May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
"Kurt honey, you look fine, stop worrying." Carole said as Kurt checked himself in the mirror for the tenth time.
"I'm going for a little more than fine Carole." Kurt said, smoothing down his deep purple button up and white vest. "Do you think I should change?"
"What? No sweetie, you- he'll love it." Carole had seen Kurt worry over outfits, but never like this.
"These pants, maybe I should go for something tighter." Kurt mumbled as he surveyed his already impossibly tight black jeans.
"No, no, I think those are tight enough." Carole laughed just as the door bell rang.
"Do you want to get it?" Kurt looked at her, hoping she'd let him answer the door.
"No sweetie, I'll let you. I'll be in he kitchen." She smiled and moved towards the kitchen.
"Okay! Thanks Carole!" Kurt yelled as he ran for the door.
"Hello- oh hey Kurt, wow you look-" Blaine took a minute to let his eyes wonder over Kurt's body, he looked hot.
"Thank, do you- come in." Kurt blushed, he wasn't use to people lookingat him like that.
"You have a lovely home." Blaine said, glancing around the living room.
"Thanks. Uh, Carole's in the kitchen, she's dying to meet you." Kurt smiled, reaching his hand out for Blaine to take.
"Well then, let's not keep her waiting." Blaine smiled back, slipping his hand into Kurt's.
"Carole, I want you to meet my- meet Blaine. Blaine meet my stepmom Carole." Kurt had almost said boyfriend, but they hadn't discussed that yet, thankfully he caught himself.
Blaine noticed Kurt's slip, he'd almost said boyfriend. Blaine couldn't wait to actually call Kurt his boyfriend. "Tuesday, we'll discuss it Tuesday." He thought to himself.
"It's very nice to meet you Blaine." Carole smiled and shook Blaine's hand.
"You too, Kurt's told me all about you." Blaine smiled back.
"All good things I hope." Carole glanced at Kurt.
"Of course Carole, there's nothing bad to tell." Kurt laughed.
"Maybe you should tell Finn that." Carole joked. "I'm just about finished in here, so if you boys want to go to the living room, I'll be in there shortly."
"Okay, thanks Carole." Kurt took Blaine's hand again and pulled him to the living room.
"She seems just as lovely as you said." Blaine noted as he sat down beside Kurt.
"She is, just wait, you haven't seen anything." Kurt smiled at Blaine.
"I really like your outfit, is it new?" Blaine asked, once again letting himself stare openly at Kurt.
"Yes it is actually. I picked it out just for today, once I found out we were having you over for dinner." Kurt gave Blaine a wink.
"Ahh, so you're trying to impress me."
"Is it working?"
"Absolutely. You look amazing. How did you even get into those pants? They're so tight." Blaine just wanted to reach out and see just how tight those pants were, but he refrained.
"It's a secret. Maybe one day I'll tell you." Kurt laughed as Blaine's eyes darkend. "You know for a twenty five year old, you have the hormones of a teenage boy."
"Can't help it, it's you." Blaine let out a breath, he really needed to get control of himself.
"I can go change if that'll help, but then again, I'm not sure if I could get out of these pants by myself so..." Kurt looked at Blaine with an innocent smile, although his eyes showed he knew exactly what he was doing to Blaine.
"Kurt! God." Blaine couldn't stop imagining helping Kurt out of those jeans.
Kurt just laughed and rested his head on Blaine's shoulder, taking his hand and lacing their fingers. They stayed like that and just talked.
When Carole walked into the living room, she took a minute to just look at Blaine and Kurt cuddled up on the couch. She smiled, she knew she was doing the right thing by accepting this realtionship they had.
"Hey boys." She spoke up as she took a seat in Burt's t.v. chair.
"Hey Carole, get dinner in the oven? You know I could have helped, I always do." Kurt said, sitting up, but not letting go of Blaine's hand.
"Yes, and I know, but I wanted you to be able to spend some time with Blaine. Now, your dad and Finn should be here in an hour, and I wanted to talk to the two of you before they got here."
"Okay." Kurt had been expecting this.
"First, Kurt, you already know how I feel about this, but I wanted to tell Blaine. I am completely 100% okay with this, I know you can't help who you fall in love with and I'm not here to judge. I know it's not going to be easy, but I can tell you two really care for each other, you really love each other. I just want you to promise me you'll take care of him."
"Of course. I love Kurt Mrs. Hummel, I really do, I would never let anything hurt him if I can help it." Blaine looked over at Kurt. "I promise, I won't let anyone else hurt you."
"I know Blaine, I know." Kurt hugged Blaine, telling himself to have a talk with Blaine later about the attack. He can tell Blaine was thinking he could've done something to prevent it, and Kurt knew he couldn't.
"Okay then, now that we've gotten that out of the way, I'll leave you two alone. Dinner will be ready when your dad and Finn get here." Carole said before getting up and disappearing into the kitchen.
When Burt and Finn got home, Carole explained that she invited Mr. Anderson for dinner as a thank you for helping Kurt. Burt eyed Kurt suspiciously before accepting it, although there was something he couldn't shake off, something was going on between Kurt and that teacher. Burt decided not to mention it now, he couldn't exactly prove that something was going on, he just had his gut, and that wasn't a good enough reason to call Kurt out on it.
