Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Kurt and Blaine didn't get a chance to discuss their Broadway offer again. Les Mis started to pick up, musical numbers were changed, costumes were changed, extra rehearsals were added to fix choreography, not to mention Lucy was getting farther along and her doctor was calling her in more often to make sure the twins were growing and staying healthy.
Before they knew it, Lucy was entering her fourth month of pregnancy, which began the second trimester. This also meant it was getting closer to her next ultrasound with would reveal the sex of the twins. Kurt and Blaine hasn't discussed whether or not they wanted to keep the twin's sex a secret or not, so Kurt decided to bring it up that Saturday morning.
"Hey, you got a sec?" Kurt asked when he walked into their room, finding Blaine sitting at their desk with his glasses on, hair ungelled, still wearing the sweatpants he'd worn to bed.
"Yeah, of course." Blaine smiled, looking up at Kurt.
"We haven't talked about it, but we're getting really close to the ultrasound that will tell us the sex if our babies, are we going to wait until they're born or find out during the ultrasound?" Kurt asked, leaning against the desk.
Blaine took his glasses off and ran his hand through his hair. "I uh- I haven't thought about it really, what do you want to do?"
"I've always thought the surprise of finding out when they're born would be amazing."
"So you want to wait?"
"It's an appealing thought."
"Kurt, yes or no, you want to wait?"
Kurt sighed, "Yes."
Blaine smiled at his husband, taking Kurt's hand and rubbing his thumb over Kurt's knuckles. "Then we'll wait. We were already going to pick gender neutral names, so that doesn't change anything."
"Are you sure? Is waiting what you want, because if not, you can find out and I'll wait, or we can both just find out. As long as they're healthy-"
"Kurt, calm down sweetie. Yes, waiting is fine with me, I think it will be a lovely surprise to find out when they're born."
"Okay. As long as you're sure." Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand. "And, about the picking names, that's something we need to start doing. We only have five months until they're born."
"We also need to start turning the guest room into a nursery."
"We'll have more time next month once the musical finishes." Kurt hoped that would be enough time to get everything done.
"Hey, don't worry, we can do this." Blaine could tell Kurt was worrying about time.
"There's a lot of work to be done Blaine, we should've already started."
"We'll be fine, I promise. Look, we don't have to be at the theatre until six, and we've decided on yellow and green for the nursery colors, so lets go out and at least buy the point, that's a good place to start."
"Okay, and when we get back, I'll go ahead and start working on the design and how we want to set up the room."
"Alright then, we have a plan, let me get dressed and we'll go."
Once Blaine got dressed, they headed towards the nearest hardware store they could find, both of them excited to be working in their babies' nursery.
They ended up buying more than just paint for the nursery. They found wallpaper with baby animals playing musical instruments and couldn't pass it up. Then Blaine stumbled into a store that just happened to sell nursery items, (Kurt was pretty sure it was no accident that Blaine found that store) so they ended up buying the cribs, two dressers, two changing tables and two rocking chairs. By the time they got home, they were both exhausted.
"I really hope all of the stuff fits into that room." Blaine said, sitting down on the couch with a groan.
"We'll make it work, I promise. We still have three hours before we have to be at the theatre, so I'm going to draw up a design for the room that way when the delivery people being everything, we'll know where we want to put it."
"Okay, but what are we going to do with everything that's already in the room?"
"Put it in storage maybe, or see if your parents want it, it belongs in the Anderson family."
"I'll call them next week and see what they think we should do with it. We'll need it out of there by Friday."
"Sounds good, now let's go work on this design." Kurt pulled Blaine off the couch and led him to the guest room to get working.
By the time they needed to leave for the theatre, that had a rough draft design set up for the nursery. They figured it would change once they actually got everything in there, but they were happy to have a general idea of how they wanted it set up.
When they arrived at the theatre, they were greeted by Rachel. "Kurt, Blaine, I'm so glad you're here, there are two people who have been waiting on you."
"Who is it?" Kurt asked.
"A surprise. Come on, they're waiting in Blaine's dressing room." Rachel grabbed their hands and led them to the dressing room.
Blaine couldn't believe his eyes when he opened the door. "Finn? Cooper? What- why- how?"
"It's good to see you too little brother." Cooper laughed, pulling Blaine in for a hug.
"What are you guys doing here?" Kurt asked as he hugged Finn.
"We came to watch the musical, and to see our brothers, it's been a while." Finn answered.
"Not since graduation. What's this we hear about you two having kids?" Cooper asked as they all sat down.
"Well, Kurt and I decided to start a family, we asked Lucy to be out surrogate and she said yes." Blaine explained. He had debated on telling Cooper himself or letting their parents deliver the news. In the end, he settled for the later.
"That's what I heard, apparently you're having twins."
"Yep, it was a shock, but we couldn't be more excited about it now. Right Kurt?"
"Mhmm. As king as they're healthy, that's all that matters."
"Dude, why didn't you call me? I had to find out from my mom." Finn looked upset, which made Kurt feel bad, he had meant to tell Finn himself, but time just got away from him.
"I'm sorry Finn, we've just been so busy." It was a lame excuse, but it's all Kurt had, so he decided to change the subject. "So, how are you liking California?"
"It's pretty cool, I got a job at a tire ship which is helping pay for rent."
"That's good, I'm glad to hear you're settling in well out there. I worry about you Finn."
"Thanks Kurt. I miss everyone, buy Cooper's pretty good company."
"You can't be serious." Blaine looked at Finn in surprise. He never did understand how Finn put up with Cooper.
"Of course he's serious! I'm awesome." Cooper have Blaine an innocent look.
"I will never understand your friendship, it's just too strange." Blaine shook his head and laughed.
Rachel popped her head in the door. "Sorry, but we need Blaine to get ready, you guys should go find your seats before the show starts."
"Thanks Rachel." Blaine waved her off and grabbed his costume. "I'll see you guys after the show, okay?"
"Alright, break a leg squirt." Cooper smiled and pulled Blaine into a hug.
"I- don't call me that, but thanks Coop."
"Break a leg Blaine." Finn held out a hand for Blaine to shake.
"Thanks Finn." Blaine shook Finn's hand and ushered them out of his dressing room, leaving just him and Kurt. "Well that was a surprise."
"No kidding. Break a leg honey, I love you." Kurt kissed Blaine, pulling back just far enough to look into his eyes.
"Thank you. I love you too." Blaine smiled, watching Kurt walk out of the room before turning around to get ready for the show.
As he made his way to his seat, Kurt couldn't shake the feeling that Finn and Cooper hadn't just come all the way across the country to watch an Off-Broadway production of Les Mis, even if Blaine was a lead role and Kurt was the costume designer. They're hiding something, and Kurt has a bad feeling about it.