Gift of a Friend.
Get-A-Way Pt. 1. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: Get-A-Way Pt. 1.

M - Words: 1,177 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
145 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: So yeah, kind of Finchel heavy but I don't think it was too bad, right? Just as a note: I may be slower on he updates from now on because my classes have started and they kind of come first, but I will update as much as possible which means at the very least, one chapter a week. Hopefully, I'll get two per week up, but I'm also working on two other fics so I can't promise anything.Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, and I'll update asap! :D-Krystal :) x

Two and a half weeks after finding out that Ari has colic, Blaine had finally gotten a plan together for a mini vacation for him and Kurt. Finn and Rachel had agreed to watch Ari and Payton for a week, then Sam and Tina would watch them for another week, giving him and Kurt two full weeks of free time.

"Okay, if you need to get a hold of us, you have our cell numbers and I wrote down the number for the cabin, it's on the frig with the list of emergency numbers." Blaine was going through everything with Finn and Rachel one final time before he and Kurt had to leave for the airport.

"Yes Blaine, we know." Rachel had been trying to assure him they had everything for about an hour now. "Don't worry, we'll be fine, you guys need to get going or you'll miss your flight."

"I know, I know, I'm just-"

"Dude, we got this." Finn said, looking up from feeding Ari.

"Blaine honey, we need to go!" Kurt called from where he was standing by the front door.

"Alright, I'm coming!" Blaine called back as he picked Payton up from his crib. "Okay little man, I want you to be good for your Aunt Rachel and Uncle Finn. Daddy and Papa will be back soon."

"They'll be fine Blaine." Rachel gave him a reassuring smile, taking Payton from him so he could say goodbye to Ari.

"I know, I just didn't think it would be this hard to leave them."

"They're your children, of course it's hard to leave them, not matter how long you're going to be gone."

"Hey there princess, you be good for your Aunt and Uncle, okay? Daddy and Papa will be home soon." Blaine smiled down at his daughter who was looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Blaine?" Kurt appeared in the doorway of the nursery.

"I'm coming, I just wanted to tell them goodbye." Blaine handed Ari back to Finn and headed towards Kurt.

"We'll call if we need anything, go have fun and relax, you two deserve a vacation."

"Thanks Rachel, thanks Finn, we owe you."

"You don't owe us anything man, we love spending time with the twins, just enjoy your vacation." Finn said before turning his attention back to Ari.

"Ready?" Kurt asked, extending his hand to Blaine.

"Yeah, let's go." Blaine took Kurt's hand. As much as he was going to miss the twins, he couldn't deny that he was excited to have time alone with Kurt.


Blaine hadn't exactly told Kurt where they were going, he had just said they were going to one of his Uncle's vacation cabins, he wanted to surprise Kurt with the actual location of said cabin.

"California? Your uncle owns a vactaion cabin in California?" Kurt couldn't believe it when they stepped off the plane and onto the ground at LAX.

"Yep. He actually owns two in California, one in Ohio and one in Michigan."

"Is everyone in your family rich?" Kurt had never really heard Blaine talk about his aunts and uncles that much.

"The uncle who owns these cabins is a heart surgeon and his wife is a pediatrician, they're pretty well off."

"Wait, is this your mom's brother or your dad's brother?"

"Mom's. My dad's brother is a lawyer, just like my dad and grandpa."

"Why don't you ever talk abotu them?" Kurt asked, knowing it probably wasn't the best time to bring this up.

"I never really knew them. None of them live in Ohio so I didn't grow up around them." Blaine answered as they made their way to baggage claim.

"That's how I was with my aunt. When my mom died, she just stopped cming around and eventually moved to Florida. I haven't seen her since a year after my mom died." Kurt frowned. His aunt had been his best friend while his mom was sick, and then she just left without a word. After all these years, it still hurts.

"Hey now, no getting sad, this is suppose to be our fun time, we can be sad later." Blaine nudged Kurt with his elbow, earning him a smile.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Come on, there should be a car waiting to take us up to the cabin." Blaine led the way through the crowd towards the exit. He was more then ready to start their vacation.


Back in New York, Finn and Rachel were enjoying spending time with their niece and nephew.

"Do you want dinner? I can cook." Rachel asked, shutting the door to the nursery.

"Is that really a good idea? I don't want to burn down my brother's condo." Finn joked as they walked towards the kitchen.

"Maybe not, but I'm sure they have something that can be cooked in the microwave, that I can do."

"How about we just order pizza and check out their movie collection? I'm sure they have some good movies around here." Finn suggested.

"Alright, fine, pizza it is. You can order and I'll pick out a movie."

"Oh no, you can order and I'll pick out a move. I'm not watching West Side Story again."

"West Side Story is a classic!" Rachel called after Finn before picking up her phone to order the pizza.

Finn was looking at the different titles of DVDs when his phone started ringing. "Hello?"

"Hey Finn, I just wanted to let you know that Blaine and I made it to the cabin."

"Oh, hey Kurt, that's great, how was your flight?"

"Good, I slept most of the way. How are the twins doing, has Ari been crying a lot?"

"They're fine. Ari has been really good actually, she likes Rachel."

"That's good. Um, I have to go, Blaine wants to give me a 'grand tour' of the cabin. I'll call you tomorrow sometime."

"Alright, sounds good little brother, have fun."

"We will, and thanks Finn."

"Don't mention it." Finn hung up, getting back to picking out a movie.

"Was that Kurt? Did they make it okay?" Rachel asked as she walked into the living room.

"Yeah that was him, they made it to the cabin and Blaine was giving him a grand tour."

"That's good, I'm glad they're taking some time for themselves, they needed it."

"You just wanted a reason to spend more time with Ari and Paytn, you're going to have them spoiled." Finn teased, deciding on Sleepless in Seatle for them to watch.

"So? I'm her aunt, it's my job to spoil her."

"Whatever you say." Finn laughed, popping the DVD into the player and taking a seat on the couch next to Rachel.

"When we have kids one day, Kurt and Blaine will spoil them more than we could ever think of spoiling Ari and Payton."

"When we have kids? You want to have kids with me?" Finn knew Rachel wanted to be a mother, but after everything they'd been through over the years, he wasn't sure if it would be with him.

"Of course I do Finn, I love you, and one day, we'll have kids too, it's just taking us a little longer than Kurt and Blaine." Rachel smiled, laying her head on Finn's shoulder.

"I love you too." Finn kissed her forehead before turning his focus to the movie. Now he was more excited than ever to be watching Ari and Payton.


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