Fix A Heart
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Fix A Heart: Chapter 4

M - Words: 614 - Last Updated: Jan 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Dec 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 14, 2013
1,547 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Here's another small chapter. These last two are leading up to Kurt and Blaine seeing each other again. Enjoy :)

"Kurt maybe he meant a different entrance, like one of the side ones." Rachel said for the tenth time.

"Rachel, for the love of God will you please shut up! You're the one that said this was the entrance he meant so this is the one we are going to use." Kurt said, he was getting nervous and Rachel's constant yapping was not helping matters any.

"Maybe I was wrong Kurt, I hate to admit it but I am wr-"

"Rachel! Kurt! I'm so glad I caught you guys!" Artie said as he wheeled himself up to where they had stopped walking.

"Hey Artie, how've you been? Rachel asked, hugging him.

"Good, but lets not talk about me, I came to warn Kurt."

"Warn me, what is going on, please don't tell me this was a big joke because I swear I will-"

"Not a joke, but Sam's plan has some major flaws."

"What do you mean?" Kurt asked worry creeping up on him again by how serious Artie was acting.

"Well his plan was for you two to walk past the locker room." Artie wasn't sure exactly how to tell Kurt why that was such a big deal.

"Um, Artie, what's wrong with the locker room, what's in there that would be so bad for us to walk past?" Kurt said very confused.

"Blaine. He hardly ever leaves, he's been skipping classes, skipping Glee Club, shutting himself off socially and spending all the time he can in the locker room beating the crap out of the punnching bag. I'm not even sure if he's eating." Artie hadn't meant for all that to come out, but he couldn't stop himself, Kurt needed to know before he took off for the locker room.

"W-w-what? No, this is- this is just a sick joke. You guys are pranking us, because that is not how my Blaine would act. He-he's Blaine, he- oh God Rachel." Kurt started sobbing. "Rachel, it's all m-my fault. I j-just kept ignoring him, then he-he. Rachel I n-need to go talk to him, make him better."

"Kurt, you need to calm down first, what good would you be to him in this state?" Rachel asked trying to sooth Kurt.

"This isn't about me Rachel! Blaine needs me, I have to help him! I let him down once, I won't do it again!" Kurt screamed.

"Kurt please, please just calm down you can't help him like this. Please Kurt." Rachel begged.

"Dude, what's going on out here?" Sam asked as he and Tina came running uo to them.

"Blaine, where is he, I-I need to help him, he needs me." Kurt was sobbing uncontrolably.

"Kurt, sweetie you can't even control yourself right now, how are you suppose to help Blaine?" Rachel asked.

"I don't know Rach, but I have to help him, he has always been there for me, now he needs me, and I need to be there for him." Kurt said, calming down a little, Rachel was right, Blaine needed Kurt to be strong, he still had no clue what to really expect when he actually laid eyes on Blaine.

"See, that is much better." Rachel smiled. "Now go get him Kurt."

"He's still in the locker room, we could hear him when we came to see why you were screaming." Tina said.

"Okay, thanks guys. Rachel, stay close, please." 

"I will, we all will." Rachel said as she hugged Kurt.

"Well here I go." Kurt mumbled. He had to help Blaine, he had ignored him and pushed him away to where Blaine felt the need to cheat, now Blaine was hurting and Kurt had to help him. Blaine's well being was his priority right now, everything else he was feeling was pushed back, it could all wait until he made sure Blaine was okay.


End Notes: Another one done. :) Next chapter be ready for the Klaine meeting. Let me know what you think so far. I love getting feedback, good or bad. :)


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I really enjoy reading this story because you don't rush through it. You make me keep wanting to read it. Its defi itely one of the best ones I've read. So kudos to you.

Thank you so much. :D I just woke up tp find this, you just made my day!! I have always been taught to pay attention to detail, so I never rush through anything, that includes my writing. Thank you for reading and I'm glad you're enjoying my work. :)

This was really good. I like the fact that Kurt is willing to take some of the blame for Blaine's actions and that he is willing to put Blaine first. I also think it is great how supportive Rachel is being of the situation. I can't wait to see where the story goes from here.

I hate seeing fics where Blaine takes the whole blame, or where Kurt takes the whole blame. They both had a part to play in what happened, even if Kurt wasn't the one who cheated. I like making Rachel a likeable person, so I make her out to be the sweet, supportive, yet stern best friend. :)