May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
Five days and Burt was starting to get suspicious. "Hey Finn, come here, I wanna talk to you." He said, pulling Finn into the living room.
"I swear, it wasn't me. I didn't-"
"Calm down, you're not in trouble. I wanted to ask you about that Mr. Anderson."
"Okay, what about him?" Finn asked, relaxing now that he knew he wasn't in trouble.
"What's he like?"
"He's pretty cool, he let's us watch movies and tries to make his lessons fun, but it's English so it doesn't really work."
"Have you seen him when he's with your brother?" Burt thought it was strange that Mr. Anderson had visited Kurt everyday since he was admitted to the hospital.
"Uh, no not really. Kurt's not in my class, but I've never heard Kurt or Mr. Anderson say anything about each other. Quinn said something about Kurt telling Santana off for being rude to Mr. Anderson, and he was pretty pissed when we all said he was gay." Finn started to wonder why Kurt was so touchy when it came to Mr. Anderson.
"Hmm... okay, thanks kid." Burt dismissed Finn. Something was going on, he would have Carole see if she noticed anything at the hospital.
"So when's your dad coming? I don't want to be here when he gets here." Blaine asked as he helped Kurt sit up so he could eat his lunch.
"He's not coming in today. I told him I was fin, he could take the day off from sitting vigil at my bedside. Besides, Carole's working today, so she's here, and I wanted to spend more time wih you." Kurt smiled and gave Blaine a loving look.
"Aww Kurt." It's a Wednesday, but Blaine took time off to see Kurt, claiming he had a cold.
"You called in sick today to see me, it's the least I could do." It had been five days since the beating, four since Blaine had told him how he felt and instead of being able to enjoy it, he was stuck in the damn hospital.
"I thought maybe we could talk." Blaine said seriously.
"About us?" Kurt looked hopeful.
"No, not yet. I want to save that talk for when you're out of the hospital." Blaine took Kurt's hand.
"Then what?" Kurt asked takinga drink of his juice.
"The uh, the accident."
Kurt tensed up, he didn't know if he was ready to talk about it yet. "Oh, I uh-"
"Only if you want to talk about it. I would never force you to talk about it."
"I know I should talk about it, but I really just don't think I;m ready yet Blaine. I'm sorry." Kurt hung his head.
"Hey, hey no. None of that. Don't apologize okay, you have nothing to apologize for." Blaine got out of the chair and moved to sit on the bed with Kurt.
"I just- I feel so weak." Kurt admitted, pulling his hand from Blaine's to cover his face.
"Kurt, listen to me. You are not weak. Please look at me." Blaine tried to pry Kurt's hands away from his face.
Kurt lifted his head just enough for Blaine to see the tears that were falling from his eyes. "I-I didn't even fight back."
"Kurt, I want you to listen to me very, very carefully okay?" Blaine asked, taking both of Kurt's hands in his.
"Yeah." Kurt sniffed.
"You aren't weak. Just because you didn't have a chance to fight back, doesn't mean you're weak. It's breaking my heart to watch you sit here and Blaine yourself. It's not your fault, and you shouldn't feel ashamed." Blaine tried to express how much he meant every word through his eyes.
"No buts, you're strong, and perfect, and beautiful. Never let anyone tell you any different." Blaine said firmly, his eyes flickering to Kurt's lips.
"Blaine." Kurt blushed, he always did when Blaine complemented him like that.
Blaine just smiled sweetly and leaned in slowly, his lips barely brushing Kurt's. "Is this okay?" He asked in a whisper.
"Yes." Kurt whispered back, breathlessly just as Blainne pressed his lips firmly to Kurt's.
Kissing Kurt was like heavan, only better and with fireworks. Blaine moved his hands to grasp Kurt's face gently, letting his tongue run over Kurt's bottom lip, asking for admittance, which Kurt gladly gave as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist the best he could. Only when Kur let out a moan did Blaine pull away, both of them breathing heavily.
"That was-"
"Yeah, yeah it was." Blaine smiled and cupped Kurt's cheek. "You're so beautiful."
Kurt smiled as the blush re-appeared. "T-thanks."
"You're welcome. You better get use to me saying it because I plan on saying it alot."
"Blaine!" Kurt smiled, he was so glad to have Blaine here with him. He made Kurt feel loved and accepted.
