Jan. 14, 2013, 2:36 p.m.
Jan. 14, 2013, 2:36 p.m.
"Start talking, don't give me any crap, just tell me what's going on." Kurt said impatiently when Finn got to the top of the stairs.
"Okay, jeez calm down man. I'll let Blaine explain why, but Sam called us to come help him because Blaine snapped. He had an argument with his parents, he drove to Sam's house, didn't stay, drove to the school, Sam followed to stop him from going to the locker room. Blaine started punching Sam, like really hard, Mr. Shue saw it and went to break it up, then he really snapped, again, I'll let Blaine explain why. Sam called us to come help calm him down and get him out of there." Finn explained as fast as he could, knowing it wasn't the time to joke around.
"Where is he know? Is he downstairs?" Kurt asked, his expression unreadable.
"Yeah, he's calmed down now, but he needs to talk to you. And Kurt, as he's telling you what went down, don't blame him, don't blame his parents, and don't blame Mr. Shue. He's doing that enough as it is. Right now he just needs you to tell him that everything is going to work out and be fine." Finn added, giving Kurt a look to show he meant what he said. Kurt had a tendency to judge people.
"Thanks Finn, I'll make sure to keep it judgment free." Kurt said with a worried smile as he made his way downstairs to where Blaine was waiting.
When Kurt walked into the living room, the first thing he noticed was his dad talking to Blaine.
"Look kiddo, I know you're angry and upset, but they just want to do what's best for you." Burt was saying with a sad look.
"I don't know why, it's not like thye've been parents of the year. Why all of a sudden do they care so damn much?" Blaine sounded angry, but mostly tired.
Kurt cleared his throat to announce his presence before walking over to stand beside the sofa Blaine and Burt were occupying.
"Hey buddy, I'll just go and let you two talk." Burt said as he stood up and headed for the door.
"Burt, thank you." Blaine spoke up, looking down at his bandaged hands, remembering how gentle and kind Kurt had been as he was wrapping them.
"You're welcome kiddo." Burt gave Kurt a sad smile and a nod before walking out, giving themm the space they needed.
"So, Finn said you snapped on Sam and Mr. Shue." Kurt decided to start with that as he sat down beside Blaine.
"Yeah I did. Did he tell you why?" Blaine asked, still looking at his hands.
"No, he said he'd let you explain everything."
"Blaine, look at me." Kurt could tell this was something very serious.
"I can't, please don't make me."
"Okay, will you tell me what happened with your parents?" Kurt asked, wanting ro reach out and comfort Blaine, but scared of how he'd react.
"When I got home, they were waiting for me. They said they needed to talk to me. Apparently enough people noticed my behavior after I got back from New York that Mr. Shue felt the need to inform my parents. He told them about the boxing and the skipping classes." Blaine stopped to take a breath and to calm himself down.
"What did they say?" Kurt could tell Blaine was struggling to keep himself calm and it killed him to not be able to help.
"They wanted an explanation, obviously. So I told them, I told them everything. I told them what I did, how I feltm I thought they'd punish me for the class skipping and go on with their lives." Blaine felt the anger start to boil up again, he let out a shaky breath, trying to stay in control long enough to tell Kurt the rest.
"I assume that wasn't the case." Kurt said trying to hide how nervous he was. He'd never seen Blaine like this, so angry, and it honestly terrified him.
"Not even close." Blaine laughed humorously as he got up and moved to the arm chair, noticing Kurt tense up when he moved. "Are you scared of me right now Kurt?"
"W-what? No Blaine I-"
"You are. You're afraid I'm going to lose control and snap on you. Kurt, I could never do anything to you physically, no matter how angry I got." Blaine felt some of the anger disappear just at the thought of Kurt being afraid of him.
"What happened? With your parents I mean." Kurt changed the subject, trying to get back on track.
"Well they told me I needed to get help, like see a shrink or something."
"Well, maybe you should, it wouldn't hurt."
"Yeah, I know, but that's not all. They decided that the only way I could get that help was by going back to Dalton." Blaine let out a frustrated sigh. He'd never told Kurt about the program they had at Dalton for cases like this.
"How would Dalton be helpful?" Kurt asked confused.
Blaine got up and moved back to the sofa with Kurt. "Dalton has this, program, for students who need help. They have a shrink available for the students, his name is Mr. Jones. They try not to advertise it around the school that much, mainly to benefit the students who go see Mr. Jones." Blaine knew after explaining that, Kurt would ask how Blaine knew about it.
"You've seen Mr. Jones before." It wasn't a question.
"Yes, back when I first moved to Dalton. After what happened at the Sadie Hawkins dance, my parents thought I needed to talk to someone."
