Gift of a Friend.
Happy Days Are Here Again. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: Happy Days Are Here Again.

M - Words: 1,630 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
147 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Next chapter will be up in a couple days, and we'll be seeing Cooper off to Paris and some baby talk. :) I hope you enjoyed this chapter!-Krystal :) x

The twin's furniture was scheduled to arrive around noon on Friday and the boys still had to put up the wallpaper.

"We have four hours to get this wallpaper up before the delivery guy gets here, we can't waste time." Kurt rolled his sleeves up on his button up and handed Blaine the roll of paper.

"We can do this, we're not doing the whole wall so it should be easy." Blaine said, measuring out a strip of the paper for Kurt to cut.

"You say that now, have you ever even messed with putting wallpaper up before Blaine?"

"Uh, no, but how hard can it be?"

Blaine soon learned that it could be very hard, especially when you and your husband are perfectionists and the paper has to be applied just right.

"I think that's as good as we're getting it Kurt, it looks fine from back here." Blaine was leaning against the door frame, making sure the paper was even.

"I think you're right. How much time do we have left before they get here with the furniture?"

"About an hour. Do you want lunch?"

"Uh, sure, just let me wash my hands and I'll help you get it ready."

"It's fine, I can do it. Sandwiches okay?" Blaine asked as Kurt walked into the bathroom.

"Yeah, that's fine sweetie, I'll be there in a few minutes." Kurt called before turning on the faucet to wash his hands.

Blaine had two sandwiches made and two glasses of ice water ready and waiting when Kurt got out of the bathroom.

"You're amazing, thank you." Kurt nodded to his sandwich. "So, I was thinking, Cooper is leaving Monday, his flight doesn't leave until 4:00, we should go see him off." Kurt had been waiting to bring this up for a while. Finn had called to let him know the details after they left the restaurant that night.

"You're welcome for the sandwich. I don't think seeing him off will be a good idea."

"Why? Because you're still upset that he's leaving? You can be really stubborn sometimes, you know that?"

"I just don't think it's a good idea okay?" Blaine said a little harsher than he'd meant to.

"Look Blaine, I know you're upset about him leaving, but the way you're acting right now is pointless, and to be honest, it's childish. You're a grown man, act like one and go see your brother off."

"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"It's okay, I know you don't want him to leave sweetie, but he is and you need to be supportive of him. Did you even think about how this is effecting him? I know he has a weird way of showing it, but he really does love you Blaine, and it's hurting him to leave you just as much as it hurting you, so maybe you should think about that."

"I never- you're right, I'm sorry." Blaine hadn't thought about what Cooper was feeling, he had been so caught up in his own moping.

"We're going to go see him off on Monday and you are going to tell him you're happy for him and that you love him, because you are, no matter what you're feeling, you're happy to see your brother succeeding in life." Kurt said, his tone leaving nothing for discussion.

"Okay, we'll go." Blaine smiled softly at Kurt. "You're right though."

"About what, you being happy for him?"

"Yeah. I am happy for him. He deserves this and I'm proud of him."

"Maybe you should tell him that when you see him."

"Maybe I will."

Kurt was getting ready to speak, but the door buzzer went off, letting them know the delivery man was there with the nursery furniture.

"I'll get it." Blaine stood up and headed to the door.

"The Anderson-Hummel residence?" The man at the door asked.

"Yep, that's us, come in." Blaine smiled politely at the man, Jim, his name patch read, and let him in. "My name's Blaine, and this is my husband Kurt."

"Hello, Jim." Kurt held out his hand for Jim to shake.

"Hello Kurt." Jim shook Kurt's hand. "Um, where are we putting this stuff?"

"Just here in the living room for now, we'll get it into the nursery as we're ready to set it up." Blaine answered.

"Okay, sounds good. Should we get started?"

"Yeah, sure. Lets go." Kurt led the way back down the elevator and out to the delivery truck.


"That's the last load. Are you sure you don't want to move this stuff out of the way?" Jim asked as he brought the last box into the living room.

"We're sure, thank you so much. Would you like a drink? That was a lot of work." Blaine offered with a smile.

"Oh I, uh- I don't-"

"Don't be silly, have a seat and a glass of water, or would you rather have lemonade? We have fresh lemonade." Kurt was already running into the kitchen to get them all something to drink.

"Water's fine, thank you." Jim called after Kurt, sitting down in an empty chair.

"So, how long have you worked for the delivery company?" Blaine asked, trying to make conversation.

"Two years, my brother works there too, he's the one that got me the job."

"Here's your water." Kurt said, handing Jim a glass of water and Blaine a glass of lemonade.

"Thank you." Jim smiled, taking a drink. "So you guys are having twins I take it, what with having two of everything."

"Yeah, it was a surprise, but we couldn't be happier." Kurt smiled, taking Blaine's hand.

"My wife and I have twins, they're five years old, almost six, it's a lot of hard work, but it's worth it." Jim pulled out his wallet, handing a picture of his twins over to Blaine and Kurt.

"They are adorable, and both girls, that's going to be fun when they get older." Blaine laughed, handing the picture back to Jim.

"Oh we're prepared, my wife was married before and had a daughter from her first marriage. She's twenty now, but she was only ten when her mom and I got married."

"We're first time parents, this is all new to us."

"You'll love it, kids are a blessing, they really are. You'll have days when you question it, but in the end, you'll look at them and you'll know it was the best decision you ever made. They grow up fast though, so enjoy every minute of it, because before you know it they won't be little any more." Jim finished his glass of water, standing up to take it to the kitchen. "I wish you boys the best, and good luck with your twins. I have to get back to the shop, I have another delivery to take out today."

"Oh, well, thank you so much Jim, it was a pleasure meeting you." Blaine stood up, extending his hand.

"You too. If you boys need anything, just give me a call."

"Thank you, we will." Kurt smiled, shaking Jim's hand.

Blaine walked Jim to the door, waiting until he got to the elevator before shutting the door and turning to Kurt. "He was nice."

"Yeah, yeah he was." Kurt looked around at all of the boxes in their living room. "This is a lot of stuff."

"It's going to take a while to get all of this put together and into the room." Blaine was surveying the boxes, finding out what was what.

"I didn't think we bought so much stuff, how is all of this going to fit in that tiny room?" Kurt asked.

"We'll manage, don't worry. I think we should get the cribs up and placed where we want them first, that's a good place to start."

"Whatever you say Mr. Fix-It. I'm trusting you to know what you're doing."

Blaine just laughed, "Come on, help me get this box into the room, it will be easier to take one thing at a time and get it completely set up before bringing anything else in there."

"Alright, let's get started then." Kurt walked over to help Blaine move the box, deciding it would be easier just to push it on the carpet than to have one of them walking backwards trying to carry it.


By the end of the day, they managed to get both cribs set up and one changing table halfway put together. They went to bed not long after finishing up, both being tired from the long day of work.

Kurt was just about to fall asleep when Blaine spoke up. "Hey Kurt, once the twins get older, we'll need more room, I was thinking maybe a nice little two story house outside of the city, white picket fence, and maybe a dog. I always wanted a dog when I was a kid, but my parents never let me have one."

"That sounds lovely Blaine, we still have plenty of time to worry about that. Let's get the twins here safe and sound first, okay?" Kurt asked, running his hand through Blaine's loose curls.

"M'kay. I love you Kurt." Blaine curled into Kurt, resting his head on Kurt's chest.

"I love you too Blaine." Kurt whispered into Blaine's hair, trying to keep the tears back that were threatening to fall. Sometimes Blaine said or did something that made him fall in love with Blaine all over again, and it made him emotional, this, talking about their future with their kids, was one of those things.


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