Gift of a Friend.
Good News and Baby Talk. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: Good News and Baby Talk.

M - Words: 1,730 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
150 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Next chapter will be the ultrasound!! What do you guys think the twins are? Have anything you want to see in this story? Let me know and I'll do my best to put it in. I haven't asked this in a while, and I'd like to hear what YOU would like to see in this story :D Also, if you have any questions or comments about this story, or my writing in general, you can find me on Kik, my username is crisstalclearAs always, thank you for reading and I'll update soon! :D-Krystal :) x

The rest of their week went by uneventful. They were getting closer to the closing of Les Mis, so Josh had slacked up on rehearsing, which gave Kurt and Blaine a lot more free time to finish getting the nursery set up.

Kurt and Blaine had just finished setting up the last rocking chair when Blaine's phone starting ringing.

"Who in the hell is calling us at 8:30 in the morning? We usually aren't up this early." Kurt asked as Blaine fished his phone out of his pocket.

"It's my mom." Blaine said, his blood running cold. Why would his mom be calling so early in the morning? "Mom? What's wrong?"

"Thank god you're up, I was afraid I would wake you up." Andrea said in relief.

"Mom, what's wrong, why are you calling so early? Is Dad-"

"That's why I'm calling sweetie, your dad, he had an appointment this morning and the doctor said the cancer was gone! They're going to keep a close eye on him, but the cancer is gone Blaine, he's in remission!"

"What? How is that possible? He wasn't even finished with his radiation treatments." Blaine wanted to be happy, but it all felt a little too good to be true.

"I don't know Blaine, but it's gone. The doctors are baffled at the turn of events and they've ran every test imaginable, but there is no trace of the cancer."

"That's- wow, I uh, are you guys still at the hospital?" As he spoke Blaine turned to see Kurt looking at him worriedly.

"Yes, for now. The doctors want to keep him in observation for a couple of days to make sure it really is gone, and as long as his tests come back good, then he'll be out of here by Wednesday. We'll be able to make it up for the ultrasound like we planned."

"Hang on a second Mom, let me explain everything to Kurt, okay?" Blaine wanted to let Kurt know the good news.

"Of course sweetie, do you want to call me back later?" Andrea asked.

"Is that okay?"

"It's fine, maybe your father will be awake when you call and you can talk to him. Go tell Kurt the good news and we'll talk to you later. I love you Blaine."

"I love you too Mom." Blaine hung up and turned to Kurt.

"What's going on? Is your Dad okay? Is he-"

"He's fine, he had an appointment this morning and the doctor said the cancer is gone, he's in remission." Blaine let out a sigh of relief, he had been hoping and waiting for that phone call.

"Oh my god Blaine, that's amazing!" Kurt broke out into a huge smile and hugged Blaine tightly. "He's okay, he's not dying. He's going to get to meet his grandchildren."

"I-I know. Kurt, I-"

"It's okay Blaine, I know." Kurt held Blaine close, basking in the good news while Blaine let it sink in.

"My mom said they were going to come up for the ultrasound. I guess that was suppose to be a surprise but she let it slip anyway." Blaine said once he'd grounded himself.

"She's probably tired and really happy to get this news, if she doesn't mention it again, we won't either, and we'll act surprised when we see them, okay?" Kurt pulled back to look into Blaine's eyes.

"Okay. God I can't believe it, he's in remission! I've been hoping and praying for that phone call, I needed that phone call."

"I know sweetie, I know. Come on, I'll make breakfast and you can call your mom back, I think we're finished here." Kurt started walking towards the door, but stopped when he noticed Blaine wasn't following. "Blaine, are you coming?"

"Yeah, sorry, I was just looking around at the room, it looks nice. It's going to be perfect for the twins."

"I couldn't agree more." Kurt agreed. "So how about omelets?"

"Yes, that sounds delicious right now, I'm starving."

"Alright then, let's go."

They left the nursery, stopping right outside for Blaine to shut the door.

"We need to get nameplates for the door once they're born and we have named them, that would be cute." Kurt noted, looking at the plain white door.

"That would be cute. I had one of those when I was a kid." Blaine said as they walked into the kitchen, pulling out his phone to call his mom while Kurt started breakfast.


Later that day, Kurt and Blaine invited Lucy over to see the finished nursery.

"It looks beautiful you guys, I really like the green and yellow, and where did you find that wallpaper?" Lucy looked around the room in awe, they had really gone all out for this.

"Thank you Lucy, we wanted to go with neutral colors, not blue or pink, and the wallpaper we found at the hardware store we went to. They had a lot of cute baby wallpaper, but this was by far the cutest." Blaine explained.

