Forbidden Love
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Forbidden Love: Compromises and Dates.

E - Words: 2,018 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 34/? - Created: Jan 29, 2013 - Updated: May 10, 2013
881 0 10 0 0

Author's Notes: Kurt and Burt have their chat, compromises are made. Does this mean Kurt will still be able to go on the date? Let's find out! :D

Kurt woke up the next morning, hoping it was all a really bad nightmare. He was quickly reminded that it was indeed real when he walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning Kurt, have a seat." Burt motioned to one of the empty chairs.

"Dad look, I know you're upset-"

"Damn right I'm upset. He's your teacher Kurt, and on top of that you had Carole lying to me about it."

"I didn't ask Carole to lie to you, that was her idea." Kurt snapped.

"I know, I talked to her about it last night, and you better be thanking her, because she's the only reason you're not on house arrest right now. Do you even understand how potentially harmful this thing is? He's your teacher Kurt."

"I know he's my teacher Dad, but I'm eighteen which means legally, I'm an adult and in a few months I'll be graduating."

"I don't care if you're legally an adult Kurt, you could get not only yourself, but Mr. Anderson in serious trouble. Do you want that?"

"Of course not!"

"Okay then, you'll stop seeing him, understood?" 

"Excuse me?" Kurt nearly yelled.

"I said you will end whatever this thing is between you and Mr. Anderson."

"You're joking right?"

Burt gave Kurt a look that showed he was most definitely not joking.

"What if I don't?"

"Kurt." Burt warned.

"Tell me, what will you do if I refuse to end it?" Kurt fixed his father with an icy cold glare. There was no way he was ending things with Blaine.

"You're car, phone, laptop, everything you enjoy, will be taken away. You will be on house arrest other than going to and from school. That means no shopping, no Glee Club, nothing." Burt wasn't kidding.

"What if I run away?" Kurt knew he should stop, but he just couldn't, he was too angry.

"God dammit Kurt! What has gotten into you? Starting a relationship with your teacher, betraying the Glee Club, yes I know about Santana blackmailing you. You're hanging out with her now, when was the last time you hung out with Rachel or Mercedes? Come on kid, what's happened to you?" Burt asked, his tone softening.

"It's called growing up Dad, I'm not a kid anymore. Obviously you don't understand, but I'm not breaking my thing off with Blaine. The truth is, he's the first person, other than you, who has went out of their way to make me feel special. I really, really care about him. He's someone that I can just let go and be myself around. I-I love him Dad." Kurt let out a sigh.

They just sat there in silence. Burt looking at Kurt, Kurt looking at Burt, both trying to decide where to go from here.

"I'm just trying to look out for you Kurt. I don't want you throwing yourself around to any guy who'll take you. I want you to get everything you want and deserve from a relationship. You deserve someone who will love you unconditionally, someone who will make you happy. Honestly, I don't see how you're going to get that from a twenty-five year old high school English teacher."

Kurt gave his dad a soft smile. "Dad, I know you want what's best for me, and I promise I'm not just throwing myself around, that's not who I am. I want romance and love and Blaine is giving me that. He makes me the happiest person in the world just by looking at me." Kurt tried to stess to his dad just how much he loved Blaine.

"He's not uh, pressuring you is he? Because if he is-"

"No Dad, he's not pressuring me, he's not like that, trust me. He's nothing but a gentleman." Kurt smiled, maybe he was getting through to his dad.

"Good. I really don't like this, I don't like it at all, but you're too much like your mother, you're stubborn and hard headed. There's nothing I can say to change your mind about this is there?"

"No Dad. Look, I'm not going to ask for your approval, but I will ask for your respect. I'm not a little kid anymore, I can make my own dicisions."

Burt just nodded. Kurt was his mother made over. He wondered what Elizabeth would say if she were alive. Would she approve of her son dating his teacher?

"So, are we done? You said I was skipping school, but it's only 11:00."

"I guess, but you don't need to go in. I called this morning and said you were sick. Why don't you come help me out in the shop and tell me more about Mr. Anderson."

