Gift of a Friend.
For Every Good Thing, There is Also a Bad. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: For Every Good Thing, There is Also a Bad.

M - Words: 1,069 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
154 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: So uh... yeah... I'm sorry. I really don't have anything to say other than I'll update soon.-Krystal :) x

Bright and early Monday morning, Kurt was making his way to Isabelle's office. He had called her to tell her about his meeting with the Les Mis director and she insisted on Kurt coming in so they could talk about it in person.


"Oh, hey Kurt, come in."

"You wanted to talk about this job opportunity I have?" Kurt said down, suddenly nervous about this conversation.

"Yes I did I happen to be very good friends with Josh, the director, so when you told me about this, I called him and put in a good word for you. I told him you are one of the best and he couldn't go wrong with you."

"You didn't have to-"

"Kurt, this is a big deal. I know your passion is performing, but you are one hell of a fashion designer. Not many people your age get an opportunity like this."

"I-I- thank you Isabelle. You have been so amazing and so kind to me." Kurt smiled and hugged her. He'd never be able to express how grateful he is.

"You're welcome Kurt, but I'm not finished yet. I told him I'd be meeting with you this morning, so I asked him if he had time to pop in and meet you today instead of waiting. He should be here any minute."

Just then, one of the interns knocked on the door, letting Isabelle know that he was there.

"Josh, come in. It's good to see you, how are you?" Isabelle greeted Josh.

"I'll be better once I get this show on it's feet. Ah, you must be Mr. Anderson-Hummel. I'm Josh Michaels." Josh gave Kurt a warm smile, extending his hand for Kurt to shake.

"Yes sir, that's me. It's an honor to meet you." Kurt shook his hand. Josh was not anything like he'd expected. He was just a few years older than Kurt, tall, dark hair, and very handsome.

"Likewise, I've heard a lot of great things about you. Isabelle sent me some of your work, you're a gifted man Kurt, I'd be lucky to have you on my team."

"I've never actually worked a job like this." Kurt admitted.

"It's easy enough to get the hand of. I'll tell you what I'm looking for, you'll design, the actors will wear. Simple process."

"You'll be great Kurt. I have faith in you." Isabelle said, giving him an encouraging smile.

"You can take a few days to think about it, we weren't even suppose to meet until later this week."

"No, no, I don't need to think about it. I want to do this." Kurt knew from the moment Rachel had told him about it that he wanted the job. Designing was something he loved to do, and getting to do it for one of his favorite musicals was even better.

"Are you sure? I don't want to pressure you or anything."

"Absolutely. Getting the chance to design costumes for one of my all time favorite musicals is not something I want to pass up."

Josh smiled, clapping Kurt's shoulder. "Alright then, welcome aboard Kurt, be at the studio tomorrow morning around 10:00 for a walk through and to meet the cast and crew."

"Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity."

"No, thank you for saving our show." With that, Josh walked out, leaving Kurt and Isabelle alone.

"Congratulations Kurt, you'll be amazing."

"Thank you so much Isabelle, I owe you big time for this."

"Just do your best and work hard, that's all I want." Isabelle gave Kurt a hug before sending him home to celebrate the news with Blaine.

"Blaine! I'm home! You won't believe what just happened! Blaine?" Kurt didn't see or hear him anywhere. He headed down the hall to their room, thinking he might have fallen asleep again. "Blaine?"

Blaine was sitting on the foot of the bed, staring right through Kurt, phone held loosely in his hand.

"Blaine, sweetie, what's wrong?" Kurt slowly made his way to Blaine, kneeling on the floor in front of him.

All it took was Kurt resting his hands on Blaine's knees for Blaine to break out of his trance. He looked down at Kurt and started crying.

"Blaine, you're scaring me. What happened?" Kurt let Blaine fall into him, wrapping his arms around his husband and trying to sooth him.

"D-dad- t-the cancer, i-it's g-gotten worse." Blaine choked out, burying his face in the crook of Kurt's neck.

Kurt felt like his heart stopped beating. They knew James had his monthly check up today, but everything had been going so well, he showed no signs of he cancer being back, so they hadn't really worried about it.

"H-he's in t-the hospital Kurt. T-they said i-it h-has spread. I-I can't l-lose h-him, n-not n-now."

Kurt hugged Blaine tighter, fighting back his own tears. "You aren't going to lose him Blaine. Come on, I want you to go take a shower, I'm going to start packing."

"W-what?" Blaine hiccuped, letting Kurt pull him to his feet.

"You need to be there, we need to be there. Now, go shower, I'm going to pack and book us a flight to Ohio as early as possible."

"B-but what a-about the job you-"

"My family comes first. I'll call and explain everything,:

"You g-got the job, didn't you?"

"I-I- that's not important right now." Kurt walked to the closet to retrieve their suitcases.

"I don't want you to miss this chance because of me."

"Blaine, you are my husbandd, I would give my life for you, nothing is more important to me than my family. There will be more jobs, better jobs. Please go shower, I want to leave as soon as possible."

"O-okay. I- Kurt."

"Yes honey?"

"Thank you. I-I don't know w-what I'd do w-without you."

"You don't have to thank me sweetie, I love you. I'd do anything for you."

"I know, I-I love you too, but still. T-thank you."

"You're welcome beautiful."

Blaine managed small smile before heading to the bathroom, leaving Kurt to pack.

Kurt managed to book a flight leaving in two hours, giving them enough time to make it to Ohio and to the hospital before it got too late.

Once they were seated on the plane, Kurt convinced Blaine to listen to music and try to get some sleep.

He texted Rachel and Isabelle and let them know what was going on, asking them to tell Josh that he was sorry, but his family always comes first.

They promised they would let Josh know and told him to keep them updated. With a sigh, he turned his phone off and tried to get some sleep, he wanted to be rested when they landed in Ohio.


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