"Did it help?" Kurt asked.
"I guess, yeah, but mostly it was just being at a school where no one cared if you were gay. The Warblers really helped, they were so accepting."
"Maybe it's a good idea then, going back to Dalton, if it helps." Kurt finally reached out to take on of Blaine's hands.
"No it's not! It ruins everything, they've already enrolled me. I start on Monday Kurt, this means no New York."
"Blaine, please look at me." Kur said with a soft, pleading tone.
Blaine finally looked up at Kurt. "Kurt I-"
"No you listen, it's my turn to talk. Your safety is the most important thing. You need to talk to someone, if staying here and transferring back to Dalton is the way to get that help, then fine, that's what will happen. New York will still be there when you're ready for it."
"What about you, us?"
"We'll be fine Blaine. I was planning on staying here before, so don't worry about that. I'm not going anywhere, not while you need me."
"B-but Kurt, what about Rachel and Vogue and NYADA?"
"Rachel has Brody, Vogue is just a job, and NYADA will still be accepting applications next year. You are my main priority right now." Kurt took both of Blaine's hands in his and looked him in the eye wanting Blaine to see that he meant what he said.
"You're too good for me Kurt. What did I ever do to deserve a friend like you?" Blaine asked, sueezing Kurt's hands.
"I think you meant tot say boyfriend, unless you don't want that anymore." Kurt said with a smirk.
"Waitm you mean. Kurt are you sure?" Blaine asked, trying not to get his hopes up.
"I've been sure since the day I met you on the staircase. We talked through what happened, I'm ready to forgive you and start over."
"Kurt I, I love you so much." Blaine said with tears in his eyes.
"I love you too Blaine. I never stopped." Kurt whispered, pulling Blaine in, kissing him, holding his hands gently between them.
"I promise, I won't make the same mistake again. I love you so much." Blaine said as they pulled back, the tears leaving tracks on his cheek.
"I love you too sweetie." Kurt said with a laugh. "So my handsome, Warbler boyfriend, why don't you let me take these nasty bandages off, then we can discuss how to tell the rest of the New Directions that you're leaving. Unless Sam's already filled them in, which is possible."
"Anything, I'll do anything you want." Blaine couldn't believe this was actually happening. "Wait, you didn't just do this because I was upset did you? Because that could cause-"
"No, I did it because I wanted to. I was planning on taking you on a tour of the city when we got to New York and asking you there, but this worked out just as well."
"Okay, I just wanted to make sure."
"I'm always sure when it comes to you Blaine." Kurt smiled at him and pulled him off the sofa.
"Now that we've got that settled, let's go get these bandages off, they look horrible."
"Yeah okay. Can we watch a movie after and just cuddle?"
"Yes, aboslutely. I'd love that." Kurt said with a smile.
"Me too." Blaine smiled back, and for the first time since Kurt left for New York, he felt truly happy. He knew he still had a long way to go, talking to Mr. Jones was bound to bring back some painful memories he'd rather not think about, but he knew he'd get through it because he had Kurt there to support him. Knowing Kurt was there, knowing Kurt still loved him and still wanted to be with him gave him all the courage he would need to face his demons and get through whatever life threw at him next. It made him realize that no matter how broken it is, love can always fix a heart.
OMG..I'm crying right now. I know your making the sequel and will be posting a chapter next week which I excited about, but right now I'm just sad its over. I really love how this ended because nothing ever works out how people plan them and this was something that could really happen to the boys. I hope that his friends from McKinley will still be in the seqyel eventhough he is going to Dalton now. Amazing amzing story loved it soo very much, and I can't believe it was your first great job! Til the sequel,EmmaP.S. Will you post something in a chapter on this story saying that you posted the first chapter so I know that you posted it and I can start tracking it? Thanks :D
Thank you so much :D The New Directions will be in the story in the beginning, and maybe a little through out the story, it'll make sense why they aren't in the forefront when you get the first chapter. :) I will add something to the end notes on the last chapter saying the new story is posted so you know :) I'm so glad that you liked how I ended it, the next one won't be as sad and depressing, I'm ready for some Klaine happy times :)-Krystal :) x
i love the story, obviously! =] as for what id like to see in the sequel... just them being happy together.
The sequel is actually almost finished. It's called Give Your Heart a Break, it's already up as a WIP. I have like 2-3 more chapters planned for it then I'll be doing some one-shots and maybe a 3rd story if everything works out the way I want it to. I'm glad you liked the story, it was the first one I've ever written and/or published so I'm glad to see that people really did enjoy it. :)-Krystal :) x