Forbidden Love
Shopping and Dinner Plans. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Forbidden Love: Shopping and Dinner Plans.

E - Words: 1,802 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
944 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: So now it's time to find out what Carole does now that she knows.Hope you like this chapter :D

Kurt woke up to a knock on his door. "Kurt, wake up." Carole made her way into Kurt's room.

"S'early." Kurt mumbled, pulling the blanket over his head.

"There's a sale at the mall, I'm going to go check it out and I thought maybe you'd want to go too." Carole smiled. Kurt could never resist a sale.

"Shopping?" Kurt poked his head out from under the blanket, looking hopeful.

"Yes, shoppinh. Do you want to go or-"

"Yes! Please don't leave without me." Kurt threw the covers back and got out of bed, fully awake now.

"I won't sweetie. Get ready, but take your time, we'll get breakfast once we get there." Carole laughed as she made her way back out of Kurt's room. She started going over her plan to talk to Kurt about Mr. Anderson.


"Where do you want to go first?" Carole asked after they finished breakfast.

Kurt looked around, Carole hadn't been kidding, there were sales everywhere. "Um, Macy's."

"Okay, let's go." Carole let Kurt lead her towards the store. She would let him shop arounf and then talk to him at lunch. Hopefully by doing it in the very public mall food court would help.


Kurt was slightly suspicious about this shopping trip Carole was treating him to. It's not that they don't go on shopping trips together, it's that they usually schedule them, this was spontaneous. Still, Kurt coudn't refuse, he'd been in the hospial for a week and needed to get out and do something. So he pushed his suspicions to the back of his mind and let himself enjoy spending time with his stepmother.


By the time they went for lunch, Carole had decided exactly how she wasnted to handle talking to Kurt about Mr. Anderson, she just hoped Kurt wouldn't freak out once she started asking him questions.

"Carole, thank you for this. I needed it." Kurt said as they ordered their food.

"You're welcome dear, but I will admit, I have other reasons for getting you out of the house than just a shopping trip."

"Oh, and what might those reasons be?" Kurt asked as his suspicions came back to the front of his mind.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you and I didn't want to risk your father or Finn overhearing us." 

"O-okay, what's so important that they can't know?" A million things were running through Kurt's brain.

Carole took a breath before starting. "Okay, first I need you to not interupt me, wait until I'm finished to speak. Second, please keep in mind that we are in public, so don't start freaking out on me."

"Carole, you're scaring me." Kurt looked at her, forgetting all about his lunch. "Are you okay, is Dad-"

"It's not about me or your father. It's about your English teacher."

"Carole, I-"

"I said don't interupt me Kurt."

"Okay." Kurt's heart was racing. What if she knew? What if she told his dad?

"Now first, I know last night your dad asked you if you were sleeping with him and you said no. I believe you, but I also know there is something going on between the two of you. I saw him kiss you at the hospital and I heard you on the phone last night."


"I'm not done yet. Obviously he's older than you, and he's your teacher, which could cause both of you to get into some trouble if the wrong person found out, but that day at the hospital I saw the way you looked at each other. I know you can't fake a look like that, so I know you care for each other, which is why I haven't told Burt, but I wanted to talk to you about it. I know I'm not your mother, but I consider you my son, so I feel responsible for you, which is why I have to ask, how long has this thing been going on?" Carole finished, praying Kurt wouldn't freak out.

Kurt just stared at her. She knewe about him and Blaine, bue she didn't tell his dad. She wasn't yelling at him, she didn't even look mad.

"Kurt, how long have you been involved with Mr. Anderson?" Carole asked again, slightly amused by Kurt's inability to speak.

"Uh, I- the day after the accident.. He came to see me and told me that he liked me, and I really like him and it just, happened."

"What happened? Are you to dating or what?"

"I wouldn't say dating, we're both still figuring this out. Like you said, he's my teacher, he could get in serious trouble, and he's also not exactly out of the closet professionally, so therre's also that." It felt good to talk about all of this with someone.

"You really like him though, don't you?" Carole asked with a soft smile.

"Yes. God yes, so much. He makes me feel like the most special person in the world." Kurt smiled thinking about Blaine.

"And you have a date with him on Tuesday if I heard you right last night."

"Yeah, we're going to talk about what's going on between us. You know, I should be upset with you for listening in on my private phone call, but I'm not, actually I'm kind of happy you did."

"I understand that you can't help who you fall in love with and from what I've seen, he is a very lovely man. I just want you to be careful, he is older than you Kurt. I know you're 18 and legal, but still, be careful." Carole said seriously.

"I will, and thank you Carole, for everything." Kurt hugged her, he was so happy to have her in his life.

"Don't thank me yet. Now, I'm not going to tell your father because we both know how he'd react, but I do have one think I would like for you to do."

"Okay, what is it?"

"I want you to invite Mr. Anderson over for dinner tomorrow, as a thank you for being there when you needed him, and helping you. Also, I want to meet him, so maybe we can have him come early, before your dad and Finn get back from the shop."

