Gift of a Friend.
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Gift of a Friend.: Being Dads.

M - Words: 1,841 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
149 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: A fun chapter to show that it's not all serious all the time when you have twin in the NICU. I'll update soon.-Krystal :) x

Learning to be fathers to two premature babies was something Kurt and Blaine were having a little difficulty with. However, with the help of their parents, they were getting better everyday.

Two weeks after the twins were born they were doing much better and getting stronger everyday.

"Hey there little man, are you ready for your nap?" Kurt had been holding Payton for half the morning, singing to him and talking to him.

"Ari will be waking up soon, it's probably a good idea to get him down for his nap before she wakes up." Blaine walked over to take Payton from Kurt.

"I can do it, you always put him down for nap time." Kurt carefully stood up and placed Payton in his hospital crib. "When you get big enough to come home with your Daddy and Papa, you'll have a bigger bed to roll around in."

"He's not suppose to be rolling around Kurt, not with his CPAP on." Blaine reminded him.

"I know, but it doesn't stop him from trying." Kurt laughed, tucking the baby blanket Rachel had given them, around Payton. "Twenty-nine more days and we'll get to take them home."

"As long as they keep progressing like they are now, and I can't wait." Blaine whispered the last part, hugging Kurt from behind, booking his chin over Kurt's shoulder.

"Me either." Kurt smiled, enjoying the momentary peace that came with both twins sleeping at the same time. "Where is everyone?"

"Mom, Dad, and Cooper went out for lunch and maybe some shopping after. Burt was taking Carole for a romantic lunch and then to one of the dinner theaters for date night. Lucy went with Finn and Rachel, wherever they were going."

"They didn't say where they were going?" Kurt asked, turning around in Blaine's arms so they were facing each other.

"Nope, just that they had to go get something and they'd be back later, they wouldn't say what though."

"If it was anyone else, I'd be worried, but with that group, it's hard to tell what they're doing and to be honest, I don't think I want to know."

"You're probably right." Blaine chuckled, leaning forward until his forehead was resting against Kurt's. "It's nice to have a little peace and quiet for a change, don't you think."

"Yeah, definitely." Kurt was leaning in to kiss Blaine when Ari started crying. "You jinxed it, it's your fault, you can deal with it. She probably needs her diaper changed, she's been sleeping for a while."

"Of course she does." Blaine mumbled, untangling his arms from Kurt and walking over to check on their daughter. "What's the matter beautiful? Hey Kurt, can you hand me the diaper bag please?"

"Absolutely. Does she need changed?" Kurt walked over, diaper bag in hand.

"I think so, if smell is anything to go by." Blaine said, wrinkling his nose. "God that smells awful."

"Aww what's the matter honey, it's just a little- oh god, that's disgusting." Kurt clamped his hand over his nose. "How can that bad of a smell come from such a tiny little baby?"

"I don't know, pass me the wipes please, quickly."

Kurt just nodded, digging around in the diaper bag, but not finding any wipes. "Where are they?"

"In the bag, just give them to me Kurt."

"They're not in the bag, I just looked."

"What did you do with them when you changed Payton this morning?" Blaine looked around the room, hoping they had just been placed on a table or something.

"I put them back in the bag! I know I did, I remember- oh no." Kurt's eyes grew wide. "I think I put them in Rachel's purse."

"What!? Are you serious? Because if you're joking-"

"I'm not. Her purse was right beside the bag, I must have opened her purse instead."

"Well that's fantastic, what are we going to do? That was our last pack until one of us goes shopping, and I am not putting this diaper on like this." Blaine looked around, maybe there was something they could use instead of the wipes. "Maybe if you go to the nurses station and ask them, they'll have spare wipes."

"What's wrong?"

"Rachel! Oh thank god you're back. I need your purse." Kurt sighed in relief, reaching out for her purse.

"Why do you need my purse exactly?" Rachel gave him a skeptical look.

"I put our baby wipes in there by mistake and we kind of need them. Give me your purse please."

"Oh, that's- sorry, here." Rachel handed her bag over. "Once you guys are finished there, we have some people here that are dying to meet these little angels."

"Okay, give us a second. There, all done." Blaine tossed the wipes into the trash can. "Ari, I want you to tell your Papa to watch where he puts things, that could've ended badly."

"Shut up." Kurt playfully pushed Blaine, trying to hide his blush.

"Alright, who's- Sam, Tina! Oh my God! I can't believe it!" Blaine definitely wasn't expecting them to be here.