"Finish your lunch and then you can help me decide on my lesson plans for next week." Blaine said as he moved back to the chair.
"Okay, but next time, bring me something for lunch. Hospital food is the worst."
They laughed and joked around while Kurt finished his lunch, then Blaine got out his planner and they got to work on the lesson plans for next week. Both of them were unaware that Carole had been standing outside the door, watching everything.
On the seventh day, Kurt got to come home and he was a mixture of excited and sad. Excited because he would be able to sleep in his bed, in his house, not that God awful hospital. Sad because Blaine wouldn't be able to come and visit him like he had in the hospital.
"So you think you'll be ready to go back to school on Monday?" Burt asked that evening while they were all sitting in the living room.
"Yeah, the doctor said everything was healing fine, and I don't feel as sore." Kurt wasn't going to miss going back to school. He needed to see Blaine.
"That's good." Burt looked at his son, something was different. He just got out of the hospital after getting beat almost to death and he seemed happier than a little kid on Chrismas morning.
"Dad, I can tell you want to ask me something, so just get it out." Kurt laughed, his dad wasn't the most subtle person he'd ever met.
"Are you sleeping with your English teacher?" The words were out before Burt even had a chance to think about it.
"Wha- Dad! Why would you ask that?" Kurt tried to say calm, but it wasn't working. What did his dad know?
"You heard me, just answer the question Kurt."
"No Dad, I'm not sleeping with my English teacher." It wasn't a lie, he didn't even know if he and Blaine were boyfriends, they sure as hell weren't having sex.
"Are you sure? He visited you a lot while you were in the hospital." Burt figured he might as well find out everything while the subject was brought up.
"Yes, I'm positvie I'm not sleeping with Bla- Mr. Anderson."
Burt gave Kurt a long glance before turning his attention back to the t.v.
Kurt sighed in relief. "Can I go upstair? I'm exhausted."
"Sure kiddo." Burt waved him off, already pulled in by the game.
Carole watched Kurt walk up the stairs, she waited a few minutes before excusing herself to the restroom.
As soon as Kurt got to his room, he dialed Blaine's number.
"Hey beautiful. Glad to be home?" Blaine asked with a smile.
"Yeah, it's better than the hospital but-"
"But what?"
"But I miss having you popping in to visit. I miss you." Kurt sighed and layed down on his bed.
"I miss you too Kurt." Blaine's smile grew brighter, he was completely in love with this boy.
"Blaine, I know I just got out of the hospital today, but I'm not a patient person, so when are we going to talk, about us?" Kurt asked.
"We could talk after school sometime this week. Obviously not at school, but I know this little plave in Westerville that should be safe."
"That sounds like a date. Wait, Blaine Anderson are you asking me out on a date?" Kurt asked playfully.
"Maybe. What would you say if I was?" Blaine laughed.
"Uh let me think, yes silly. Of course!"
"Okay, how about Tuesday, would that work for you?"
"Tuesday sounds lovely. Can't wait."
"Me either. You should get some sleep, I bet you're exhausted."
"No. Wanna talk to you." Kurt protested, but he was already starting to feel sleep catching up to him.
"I'm not going anywhere. I promise."
"Good." Kurt stopped talking and Blaine thought he'd fallen asleep.
Just as he was about to hang up, he heard Kurt mumble out three words that took his breath away.
"Love you Blaine."
Blaine waited until Kurt's breathig had evened out and made sure he was asleep before he whispered, "I love you too Kurt." And hung up, praying Tuesday got here fast.
Kurt hadn't heard Carole outside his door, he didn't know that she heard everything, even his almost silent declaration of love.
As she walked back down the stairs to join Burt and Finn, she was torn between telling Burt and letting him deal with it and talking to Kurt herself.
By the time she went to sleep that night, she made up her mind. She was going to have a talk with Kurt. Tomorrow.
I would blaine myselfe too If I were him. HE DESERVES TO BE BLAINED.... Lol I'm kidding. I don't know if you meant to do that or not. But anyway. I'm loving this story. KEEP WRITINGI love you bye
Haha! This isn't a beta story, and sometimes my fingers move faster than my brain so if there's typos I'm not surprised. :) I'm glad you like the story :D -Krystal :) x
OMG!! this is getting so good! i hope burt doesnt overreact when he fids out about klaine.
Ahh Burt. I'm sure whatever does happen, things will work out. :)-Krystal :) x