May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
Two weeks go by before things start to come out. Kurt and Finn ride to school together as usual. Finn drives while Kurt texts Blaine, promising to come to Blaine's apartment after school.
Finn pulls into his usual parking spot and they head inside, which is when things start to go down hill.
"All seniors are to report to the gymnasium for a meeting at this time." Principal Figgins' voice sounded over the loud speaker.
"Wonder what's going on?" Finn questioned as he and Kurt made their way to the gym.
"Who knows, probably a senior prank gone bad." Kurt sighed, he just wanted to go to class.
Once they got to the gym, they found the rest of the glee club and sat down just as Figgins steped up to the microphone.
"Good morning McKinley High senior class. As some of you know, we are adding an extra class you must take and pass to graduate. This class was to be taught by Mr. Anderson, but he will not be returning to McKinley, so we have asked Mr. Schuester to take the class in his place."
Kurt could hear the groans of the other seniors around him, but he couldn't focus on them. He'd completely forgotten about Blaine's research class that was suppose to be starting soon. People were going to start asking questions about why Blaine wasn't coming back and-
"Wait, hold up, why ain't Mr. A comin' back?" Azimio spoke up, causing everyone else to fall silent.
"That is none of your concern Mr. Adams, but so there is no more questions, Mr. Anderson was let go after violating school policy. That's all you need to know."
"Mr. A breaking the rules? I don't believe it." Azimio said in disbelief.
"Azimio, stop." Finn warned, this wasnt the place for this to come out.
"Or what Hudson, what're you gonna do?"
"That's enough! You will start this new class next week and it will last until the end of the year. You can go to your homerooms now." Figgins dismissed them and hastily left the gym.
"I ain't going to this class until I know why they sacked Mr. A, and even then I don't know if I'll go. This is stupid." Azimio said to no one in particular.
Kurt wanted to get out of there, but didn't want to draw attention to himself so he just sat there, praying Azimio would drop it and go to class.
"Figgins told you he violated school policy, that's all you need to know Azimio." Rachel spoke up, glaring at Azimio.
"Whoa, hold on just a hot second, really Rachel, really? That's rich coming from you." Santana stood up, challenging Rachel to keep talking.
"I-I'm just trying to-"
"Don't even say help because if you do, I will not hesitate to punch your hideous beak down to normal size."
"Santana please." Kurt begged, trying to pull Santana away from Rachel.
"No. Kurt, Finn, I'm sorry but I can't stay silent any longer. Do you all want to know why Mr. Anderson was fired?" Santana addressed the senior class.
"Santana, don't do this." Finn tried to stop her, but it was no use.
"I'll tell you exactly why. Little Miss Rachel Berry here stuck her chicken beak into business that had nothing to do with her and reported him to Figgins."
"But what did he do?" Azimio asked.
Santana glanced at Kurt for just a second before answering. "He fell in love with a student."
"You mean he was getting naked with one of his students?"
"I meant he fell in love, there's a difference."
"Whatever. Who was it?" Azimio obviously wanted all of the details and Santana was happy to give them.
"Our very own resident gay, Mr. Kurt Hummel."
Everyone turned to stare at Kurt who tried to shrink into Finn who was standing protecively beside him.
"What are you doing Santana?" Finn was livid, this wasn't suppose to happen, not like this.
"Hold up, Mr. A is gay and he's dating Hummel?" Azimio looked between Finn, Kurt, Santana, and Rachel like he was trying to solve a rubix cube.
"Yeah, what about it Azimio?" Santana gave him an icey glare, daring him to say something against Kurt or Blaine.
"Okay, so what does that have to do with Berry? I mean were you jealous that he didn't want you or something?" Azimio turned to Rachel, wiating on an answer.
"What? N-no, I-I-"
"So why'd you do it then?"
"I-I-" Rachel had no idea what to say, she never expected something like this to happen.
"Well, I'm waiting." Azimio was clearly not going to let it go until he got his answers.
"It's not right! Being romantically involved with a student is unprofessional, it's showing favoritism over all the other students! Why do you even care Azimio? You've made your opinion of Kurt being gay very clear, your best friend almost killed him because of it!" Rachel yelled, surprising everyone, including herself with her out burst.
"Look, what ever Karofsky did had nothing to do with me. I don't care if Mr. A is sleeping with or dating a student, I care even less if it's lady boy Hummel. I never saw Mr. A treating Hummel better than anyone else so I don't see why it matters. Mr. A's class was the only class I actually went to because I wanted to not because I had to and now thanks to you, he's been fired." Azimio shocked everyone with his speech. Everyone was looking between him and Rachel, waiting to see what would happen next.
"I-I- fine." Rachel turned and stormed out of the gym, leaving the rest of the class in the gym.
"I still ain't going to that class." Azimio said, standing up and leaving, causing everyone to follow.
"Why did you do that Santana?" Finn asked once eveyone had left except them and Kurt.
"She needed to be put in her place, I couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry, but it needed to be done." Santana waited a second before walking out, leaving Kurt and Finn alone.
"Are you okay dude?" Finn sat down beside his brother.
"I-I don't know, I think so. It went better than I expected so I think I'm good." Kurt took a deep breath before standing.
"If anyone give you any crap, let me know. Okay?"
"I will, thank you Finn." Kurt smiled and exited the gym. He almost decided to skip school and go to Blaine's now, but he knew he needed to face this. So he headed to his class, head held high because no matter what anyone thinks of his and Blaine's relationship, he would never be ashamed of it.