Fix A Heart
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Fix A Heart: Chapter 13

M - Words: 1,606 - Last Updated: Jan 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Dec 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 14, 2013
1,120 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Im back :) First off, Happy New Year, I hope you all had a wonderful and safe time bringing in 2013. :)Second, thank you all for your kind words and love for this fic. I literally cannot tell you how much it warms my heart to know people actually like this thing. :)Third, I love hearing you're comments about what you liked, didn't like, or would like to see in coming chapters. I'd love to hear more, so here's my twitter, hit me up over there :) @eternity_21Okay, now time to discuss this chapter: This will be a short one, not much going on, except me showing how much I love the Warblers. (because they're the love of my life.)Enjoy :D

"Burt and Rachel finally made it to Dalton after getting stuck in construction work not once, but twice.

"It's like the world was against us getting here." Burt said as they mae their way inside.

"I saw Kurt's car in the parking lot, God I hope nothing bad happened." Rachel worried, picking up her pace.

"Slow down kid, I don't hear any screaming, that's a plus." Burt joked as they entered the lobby.

"Rachel! Mr. Hummel!" Sam called, walking over to them.

"Hey, where are they?" Rachel asked.

"Don't know, we've been hiding out in an empty classroom waiting on them to come down."

"You said you-"

"Calm down Rachel, nothing has happened." Sam said, slightly amused at the look he was getting from Rachel.

"How do you know?" Rachel asked, glancing around the room.

"The fact that it's been so calm and quiet that you could hear a pin drop from upstairs. No one has yelled at anyone, not even a teacher since we got here."

"You better hope they're okay." Rachel warned.

"Calm down kiddo, let's just find them. Where were they last?" Burt asked.

"Blaine went to the senior commons to wait on Kurt, so I'd assume there." Sam answered.

"Do any of you know where they are?" Burt asked recieving no's from everyone.

"Let's go get Sebastian, he can tell us." Tina said, heading towards the staircase.

"Wait. Sebastian?" Rachel shrieked.

"Yes Rachel, Sebastian. Let's go." Artie said, rolling his eyes at Rachel's diva out burst, some things never change.

"Hold on, what makes you think he's going to help us, he's evil! He's probably glad Blaine and Kurt are having problems because that means he could go after Blaine now!" Rachel tried stressing to them that it wasn't a good idea.

"Trust us Rachel, Sebastian isn't the same as he was last year." Tina said, hoping Rachel would drop the subject so they could get going.

"Why should I believe that? He almost blinded Blaine. and tried to blackmail me into not performing at regionals, he is pure evil." Ravel put on her best diva face, trying to make them see her side.

"Yes he did that, we aren't saying he didn't, or that it's okay that he did. He's different now Rachel, please." Sam pleaded with her to just go with it.

"What makes you so sure?" Rachel asked, being her usual stubborn self and refusing to give up.

"He helped us, plus he was really nice to Blaine and..." Sam trailed off.

"And what?" Rachel asked impatiently.

"Blaine confided in him. He told him everything about what happened. Something had to change for Blaine to trust him enough to talk about it to him considering he wouldn't even tell us without Kurt having to come home from and pry him out of the locker room." Tina finished for Sam, in a sassy tone, they didn't have time to waste arguing over Sebastian.

"Fine. I still don't like this, but we need to find Kurt and Blaine so let's go get Sebastian." Rachel said with a dramatic sigh.

"Alright kids, now where is Sebastian?" Burt asked, relieved that they had stopped arguing.

"Warbler's practice, and yes we know where it's at." Tina said, already heading in that direction.

"Well let's go kiddo." Burt said to Rachel, neither one sure what they'd find when they finally got to Kurt and Blaine.


"Are you serious? Dude, that's crazy!" Nick laughed.

"Yeah man congrats Kurt." Jeff said with a smile.

"Thanks guys, it's a crazy schedule but it's an amazing job." Kurt beamed at his Warbler friends. It felt good just chatting and hanging out with them again.

"I don't think amazing covers it Kurt. I mean, that's, I'm so jealous," Trent said, pretending to be upset.

"Aww come on Trent, you do know it actually requires work right, not just walking around with a bunch of amazing clothes. I mean, that happens too, but there is work involved." Kurt said, laughing at Trent's fake shock to that news just as the door to the practice room opened.

"Sebastian wee need to- Kurt? Blaine? What-?" Rachel hadn't been expecting to see this. Kurt and Blaine were just sitting there talking and having fun with the Warblers.

"Rachel, what are you doing here? Wait, Sam, Tina, Artie, Dad!?" Kurt was very confused.

"Looking for you, when you left you were, well, you weren't you kiddo." Burt said, seeing that Rachel was still too shocked to speak, something that amused him seeing as it didn't happen very often.

"I, but, you, DAD!" Kurt wined, earning him a laugh from the Warblers.

"We were already here actually." Sam said, pointing at himseld, Artie and Tina.

"Why?" Kurt asked cautiously, not sure if he really wanted to know.

"They came to get me before you got here." Blaine spoke up, giving Kurt an amused look.

