Fix A Heart
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Fix A Heart: Chapter 9

M - Words: 1,502 - Last Updated: Jan 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Dec 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 14, 2013
1,268 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: I just want to apologize in advance for this chapter. When I was writing this, I had no intention for this to happen, but it did and it works, so I kept it. :)

When Burt and Carole got home the first thing they heard was music coming from somewhere upstairs.

"Do you think Blaine's still here?" Carole asked hopeful.

"Probably, if I had to guess I'd say yes because Kurt wouldn't be listening to the soundtrack from Mulan by himself." Burt said with a sigh. As much as he cared about Blaine, he worried about Kurt jumping back into a relationship with him just because Kurt felt bad for him.

Carole could tell what Burt was thinking by the look on his face. "Honey, he's grown up, let him make his choices for himself, and I'm sure he's not rushing into anything, it's Kurt after all.

"I just don't want to see him hurt again. Burt huffed.

"I know sweetie, but Blaine needs his best friend tight now and that is Kurt, please respect that. Kurt is a smart, capable young man who we both know isn't one to make the same mistake twice, so give him a chance, trust him" Carole said, trying to get Burt to understand, Kurt needed to help Blaine, not just for Blaine but for himself.

"Fine, fine, you win." Burt sighed, he couldn't argue with Carole.

"Thank you, you'll see, everything will work out." She said as she led Burt into the living room. "Now sit here and watch t.v. I'm going to go let the boys know we're back and see what they want for lunch."


As she made her way up the stairs, she noticed the music had been turned down. When she got to Kurt's door, she knocked, not wanting to barge in.

"Kurt, honey can I come in?" She asked through the closed door.

"Yeah Carole, come on in." She heard Kurt reply followed by what she thought was him shushing Blaine.

"Hey sweetheart, how is he?" She gestured towards Blaine's sleeping form wrapped up by a blanket and Kurt.

"Better, he's getting caught up on his missed sleep." Kurt saidd as he absetmindedly stroked Blaine's curls.

"That's good, how are you doing?" Carole asked barely above a whisper.

"Better than I was. I wasn't sleeping very well and I had to leave work because I'd break down over something that reminded me of him, but now I'm good. I just need to help him, and then we'll talk." He'd only ever told Rachel about how hard he was handling the break up, he didn't want people to think he was weak and dependant on Blaine. Neither Kurt nor Carole noticed Blaine waking up.

"What happened between you two?" Carole asked. Kurt hadn't told them why he and Blaine had broken up, just that they had.

Kurt glanced down at Blaine who was now pretending to be asleep. "Well, okay, before I say anything promise me you won't think any less of him Carole." Kurt couldn't believe he was about to tell his step-mom before his dad, but it just felt right, he needed to talk about it.

"Absolutely Kurt, you know that I love Blaine just as much as you and Finn. Now what happened honey?"

"He cheated." That was all Kurt said, it still hurt to talk about it.

"What, why? That doesn't sound like him at all." Carole was shocked.

"I know, but he did. That's why he came to New York early, to tell me. Carole, he cheated, he was with someone else." Kurt was trying to stay quiet so he wouldn't wake Blaine up, but his tears and sobs weren't going to allow that.

Blaine was listening to Kurt confide in Carole, and it broke him all over again. He'd done the worst thing possible to Kurt, he betrayed him. He felt sick, he needed to leave, but he didn't want Kurt to know he'd been listening, so he just laid there while Kurt did his best to control his sobs. Even being this close to Kurt, wrapped up in his arms, he felt so far away.

"Kurt honey I'm sure there was a reason, Blaine wouldn't just cheat, he's not that kind of person." Carole was still trying to process what Kurt had told her.

"He told me he was alone, I wasn't there when he needed me, but Carole, he's the one that convinced me to go to New York, I wasn't going to leave. I took not getting in to NYADA as a sign. I'd finally accepted it. I was just going to wait until next year when he and I could go together. Now we're broken and I don't know if we can be fixed." Kurt gave up trying to control the sobs, he hadn't admitted that to anyone, not even Rachel.

"Kurt, are you blaming yourself for this?" Carole asked seriously.

"Yes." Kurt whispered.

"Kurt you can't do that, it isn't your fault."

