Fix A Heart
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Fix A Heart: Chapter 17

M - Words: 2,091 - Last Updated: Jan 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Dec 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 14, 2013
927 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: First off thank you for the lovely reviews. :)This chapter was both fun and heartbreaking for me to write. I've always wanted to write for Mr. and Mrs. Anderson.Enjoy :)

When Blaine got home he wasn't expecting to find his parents waiting on him. He'd had a strained relationship with them since he came out. It wasn't that his parents didn't approve or accept him being gay, they just didn't understand. Granted his father could have tried harder, but Blaine really couldn't complain too much, at least they still loved him and tried to understand, in their own way.

"Blaine honey, please have a seat. Your father and I woud like to talk to you." Mrs. Anderson ushered him into the sitting room. She looked worried which made Blaine feel uncomfortable.

"Andrea you're going to scare the boy, stop acting like someone died." Mr. Anderson spoke up, noticing how uncomfortable Blaine was.

"Mom, Dad, what's going on? Did something happen? Is everything okay?" Blaine couldn't help but worry, maybe something bad had happened to Cooper or-

"Calm down son, we wanted to talk about you actually, is that okay?" Blaine had never heard his father sound so concerned, almost sad.

"I-I uh sure, what do you want to talk about?" If possible, Blaine got even more nervous, while his parents loved him, they never really went out of their way to ask him about what was going on in his life. The last time they really seemed this concerned was after the Sadie Hawkins dance when he woke up in the hospital

"Well honey, it's been brought to our attention that you've been skipping classes." Andrea paused, looking to her husband. 

"In favor of spending time in the locker room boxing." Mr. Anderson finished, wathing his son carefully to judge his reaction.

Blaine just sat there, stunned into silence. How did they find out? How much did they know/

"Blaine say something son."

"James what's wrong with him, why isn't he speaking?" Andrea was getting frantic.

"H-how-" Blaine didn't even know where to begin.

"Your teachers. They noticed you started skipping class which was not the norm for you, it was your Glee Club director who contacted us. Once you started skipping classes, they started to worry about you, they overheard your friends talking about you being in the locker room all the time." Andrea had unshed tears in her eyes.

"What caused this behavior son? That Glee club director said you weren't using gloves when you boxed." James glanced at his son's still bandaged hands. "And I see he was right." 

"Why honey? Why would you do this?" Andrea started crying.

"Mom, please don't cry, please." Blaine hated seeing his mother cry, but hated even more that he was the reason for it.

"Just, why don't you explain what brought you to want to skip class and box without gloves." James suggested. While he did better at hiding it than his wife, he was worried for their son. Bullies abusing him was something he knew how to deal with, but him abusing himself, James wasn't sure how to handle that.

Blaine wasn't sure if he wanted to tell his parents everything, but he really didn't have a choice. "Well, I uh, you know Kurt moved to New York at the beginning of the school year even though he didn't get into NYADA." 

"Yes, you said you sang him a song and told him he needed to go." Andrea have her son a curious look, wondering what this had to do with Kurt. 

"Well he moved in with Rachel, got an internship at and just settled right in to life in New York. At first we would talk, Skype and text any chance we got, but after a while, Kurt would be 'too busy' or 'going out with Rachel' and couldn't talk. It got to where we barely got in one text a day, no Skype dates and countless missed calls. I tried, believe me I tried, I'd call and he wouldn't answer, I'd text and he wouldn't answer. It felt like he was moving on, without me." Blaine stopped to take a breath and decide how he was going to tell his parents that he cheated on Kurt with some random guy.

"So instead of pushing thtough and waiting, you took up skipping class and boxing non-stop?" James could tell there was more, he could see Blaine was struggling with what to say next.

"I- uh, well there's more, but it's not- I don't want you to think less of me for it. It was mistake and now I have to deal with it every second of my life."

"Whatever it is son, we won't hate you for it if that's what you're worried about, just tell us." James knew Blaine needed to tell them, but was scared. The last time he'd seen his son so scared to tell them something was when Blaine came out, so he knew this was serious.

"I was lonley Dad, Kurt was gone and I thought he was moving on. I needed him, I was depressed, I just needed him there to tell me everything was going to be okay, he wasn't there though. There was this guy, Eli who friended me on Facebook. He asked me to come over to his place and I said yes."

"What happened at this Eli's house?" James asked, not wanting to believe what his mind was telling him had happened.

"I, uh, we. Well we-" Blaine had never been comfortable talking about sex with his parents, he'd learned all he knew from the internet. Talking about him having sex with some random guy from Facebook just made Blaine want to melt away.

James knew then that he was right. "You had sex with him. You cheated on Kurt." Blaine just nodded even though it wasn't really a question.

"Honey, is that why you went to New York earlier than expected?" Andrea asked.

"Yes. I had to tell him Mom. As soon as I got home I booked the flight. I-I hated what I had done. I hated myself, I still do. I hurt the one person who I love with every ounce of my being in the worst way possible. I- he needed to know." Blaine broke down. He felt weak, he felt the urge to punch, the need to take the pain out on something other than his already too broken heart.

His father noticed the shift in his son. Gone was the sad scared boy who was worried that his parents would hate him for cheating, this was a self hate filled carcus of his son. All he could see what hate and anger in Blaine's eyes. He looked to his wife, a silent agreement passing through them, unnoticed by Blaine. They had done the right thing, this was going to be the best thing for their son. He needed help and they were going to make sure he got it.


"Kurt, oh my God that's great!" Rachel gushed through the phone. "So does this mean you two-"

"No, yes, no. No we aren't together, but I can't lose him again Rach. Even though we aren't together and we still have a ways to go, I feel better. He's my soulmate, I need him, and he needs me."

