May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
Blaine woke up on Tuesday morning with a massive headache. He'd cried so much last night that he was sure the headache was permanent. His career as a teacher had been ruined, he'd never get another job after all of this. He had an apartment he had to pay rent on, bills that needed paid, groceries to buy, and a bunch of other things. Pretty soon he'd be getting the bill for his hospital stay which he'd need to pay. How was he suppose to do all of that without a job. He rolled over with a groan and almost rolled over onto Kurt who was still sleeping. Confused, Blaine looked over at the small clock Kurt kept on his wall to see that it was after 8:30, Kurt should be in school.
Blaine gently shook Kurt, trying to wake him up. "Kurt, honey, wake up."
"M' sleepy." Kurt mumbled into his pillow.
"Kurt, wake up."
Kurt gave in and rolled over to face Blaine. "W-whas 'appening."
"You're late for school." Blaine said with a smile, trying not to laugh at the adorable, yet confused look on Kurt's face.
"What? School- oh. Oh shit, I was- forget it." Kurt rolled back over, burying his face into his pillow again.
"Kurt come on, you've missed so much, you'll never get caught up with all your work if you don't go and that means you won't graduate."
"Well if you put it that way... I still don't care. I'll go tomorrow, I can use today to work on the assignments I was given yesterday and you can help me." Kurt sat up, giving up on going back to sleep and stretching his arms over his head." Besides, I don't want to do knowing you won't be there."
"I know, I know. It's just- I know it's going to spread like a disease once people start finding out why you won't be coming back and honestly, I don't want to deal with it right now." Kurt sighed as he stood up to change out of his sweats.
"I'm sorry Kurt, I really am."
"Why are you apologizing? I don't want you to apologize, this isn't your fault, this is Rachel's fault."
"I know but-"
"No buts Blaine. I'm not going to let you mope around, we'll figure something out. I know you're worried about not having a job and being able to pay your rent and everything, but don't. We'll get through this, together." Kurt walked over to Blaine's side of the bed and sat down beside him.
"You're amazing, you know that?" Blaine gave a small laugh. He was still worried about everything, but he had Kurt and really, that's all that mattered to him.
"I've been told that before, but you can keep saying it." Kurt laughed. "Now come on, you're going to help me with all this work so I'll graduate." Kurt pulled Blaine from the bed. He knew Blaine was just trying to stay strong because he's the adult, he's not suppose to be dependant on his high school senior boyfriend, but that's not going to stop Kurt from being there for Blaine. Nothing will ever stop Kurt from being there for Blaine.
Finn went the whole day, until Glee Club, without seeing or running into Rachel, which he was more than thankful for. He honestly wasn't sure how to even act around her right now. Part of him wanted to yell at her, to make her feel as bad as she made Kurt and Blaine feel. He'd heard them in Kurt's room last night crying. They'd tried not to be too loud, but Finn still heard them and it made his blood boil.
So he walked into Glee Club and sat down on the opposite side of the room, trying not to notice Rachel sitting there, looking at him like she was waiting for him to yell at her.
"Oh, looks like Berry and Frankentein are fighting again. What was it this time? Did she try to-"
"Shut up Santana, please just shut up." Finn interjected before Santana could finish.
"Fine." Santana gave in. She could tell by the look on Finn's face that this had nothing to do with his relationship with Rachel, that left only one other thing Finn would be upset about. Kurt.
"Alright guys, let's see, we have- where's Kurt?" Mr. Shue looked around for Kurt. Burt had called him last night to fill him in on what had happened, but assured him that Kurt would be back to school.
"He wasn't feeling well this morning. He was up all night with a headache so I didn't wake him up." Finn answered, giving Rachel a cold glare as he spoke.
"Oh, okay. I understand. Tell him to get better, and to come back when he's ready."
"I will. Thanks Mr. Shue."
"No problem. Now, let's get to work on this week's assignment!"
The rest of the rehearsal was uneventful. Finn avoided Rachel like she had the plague, not even looking at her. He wasn't ready to have any kind of contact with her, it could wait a day or two.
After Glee Club was over, Santana pulled Finn to the side. "Alright Lumps, what the hell is going on?"
Finn sighed, part of him knew telling Santana would only set her off, but he knew she'd find out somehow. "Rachel outed Kurt and Mr. Anderson to Figgins and got Blaine fired."
"She what?! That little bitch, you wait until I see her, you just wait!" Santana was furious. She had knew about everything, she knew that Blaine was with Kurt when he was attacked, she knew how hard they were working to keep their relationship a secret, and now Berry had ruined everything.
"Don't even try it Hudson. I'm not goin to just sit here and let her get away with this."
"I know, but don't do anything just yet. Kurt will be back tomorrow and he doesn't need to worry about all of that. They were up all night crying as it is, he doesn't need the whole school finding out right now. Just give it some time, it'll come out soon enough."
Santana sighed and softened her gaze. "You really care about them, don't you?"
"Kurt's my brother Santana. He may not be blood, but he's all I got, so of course I care. Blaine's an awesome guy and he's an amazing boyfriend to Kurt, he makes him happier than I've ever seen him."
"Okay, so I'll wait a while before I go all Lima Heights on Berry. Right now, we need to be there for Kurt and help him out in any way possible."
"Thank you Santana, and yeah, he's going to need the support. People are going to start finding out once it gets out why Mr. Anderson is being replaced, and he's going to feel alone here without Blaine. We need to be there for him, to show him that he's not alone, we got his back." Finn was surprised that Santana was so easy to convince to back off, he didn't realize how much she cared about Kurt and Blaine until now, it was a nice change to see in her.
They made a pact that no matter what happens during the rest of the year, they will be there for Kurt and for Blaine because they love and care about them, and no one messes with the people they care about.
Awww Finn <3
I love Finn being a protective brother. :)-Krystal :) x
I think it would be awesome if like the whole school turned against Rachel or rather the senior class because she got Blaine fired and I was under the impression they really liked him as a teacher. I think they would put aside the whole relationship and maybe to on strike. Refuse to go to class until Figgins gave Blaine his job back and...I may be thinking into this too much. Just shows how I can spit out details off a general idea like a firecracker in no time. Idk, I guess I kinda want to see a story where a majority of the school is actually in support of Klaine for once.
OMG YOU ARE PERFECT!!!!! Blaine was suppose to start teaching that senior research class, and now he won't, so I could have them refuse to go to that class, and the whole class just not be very happy with Rachel! Ooohh I have ideas! You are wonderful, this is a perfect idea. When this happens, I will credit you for your brilliant idea! :D-Krystal :) x
i feel like a terrible fan now cuz im not even sure what tbu is... lol but im loving finntana! hoping that santan does go all lime heights on rachel! *hint hint* lol someone needs to show her and santana is the perfect person! =] cant wait for an updsate!!
TBU is short for The Break Up, as in the episode. I love me some friendly Finntana, not romance, but friends. We'll be seeing more than Santana go ape shit on Rachel, so be ready. :) -Krystal :) x