Forbidden Love
Worry and Concern. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Forbidden Love: Worry and Concern.

E - Words: 1,268 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
620 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: This chapter is happening in the same day as the last one, just later in the evening.Enjoy :D

When Kurt woke up later that evening, the first think he noticed was that he was alone in the room. He remembered Blaine bringing him up to his room and he remembered asking Blaine to stay. "Maybe he's in the bathroom." He thought as he threw back the covers and got out of bed. His headache was gone, that was a good thing, now he just needed to find Blaine.

Just as he was getting ready to knock on the bathroom door to see if Blaine was in there, Finn burst into the room. "Kurt! Wake up, dinner's- oh hey, thought you were still asleep. Dinner's ready."

"It's fine. Where's Blaine?"

"Downstairs. He came down once you were asleep and asked to talk to Burt so they went over to the garage. They just got back and Mom sent me to wake you up for dinner."

"Okay thanks Finn. I'll be down in a few minutes, just let me wash up." Kurt didn't wait for Finn to respond before shutting himself in the bathroom. Why did Blaine need to talk to his dad alone? He didn't have a good feeling about this.



"Oh, Kurt sweetie, I'm sorry I had Finn wake you up but dinner's ready." Carole said once Kurt finnaly made it downstairs.

"It's fine, I was awake." Kurt tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace.

"You okay kiddo? You look paler than usual." Burt asked worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry Dad, I'm fine." This time he put a little more effort into the smile and it seemed to work because his dad didn't ask anymore questions.

"So Blaine, when are you going back to work?" Carole asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Uh, well I could go back any time as far as the doctor is concerned, but Principal Figgins fave me a month off. I'm thinking about going back next week though. I'm perfectly able to do my job and to honest, I miss it." Blaine answered. He tried looking at Kurt, but he just looked away when Blaine made eye contact.

"We miss you too dude, the sub we've had has been awful. It's all book work and worksheets." Finn shuddered as if the thought of it was repulsing.

Blaine laughed and rolled his eyes. He'd learned that Finn had a tendency to over exaggerate things. "I'm sure it's not that bad Finn."

"But it is man! Besides, he's some creepy old guy that smeels like a hospital. We need you."

"I'll be back soon Finn, don't worry. While we're on this subject of me not being there, did people actually believe your story that I've been gone because I went on vacation?" Blaine asked. Finn had decided to tell everyone who got suspicious of Blaine and Kurt being gone at the same time, that Kurt had in fact gotten attacked by Karofskym but Blaine went on vacation with an old friend who just so happened to be Kurt's nurse when he was admitted to the hospital. Somehow, the kids believed it and had stopped asking questions.

"Yep. Everyone bought it except Rachel. She's still saying that she knows there's something going on between you two."

"Well she can just keep on thinking. There's no way I'm telling her it's true, the whole school would find out within an hour." Kurt snapped. He wasn't sure why, but he was starting to get angry to listening to them talk about this.

Blaine looked at Kurt curiously. Something was wrong, he could tell.

"Yeah, that's why everyone who does know keeps telling her she's crazy. Tina went off on her a couple days ago in Glee Club."

"Good. Maybe it'll keep her from sticking her big nose into other people's business." Kurt pushed his plate away and stood up. "I'm going upstairs." He turned and headed for the stairs, not stopping when Burt called for him to come back.

"Something's bothering him. I'm going to go talk to him and see if I can figure it out." Blaine got up and followed Kurt up the stairs



Kurt walked into his room and headed straight for his bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

"Kurt?" Blaine called out once he made it to Kurt's room, not seeing him anywhere.

"In here." Kurt's voice was muffled by the door.

Blaine entered the bathroom to find Kurt just sitting against the wall. "What's wrong baby?"

"Have you ever had a bad feeling about something but not been able to explain why?"

"Yeah, definitely. What's this about?" Blaine asked, sitting down beside Kurt.

"Finn said you and my dad went to the garage because you wanted to talk to him privately and I- I just had a bad feeling about it when he told me." Kurt admitted.

"Oh, that, yeah." Blaine really didn't want to have this conversation right now.