"Rachel." Kurt wasn't sure what to say, but he knew this was all her fault.

"I'm sorry Kurt, I was just worried, your dad called me right after Blaine left because you had one of your break downs. I called them to find Blaine, then you freaked out and left, so we followed you. Kurt, we didn't know what you we're going to do." Rachel said, looking down at her shoes.

"It's okay, Rach, I get it, and thank you. I had time to think on the drive over here. I'm sorry for how I acted, I was just upset and not thinking clear, I know you were just trying to help." Kurt said, walking up to her and giving her a hug.

"So are you okay?" Tina asked quietly.

"If you mean me personally, then yes. If you mean me and Blaine, then not exactly, we still have a lot to talk about but we're going to try." Kurt said, turning to Blaine, flashing him a huge smile, getting a matching one in return.

"That's great guys, but please stop scaring us like this. We love you both and we hate it when you guys are hurting."

"Thanks Tina, and thanks to all of you, really. Now, when you so rudely barged in here, why did you start in on Sebastian?" Kurt asked Rachel.

"We thought he'd know where to find you guys." Rachel said, not looking at Kurt.

"Right, sure. Rachel, look at me, he's changed." Kurt said, glancing back at Sebastian.

"That's great Kurt and also not important. We came to find you and Blaine, we found you, now we can leave." Rachel started to walk out.

"Wait, Rachel. I want to apologize for trying to blackmail you last year." Sebastian said, moving to stand beside Kurt.

"It's fine. Now can we go?" Rachel asked, not turning around.

"Rach, please, he means it. Blaine's forgiven him, I've forgiven him, now will you?" Kurt asked, grabbing her arm and forcing her to turn around.

"Kurt, I don't see why it matters, it's done and over with." Rachel said with a sigh.

"It's about closure Rachel. The Warblers were my family while I was here, they were Blaine's family. We all got along so great , we just want that to happen again. Please Rach."

"Kurt, it's fine, don't force her, I understand." Sebastian said, returning to his seat.

"No Sebastian, if Blaine can forgive you for almost blinding him, she can forgive you for some obviously fake pictures of her now ex and a failed blackmail attempt." Kurt said, glaring at Rachel.

"Why are you so adamant about forgiving him Kurt?" Tina asked.

"Because Tina, he helped Blaine. He was there for him, that means something to me. Plus he helped me, when I got here. He talked to me and helped me calm down."

"Well, he helped us too, so I'm willing to believe it." Sam said, walking over to Sebastian, extending his hand.

"Thanks." Sebastian smiled, returning the handshake.

"Me too." Tina smiled at Sebastian, who smiled back in return.

"Count me in, besides, the guy can rock MJ, gotta repect him for that." Artie rolled over to fist bump Sebastian.

"I, I'm sorry. I guess I accept your apology, but if you ever-"

"Rachel." Kurt warned.

"I won't, I swear." Sebastian replied, standing, holding out his hand to Rachel who accepted it.

"Well, I think we should get out of here." Burt said, looking and sounding bored.

"I agree, the Warblers need to practice." Blaine said getting up and moving towards the rest of the group.

""Hey now, I will have you know we've already got our set list planned so don't tell us we need to practice. It's you guys that need to practice, cause we're going to bring the house down with what we have planned." Nick said laughing. Blaine laughed along, holding his hands up in surrender.

Kurt could see how just being with the Warblers for a little while, made Blaine seem better, happier. "Alright, let's go, we'll come visit another time." he said with a laugh, pulling Blaine towards the door.

"You better!" Jeff called after them as they door closed.

"So, you boys going to be okay?" Burt asked as they made their way out of the school.

"We hope so Dad. We have a lot to talk about, but we're going to try to sort it out without running away." Kurt said, smiling at Blaine and linking their arms.

"That's good kiddo. I'm glad to hear it." Burt said, smiling when he noticed their linked arms.

"Well, we're going to head back to Lima." Sam said when they reached the parking lot.

"Us too. What about you Kurt?" Burt asked.

"I think we're going to stop for some food, we didn't get lunchm then we'll be heading back as well."

"Okay, and remember Blaine, you're welcome at our house anytime."

"Thank you Mr. Hummel." Blaine said shyly.

"It's Burt kiddo."

They all got in their cars and went their seperate ways. Kurt and Blaine stopping to get some food before heading back to the Hummel house. They had a lot to discuss and there was no use in waiting any longer.



End Notes: Well there you have it, chapter 13. This is really the most boring chapter I've writen. I just wanted some Wablers in the story. :)Hope you liked it even if it was boring. Let me know what you thought :D


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I liked it ;) and your previous chapter! I read that on my phone and for some reason I can't leave a review through it! Thanks for such a great story!

Why thank you :D I'm glad you liked it. :)

I didn't think it was boring. I thought it had meaning in the story, it would have been weird if the Warblers didn't notice or see Kurt and Blaine. I am looking forward to the next update..want to see what happens with Kurt and Blaine. :)

Aww thank you :D I'm hoping to get the next one up today. This has been a busy week for me, I always update faster than this. I'm glad you liked this chapter, it has quite a bit of importance to coming parts :)