"Not my fault? Carole, I left without saying goodbye, then I got caught up in work and New York and living with Rachel and completely shut Blaine out. I pushed him away, so yes I do blame myself and don't tell me I shouldn't." Kurt as getting angry, that was exactly why he hadn't told Rachel, she wouldn't understand.

"Okay, but Kurt, you shouldn't carry all the blame, your share is fine, but not the whole weight. Carole said, giving Kurt a hug. He knew she was right, he'd just given Blaine that same speech earlier, but it was easier to tell Blaine to do it, than to actually do it himself.

"I know, but I just, it doesn't matter, we'll talk when we're ready." Kurt said, he was tired and just wanted to forget about all of this for a while.

"Okay sweetie, your dad and I will be downstairs if you need anything. Oh I almost forgot what do you want for lunch?" Carole asked, standing in the doorway.

"Nothing now, I'll fix sandwiches when he wakes up."

"Well then you might want to start because he's been awake for a while." Carole hated that she'd let Kurt tell her everything knowing that Blaine was awake, but Kurt wouldn't have told Blaine, and he needed to know. She walked out, closing the door behind her.


"Blaine?" Kurt was terrified that Blaine had heard his talk with Carole.

Blaine took a shaky breath and sat up, not bothering to wipe the tears from his eyes.

"Don't say anything Kurt, I heard everything, and I'm sorry I made you feel that bad. I never should have sang "It's Time" to you and sent you off to New York, but I didn't realize it would be this hard." Blaine said standing up.

Kurt was frozen in place, Blaine sounded like the strong boy he'd met on the Dalton staircase, he could tell Blaine had made a choice on something and that was giving him strength to be the old Blaine again and it made Kurt nervous.

"Blaine I-"

"No Kurt, let me finish, please." Blaine sighed and sat back down, taking Kurt's hands in his bandaged ones.

"Okay." Kurt could barely breath, he felt sick to his stomach.

"Kurt, I will always love you. Ever since tha day on the staircase I knew you were someone special, and I'm sorry it took me so long to see that you were my someone special, but I know now that things change, people change, we've changed Kurt. I will never be over you, I will never move on, not completely, but now I see that I can't hold on to you, we both need to let go, I guess I just needed to see you and hear you say it."

"Blaine, no please, don't." Kurt let out a gut-wrenching sob that made Blaine flinch back.

"Yes Kurt, we need to, we have to." Blaine said trying to calm Kurt down, he hated himself for this, but it had to be done, for both of their sakes.

"No, not now Blaine, not ever. Blaine please." Kurt continued to sob, he couldn't believe this was happening.

"I'm so sorry Kurt, but trust me, its best for both of us, I'm not saying forever, but for now-"

"No Blaine, don't say it at all."

"Kurt, let me finish, I have to say it." Blaine said pulling Kurt into a hug, not wanting to see his face.

"I'm not saying this is forever, but for now we need to say goodbye." Blaine finished, squeezing Kurt tight against him, as if he could physically hold Kurt together after breaking him apart, twice.

They sat there for what seemed like hours, but was in fact only minutes, until Blaine pulled away from Kurt, grabbed his bag that Kurt had carried in last night, and walked to the door. He turned and looked one last time at his beautiful angel. It killed him to see Kurt so broken, but they both needed to deal with this, away from each other.

"Goodbye Kurt." Blaine said opening the door, hesitating before he walked out.

"I'll never say goodbye to you." Kurt whispered. Blaine heard, and took a shaky breath before walking out the door. He walked past Burt and Carole in the kitchen without saying a word, not trusting his voice, grabbed his keys from the stand by the door and left. He drove to the one place that wouldn't judge him. Dalton Academy.

End Notes: I know, I know. That was hard to write, I hated it, but it fits in with what I have planned. :( I will say that things do get better, so fear not.


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OMG...WHY would he go there...Why would he tell Kurt GOODBYE!!! That was not what I wanted to happen.Please update soon I really what to read more.

I will be updating soon, and I promise things will get better... soon. The boys still have things to do together, so it won't be goodbye for long. Although, as expected Kurt doesn't take it all that great. Up next we'll have Kurt's reaction and maybe Blaine's trip to Dalton. :)


OMG why do you hate Blaine? What did he do?