Gift of a Friend.
Oh Baby, Baby Baby. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: Oh Baby, Baby Baby.

M - Words: 2,277 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
296 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: I really need to get better at titling these chapters...Anyway, I was going to wait on this, but I couldn't wait any longer, so here's chapter 26! :)

As Lucy came upon her 29 week mark, she was scheduled for another appointment with Doctor Jones to check her progress. Everything was going well that morning, Kurt and Blaine had made breakfast and brought it to her in bed so she wouldn't have to get up.

Kurt was picking out Lucy's outfit for the day while Blaine helped her to the guest bathroom. This was the usual morning for them, Blaine would stand right outside the door until she finished so he could help her into the living room where she spent most of her day.

Blaine had just gotten her to the living room when Lucy doubled over in pain and started crying.

"Lucy, what's wrong?" Blaine started to panic, he couldn't hold her up but he couldn't move her and they hadn't made it to the couches yet. "Kurt! I need you, get in here now!" He screamed, trying to stay calm but failing miserably. "It's okay, Lucy, everything's going to be fine. Kurt!"

"What's go- oh my God, Lucy!" Kurt ran over to help Blaine hold her up. "What is it, what's wrong?"

"I-I don't know, she just keeps screaming. Kurt I-I-"

"Shh, calm down sweetie, it's okay." Kurt needed Blaine to calm down, he couldn't handle this alone. "Lucy, I need you to tell me what's wrong, we can't help you if you don't let us know what's going on." Kurt said, pushing her hair out of her face.

"M-my w-water bro-oke." Lucy gritted out in between yells of pain.

"Her wa- Kurt it's too early, she's not- she can't-" Blaine felt the panic rising again.

"She is and she can. Come on, help me get her downstairs, our cab should be here by now. We need to get her to the hospital and I need you to stay calm and help me, okay?"

"I- yes, okay." Blaine took a deep breath, trying to calm his erratic heartbeat.

"Alright, Lucy, we're going to get you to the hospital, just stay with us okay?"

All she could do was nod, knowing if she opened her mouth to talk, all that would come out would be a scream.

They managed to get Lucy into the elevator and down to the lobby without issue which Kurt and Blaine were very thankful for.

"Okay, Blaine, I need you to go see if the cab is here." Kurt said as he sat Lucy down in one of the lobby chairs.

"Right, okay, cab. I can do that." Blaine mumbled to himself, trying to stay calm.

"Blaine, now would be a good time to do that, we don't have all day."

"Oh, right, sorry." Blaine ran over the the front desk to check, leaving Kurt to care for Lucy.

"It's okay Lucy, we're going to get you to the hospital and everything is going to be fine." Kurt whispered, pulling her hair back again.

"I-it's to e-early Kurt. I-I can't."

"You can. Don't worry, it's going to be okay. Blaine, hurry up!"

"It's here, come on, lets go." Blaine came running back over to them, helping Kurt get Lucy up and out the door to the waiting cab. He could tell Kurt was barely keeping it together, they were all thinking the same thing: Lucy still has a little less than two months of her pregnancy left, it's too early for her to go into labor.


"Three hours. We've been here for three hours and no one will tell us anything." Kurt was pacing the floor of the hospital waiting room, trying to stay calm.

"Kurt please, sit down, you're making me anxious." Blaine pleaded, his head falling into his hands. "Did you get a hold of your dad and Carole?"

"Yes, they said they'd get the next flight to New York. Three hours, why can't we know anything, those are our babies."

"I'm sure as soon as they have any information for us, they'll let us know, now will you sit down? Please?"

Kurt sighed, falling into the chair beside Blaine. "I'm sorry, I'm freaking out. Did you get a hold of your parents?"

"Yeah, they're getting the next flight too. My mom said she'd get ahold of Cooper for us and I left Tina and Sam a voicemail telling them what was going on. Did you call Rachel?"

"Carole said she'd call Finn and have him tell her. To be honest, I'm surprised they aren't here already."

"I'm sure they'll be here soon." Blaine tried to sound reassuring, but he couldn't quite manage it.

"Blaine, what if-"

"Don't. Just, don't Kurt, please."

"I know, but what-"

"Mr. and Mr. Anderson-Hummel?" A very young looking nurse asked, interrupting what Kurt was about to say.