Kurt was glad his dad seemed to accept Blaine being there, he would be lying if he said he wasn't expecting his dad to make scene. There was the matter of his dad giving him weird looks throught the entire dinner, but Kurt let it slide.
Once dinner was over, Blaine announced that he needed to get home to grade tests. Kurt offerred to walk him out, earning him a glare from his dad. He made a mental note to question his dad about that later.
"Thanks for inviting me over, it was nice." Blaine said as they walked towards his car.
"Thank you for coming. It was all Carole's idea, but I'm glad because I got to see you." Kurt smiled, he wanted to kiss Blaine but was afraid of being watched.
"I'd never pass up a chance to see you Kurt."
"I really want to kiss you, but I'm afraid my dad is peeking behind the curtain." Kurt pouted.
"It's okay, we'll have time to kiss soon. I love you Kurt." Blaine said, bring his hand to rest on Kurt's shoulder.
"I love you too Blaine." Kurt broke out into a smile, causing Blaine to laugh. This was the first time they'd said I love you face to face.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Blaine said, getting in his car.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Anderson." Kurt winked before running back to the house.
Blaine groaned, Kurt was not going to make this easy.
As Kurt was getting ready for school, he thought about what Finn had told him last night after Blaine had left. No one had saw the attack, so no one was going to get punished, unless Kurt came forward and told him who it was. Kurt knew he should tell, but something told him if he did, it would only make things worse, so he said just told everyone that he couldn't remember.
Once at school, Kurt found it hard to focus, always watching his back.
"Kurt, you could just tell principal Figgins that it was Karofsky instead of walking around here paranoid for the rest of the year." Santana said, walking up to him before English.
"No, I can't tell. It'll only make things worse if I do."
"Whatever prancy smurf, let's get to class so you can oogle your man."
Kurt did just that. Blaine had dressed to impress, wearing a beautifully fitted pair of black dress pants with a tighter than usual white buttton up that showed off his torso fabulously, no bowtie today, and the sleeves were rolled up on the shirt. While Kurt thought he was doing a good job of being subtle about staring, Quinn and Tina noticed, they also noticed the little looks that passed between Kurt and Mr. Anderson.
After class Tina and Quin met up to talk about what they saw.
"Do you think they're fooling around?" Tina asked.
"I'm not sure if they're fooling around, but they're definitely doing something." Quinn knew something was going on between Kurt and Mr. Anderson by the way Kurt had been blushing the entire class, and the looks the two had passed. "I think Santana knows about it, Kurt's been hanging out with her far too much lately. Come to think of it, Kurt started hanging out with Santana right before Sue kept getting all that info about the Glee Club."
"Do you think-"
"I don't know Tina, but something's going on." Quinn didn't want to believe that Kurt had been passing information to Sue, he loved Glee Club.
"What should we do? I don't want to get Kurt in trouble. Santana got kicked out of Glee for giving Sue information before, if Kurt really is her mole, he could get kicked out too." Tina was torn.
"I think Kurt has more to worry about than getting kicked out of Glee Club. Something's going on between him and Mr. Anderson, if that gets out, they could both get in trouble." Quinn had an idea, not a great idea, but an idea.
"What do you do?" Tina asked.
"I have an idea, come on, there's someone we need to talk to." Quinn headed off to find the only person she knew they could talk to about all this.
Santana poked her head around the corner, watching Quinn and Tina walk off. This was bad, like really, really bad. She didn't know what to do, Quinn was a bitch, it was hard to tell who she was going to go talk to, Santana prayed it wasn't Sue, because if Sue found out about Kurt and Mr. Anderson, all hell would break loose. She had to talk to Kurt and Mr. Anderson, explain what she'd over heard, she decided to talk to Mr. Anderson first, she'd let him explain everything to Kurt, she headed back towards the English classroom, hoping this wouldn't cause trouble between Kurt and Mr. Anderson. She would never admit it, but she liked Kurt, he was sassy, and just as big of a bitch as she was when he wanted to be, he deserved this happiness, and she would make damn sure he got it.
This was really good and I am really beginning to like Santana even more. I like the fact that she wants Kurt to be happy and that she is willing to do what she can to make sure that he is. Quinn and Tina are kind of bugging me but that is only because they are threatening the relationship between Klaine. I can't wait to see what happens next.
I wanted to make Santana a complete bitch, but she just didn't want to do that, so I wrote her as a bitch to everyone except Kurt ad Blaine. :) I'm kind of writing Quinn and Tina as the bad people here because of what they're doing, but it's necessary for the story. I actually like Quinn and Tina, :) I'm glad you liked this chapter :D-Krystal :) x
What I'm working on now, Santana is going to be ready to kill a certain person for messing with Kurt and Blaine. So yes she'll still be mean to others, but just the boys. She likes them.-Krystal :) x
i love how santanas beig ice to kurt, but i do hope shes still a bitch to others (not blaine though.) yay santaa admitted to liking kurt! and shes gona look out for him. =]