Gift of a Friend.
And the Results Say... Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Gift of a Friend.: And the Results Say...

M - Words: 714 - Last Updated: Sep 05, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 38/38 - Created: May 08, 2013 - Updated: Sep 05, 2013
330 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Is Lucy pregnant or not? We're about to find out!

Once they were back in New York, those ten to fourteen days until Lucy's blood test went by pretty quickly.

Kurt, Blaine, and Lucy were sitting in a tiny office, waiting to hear the results of the blood test.

"I should've taken a home pregnancy test before we came here, at least then we'd know what to expect." Lucy was having a hard time sitting still, they'd been waiting for a good fifteen minutes.

"It's okay Lu-Lu, no matter what the results are, we can always try again." Blaine said reassuringly, taking her hand.

"How long have we been waiting?" Kurt asked, glancing down at his phone.

"I don't know, about fifteen minutes maybe. Kurt, it's going to be okay." Blaine knew how badly Kurt wanted this baby.

"Maybe one of us should-"

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. The Anderson-Hummels?"

"Yes, that's us."

"Alrighty then, let's see the results shall we?" The nurse held up a file with Lucy's name on it.

"Y-yes please, we've waited long enough." Kurt took a deep breath and grabbed Blaine's hand.

"Wait, before we find out, I just want to say that I love you Kurt, no matter what." Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand.

"I love you too Blaine, but I'm going to die if we don't find out soon." Kurt managed a shaky laugh.

The nurse opened the file and read to himself before closing it and looking up at them with an unreadable expression. "Congratulations, you're going to be parents." He broke out into a smile.

Blaine let out a sigh of relief and hugged Lucy. "Thank you."

Kurt just sat there with a smile on his face, not moving.

"Kurt, you okay? We didn't break you did we?" Lucy joked, getting Kurt's attention.

"Oh my- it-it worked! Blaine, it worked! We're going to have a baby!" Kurt looked at Blaine his eyes shining with unshed tears.

"We're going to have a baby." Blaine confirmed before tugging Kurt into an off-centered, messy kiss.

The nurse waited for them to calm down a little bit before giving them further instructions on what to do now that they know for sure Lucy's pregnant.

They were set up with a follow up appointment in two days just to double check the blood test and scheduled for the first sonogram in about six weeks.

Kurt insisted inn taking Lucy out for dinner to celebrate. So they went home to change into something nicer before meeting Lucy at her favorite Italian restaurant.

"I have to call Tina, she'll kill me if I don't." Blaine was already dressed, just waiting on Kurt to finish up.

"Go ahead, I'm not quite ready yet." Kurt called from the bathroom.

Blaine laughed as he dialed Tina's number, Kurt always took longer than him to get dressed.


"Hey Tina, how's my best friend?"

"Blaine, hey. I'm great, what about you?"

"I'm wonderful. I'm more than wonderful, there are no words to describe who wonderful I am." Blaine knew he sounded drunk, but he didn't care, he was happy.

"Are you- oh my God, today was the day! You're going to be a dad, aren't you? You're too happy for it to have been a negative."

"Yep, Kurt and I are going to be daddies." Blaine sighed happily.

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks Tina, we're excited."

"Are you nervous?" Tina asked.

Blaine thought about it before answering. "Not right now, no, but the excitement is still fresh."

"Well I know you and Kurt will make great parents. That baby is going to be the luckiest kid in all of New York."

"Thank you Tina. Oh and can you not mention it to anyone other than Sam? You two are the only one's we've told, I don't think Kurt's even mentioned it to Rachel."

"Of course Blaine, absolutely."

"Blaine?" Kurt stepped out of the bathroom, finally finished.

"Tina, I have to go, Kurt and I are taking Lucy out for dinner to celebrate. I just wanted to let you know what we found out."

"Okay, have fun and tell Kurt I said congrats."

"I will, bye Tina."

"Bye Blaine."

"Are you ready?" Kurt asked when Blaine hung up.

"I've been ready sweetheart, it's you who takes forever." Blaine joked as he and Kurt headed out.

"I've told you before Blaine, you can't rush perfection."

Blaine just smiled and wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist as they walked. Everything was finally starting to feel perfect again. He has Kurt, their family, Lucy, and now their unborn child. He couldn't ask for more.

End Notes: It's kind of short, but it's sweet and to the point.Next chapter we'll hear about a problem with the musical Kurt's working for, but don't worry, Blaine has a plan. :)Let me know what you thought, feedback is always welcome, whether it's good or bad. It helps me know what I'm doing right and what needs to be changed.-Krystal :) x


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I knew it!! I had hoped she would be pregnant. I can't wait to hear how the reasond to finding out that its twins! That will be a fun chapter. I really liked how this chapter solely was finding out if Lucy was pregnant or not because its such an important thing and it deserved to be it's own chapter. I hope we get an update on how James is doing ( I know he is doing better I just want to be reminded of it because things could take a bad turn at any point.). I liked that you included Tina in this chapter again, and I hope you will do it in the future because I really like Blaine and Tina's relationship. I hope whatever is wrong at work with Kurt won't be to bad.Until Next Time,<3 EmmaP.S. Did you see those videos of Darren in Web Therapy? PURE GOLD! It made it ever better that they were improv though, because then we get to see how Darren acts on the spot.

How could I not have her be pregnant? I mean, that is what the story is suppose to be about after all. :) It was short but having it just be finding out the is she, isn't she is a very big deal so in the end, that's how it ended up and I'm glad I wrote it like this. There is an update on James coming up soon, which means Klaine are going to be back in Ohio. (I forget exactly what chapter it is at the moment, but I already have it written). Tina and Sam are going to be popping up again soon, and they will be appearing throughout the story because they are going to have a part to play later on. The thing at Kurt's work is bad, but it's not directly related to him, it has to do with the show. It's opening up a new storyline involving the show and it will cause Adam to be making appearances later on so in the end it will all work out. -Krystal :) xP.S. I have them on my queue. I watched the first one and I just about laughed myself to death. I love that it's improv, improv is really fun and can either go really well, or really bad, so I'm excited to watch the other 2 episodes... when I get a chance. I've been unbelievably busy since Tuesday of last week, and I haven't stopped yet. I should be able to watch them later today or tomorrow though. (word of advice: don't grow up, it sucks, being an adult is only fun 46% of the time, the other 54% is awful.)

i liked this chapter, of course. =] no negative feedback. cant wait for an update!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you. :D-Krystal :) x