"We would've came sooner but we thought it would be best to wait. How are they doing?" Tina asked, hugging Blaine.

"Better, they're getting stronger everyday."

"That's great dude. How long until you can take them home?" Sam asked.

"Hopefully in twenty-nine days, if everything goes well."

"Aww Blaine, she looks just like you." Tina had made her way to Ari's crib.

"I really can't tell, I don't think she looks like anyone." Blaine admitted.

"She has your nose, that's for sure."

"I tried to tell him that, but he said it was too soon to tell." Kurt gave Blaine a pointed look.

"What? I don't think either of them look like me, I can't help it."

"Dude, Payton looks just like you." Finn spoke up.

"He's right man, I can see it." Sam agreed looking from a sleeping Payton to Blaine.

"Alright, alright fine. Maybe they do look a little bit like me, but I'm sure as they get older they'll have some of Lucy's traits as well. Speaking of Lucy, where is she? She was with you guys when you left."

"She got a call for a job offer, she said she'd stop by sometime later on if she could." Rachel said, sitting down in one of the rocking chairs.

"Really? What kind of job?" Kurt perked up.

"I don't know, some musical workshop I think is what she said. I'm sure once she finds out more she'll let us know."

"That's fantastic, I hope she gets it. I know workshops don't pay too well, but if it gets picked up it could be a good thing for her, she deserves it."

"Can you hold them?" Tina asked, changing the subject back to the twins.

"Yeah, you just have to be really careful, especially with Ari. Do you want to hold her?" Blaine asked, already picking her up.

"I-I- yes, if that's okay." Tina smiled, taking a seat.

"Of course it's okay, just be careful with her mask, it helps her breathe." Blaine carefully placed Ari in Tina's arms.

"She likes you." Kurt pointed out. "Usually she cries when someone other than Blaine, myself or the nurse holds her."

"Really? Wow, she's beautiful." Tina started rocking Ari back and forth.

"She is, isn't she?" Blaine smiled. "She's already spoiled, they both are really. The hospital staff are always popping in to see them and hold them."

"I can see why, she's precious."

"She's perfect." Blaine whispered, looking over at Kurt.

"How much do they weigh now?" Sam asked.

"Uh, Ari weighs 3 pounds and 14 ounces and Payton weighs 4 pounds and 2 ounces."

"Wow, they're growing pretty fast aren't they?"

"Yeah, the doctor is really happy with the way they're progressing. Payton should be able to be off his CPAP next week sometime as long as he doesn't have any episodes for the rest of this week." Blaine was really proud of how much Payton and Ari had grown.

"What about Ari? When will she be able to get off hers?" Tina asked.

"In about two weeks hopefully, that's only if her apnea episodes keep decreasing."

"That's good, I'm sure you guys are more than ready to get them home."

"Absolutely, yes. The hospital staff has been amazing, but we just want them to be healthy and at home." Kurt went over to check on Payton.

"Have you guys even been to the condo since they were born?" Rachel asked, even though she was pretty sure she knew the answer.

"Not to stay, and we never both leave the hospital at the same time. The only reason we've been to the condo is to do laundry and pick stuff up that we need."

"Couldn't someone else stay here while you guys go home and get some rest?" Tina couldn't believe that Blaine and Kurt had stayed in the hospital that long.

"Probably, but we don't want to do that, one of us needs to be here just in case something happens. We won't leave them here alone."

"Our parents have tried to get us to go home for just one night, but we don't want to leave them and we don't want to leave each other. We're fine with staying here with them." Blaine added, taking Kurt's hand.

"These little ones are lucky to have parents like you guys, you're going to be amazing with them." Sam patted Blaine on the back with a smile.

"No, we're the lucky ones, they're our little miracles." Kurt corrected him.

They all sat there, catching up with one another until visiting hours were over and Rachel, Finn, Sam, and Tina all left, leaving Kurt and Blaine alone with the twins.

"I love our friends and our family, don't get me wrong, but I really enjoy being alone with them, don't you?" Kurt asked, getting Payton and Ari both settled back down.

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Blaine smiled, helping Kurt tuck them in. "I love you so much." He placed a feather light kiss to Kurt's shoulder.

"I love you too sweetie, more than you'll ever know." Kurt whispered, turning to face Blaine. "Come on, we need to get some rest, I'm sure one of them will be awake in a couple of hours and its your night to get up with them." He kissed Blaine before going to turn out the lights.

Soon enough, they'd be taking their babies home and really starting their lives as parents. It was times like these that made them long for that day. Thankfully, they have each other there to assure them that everything was going to be alright.


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