Forbidden Love
Conversations and Attractions. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Forbidden Love: Conversations and Attractions.

E - Words: 1,105 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
1,515 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: Okay, I've decided that I will be updating this fic on Tuesdays, Thursdays and either Saturday or Sunday, that will depend on how my weekend looks.So now that I have that figured out, here's the next chapter. Blaine and Kurt get to meet in this one and we get a small preview of the bullying Kurt goes through.I hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

"Kurt! Wait up!" Rachel ran to catch up with Kurt who was heading to English class.

"What do you want Rachel, isn't it a little early for you to be getting on my nerves?" Kurt rolled his eyes. It was the first day back, what could Rachel have to gossip about already?

"You have English next right?" Rachel asked seriously.

"Yes, why is that important?"

"Well, I was just talking to Finn and he was telling me that there is a new teacher."

"And again, why is that important?" Kurt asked as they reached the English classroom.

"It isn't, I just-"

"Rachel, it's the first day back and it's only second period, can we save the drama for Glee Club, or lunch even?"

Fine, I'll see you at lunch then." Rachel said looking upset that she didn't get to gossip.

"Yeah, see ya." Kurt turned and entered the room.

"Kurt, hey." Tina waved him over to the table that she and Quinn were sitting at.

"Hey girls, how was your summer?" Kurt smiled, he hadn't really gotten to see Tine or Quinn all summer, he'd missed them.

"Mine was great, best summer ever!" Tina dived in and told Kurt all about how her and Mike had spent all summer together.

"What about you Quinn?" Kurt asked.

"It was-"

"Alright, good morning class! Welcome to Senior English, I'm Mr. Anderson." Blaine surveyed the class, they all looked tired and extremely bored.

"Are you even old enough to teach?" Santana quipped up from the back of the room.

"Uh, yes I am. I know I don't look like your average English teacher, but I promise, I am qualified." Blaine was use to this, he'd gotten it at his last school and most recently, this morning in his first class.

"Okay! Let's begin by taking roll, then we'll pass out the text books."

"He looks like a cabbage patch kid." Santana said loud enough for the whole class to hear. "My dead grandpa dresses better than that, and he's dead."

"Santana, dear God shut up! Do you ever get tired of being such a bitch all the time?" Kurt turned around to glare at Santana.

"No lady lips, I don't. Do you ever get tired of being so day?"

"That's enough! I don't want to give someone detention on my first day, but I will!" Blaine had heard about how disrespectful the students could be here, but it was a whole different ball game to see it and experience it in person.

"Let it go Kurt, she's not worth it. Tina said, trying to get Kurt to calm down.

"Yeah, whatever." Kurt huffed as he turned back around. He didn't know what made him defend this new teacher. He did dress like a grandpa, but something about him got to Kurt, he just couldn't put his finger on it.


By the end of the class, Kurt was pretty sure he was in love. Mr. Anderson was by far the weirdest and most adorable teacher Kurt had ever had. Kurt wasn't even upset about having to read and study Shakespeare the entire first semester.

"Mr. Hummel, can I see you for a second?" Blaine asked as the bell rang to signal the end of class.

"S-sure." Kurt waited until everyone had cleared out before walking up to Mr. Anderson's desk.

"I just wanted to thank you for standing up for me."

"You mean with Santana? It's nothing really, she's always like that." Kurt smiled after realizing that he wasn't in trouble.

"Yes well, while I really do honestly appreciate it, I do have to ask you not to outburst like that again in my class. If she says or does anything like that again, I will handle it." Blaine looked up from his desk and his breath caught in his throat. Kurt was really beautiful up close like this, his eyes were the brightest blue Blaine had ever seen. 

He tried to shake the thought from his head, Kurt was his student, and he just met him, and he wasn't even out here. "And he's your student." He thought.

"Mr. Anderson, are you okay?" Kurt felt himself blush under Mr. Anderson's gaze.

"Uh wha- yes. Yes, sorry." Blaine regained his composure. "Have I made you late to your next class? I can write-"

"No, no it's fine. I have a free period." Kurt couldn't help but notice how cute Mr. Anderson looked when he got worried.

"Oh, t-that's good, so do I, not that it has anything to do with you, I mean- I'm sorry." Blaine was mentally scolding himself for how he was acting.

"It's okay." Kurt laughed, he had finally put his finger on what it was about Mr. Anderson that attracted him when he first saw him, his eyes. They're such a beautiful golden honey color that Kurt felt he could get lost in.

"Well Mr. Hummel, I really do need to be getting everything set up for my next class. I'll see you in class tomorrow." Blaine just needed to get Kurt out of the room so he could think clearly.

"Okay, have a good day Mr. Anderson." Kurt smiled and headed out the door.

"You too Kurt."

As soon as Kurt left, Blaine let out a sigh. "Get yourself together Anderson! You are so not crushing on a student, you aren't that stupid!"

Still, a small part of his brain couldn't stop thinking of Kurt and how his eyes crinkled up when he smiled. This was going to be a long and confusing year.


As Kurt walked away from the English classroom, he couldn't stop the smile that formed on his face. He was very much going to enjoy that class.

As he rounded the corner, he ran right into David Karofsky and his gang of jocks.

"Well look who it is guys, lady gay boy Hummel."

"What the hell do you want Karofsky? Kurt knew it was only a matter of time before he had to face them.

"Did I say you could fucking talk to me Hummel? I don't want your gayness to spread. Get out of my way." Karofsky grabbed Kurt and threw him into the lockers, laughing when Kurt fell to the ground.

"Later fairy boy." Azimio smirked at Kurt where he was staying still on the ground.

Kurt waited until they were out of sight before getting up, wincing at the pain that shot through his back. He was pretty sure he'd have bruises there later in the shape of the locker vents. As much as he was looking forward to senior year and actually having a class other than Glee that he actually liked, even if it was because the teacher is cute, he knew it was going to be the usual hell with the jocks. He would just have to push through like he's always done and not let them get to him and break his spirit.

End Notes: There's chapter two, a little longer than chapter one.As a note, Quinn didn't join the skanks in this, and Santana is an even bigger bitch than in the show. Also, obviously Karofsky is still at McKinley, and the kiss from season 2 didn't happen.I like toying with the idea that both Kurt and Blaine are having attractions to each other but Kurt thinking that it's just a teacher crush and Blaine freaking out because Kurt's his student.Let me know what you thought of this chapter. :) I hope I'm not butchering it too bad.-Krystal :) x


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What a wonderful start! I'm very excited to see what happens next. I love teacher student fics and this looks like a great one.

Thank you so much! :D I'm having a blast writing this, I love teacher student fics as well. -Krystal :) x

This chapter was really good and I enjoyed Kurt and Blaine's nervousness around each other. I also liked that Santana being a bigger bitch because I always felt that was kind of what she was good at. I look forward to seeing what happens next.

Thank you :) I like having Santana as a sort of a villian, and she's going to be very useful later in the story. ;) I'm glad you liked it :D-Krystal :) x

im glad youre making sanana an even bigger bitch than she already is. i love that about her! also i like how freaked out blaine is- so adorable. also it would be totally awesome if karoski and his friends got some type of punishment. *hint hint* lol

Santana has the chance to be a very loyal friend or a very powerful enemy... we'll just have to see which she chooses. I'm not finished with Karofsky yet, he'll get what he deserves eventually. :)-Krystal :) x