"Do you think Dad would be okay with that?" Kurt asked, worried about having Blaine and his dad in the same room.

"Doesn't matter, if he's there when Burt get's back, he won't say anything, I'll make sure of it."

"You really are the best." Kurt smiled. This means he will get to see Blaine a day earlier than expected.

"Now that we have that all settled, what do you say we do a little more shopping. Then when we get home you can call Mr. Anderson."

"Blaine, his name is Blaine."

"Okay, then you can call Blaine and tell him to come over for Sunday dinner."

"Sounds good. Let's go, I need a new outfit for tomorrow now." Kurt grabbed Carole's hand. He was happy to have her on his side in this.


Once they got home, Kurt excused himself to his room, claiming that the shopping trip had exhausted him, which wasn't a lie. As soon as he shut the door he pulled his phone out and dialed Blaine's number.

"Home from your shopping spree?" Blaine asked when he answered. Kurt had sent him a text that morning saying he was going to the mall with his stepmom.

"Yes, and I'm exhausted, but in a good way." Kurt sighed, sitting on his bed.

"Find any good sales?"

"Who do you think you're talking to? Of course I did!" Kurt laughed. "Hey, I have a question and feel free to say no, but just know that if you do, my stepmom will be extremely disappointed."

"Okay, you have my attention." Blaine put his pen and the test he was grading down to give Kurt his full and undivided attention.

"She wants you to come over for Sunday dinner, it's her way of thanking you for helping me, and she also wants to meet you because she know." Kurt was nervous about how Blaine would react.

"What do you mean she knows?" Blaine had a pretty good idea, but he wanted to be sure.

"About us. She saw you kiss me at the hospital and she overheard me talking to you last night."

"Kurt, God this is-"

"Wait, before you start stressing out, you should know that she's not going to tell anyone, and she's okay with it, with us."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, she isn't upset, she's okay with it. She just wants you to come over for dinner tomorrow, you'll have to come a little early though because she wants to meet you, not my English teacher."

Blaine thought about it for a minute. "What about your dad, and Finn?"

"They don't know nor do I plan on them finding out any time soon. That's why you have to come early to meet Carole, they'll be out." Kurt could tell he almost had Blaine sold. "Please Blaine. I really want you to, you'll love Carole and she'll love you."

"Kurt, you can't just start pouting like that. You know I can't say no when you do that." Blaine sighed.

"I know, that's why I did it, but seriously, will you?"

"I- yes. Yes I will." Blaine smiled, there really was no question, he wouldn't miss out on seeing Kurt.

"Yes! Thank you." Kurt was excited, he was going to get to see Blaine, at his house, tomorrow.

"You're welcome Kurt. Hey, I'm sorry, I'd love to talk to you all day, but I have a ton of tests to grade before Monday." 

"Okay, make sure you fail everyone except me." Kurt laughed.

"Yeah sure, that won't look suspicious at all." Blaine laughed too. He loved Kurt's sense of humor, actually, he just loved Kurt.

"Well, I'll see you tom-"

"I love you."

"What?" Kurt asked, not believing his ears.

"Uh, I-I, I said I love you." Blaine was suddenly nervous and his brain was screaming 'Too soon! Too soon!' They hadn't even discussed what their relationship was.

Blaine was thinking so hard that he almost missed Kurt saying, "I love you too Blaine."

"Y-you do?" 

"Of course I do silly. Now, get off here and get back to work." Kurt was trying not to scream out with happiness.

"Okay, okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Kurt hung up, dropping his phone to his bed before laying back. Blaine loved him and he was coming over for dinner tomorrow.


Blaine hung up and looked at the picture of him and Kurt from the hospital that was currently Kurt's contact ID. He told Kurt he loved him and Kurt said he loved him too. He was ecstatic. Everything was going so much better than he ever expected it to be when he moved back to Ohio. He has a job that he loves, a best friend who he can talk to about anything, and hopefully, a soon to be boyfriend if everything went well tomorrow and Tuesday. He never dreamed that he'd find all of that by moving back to Ohio, but he did, and for the first time in his life, he was actually happy to be in Ohio.

End Notes: I was going to wait on having them say I love you, but Blaine was having none of my shit and said it anyway. Now that I look at it, I think it fits pretty well. :)Next chapter will be dinner and Monday at school, since there's not too much going on there. :)Hope you liked it, let me know what you thought!Next update on Saturday!!!-Krystal :) x


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I love this! Can't wait till the next chapter

:) I'm glad you liked it!! I can't wait to get the next chapter up!! :D

This was really good. I was glad to see that Carole was willing to allow the relationship and that she wasn't mad or upset with Kurt. Blaine saying I love you was amazing and so sweet. It is great to see them both happy.

I wanted an adult (other than Sebastian) to know about the relationship and thought Carole was a safe route to go. More people will find out though, and they won't be as accepting and understanding as Carole... BUT that's later, right now they're happy and that's all that matters, right? :)-Krystal :) x

aww caroles so sweet! gotta love her!

Yep, gotta love Carole! I think everyone loves Carole, she's just the best ever! -Krystal :) x