Gift of a Friend.
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Gift of a Friend.: Dinner Party.

M - Words: 1,239 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
155 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Again, I'm sorry for any mistakes, my google drive is being a bitch and that's what I use to write these chapters with. Next update coming soon.-Krystal :) x

Having the twins at home wasn't really much different than staying with them in the hospital. Actually, Kurt thought they were doing quite well by themselves. The twins were eating just like any normal baby would, except for Ari liked one formula and Payton another, but other than that, they were fine.

"I think we should have a big dinner and invite Rachel, Finn, and Lucy over." Blaine said one particular morning while they were working on preparing the twins' formula.

"Why? You have an announcement you wanna make or something?"

"No, I just think it would be nice, you know, to have us all together somewhere that isn't the hospital."

"Okay, whatever you say Mister. Invite all the people you want, but you're cooking."

"Fine, I'll cook, but you have to make desert." Blaine countered, knowing Kurt had been looking for a reason to bake, it shouldn't be too hard to convince him.

"Fine. I've been wanting to make a homemade pie anyway. I'll call Finn after we feed the twins." Kurt finished with the bottle he had been preparing. "You can call Lucy."

"Alright then, it's settled. Now, lets go feed these starving kids." Blaine laughed, both Ari and Payton were big eaters.


A few hours later, Rachel, Finn, and Lucy were all three standing outside the Anderson-Hummel door, excited to spend some real quality time with their friends and family.

"Come in, come in. Blaine's in the kitchen, so you're stuck with me as your greeter." Kurt smiled, letting them inside the condo.

"Blaine's cooking?" Finn looked slightly worried, like he didn't know if that was normal or not.

"Yes Finn, Blaine is cooking." Kurt rolled his eyes. "Who wants to go see the nursery now that we have the twins here?"

"Oh me! I do!" Rachel said excitedly. "Come on Finn, lets go." She grabbed Finn's hand and led him back the hallway to the nursery.

"I honestly do not know how you put up with them all through high school." Lucy said, walking alongside Kurt down the hall.

"Honestly, me either." By the time he and Lucy made it to the door, Rachel and Finn were already in the room, each of them holding a baby.

"Kurt, they're beautiful." Rachel smiled up at him when he and Lucy walked in.

"Yes they are, Ari there is her daddy made over, from her hair to her eyes, she even has the same mouth as Blaine."

"I think Payton looks like you." Finn spoke up, looking from the baby he was holding to his step-brother. "Yeah, he definitely looks like you, I think it might be the eyes, though."

"We were kind of shocked when we realized Payton has blue eyes, considering Lucy nor Blaine do."

"My dad has blue eyes, maybe he gets them from my genes." Lucy suggested.

"Maybe, but he definitely has Blaine's hair, there's no doubting that." Kurt laughed. Payton already had a full head of unruly curly black hair.

"I think Ari has your hair Lucy." Rachel said.

"My hair is lighter than Blaine's and not curly, I think hers has some curl in it, doesn't it?" She looked to Kurt for confirmation.

"Yeah, but not as much as Payton or Blaine. We'll see when she gets older if it gets more curl or not."

"Hey guys, dinner's ready." Blaine popped his head in the door, smiling when he saw Rachel and Finn holding the twins. "You guys look like naturals, you aren't hiding kids somewhere in Bushwick are you?" He joked.

"Oh god no, I'm not ready to be a mother, but I'll admit, seeing these two would make anyone want to have kids." Rachel carefully put Ari back in her crib.

"Yeah, you guys are really lucky." Finn agreed, putting Payton back in his crib before turning to follow everyone else out of the room for dinner.


"So, Lucy, how's that workshop going? Have you started yet?" Blaine asked about halfway through dinner.

"It looks promising, we start work next week. The cast they have for the workshop is a group of very talented people, I have a feeling it's going to be a big hit, even before it hits the Broadway stage."

"That's great Lu-Lu! I'm so happy for you." Blaine loved seeing his friends succeed.

"Thank you, I just have a small part, but the script, so far is fascinating, and the music is breathtaking."

"That's amazing Lucy, really. We'll have to drop in one day and visit you." Kurt smiled, he was really happy for Lucy, she deserves this. "So Finn, have you decided to stay in New York, or head back to LA?"

"I uh, actually, I was going to tell you guys before I left, I'm staying in New York. I want to be close to my family and friends, and now that I'm an uncle, I want to be close to my niece and nephew so I can get to know them."

"That's great Finn, where are you staying?" Blaine asked.

"With me." Rachel pipped in before Finn could answer.

"So are you two like, together or-"

"We're taking it slow, but I think that's definitely where we're heading, don't you?" Rachel looked to Finn.

"Definitely. I love Rachel, I always have, we just kind of lost our way, but now we're both here, and I think we'll eventually get there."

"Well, I'm very happy for both of you, and I his it works out." Kurt has always known that Finn and Rachel were it for each other, just like him and Blaine and he was glad they had finally seemed to realize it too.

Just as dinner had finished and everyone was preparing for desert, the baby monitor came on, letting Kurt know that someone was awake and not very happy.

"I'll go, you finish passing out desert." Blaine stood up.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I got this." Blaine smiled, heading back the hall to check on Ari and Payton.

"You guys seem to be adjusting to fatherhood well." Rachel pointed out.

"That's mostly thanks to Ari and Payton for being two of the most well behaved, amazing children in the world."

"You'd better watch out, well behaved babies turn out to be wild teenagers." Lucy warned with a laugh.

"Don't even, nope. I don't want to think about that, we still have a few years." Kurt didn't want them to grow up too fast.

"The time will pass before you know it, at least that's what almost every parent in the history of parenthood says."

"Yeah, we're trying to enjoy every moment we can with them."

Blaine came back at that time, smiling as he sat down. "Crisis avoided, Ari didn't have her little monkey toy in her crib and that just wasn't acceptable."

"Ah yes, she loves that toy, that's for sure."

The rest of the dinner went by uneventful, and by 10:00 pm, Lucy, Rachel, and Finn had left.

"That was fun, we should do that more often." Kurt said as he and Blaine got ready for bed.

"I told you it would be, and I'd love to do it more often, I love having our little family together like that."

Kurt walked over to where Blaine was sitting in the bed and leaned down to kiss him. "Me too." He kissed him one more time before walking around to his side of the bed. "Did you get Ari and Payton put to bed?"

"Yep, and the monitor is on the table there beside the lamp."

"Okay." Kurt sighed sleepily as he got settled in bed, deciding to be the little spoon tonight. "G'night Blaine, I love you."

"I love you too." Blaine kissed Kurt's shoulder softly, letting sleep take over after a long but amazing day.


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