Jan. 14, 2013, 2:36 p.m.
Jan. 14, 2013, 2:36 p.m.
As soon as Kurt opened the door to the locker room, he could hear Blaine's fists meeting the punnching bag. He could also hear Blaine talking, but couldn't make out exactly what he was saying.
"Blaine." Kurt called out, trying to give him some warning that he wasn't alone in the room. He noticed no change in Blaine's assult of the bag so he assumed he hadn't heard him.
"Blaine, it's me, Kurt. Blaine?" He tried again, still no answer, so he peeked around the corner and the sight made his heart hurt.
Blaine looked horrible. His hair wasn't gelled down, his eyes were empty, not glittering like they always did. Kurt could make out hints of anger, disgust and hate in Blaine's eyes, along with very visible bags under them from the lack of sleep. He looked skinner than Kurt remembered, probably from not eating. He was boxing without gloves, the sight of Blaine's hands. bloody and bruised made Kurt sick. What had happened to his beautiful, strong boyfriend? Kurt noticed Blaine had headphones in and the music was at full volume, explaining why Blaine didn't hear him.
Kurt had to do something, he couldn't stand to watch any longer, but he was scared of what Blaine's reaction would be, he could tell he was off, different, and Kurt was scared for him. He had to do something to get Blaine's attention though, so he moved out into the open where Blaine would see him and waited.
Blaine couldn't believe what he was seeing, there was no way Kurt was standing in front of him. Kurt was in New York, living his new life without Blaine. So he just kept punching the bag, trying to ignore the thoughts swirling in his head. It was bad enough that he couldn't stop thinking about Kurt and how he'd fucked everything up, but now he was seeing him, he really needed to get a handle on himself, things were getting out of control.
Kurt just stood there, Blaine had looked at him, and just for a split second he saw his Blaine, the happy, strong boy he still loved, but just as quick, he was gone, replaced by this, cold, angry Blaine. Kurt's heart ached for this beautiful boy who was obviously broken. He had to find a way to get the old Blaine back. He took a step towards Blaine, not wanting to startle him. Not recieving a reaction, he took another step, and another until he was as close as he could get without getting hit by Blaine's flying fists or the bag.
Why was this happening to Blaine, he didn't understand why his mind was playing this awful trick on him. He almost let himself believe it really was Kurt, but he stopped himself, Kurt was gone, and not his anymore. He'd fucked everything up by going to Eli's house. Thinking about Eli made Blaine feel even more hate and anger towards himself, he took an extra hard swing at the bag and let out a frustrated scream. Just then he was caught off guard, Kurt reached out and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. Tha's when he realized he hadn't imagined Kurt, he was really there, in Ohio with him.
"K-kurt, i-is that r-really y-you?" Blaine asked between sobs, his voice scratchy and raw from rhe lack of use lately. He still was not completely ready to believe Kurt was really there.
"Yes my sweet, sweet boy, it's really me, I'm here and I'm going to help you, everything is going to be okay now." Kurt held on to Blaine like if he let go, he'd lose him, which at that moment, seemed like it was highly possible.
"Wh-what are you d-doing here Kurt? Y-you're suppose t-to be in New Y-york." Blaine just couldn't believe Kurt was really there, holding him, telling him he was going to be okay.
"Shh... I'm here and you need me, that's all that matters. New York can wait it will still be there later." Kurt walked Blaine over to a bench, he looked like was was going to fall over from exhaustion any second.
"B-but w-we, I-I d-did, w-hy... Kurt." Blaine couldn't get anything out, all the emotions he had hid away since coming back from New York were coming to the surface, causing him to feel very overwhelmed.
"Shh... don't, not now sweetie, just let me hold you, we'll talk later, we have time." Kurt said rubbing circles on Blaine's back trying to sooth him. He needed to get Blaine home and to a bed before he passed out.
"I'm just s-so tired Kurt, so t-tired." Blaine said, his sobs dying down a little, the exhaustion catching up with him fast.
"I know baby, I know. Come on stand up, I'm taking you home, you need sleep and food." Kurt said, pulling Blaine up from the bench.
"What!? No y-you can't l-leave me, p-please Kurt." Blaine grabbed onto Kurt's shirt, looking terrified.
"It's okay honey, I'm not leaving you. I'm taking you to my house, you need some rest Blaine. I'll be there, I won't leave, I promise." It killed Kurt to see Blaine broken down into this, scared boy.
"I-I, but what about your d-dad? He probably hates me for w-what I did to you." Blaine still looked terrified, if not more so at the thought of facing Burt.
"Listen to me, my dad has nothing to do with this, this is about you Blaine, no one is going to tell me what I should or should not do. I'm here because you need me, what happened between us is no one's business but ours. Now come one we are going home before you collapse from exhaustion." Kurt used his stern voice, making sure Blaine wouldn't continue to argue about it.
"O-okay, but Sam and Artie and Tina are here, they tried to get me to come out but-"
"I know, they are the reason I'm here. They called me, Rachel's with them, but I'm not worried about them, I'm worried about you, nothing else matters right now." Kurt said, he just wanted to get Blaine to the car so he could go home.
Kurt led Blaine out of the locker room, supporting most of his weight. When they got back to where he'd left everyone standing, Kurt heard them all gasp at the sight of Blaine.
"Oh my God Kurt, what happened?" Rachel asked carefully taking one of Blaine's bloody, bruised hands in hers.
"He was boxing without gloves. I'm going to take him back to my house. I'll take his car, can you get mine?" Kurt asked Rachel.
"Yeah, absolutely, once we get there, I'll call my dads and have them pick me up." Rachel said taking Kurt's car keys from him.
"Okay, thank you Rach, and thank you Sam, Artie, Tina. I can't imagine what would have happened if-" Kurt couldn't even finish his sentence, he just gripped Blaine tighter, who was already halfway asleep.
"He's our friend Kurt, we care about him too." Tina said, "Now get him out of here and take care of him"
"I will, thanks again guys." Kurt said as he half carried Blaine towards the exit.
Once he made it to Blaine's car and got him settled in the passengers seat, he pulled Rachel into a hug.
"You can do this Kurt, I know you can." She said encouragingly.
"I know I can too, but it's going to take time, like a lot of time." They both looked at Blaine asleep in the car, looking like he'd been neglected.
"I know, you take all the time you need, New York can wait. If you want, I can call Isabelle for you tomorrow and tell her a family emergency came up and you'll be needing some time off. You worry about him and let me worry about New York." Rachel said getting into Kurt's car.
"Rachel Berry, you are absolutely amazing." Kurt said with a smile.
"I know, now let's get sleeping beauty home." She winked at Kurt who smiled and ran back to Blaine's car.
It wasn't going to be easy, but Rachel was right, this is where he needed to be, with Blaine, not in New York. He'd make it work somehow, he just had to.
This is my favorite chapter so far. I really enjoyed their first interaction and loved that Kurt just stayed with him and convinced him that he wasn't going anywhere. I hate seeing Blaine in pain but I do agree that he would put himself through hell for hurting Kurt. I can't wait to see what happens next.
I hate writing Blaine in pain, I really hate it, but I just can't write it any other way. In general this is a dark fic for Blaine, especially in later chapters. :( But because I believe in equality, Kurt will have his moments too, just not as bad (I think) as Blaine's. :) Thank you so much for taking your time to read and respond. :D
aww i wish this is what happened in the show!
If only I was a Glee writer... ;)-Krystal :) x