Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Sept. 5, 2013, 2:21 p.m.
Four and a half weeks after the open auditions marked not only Lucy's first ultrasound, but also the final three weeks of rehearsals for the musical.
"I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get out of rehearsals for this." Blaine whispered to Kurt while the doctor prepared Lucy.
"Josh understands, besides, they're just working on brushing up the chorus vocals today." Kurt whispered back.
"Alright, are you guys ready to see your baby?" The doctor asked as she powered up the machine.
"Yes." Kurt gripped Blaine's hand in a death grip. He was nervous and just wanted everything to be okay.
"Okay, this might be a little cold at first, but it will warm up pretty quickly." The doctor told Lucy before squeezing the clear gel onto her stomach.
"It's o- wow, that is cold." Lucy laughed, reaching out to take Blaine's free hand.
The doctor stayed quiet as she moved the wand over Lucy's stomach, once she was satisfied with what she saw, she spoke. "Well, I have good news and I also have some surprising news."
"O-okay, what is it?" Blaine asked nervously, looking from the doctor to the screen displaying the sonogram.
"The good news is, everything looks good, the heartbeats are strong, they are developing just as they should be."
"They?" Kurt looked confused.
"That's the surprising news. There are two heartbeats, two embryos. You're having twins."
"W-what? Twins? You mean like, two babies?" Blaine thought he had heard her wrong, they couldn't be having twins.
"Yes twins as in two babies." The doctor laughed.
"How?" Kurt asked. The thought of having twin had never crossed his mind.
"They told me it was a possibility when they did the procedure, and since you're using my eggs nad not someone elses, the probability of twins was higher because twins run in my family." Lucy explained.
"But everything is okay? The- both of the babies are okay?" Blaine was still trying to process all of this.
"Yes, everything looks great, they're both healthy and growing just as they should be."
"What about Lucy? No problems-"
"She's perfectly healthy, don't worry. Mom and babies are good. Now, would you like to get the due date?"
"Yes please." Kurt smiled. He'd been looking forward to finding out the due date ever since they found out Lucy was pregnant.
"Remember, this is an estimate. It's rare for the baby to be born on the actual due date. Usually it's a little before or a little after, but I'm going to calculate, based on everything, the due date to be around February 20th."
"I knew pretty well it would be sometime in February." Lucy spoke up.
"Do you have any questions about this, about anything?" The doctor asked, handing Lucy a towel to wipe her stomach off with.
"Uh yeah. How many of these ultrasounds will she be needing?" Kurt asked.
"Unless something comes up to cause us to have to do one before, we'll do another one around the 18- 20 week mark to determine the sex of the babies and that should be it."
"What about just regular appointments, how will those work?"
"Usually, one appointment per month up until the third trimester, then every two weeks, and when we get to the 36 weeks mark, it'll go down to once a week until the babies are born."
"Okay, I think I got all of that. What about you Blaine?" Kurt turned to his husband.
"I think so, sounds simple enough for now."
"Don't worry, with three of us, we'll manage." Lucy assured them, she knows they're nervous and excited about this.
"Any more questions before we let you guys go?"
"I don't have any. Blaine, Kurt?"
"I'm good for now, thank you Doctor." Kurt said.
"I don't have anything either."
"Alright then, that's all for today. Be sure to stop at the front desk to schedule your appointment for next month."
"Okay, thank you." Kurt shook the doctor's hand before helping Lucy off the bed.
"No problem, if you need anything just let me know, my hours are pretty flexible. Oh, here's your dvd and the pictures, don't want to for get those." The doctor handed it to Blaine with a smile.
"Oh yes, our parents would kill us." Blaine laughed.
"Good luck and I'll see you in a month as long as nothing comes up before then." The doctor said before leaving the room.
"Are you ready?" Kurt asked Lucy once they gathered up their belongings.
"Yeah, let's go, I'm kind of tired."
"How about we go back to our place for lunch?" Blaine suggested.
"That sounds perfect, I'm starving."
They exited the room and went to the front desk to schedule their next appointment before taking the subway back to their condo. Blaine and Kurt were quiet the entire ride, trying to wrap their heads around having twins and trying to figure out how they were going to tell their parents.