"How is he? Is he better?" Rachel asked, she worried about Blaine.

"Yeah, I think so, he seems better. He wa joking around before he left and he's been smiling a lot, so I'd say he's getting there." Kurt smiled at the thought of Blaine.

"Well that's great Kurt, wait, what about Isabelle, does she know you're coming back?

"Yeah I called her before I called you. I have my internship back. She said she'd always have a place for me."

"That's good. What about NYADA? Are you going to apply for this semester?" Rachel had been trying to get him to re-apply for the spring semester ever since he got to New York.

"Rach, I told you before, I like my job I don't want to lose it just to get into NYADA." Kurt sighed.

"But you'd give it up for Blaine?" Rachel asked.

"Yes Rachel, he's more important, his well being is more important." Kurt was starting to get frustrated with her. How he managed to live with her, he'd never know.

"Okay, okay, speaking of Blaine where is he going to stay? Does this school have dorms or what, I don't know that much about it." Rachel asked, already knowing what Kurt was going to say.

"Well I was going to talk to you about maybe letting him move in with us, woulld that be okay?" He needed Blaine to be there with him, not in some cold apartment, alone.

"I'm sure we could work something out." Rachel said with a smile.

"Thanks Rach, I really apppreciate everything you've done for me and Blaine.

"You're welcome Kurt." Rachel smiled. "Oh hey, my dads are calling me, I have to go. I guess I'll see you when we're all back in New York."

"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow, what about you, any ideas?"

"No, we still have to talk about all of that, he just threw the idea out there today."

"Okay, let me know when you decide, I'll have our favorite take out ready when you get there."

"I will Rach. Thanks." Kurt said with a laugh.

"You're welcome. Bye Kurt."

"Bye Rach." Kurt hung up feeling better than he had since his move to New York. Things were finally starting to fall back into place.


"Blaine, you're father and I have something we need to tell you." Andrea looked to her husband for support.

"O-okay. What is it? Blaine hadn't missed the look that passed between his parents and it worried him.

"Well son after Mr. Shue came and told us about you skipping classes and the boxing, your mother and I talked about how to handle it. We knew something was wrong, and we decided that you need help."

"What kind of help?" Blaine asked nervously.

"Help for depression. We've noticed a change in you Blaine, but we didn't realize how bad it had actually gotten."

"Your father and I put in some calls and we found the best place for you to get help." Andrea wasn't sure how Blaine was going to handle this information.

"And where would that be?" Blaine thought his parents were going to send him to a shrink. It's not like he hadn't spoken to one before but that was at-. "No, Mom, Dad, please tell me, no." He started to panic.

"We called the headmaster at Dalton and explained what was going on, of course he understood. You start on Monday, back at Dalton, we've already contacted McKinley and had you withdrawn. You'll be boarding so you can talk with Mr. Jones, you remember him don't you? He helped you last time." 

"No, I can't go to Dalton. I was- no please, listen to me. I'm already better. Carole called you, told you I was with Kurt at his house, we talked, we-"

"Yes, Mrs. Hummel did call us. She said you were there because Kurt had to fly hom to help you. Then we had your teachers telling us about your problems at school. You're going to Dalton to get the help you need Blaine." James used his strick, fatherly voice, trying to get Blaine to calm down.

"No! You don't get it, Kurt and I, we talked, I was going to go to that school in New York that I was looking at before! We are going to New York together, I can't go to Dalton, I can't lose him again, I won't." Blaine couldn't believe this was happening.

"I'm sorry Blaine, but this is how its going to be. You need help, depression isn't something to joke around with. You're going to Dalton, you'll graduate, then you can move to New York if you want."

"Blaine, son, say something." James said after Blaine just sat there.

"I-I, just I'm sorry, I've got to go." Blaine stood up and all but ran back out the door. He got in his car and drove. He wasn't even sure where he was going until he found himself pulling up to Sam's house. He sat outside for a minute before deciding he needed to do more than just talk. He pulled back out of the driveway and headed straight towards the school, knowing the locker room door would be open for the football players. What he didn't know was Sam had seen him, seen the look on his face through the window and was headed right behind him.


Sam let Blaine drive far enough ahead of him so he wouldn't notice he was being followed. He thought about calling Kurt, but decided against it. If Blaine had wanted to see Kurt he wouldn't have came to his house. The thought that maybe it had been another fight with Kurt crossed his mind. He knew he needed to handle this on his own.

End Notes: 1 down, 2 to go. Hope you enjoyed this one. I know sad Blaine is no fun and I'm sorry :(I hope Blaine's parents came across the way I wanted them to. I've read way to many fics where they are just not nice people and I wanted to show them in a different light.Let me know what you thought :)


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I totally called it! After you wrote in the notes that it was heartbreaking I was like he's going back to Dalton! Why?! Why did they have to do that I know that they were trying to help but the way he was getting help was by being with Kurt...uh! I hate when people's parents ruin things for them. It was a very good chapter though and I think you succeeded with how the parents came across. Soo sad that there are only two chapters left. I think I'm gonna cry when it's over soo please as soon as possible start posting/writing the sequel.Until next time,EmmaP.S. In the sequel instead of them having a kid maybe they should get like a dog or something. That could be cute.

Well see how Blaine handles this new found information. Hopefully Sam can help him. :) I've got the main idea for the sequel in my head so I'll be writing and posting soon :) I think Klaine having a pet would be adorable ;)-Krystal :) x

god i hate blaines parents right now!

i know... but it will all work out for the best. :)