Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Monday afternoon found Kurt and Blaine on their way to the airport to see Cooper off. They took a cab because the airport was about an hour away from the condo and Kurt refused to walk it.
"Hey, you ready to do this?" Kurt asked when the cab pulled up to the drop off zone.
"As ready as I'll ever be." Blaine sighed heavily before getting out of the cab while Kurt paid their fair.
"Alright, let's go. I texted Finn and he said they were waiting right outside of security for us." Kurt took Blaine's hand as they walked through the doors, into the airport.
"Okay, they shouldn't be too hard to find then."
"Kurt, hey! Over here!" Finn yelled as soon as he saw Kurt and Blaine walking towards him and Cooper.
"There they are. You okay?" Kurt asked before they made it to where Finn and Cooper were standing.
"Yeah, I'm good." Blaine smiled, surprising himself with how genuine it was.
"Hey squirt, how are you?" Cooper asked, hugging Blaine.
"I'm good, really good. How are you? Nervous?"
"Me, nervous? No way! I don't get nervous." Cooper turned to Kurt. "How's my favorite brother-in-law?"
"Only brother-in-law, and I'm good Coop, it's good to see you." Kurt accepted the hug he was offered by Cooper before finding seats so they didn't have to awkwardly stand the entire time.
"So, I uh, I wanted to apologize for how I acted at dinner last week. I was just shocked that you were leaving, but still, I shouldn't have acted like I did. I'm happy for you Coop." Blaine wanted to get this conversation out if the way before they got sidetracked.
"You don't need to apologize squirt, I understand why you acted how you did. I'm the one who should apologize, I'm sorry I left you when we were younger, I just couldn't handle everything going on with mom and dad and you. I didn't understand what was going on anymore than you did, and I didn't know how to help you, so I left. Now here I am, leaving you again, but you wanna know what's different about this time? This time I'm not leaving you alone, you have Kurt, and Lucy and your twins on the way. You're an adult now, you have people who love you, you're going to be okay, and I meant it when I said I'd come back to visit you, I have no intentions of missing the twins being born. I love you squirt, and no matter where I'm at physically, I will always be there for you, okay?" Cooper finished his speech, sitting back and waiting for Blaine to say something.
"Coop, I- I just want you to know that I love you too, you're my big brother, I look up to you, even now that I'm an adult. I knew why you left back then, but I didn't know how to accept it, I was just a kid, you know. Even though I knew why you did it, it still felt like you were abandoning me, and that hurt more than you know. I don't blame you for leaving back then Coop, part of me wishes you would've taken me with you, but that was then, and now I understand why you couldn't. I'm just really glad that we still have each other, and I really hope that we stay in touch after you leave." Blaine felt himself start to tear up, but he held it in.
"So you- do you forgive me for leaving? I never asked you to forgive me, but I want to make this right, I want us to start over."
"Yes, yes I forgive you Coop." Blaine couldn't hold back his tears anymore, this what he's been waiting for, for years.
"Thank you Blainey, I promise you, we will stay in touch, I'll visit you and you'll visit me, and we'll be better at this whole brothers thing."
"I-I- that's all I've ever wanted Coop."
"Hey, hey, don't cry squirt, come here." Cooper pulled Blaine into a hug, trying to calm him down.
"Flight 4105 to Paris France will beginning boarding momentarily." A voice sounded over the PA system.
"That's uh, that's my flight." Cooper said, pulling back, but not letting go of his brother.
"You- make sure you call or text us when you land, to let us know you made it." Blaine wiped his eyes and stood up.
"I will. You take care, alright baby brother?"
"Yeah, you too Coop."
"Kurt, you take care of him, call me if you guys need me, okay?"
"Of course." Kurt went to hug Cooper. "Don't worry, I'll take care of him, he'll be fine." He whispered to Cooper before pulling away from the hug to go stand with Blaine.
"Finn, thank you, for everything man, I owe you."
"It's nothing man, you're family. Take care, don't give Paris too hard of a time, okay?"
Cooper laughed, "Yeah, alright man, see ya around."
"See ya around." Finn stepped back to stand with Kurt and Blaine as Cooper went to get in the security line.
No one said anything until Cooper made it through, disappearing to the other side of the airport.
"You guys hungry? I saw a decently priced café on my way in, we could go grab a late lunch." Finn asked, not really sure what else to say.
"Sounds good to me, Blaine?" Kurt nudged Blaine to get his attention.
"Uh yeah, sure, sounds good. I'm actually pretty hungry, we haven't eaten today."
"And who's fault is that?" Kurt rolled his eyes as they set off for the café.
"I know, I know, you don't have to say anything." Blaine couldn't help but laugh.
"You guys are horrible, you know that?" Finn mumbled, earning him a playful smack from Kurt and a nod of agreement from Blaine. "There it is." Finn pointed to the small, dim lit café and led them inside.
Once they finished their brunch, they got a cab back to the condo, dropping Finn off at Rachel's apartment first.
"That went well, don't you think?" Kurt asked once they got inside the condo.
"Yeah, I think it went great. I feel like Coop and I are finally on the same page." Blaine smiled, walking towards their bedroom to change into sweats. "I'm going to work on finishing getting that changing table set up, and maybe work on the second one."
"Alright, let me change into something a little more comfortable and I'll help you."
They worked in silence for a while, comfortable enough with their own thoughts. Blaine was the first to break the silence.
"So, I've been thinking, since we're having twins, and we're going for gender neutral names, that you should pick two and I should pick two."
"Oh, that's a good idea, have you thought of any yet?" Kurt asked, curious to hear what names, if any, that Blaine had thought about.
"Yes actually, I have. I was thinking Daryl and Ari, I think both names are good names and they both fit the gender neutral category."
"They are good names, I like them. I haven't thought about names, like really thought about them. I'll let you know when I pick two that I like."
"Okay, and when it comes time to actually name them, we're going to draw straws, because I don't want any hard feelings between us over our babies' names." Blaine had given this a good deal of thought before bringing it up with Kurt.
"That's a good idea. What about middle names?"
"Um, maybe we should wait on those until they're born, then we can go with more gender related middle names. Unless you don't think our kids should have gender appropriate middle names, or even have middle names at all, I just-"
"Blaine, sweetie, calm down. I think that's a good idea, and of course I want our kids to have middle name." Kurt cupped Blaine's cheek to calm him down.
"Sorry, I just- your middle name is Elizabeth and that's not typically associated with boys, and I just didn't want you to think-"
"Blaine, stop, it's okay." Kurt laughed, leaning in to kiss Blaine to shut him up.
Blaine kissed back, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck. "Okay, so waiting to pick middle names then?" He asked with a chuckle as he pulled back.
"Mhmm, and we'll use one of your names and one of mine, I think it's only fair that we pick the middle names for each other." Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist, resting his forehead against Blaine's.
"Of course." Blaine nodded, bumping his nose into Kurt's.
"I love you. Sometimes it scares me how much I love you." Kurt whispered.
"I love you too, and I know what you mean." Blaine whispered back, playing with Kurt's hair.
"I think we've done pretty good for today, we should go back to our room and rest." Kurt suggested, his look telling Blaine they would definitely not be resting.
"Yes, we should do that, resting, yeah." Blaine nodded eagerly, taking Kurt's hand and leading him to their bedroom. They wouldn't be able to have time like this to their selves in a few short months, they're going to make the most of the time they have now, while they can.