"Yes, that's us. What's going on? Can you-"

"Your surrogate has went into early labor, we're doing our best to make sure everything goes well. I'm sorry we can't let you in, but we will keep you updated on the progress."

"Early labor? You mean she's going to give birth now? But she's only 29 weeks." Kurt could feel himself starting to panic. Up until now he thought there was a possibility that it was a false alarm.

"We're monitoring your babies' vitals, so far they appear to be normal. They have a very good chance at surviving, they're both very healthy."

"What about Lucy?" Blaine asked.

"Other than normal labor pains, she's doing fine. We're closely monitoring her as well, if anything changes, someone will let you know." The nurse gave them a reassuring smile before heading back down the hall to Lucy's room, leaving Kurt and Blaine alone in the waiting room again.

"At least everything is good. The twins are okay, Lucy's okay, they're just going to be born a little early."

"A little early? Try almost two months early Blaine. A lot could go wrong from now until they're actually born. We could lose them, or Lucy." Kurt felt himself starting to cry.

"Hey, let's not think about that okay? Lets focus on the fact that, in this moment, everything is fine. We'll worry about everything else later." Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap, letting him cry into his shoulder. He had the same fears as Kurt, but right now, he needs to stay strong. Kurt was there for him when he was freaking out, he needs to be there for Kurt now, no matter what he's feeling.


Three more hours later, a total of six hours since they arrived at the hospital, Kurt and Blaine were still waiting to hear from the nurse again.

"This is ridiculous, they could at least come and tell us that everything is still the same." Kurt huffed, falling back into his chair after a quick restroom run.

"No news is good news Kurt." Blaine reminded him for the tenth time in twenty minutes.

"Mr. and Mr. Anderson-Hummel?" The nurse at the front desk called.

"Yes? Is there any news on our twins?" Kurt jumped up.

"No, not yet, but your parents are here." She gestured to the door as it opened to reveal Burt, Carole, James, and Andrea.

"Mom, Dad, thank god you're here." Blaine stood up and walked over to his parents.

"Dad, Carole, I'm so glad to see you." Kurt sighed as he fell into his father's open arms.

"What happened? You were kind of freaking out when you called." Burt asked as they all sat down.

"Lucy's water broke this morning, the twins are coming early." Kurt wasn't sure how else to explain it.

"Is she okay? Are the twins okay?" Andrea asked.

"As far as we know, yes. The last time the nurse was out here she said everything was fine, but that was three hours ago so..."

"Three hours!? You've got to be kidding!"

"Mom, calm down, she said if anything changes she'll let us know, obviously nothing has changed." Blaine didn't want his mom to get too worked up and go off on the hospital staff. "Did you get ahold of Cooper?"

"Yes, he said he would be in as soon as he could get a flight, so I'm guessing he'll be here sometime tomorrow." James answered.

"How are you guys holding up? I know this has got to be taking a toll on you." Carole questioned.

"We're doing better than we were earlier." Kurt replied with a smile.

"Well I'm going to find out why the nurse hasn't been out here in three hours. That's absolutely unacceptable." Andrea stated.

"Mom, don't, please." Blaine pleaded.

"Kurt, Blaine?" Doctor Jones stepped out into the waiting room.

"Doctor Jones, is everything okay? What's going on?" Blaine reached for Kurt's hand, needing it to ground him.

"As you know, it was almost two months before the twins were suppose to be born." Doctor Jones started.

"Yes." Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand, trying to stay calm until the doctor said what was going on.

"Two months is pretty early, but not by any means the earliest babies can be born and survive."

"Look Doc, we don't really care about all the fun facts, we just want to know if the twins and Lucy are okay." Burt spoke up.

"Yes, okay. After six hours of very painful labor, Lucy and the twins are doing very well. We have moved the twins to the NICU to be monitored and Lucy has been moved to a private room, you are free to go see her, but I would ask for you to wait to see the twins until the nurse finishes getting them settled in." Doctor Jones finishes.

"So, they're okay then? Our babies, our son and daughter are fine?" Kurt asked, wanting to be sure he understood what she was saying.

"Yep, they're just fine. Usually 29 weekers end up fine, other than a long stay in the NICU."

