Forbidden Love
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Forbidden Love: Love vs. Work.

E - Words: 774 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
138 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Chapter End Notes: Oooookkaaayy. There's that chapter. Next chapter we will get Blaine and Kurt telling Burt. We'll also get Rachel coming to apologize to Kurt and Blaine. Kurt may have handled it better than you expected, but just wait until he confronts Rachel. ;) I'm back for good now so updates should be back to the normal days. :)I just want to thank you all again and I know I don't need to explain why I was gone, but I want to so... yeah. This past week I finally decided to come out to my family. I've known I was lesbian for quite a while but I never really felt comfortable enough to tell my family, but I decided enough was enough and told them. Everything went far better than I expected and everything is back to normal. So thank you for being patient with me this past week, I really, really appreciate it, more than you know. -Krystal :) x

Blaine arrived at the Hummel-Hudson home before Finn did that evening. He let out a sigh of relief knowing Finn wasn't there to accidently let it slip about Rachel and Principal Figgins. Blaine wanted, no needed, to do this himself.

"Hey Blaine, he's upstairs." Burt greeted Blaine at the door with a smile. He'd really grown to like this man, he was good for Kurt.

"Thanks. Is he sleeping?" Blaine but on his best smile, hoping his emotions weren't written all over his face. He needed to tell Kurt first, everyone else could wait.

"I don't think so, he said something about watching a movie when he went up."

"Okay. Thanks Burt." Blaine managed a genuine smile, he really was thankful for Burt, he'd been so accepting of him and Kurt.

"No problem." Burt frowned as we watched Blaine run up the stairs. Something was wrong, and he could tell it was serious.



"Kurt? Hey baby, how're you feeling?" Blaine felt his heart skip a beat seeing Kurt laying there, all relaxed and happy.

"Good, really good. I haven't had a headache today so that's a good sign." Kurt paused his movie and motioned for Blaine to come join him on the bed. "I hope you don't mind that I went through the movies you brought over for us to watch." He pointed to t.v. where The Lion King was paused.

"What? Oh, no honey, not at all."

"Okay, what's wrong? You have this look on your face like a kid who just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar right before dinner.

Blaine took a deep breath to prepare himself for what he had to say. "Okay, first of all, you know I love you and no matter what happens-"

"Are you okay? Are you breaking up with me?" Kurt interupted, not liking where this was heading.

"No, no, no, calm down sweetie, breathe." Blaine took Kurt's face in his hands, trying to calm Kurt down.

"Then why do you sound so sad?" 

"There's really no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to say it. Rachel confronted Finn about you and me, again, and when he refused to talk about it she jumped to conclusions and shouted in the middle of the crowded hallway that you and I are dating."

"W-what?" Kurt felt like all the air had been knocked out of him.

"Yeah, but hold on because it gets worse." Blaine laughed humorlessly.

"Worse? How can it possibly get worse?"

"Figgins was standing in the hallway and heard her."

"What the- wait, what does this mean, you know, for us, for you?

"This means that Figgins has to investigate the claim." Blaine sighed, thinking maybe it was all for the best, he was tired of hiding their relationship from everyone.

"Investigate?" Kurt asked, still not completely understanding what all of this means.

"Figgins is going to want to talk to both of us, other students, and teachers to see if they've noticed anything. Then based on everything he gets from that he'll have to decide if there's reason to believe that it's true, and if he decides that there is, he'll inform the school board and I'll be in major trouble for having an inappropriate relationship with a student." Blaine explained, memories of his previous job flooding through his mind. "Plus, they'll take into account me being fired from my last job for almost the same thing, only then it wasn't true."

"W-what are we going to do Blaine? Tina, Quinn, Santana, even Mr. Shue knows. We can't ask them to lie for us, that's just wrong. Not to mention Finn knowing, I'm honestly surprised he's kept it secret this long."

"Honestly Kurt, I don't know. What I do know is that I love you and I'm not going to let this hurt our relationship." Blaine said seriously.

"I love you too sweetie, I really do, but if you lose your job-"

"Screw my job. I know before I was worried about that, but after the attack all I care about is being with you and I'm not going to lose you just because of my job. We'll figure something out, I promise." Blaine pulled Kurt in for a quick kiss. "Now, we need to go tell your dad, he needs to know about this, just in case."

"Yeah I guess he does need to know, I just don't want to cause him anymore stress." Kurt reluctantly stood up, pulling Blaine with him. He would be lying if he said he wasn't scared about all of this. He didn't want to be the cause of Blaine losing his job. Still, he couldn't stand to lose Blaine because of this, he needs Blaine. They will find a way to get through this whole mess. Together. 


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