt and Sam could go on for hours if he didn't stop them now.

"We will, have fun on the rest of your trip." Tina spoke up, putting Payton back in his crib and taking Ari from Sam.

"Thank you. We'll see you Saturday."

"Bye." Sam and Tina said in unison.

"So, what now?" Tina asked after getting both babies settled into their cribs.

"I'm starving, how about some take out?" Sam grabbed the baby monitor and followed Tina out of the nursery.

"Sounds good to me, but you're paying."


They spent the rest of the evening watching tv and playing games, both proud of theirselves for how well their first day with the twins had went.


Since bringing Kurt to his grandparents house, Blaine had insisted they stay their instead of the cabin. He was sitting in the living room, flipping through an old photo album when Kurt came in with two cups of tea.

"You think Sam and Tina will last the week?"

"I don't know, maybe. I think Ari will test their limits for sure." Blaine smiled, thinking about his kids. "I really miss them."

"Me too, I miss their smiling faces and cute little chubby hands trying to hold the bottle when I feed them." Kurt sighed, laying his head on Blaine's shoulder.

"When they get older, I want to bring them here like my parents did." Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's shoulders, kissing his forehead.

"I think that's a great idea, they're going to grow up in such a fast paced city, it'll be nice to get them out here and show them the whole world isn't just like New York."

"When we get back, I'm going to look for a job. I know we have money, but now that the twins are here and healthy, I need to get back to work."

"I never thought about that. What happens if we both get a job? Do we want to put out kids in childcare or find a friend to watch them at our place?"

"Maybe while they're still so young, have a friend watch them, but once they get older I think daycare would be nice. It would give them a chance to make friends and all that good stuff."

"It seems like they were just born and we're already talking about daycare. Now I understand why people say your kids grow up way too fast." Kurt laughed, taking a sip of his tea. "Before we know it we'll be sending them off to their first day of school."

"We still have a few years before that, but I get what you're saying. It's crazy how fast they're growing up."

They fell into a comfortable silence, not needing to say anything until Kurt yawned, obviously tired.

"Ready for bed?" Blaine asked, taking Kurt's empty cup from him.

"I think so, yeah." Kurt said around another yawn.

"Go ahead back to the bedroom, I'll be there as soon as I put these in the sink." Blaine smiled, kissing Kurt once before heading to the kitchen.

By the time he got back to the bedroom, Kurt was already sound asleep. Blaine just smiled and climbed into bed as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake Kurt. He fell asleep almost instantly, happy and content.

End Notes: I'll probably start next chapter with the boys coming back from their vacation because I'm running out of things to write about. I'm looking forward to getting them back to NY and back to the twins. -Krystal :) x


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Such a sweet chapter. I know you said it was a filler chapter, but ( I think I've said this before) I think it's good to have a filler chapter every once in awhile because then we get to see how adorable, cute, and loving the boys are to each other (and maybe in the future their children). I thought the story that Blaine told about his gramps was super sweet and it kinda reminded me about what Blaine said to Kurt the first time they met about standing up to the bullies. I also enjoyed Sam, Tina, Blaine, and Kurt's phone conversation, and the little part showing how Tina and Sam were handling taking care of the babies. I can't wait for the boys to be back in New York and be back with their babies. I am also really excited for their upcoming job offer. Update soon!Until Next Time,<3 Emma

Filler chapters are really nice to have every once in a while, and this is honestly all I could come up with right now because I've been super busy. I really wanted to bring Andrea's parents into this but I wasn't sure how, so I did it this way, through Blaine's stories. I think Blaine learned a lot from his Gran and Gramps, they were his go-to people when he was having a bad day or anything like that. I really have grown to like Sam and Tina together, I know I'm going to have to mention their relationship in this story soon, it's been very vague so far so I need to address what's going on with those two. The boys will be back in New York next chapter, and the job offer will also be brought back up! (yay!) We only have a few more chapters left though :( but I do plan on continuing this story with some one-shots so it's not completely over. :) Hopefully I'll have the next chapter up in a couple of days. -Krystal :) x