"So, I know we haven't talked about it, but it's getting closer and I want to know what you guys want. Are you keeping the babies' gender a surprise or are you going to find out when we go to the ultrasound?" Lucy asked, sitting down in one of the rocking chairs.

"We've decided to keep it a surprise, we don't want to know until they're born." Kurt answered with a smile.

"My parents did that with me, my mom was sure I was a boy though." Lucy laughed, rubbing her stomach absentmindedly.

"Do you have any feelings of what they are?" Blaine asked.

"Well, I have a feeling that at least one of them is a boy, but who knows, they could both be girls."

"Wouldn't that be an adventure once they got into their teens." Kurt joked, trying to imagine him and Blaine be dads to two teenage daughters.

"Have you guys thought about names yet? I know you said something about gender neutral names before."

"We made the decision to each pick two names and then when it's time, we'll draw straws to see who's name is used. Blaine has already picked out his two." Kurt turned to Blaine, what were they, Daryl and Ari?"

"Yep, I really like both of those names, they're older, but not too old."

"Those are beautiful names Blaine, I like them. What about you Kurt, have you thought of any yet?" Lucy asked.

"To be honest, I hadn't thought about it until Blaine mentioned that he had already thought of two names, but I really like Payton and Everly."

"Those are good names too, I think all four names are good choices." Lucy said with a smile.

"Can I ask you a question Lucy?" Blaine really wasn't sure how to ask, but he wanted to know.

"Sure, what's on your mind boo?"

"Have you felt them move yet?"

Lucy chuckled, placing her hand on her stomach. "Not yet, the doctor said I would start feeling them move around soon those, it's about time for that. I promise I will let you know as soon as I feel the first flutter of movement."

"Okay, I was just wondering. I've always wanted to feel a baby kick." Blaine moved to kneel by Lucy. "Can I?" Blaine pointed to her stomach.

"Of course." Lucy moved her hand away, replacing it with Blaine's.

Blaine stayed quiet the whole time, just rubbing his hand over the small swell of Lucy's stomach. He was mesmerized by the fact that his children are growing inside of there.

"Do you mind if I-"

"You don't have to ask Kurt, come on." Lucy motioned for Kurt to come over to try it too.

"You're showing more everyday, aren't you?" Kurt asked as he gently placed his hand on her stomach.

"Yep, they're growing fast."

"Kurt, give me your hand." Blaine whispered, holding his hand out.

Kurt let Blaine take his hand and move it to the spot where Blaine's hand had just moved from.

Blaine placed Kurt's hand, flat on Lucy's stomach before putting his hand on top of Kurt's. "Our babies are inside there." He blurted out.

Kurt laughed quietly, "Yes they are, it's amazing isn't it?"

"Yes." Was all Blaine said, staring at his and Kurt's hands on Lucy's stomach.

Kurt was the first one to pull away and stand up. "Your appointment for the ultrasound is in two weeks right?"

"Yep, I'll be at the eighteen week mark, the doctor said we should be able to tell their gender then. Do you guys care if I find out what they are? I'd really like to know what I'm carrying, but if you don't-"

"That's fine Lucy, you're the one carrying them, if you want to know their gender, that's fine." Blaine said as he stood up.

"Thank you. I promise I won't let it slip once I find out, I'll let you guys wait until they're born." Lucy assured them. "Well boys, I need to get going, I have a Skype date with my mom and I can't miss it." She said as she stood up.

"Alright, have fun and tell your mom we said hey. Be careful on your way home." Kurt helped her out of the rocking chair and led her out of the nursery.

"Will do. Oh and Blaine?" Lucy stopped at the front door.


"I'm happy to hear about your dad's remission, I hope everything stays the way it is."

"Thank you, I'm just thankful he's okay." Blaine smiled.

"I'll see you guys later."

"Okay, bye!" Kurt called as Lucy shut the door behind her, turning to Blaine.

"I'm calling it now, a boy and a girl."


"The twins, I'm calling it right now, one is a boy and one is a girl." Kurt said with a smile as he walked into the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Whatever you say Kurt, we'll just have to see once they get here."

"I just wanted it to be known that I'm calling it now, I have a feeling that one's a boy and one's a girl."

"You're crazy, you know that?"

"Your point?"

Blaine just laughed. "Nothing, come on, let's go watch a movie." He set off into the living room to find a movie to watch. He would never tell Kurt, but he had the same feeling about the twins' gender. He wasn't sure if he could wait until they were born to find out though, he'd have to talk to Kurt about the waiting again, but it could wait until after the movie.


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