"Fist, please call him Blaine. Mr. Anderson sounds way too professional. Second, I think I'll pass, I have a date tonight and-" Kurt stopped talking, he really needed to learn when to shut his mouth.

"A date? Did that slip your mind or were you just not going to mention it?" Burt raised his eyebrow questioningly at Kurt.

"I, uh, well-"

"Whatever, it's fine. Tell you what, you can either help me in the shop until it's time for your date, or you can invite Blaine over before your datre so I can properly meet him."


"Which will it be?" Burt figured he might as well have some fun with this whole mess.

"Let me get my coveralls." Kurt sighed, running upstairs. He sent a quick text to Blaine asking him to call after school to let him know what time he needed to start the drive to Westerville. Slipping the phone into his pocket, he went back downstairs to head to the shop.


When the final bell rang Blaine pulled out his phone, seeing the message from Kurt. He smiled, things must have went good with whatever he had to do today.

He waited until he got to his car to dial Kurt's number, he picked up on the secod ring.

"How was work?" Kurt asked, stepping into his Dad's office to take the call.

"As eventful as ever. How was your day?"

"Better than expected. I have to tell you something and you may or may not want to be sitting."

"Um, okay, I am sitting. What's wrong?" Blaine asked, worried.

"My dad knows." Kurt held his breath, waiting for the reply.

"Your WHAT!?" Blaine yelled.

"Listen, before you freak out, it's not bad, he's not going to kill you or anything. I mean, he's not totally in love with the idea of his son being involved with his English teacher, but he's also not going to knock your door down or anything."

"How did he even find out?"

"I don't want to stress you out even more than you already are but, Mr. Shue.

"Oh my God! You're kidding right?" Blaine knew Kurt wouldn't be kidding about something like that, but he still had to ask.

"Afraid not honey, that's who Quinn and Tina told" Kurt felt awful for having to tell Blaine all of this.

"So just to make sure I'm not missing anyone, your dad stepmom, Santana, Quinn, Tina, Mr. Shue, and Sebastian know."

"Yep, that's everyone."

Blaine laughed humorlessly. 

"Blaine, I'm sorry about all this. I know this isn't what you wanted." 

"It's fine, really. I knew it wouldn't stay a secret forever, but still." Blaine sighed.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I'm not. Let's just forget about all of that and focus on our date, okay?"

"Okay, what time do I need to be there?"

"6:30?" Blaine asked, pushing thoughts of worry from his mind.

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."

"Okay, see ya." Blaine hung up and let out a shaky breath. What was he going to do?


Kurt made it to the restaurant fifteen minutes early, which was surprising with how long he took on picking out his outfit. He picked out those really tight black jeans that Blaine seemed to like with a very snug, sky blue v-neck t-shirt that made his eyes pop. He even ditched his boots in favor of his barely worn converse. He's spiked his hair enough to make it seem messy, but in a good way.

When Blaine pulled into the parking lot, he noticed Kurt's Navigator and pulled in beside it. He glanced down at his outfit which was a pair of dark-wash blue jeans, a dark purple t-shirt abd his favorite sneakers. He'd even taken some of the gel out of his hair, letting his curls have some freedom. With a deep breath, he opened his door and got out.

They both stopped dead in their tracks when they saw each other.

"Wow, you look-"

"You too."

"Uh, shall we?" Blaine extended his hand for Kurt so they could enter the restaurant.

Kurt took Blaine's hand with a smile as they made their way inside, he didn't speak until they had been seated and their orders taken. "You look amazing, purple is definitely your color."

"Thank you. You look amazing as well. That shirt definitely suits you." Blaine really liked that shirt. It hugged Kurt's torso in all the right places.

Kurt blushed at the way Blaine's eyes raked over him hungerly. "So uh, our first date."

"Yep, our first date. How do you feel?" Blaine asked, tearing his eyes away from Kurt's chest to look into his eyes.

Kurt's breath caught when his eyes locked with Blaine's. The only thing that came to Kurt's mind to describe them was lust-blown. "N-nervous."

"Why? What's making you nervous?" Blaine tried to tone down the arousal he was feeling, he didn't want to scare Kurt away with his inability to control himself.

"Just, this is my first date, like ever."