"Oh thank god." Blaine let out a sigh of relief.

"Why don't we go see Lucy while we wait until we can see the twins?" James suggested.

"Yeah, yeah, of course." Kurt kept a hold of Blaine's hand as they walked back to Lucy's room.

"Be quiet, she might be sleeping, I'd say she's exhausted." Carole warned as she opened the door.

"Kurt, Blaine, is that you?" Lucy asked, hearing the door opening.

"Yeah Lu-Lu, it's us. How are you feeling?" Blaine asked, walking over to sit beside her bed.

"Exhausted, frustrated, upset, angry. I think you get the point."

"Why are you angry? What happened?" Kurt asked, coming to stand beside Blaine.

"They wouldn't tell me what was going on. I-I could hear the babies crying, but they wouldn't let me see them. I just wanted to make sure they were okay." Lucy started crying, her hormones were still going crazy.

"Hey, hey, they're fine. Doctor Jones said everything looked good, so don't worry okay? You did great Lucy." Blaine assured her.

"Have you gotten to see them yet?"

"No, not yet. Doctor Jones said it would be a little while because the nurse was getting them settled into the NICU, but as soon as we can, we're going to go see them."

"O-okay, good. Did they tell you how much they weighed or anything?"

"No, I'm assuming we'll find all of that out once we get up to the NICU." Kurt said.

"Boys, why don't we let Lucy rest, she just brought two humans, into the world kicking and screaming, she needs her sleep." Andrea suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. We could go get something to eat from the cafeteria, I'm sure you boys are hungry." If Burt knew these boys, he knew they probably hadn't been near the cafeteria since they arrived.

"Sure, okay. Do you want us to bring you anything back?" Blaine asked Lucy as he stood up.

"Nah, I'm good, you guys just worry about your kids, I can take care of myself."

"We'll be back to see you after you've rested up." Kurt chuckled.

"Get some rest sweetheart, if you need anything we'll be here, just send a nurse to find us." Carole said with a smile, following the rest of her family out.

"Okay, first things first, you boys need to eat." James took off to find the cafeteria.

"As soon as we can, we'll go see the twins, but your father's right, you need to eat." Andrea agreed.

As they walked, Burt pulled Kurt to the side, waking a little ways behind everyone else. "I'm real proud of you kiddo."

"For what? I haven't done anything."

"You're a dad now Kurt, I'm proud of you. I know this isn't what you expected, having them early and all, but you and Blaine will figure it out. Before you know it they'll be ready to come home, and that's when the fun really begins."

"Thanks Dad, I'll be honest, I'm nervous. I've never had to take care of a baby, let alone a premature baby, and we have two of them. I just don't want to mess up." Kurt admitted.

"You'll be fine kiddo, you and Blaine are going to be great parents, you two will figure it out."

Kurt just smiled, if his dad had that much faith in them, then he figures everything will work out in the end.

End Notes: I guess it got happy in the end, but the majority of the chapter wasn't too happy. Anyway, I hope you all liked this one, and I'll update soon :D-Krystal :) x


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Ok...Well that chapter was a emotional roller coaster, a good one, but an emotional roller coaster nonetheless. I knew from the second this chapter started something was going to go wrong because writers don't point out how normal things are unless they are about to become anything but normal. I am sooo happy that everything is ok with Lucy and the babies. I hope they won't be in NICU for that long, my brother and I were only in it for two days, so I hope it won't be to much longer than that. I really enjoyed this chapter, it made me feel so much and I love/hate when books make me emotional. I can't wait to see how everyone else reacts to the babies being born and everything (I hope that's in the next chapter). Update soon!Until Next Time,<3 EmmaP.S. Why didn't Finn and Rachel ever show up?

When I wrote the beginning to that, I stopped to ask myself is this was how JK Rowling felt when she wrote the first page of HP. I had this planned for quite a while, I knew I wanted something to happen, but I didn't want it to be a completely bad thing, so this is was the best middle spot I could find. How long they will be in the NICU will be discussed in the next chapter, we'll find out all about the twins in the next one as well. We will have one person make an appearance to see the twins, and then more extras will show up in chapter 28. -Krystal :) xP.S. Until chapter 28, they are only showing up "off screen" for lack of better terms. But they will be there in chapter 28. :)