Forbidden Love
Hey, Have Time To Chat? Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Forbidden Love: Hey, Have Time To Chat?

E - Words: 959 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
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Author's Notes: Chapter End Notes: I gave Kurt a chapter with no Blaine, so I decided to give Blaine a chapter with no Kurt. Mama Anderson will be in the next chapter. :)-Krystal :) xP.S. HAPPY GLEE DAY!!! :D

"Wes, what-"

"I'll explain everything then you can talk, okay? I'm the new English teacher at McKinley High, at least as of right now I am. Seb told me about you getting fired for dating a student. A student Blaine, what the hell were you thinking?"

"Sebastian had no right-"

"He's the only one who's being honest Blaine! I called your mom and she said she hasn't heard from you since you moved back, the only person you've talked to is Seb. You're mother's been worried about you, maybe you should-"

"I'm sure she has Wes, but incase you don't remember, my father doesn't approve of my lifestyle choices, so I'm not about to walk in there and cause problems."

"Then just call her! She's your mother! That's not even why I called, I called about you and Kurt."

"H-how do you-"

"Sebastian told me who it was, and now everyone in the school knows now thanks to Santana Lopez, so I would've found out eventually. What were you thinking Blaine?"

Blaine was at a loss for words. The last thing he'd expected was for his best friend from high school to be calling him to give him shit about his love life.

"Are you going to ignore me or-"

"It's none of your business Wes, so just butt out."

"Look, I just want to understand what it is about this kid that made you risk losing your job, your career. That's all."

"He's not a kid Wes, and fine, I'll talk. At first I ignored the feelings because I'd just been let go from a school because the parents found out I was gay and complained. I really tried to ignore them, but there was this bully who beat the crap out of him, and I'm the one that found him laying on the floor after the attack. I couldn't hide my feelings anymore, I just couldn't, so I told him I had feelings for him and I kissed him. The rest is history." Blaine really didn't want to have this conversation with Wes.

"Sebastian told me about the second time, you tried to protect Kurt. You spent all the time you could in his room while he was in the hospital, and then you sayed at his famliy's house while he recovered. I assume that means his parents are okay with their son dating his teacher, ex-teacher now, who's in his twenties."

"What did you do, get Sebastian drunk or something? He's never been able to keep his mouth shut when he's drunk. Everything he told you is true, and his dad wasn't okay with it at first, but he was just worried as any other father should be."

"But he's okay with it now?" Wes really just wanted to understand.

"Yes, he's fine with it. Look Wes, you're my friend, but I really don't think-"

"I'm sorry Blaine, I-I should't have jumped you like that. I just couldn't understand what would make you risk everything like that. Kurt seems to be a good guy, he's lucky and so are you."

"Thank you Wes. You want to know what made me risk my job? The answer is simple, love."

"Whoa, love huh? So you're really serious about this then."

"Yeah, I love him Wes, he's my soulmate."

Wes just laughed. "Soulmate, that's something I remember you saying didn't exist.

"That was before I found Kurt. I can't imagine being with anyone else."

"What are you going to do when he graduates?" Wes asked seriously.

"He applied to NYADA and is moving to New York. I think he's going to apply to some other schools as well, just in case."

"That's fantastic. I meant what are you going to do?"

"Go with him. I haven't talked with him about it yet, but without my job, there's nothing for me here. I left once and told myself I'd never come back, but thank God I did or I'd never have met Kurt. Now I'm ready to leave for good."

"I don't mean to rain on your parade or anything Blaine, but you're never going to find a teaching job, not after this. How are you going to make it in New York?"

"I'll get a job at a coffee house or something like that. I might even try to get some singing gigs. My possibilities are endless." It felt good to get that off his chest. He didn't want to bring it up to Kurt yet, so he'd been holding it in.

"I know what that means, you're going back to school, aren't you?"

"I might be looking into it. I always wanted to go to school for musical theatre, why not try now? I've got nothing to lose."

"Dude, you're not old enough to be having a mid-life crisis." Wes joked.

"I'm not, I'm just letting go and living a little."

"Well it's about damn time! Listen, I've gotta go, I've got a couple more papers to grade and shit, but I just want to tell you I'm sorry for being a jackass, and I'm really happy for you."

"Thanks Wes, that means a lot."

"Well I'll talk to you later, maybe we can meet up and go out for a drink soon."

"Sounds great. See ya man."

"Later B."

Blaine hung up, thinking about everything Wes had said. He really should go see his mom, or at least call her. He'll have to tell her about Kurt, he can't hide that from her.

Without thinking, he dialed her number, not really caring about what time it was. It went to voicemail so he left a message. "Mom, hey, it's Blaine. I just- I'm sorry I haven't been in touch, I really don't have an excuse. Uh, anyway, if you're free tomorrow, maybe we could meet up for lunch, I have a lot to tell you. So, uh, yeah. Sorry again, and I love you. Bye."

He hung up and headed to his bedroom, falling asleep almost immediately.


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