May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
May 10, 2013, 5:04 a.m.
Blaine goes back to school the next week after convincing Principal Figgins that he was okay to return to work. As much as he was happy to be back, he hated being away from Kurt all day. He knew Burt would be there in case Kurt needed anything, but he still felt like he was abandoning Kurt.
By lunch time, Blaine was desperate to talk to Kurt, so he locked himself in his classroom and dialed Kurt's cell number.
"Shouldn't you be teaching?" Kurt asked when he picked up the phone.
"Nope, it's lunch time."
"Ahh, so you should be eating." Kurt smiled.
"I am." Blaine said arounf a mouthful of salad.
"Blaine, chew and swollow your food before you speak. I swear, you're actually five years old."
"You're only as old as you act. I may be 25, but I have the soul of a kid."
"And I love that about you. So uh, was there a reason you called or-"
"No, not really. I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you, I hate seeing your empty chair during second period."
"I know, I miss you too."
Blaine smiled as he walked over to unlock his door, the bell was about to ring for lunch to be over. "We'll have to make sure you get your work that you've missed. I'll talk to Finn about it later. Hey, class is getting ready to start, I have students coming in. I'll see you tonight okay?" Blaine nodded to Rachel who walked in and sat down. Why did she always have to show up so early? Didn't she eat lunch or something?
"Okay sweetie, have fun and don't work too hard. I love you."
"I love you too. Bye." Blaine hung up with a sigh and moved to write today's lesson on the board.
"Was that your boyfriend Mr. Anderson?" Rachel asked innocently.
Blaine dropped the marker he'd been holding and turned to face Rachel, noticing a few more students in their seats. "That's uh- my dating life is really none of your concern Miss Berry."
Rachel stared at him knowingly for a few seconds before looking away. "You're right, I'm sorry Mr. Anderson."
"It's fine Rachel. Now, since just about everyone seems to he here, let's take roll and get down to business. While I'm taking roll, would everyone please pass their homework forward. Yes I know you had homework and yes it will be counted for a grade." Blaine added, hearing the collective groan from the class.
Rachel spent the entire class thinking. It was so obvious that Kurt and Mr. Anderson had a thing. Kurt had tried to deny it, but she could tell he was lying. Even Finn was lying to her about it, which was something new, Finn always told her everything. What if there was something more going on? Kurt had been attacked by Karofsky and Mr. Anderson just happened to go on vacation at the same time? Rachel gasped once she figured it out. "Oh my God, Karofsky attacked both of them!"
As soon as the bell rang, Rachel jumped up and ran out of the classroom. She needed to find Finn.
"Finn! Hey, wait up!" She saw him walking towards his locker and ran to catch up with him."
"Rachel please, I'm not in the mood to deal-"
"I know that Mr. Anderson was with Kurt when he was attacked." Rachel interupted.
"Would you give it a rest already? For the last time, Kurt was by himself, Mr. Anderson went on vacation. End of story."
"Why won't you tell me the truth? I know they're together, I know they were together the night Karofsky attacked Kurt, I also know that he attacked Mr. Anderson as well."
"How did you- crap! That's not what- it's really not-"
"I knew it! Kurt is totally dating Mr. Anderson!" Rachel squealed, jumping up and down like she'd just won an award.
"Shut up before someone-"
"Mr. Hudson, Miss Berry! My office, now." Principal Figgins shouted over the noise of the crowd.
Finn's blood ran cold. "No, no, no, NO! This can't be happening! This is all your fault!"
"I-I'm sorry, I-"
"Save it Rachel." Finn snapped and pushed past her to follow Figgins. What the hell was he going to do now?
"Principal Figgins, you have to listen, it was a mistake, that's not what-"
"Have a seat, both of you." Figgins gestured to the seats in front of his desk.
"I didn't that Principal Figgins, I-"
"You yelled in the hallways loud enough for everyone to hear that Mr. Anderson, the new English teacher, is involved with Mr. Kurt Hummel, one of his students. Do you understand what kind of trouble this could cause?" Figgins asked.
"Sir please, that's not what she meant." Finn begged, hoping Figgins would just see this as another stupid prank.
"I'm sorry Mr. Hudson, but I'm going to have to look into this. You can leave now."
Once outside the office, Finn turned to Rachel with a mixture of anger, sadness, and disappointment in his eyes." If this ends up hurting Kurt, or Blaine, you'd better watch your back. I can't believe you Rachel! This is exactly why no one told you about this." Finn turned and walked away, ignoring Rachel's pleas to hear her out. He needed to tell Blaine before Principal Figgins did.
Finn knocked on the English room door, dreading what he had to do.
"Oh, hey Finn, what can I do for you?" Blaine asked, his smile fading when he noticed Finn's grave expression.
"I need to talk to you. Alone." Was all Finn said before walking back out.
"Keep reading, no one get out of their seats." Blaine instructed before following Finn. "What's going on? Is Kurt-"
"He's fine, this isn't about that."
"Then what the hell-"
"Principal Figgins knows about you and Kurt."
Blaine froze, his eyes widening with fear. "W-what- h-how?"
"Rachel. She just started assuming stuff again, and when I denied it she saw through my lie and yelled it for everyone to hear. I'm so sorry dude, I tried, I really did but-"
"Finn, stop. It's okay, it'll be okay. It's not your fault."
"What are we suppose to do now?"
"Nothing. Just keep doing everything normal, at least until Figgins decides to confront me about it. There's no use in making this whole mess worse." Blaine sighed. He knew this was bound to happen sometime.
"Okay, and Mr. Anderson."
"Yeah Finn?"
"If you need me to do anything, just ask. Do you want me to call Kurt?"
"Thanks Finn, and no, I'll tell him tonight." Blaine watched Finn walk away. Wha was he going to do? He had to finish his day of teaching, but all he could think of was what was going to happen when this all came out. Will he be fired? What about Kurt, what will happen to him? He took a shaky breath and put it all in the back of his mind, he'd worry about it later. Right now, he needed to focus on getting through the rest of the day.
*sigh* Oh, Rachel. Glad you posted, even if it was late- I began to wonder if I really did know what day it was :P
I really hated updating so late, I liket to get chapters up early so I don't have to rush around later, but it just didn't happen today. Oh Rachel is right, I can't wait to write Kurt's reaction to finding out that it was Rachel who let it out. :)-Krystal :) x
omg i hate rachel so much right now!!!!
I know, she's a real bitch. Just wait... she's not finished being a bitch yet. -Krystal :) x