"So I was right to have a bad feeling, wasn't I? You're going to break up with me aren't you?" Kurt felt the tears sting his eyes, but he willed them away.

"What?! No Kurt, God no! I'm not breaking up with you. I love you so much that I can't stand it sometimes. I couldn't break up with you." Blaine moved to kneel in front of Kurt, resting his hands on Kurt's knees which were pulled close to his chest.

"Then why-"

"I started feeling really guilty for all of this. If I had just been honest about being with you, we wouldn't have been in Westerville and Karofsky might no have been able to attack us. I felt guilty for putting you in danger and not being able to protect you, so I went and talked to your dad about it."


"Don't worry, we talked and he explained that no matter if we'd been out with our relationship or not, no matter if we'd been in Westerville or not, Karofsky still would've found a way to get to us, and it's quite possible that it could've been worse than what he did." Blaine smiled softly at Kurt, his eyes full of love.

"He's right you know. None of this is your fault." Kurt sighd and took Blaine's hands in his.

"I know, and I'm sorry I worried you. I love you so much Kurt."

"I love you too Blaine." Kurt gave Blaine a genuine smile and pulled him in for a quick kiss. When he pulled back he rested their foreheads together. "Let's go downstairs and watch a game with Dad and Finn."

Blaine laughed and pulled completely away, standing up and helping Kurt up as well. "Really? You want to watch a game? I don't believe it."

"Of course I don't want to watch a game. I want to cuddle with my boyfriend on the couch while he watches a game. Plus, I love it when you get all excited when your team makes a touchdown, it makes you seem more like a teenager, not the almost 30 year old that you are." Kurt teased and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, playing with the loose curls at the base of his neck.

"Jezz, thanks babe, way to make me feel old. For the record, I'm only half way to 30, that doesn't count as 'almost 30'." Blaine joked, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist.

"Whatever you say old man." Kurt laughed. "So how about that game?"

"Of course, I couldn't say no to cuddling with my boyfriend and getting to watch a game. It's like the best of both worlds."

"Well then, let's go Hannah Montana." Kurt winked.

"Very funny Kurt." Blaine couldn't help but smile, taking Kurt's hand as they headed down the stairs.

No matter how guilty he felt about what happened, he couldn't stand the thought of being without Kurt. He'd fallen so hard for this boy and there was no turning back now.

End Notes: I really hope people get the Hannah Montana joke. I just couldn't help myself when I wrote 'best of both worlds' :)Anyways, there's that, next chapter on Saturday. Enjoy the new episode of Glee tonight! Personally, I can't wait for the Blaine/Sue feud. :D-Krystal :) x


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Bahahahahaha, Hannah Montana reference. *dead* Anyway, it's so sad that Blaine feels so guilty but yay for loving each other so much! :) And Blaine with his awkward thank you tonight, forgery, and strings attached. Need it so much!

I'm glad someone appreciated the Hannah Montana reference! :D Blaine will get over the guilt eventually, and it will be their love for each other that helps him. I can't wait for tonight's Blaine/Sue scenes! Just from what we've seen so far, I can tell its going to be some good stuff! :D-Krystal :) x

This was really good. I am so glad that Blaine explained that he had felt guilty and that he is never letting go of Kurt. I totally agree with you, the Blaine and Sue feud was hilarious and I love that Blaine ultimately got what he wanted out of it.

I thought about making his guilt into a big deal, but ultimately decided against it because the next chapter is going to be a big, drama-filled shit fest. (Sorry in advance). I decided to go with Blaine affirming his love for Kurt to lead us into the events that will unfold starting next chapter. :) I loved the Sue/Blaine feud, that was pure GOLD! Blaine won, even though he lost, so it's all good. I hope this means we get more Blaine/Sue interaction because Darren and Jane act so well together! :D-Krystal :) x

i love the hannah montana reference! made me laugh! so glad theyre arent breaking up! i got a little worried myself,

I really enjoyed throwing in the HM reference, it was just something I thought would be funny. :) I don't plan on them breaking up so no worries there.-Krystal :) x