Blaine smiled sadly at Kurt and reached aross the table for his hand. He knew what it was like living here and being gay. "You're perfect."

"I'm a completely inexperienced teenager." Kurt said, looking down at the table.

"That means nothing, I don't care about your age or your experience, I care about how much I love you, which just so happens to me a lot."

"But you're older, you've had boyfriends. I'm just a worthless-"

"Stop it, you're not worthless Kurt. I won't push you, I don't want you to feel that just because I'm more experienced, that I'm going to push you. I know you're new to all of this. I promise, we'll take this as slow or as fast as you want it."

Before Kurt could say anything, their food arrived. A soon as the waitress walked away Blaine looked over at Kurt. "I mean that. I'm not looking for a hook up with one of my students. We will take this at your pace, you call the shots and I'll go along with whatever you decide."

Kurt took a bite of his food, chewed, swollowed, and took a drink of his soda before he spoke. "So, does that mean we're officially boyfriends or.."

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes, but only if you do too."

"I do." Blaine said with a smile.

"So, boyfiends." Kurt was also smiling.



They finished eating and headed back towards their cars. Kurt stopped Blaine before he got into his car. "I want to kiss you."

Blaine felt his arousal resurface. "God please, yes."

Kurt pushed Blaine against the car and presed their lips together. It was only meant to be a soft, sweet goodnight kiss, but knowing that Blaine was his, he couldn't help but deepen the kiss. Blaine gladly accepted, opening his mouth and wraping his arms around Kurt's waist, pulling him closer.

Kurt gasped, then moaned when he felt Blaine's erection pressing into his thigh. "Blaine."

"God, sorry Kurt, I-"

Kurt cut him off by kissing him afain, only harder and deeper this time. He pulled away from the kiss only to lean forward to whisper in Blaine's ear.

"My pace is what we agreed on right?"

Blaine just moaned in response because Kurt had decided to press his thigh between Blaine's legs, giving him some much needed pressure on his hard, and very aching cock.

"I want to go to your house." Kurt whispered before pressing harder on Blaine's erection and biting softly on the lobe of his ear.

"Kurt!" Blaine moaned, he couldn't think straigh, his brain was clouded with lust.

Kurt pulled away, raking his eyes over Blaine's body. He looked positively wrecked. "So your house then?" Kurt teased.

"God yes!" Blaine all but yelled.

"Good, I'll follow you." Kurt leaned forward as if he was going to kiss Blaine before smirking and walking over to his Navigator.

Blaine let out a low growl before jumping into his car. He couldn't get to his house fast enough.

End Notes: So Burt's not 100% okay with their relationship, but he's also not going to keep them from each other..Since this is rated M after all, I decided to get ready to write some M rated material. Which is where the end of the date comes in. Next chapter will be the follow up, it'll start right where this one left off. :)Hope you enjoyed this, let me know what you thought!-Krystal :) x


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You. Are. Amazing. I. Love. You. Blaine. Got. A. Boner

Hahaha thank you :) Blaine may or may not be getting more than a boner in the next chapter... just sayin' ;)-Krystal :) x

Oooo Sexyytimesss

Yep yep!! Next chapter! It'll be up Saturday! :)-Krystal :) x

This was really good. I was happy to see that although Burt doesn't agree with the relationship he is still willing to allow it to happen. Blaine and Kurt's date was awesome and I can't wait to see what happens next.

I didn't want Burt to be a complete bad guy, he's just trying to watch out for Kurt like any father would. I know if I was Burt I would be freaking out about it too, so I wanted to show that he's just trying to keep Kurt safe and protect him :) I'm glad you liked the date, the rest will be continued in the next chapter!! ;)-Krystal :) x

Thank you! :D Just updated so enjoy :)-Krystal :) x

Wow breath taking chapter.....loving this story thanks..keep up great work!

omg i cant believe he told his dad about the date! lets see what happens... ok yay taht burt let him go on the date and omg! i love kurt being so comfortable and dominant with blaine.

Burt may not be completely okay with this thing between them, but he isn't an idiot, he knows Kurt would have went no matter what he said, so he let him go. :)-Krystal :) x