Fix A Heart
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Fix A Heart: Chapter 11

M - Words: 2,474 - Last Updated: Jan 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Dec 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 14, 2013
1,168 0 9 0 0

Author's Notes: A special early upload for Hanna :)

Rachel made it to Kurt's closed door, taking a deep breath, she turned the knob and walked in, knowing knocking wouldn't help.

"Kurt. I know you can hear me, you need to snap out of this. Your dad is worried sick about you, he doesn't need this stress Kurt." Rachel hated being rude to Kurt,, but it had been the only thing she found that pulled Kurt out of his shock.

"Don't you dare bring my dad's health into this Berry." Kurt snarled.

"I'm sorry Kurt, but you were out of it, I had to-"

"No, you didn't have to do anything. I didn't ask for your help/" Kurt said in a voice so calm that it sent chills up Rachel's spine. This was new, usually he would just snap out of it and cry, then be fine. He was really upset this time, it was different.

"Kurt I don't know what happened, but I'm here if you-"

"Just shut up Rachel! I don't want to talk. I just want you to leave me alone, I just want everyone to leave me alone!" Kurt yelled, grabbing his keys off his nightstand and walking out the door.

"Kurt, wait!" Rachel screamed, running after him.

"I swear to God Rachel, if you even try to follow me, I will run both of us off the road." Kurt had spun around after reaching the bottom of the stairs.

"Kurt, you really need to calm down." Rachel said, trying to keep her voice calm and quiet.

"Kurt laughed a dry, humorless laugh. "Calm down? Rachel darling, I am calm, now if you'll excuse me."

"Kurt, I can't let you leave, not like this." Rachel called after him, noticing Burt and Carole watching them from the living room.

"I am old enough to go where ever I fucking want to Rachel, and you will not stop me." Somewhere in the back of Kurt's mind he knew he should just calm down, but he was tired and done and he had to go.

"Kurt, buddy, Rachel's right you should just calm down and stay here." Burt said warningly, having heard Kurt's threats.

"No Dad, I'm fine. I love you, but I'm walking out that door and I'm driving away. I'll be back later, I promise. Oh and I meant what I said about following me Rachel." Kurt said seriously, giving them one last glare before slamming the door. He knew where he had to go, and he didn't have much time to get there.

"What was that about?" Burt asked Rachel, he could see that she was shaken up.

"I really don't know, he's never done that, snapped like that before. Whatever happened must not have been very pleasant." Rachel said, trying to calm down.

"I-I think I know what might have happened." Carole said, walking over to where Burt and Rachel were still standing.

"What?" Burt sighed, sitting on the stairs, still trying to wrap his head around Kurt's behavior.

"Blaine overheard Kurt and I talking. Kurt told me what happened, and he told me how he really felt. It has to be that, I mean they were fine before we talked, then right after, Blaine leaves without a word." Carole said starting to cry, she hated seeing her boys in pain.

"I've got to find Blaine." Rachel said, her face paling once she realized what was going on.

"Whym what's wrong kiddo?" Burt asked.

"Kurt's going to hunt Blaine down. He acted differently this time and now I know why."Rachel said, more to herself, pulling her phone out to text both Blaine and Tina.

To Blaine: "It's Rachel listen, Kurt's looking for you and he probably knows just where to go. He's not stable, he's on the verge of being violent. Be careful."

To Tina: "You guys need to hurry and get to Dalton. Kurt is probably on his way and its not going o be pretty if he gets to Blaine before you do. He snapped, he was honest to God violent with me. Be careful and take care of Blaine. I'm on my way with Burt."

"Rachel, what's going on?" Burt asked, he was scared for his son.

"I'll explain on the way, we need to get to Dalton as fast as we can." Rachel said, rushing to the door.

"Okay, let's go." Burt said, grabbing his keys and jacket and rushing out with Rachel, telling Carole he'd be back as soon as possible.


"So Blaine, what's going on?" Sebastian asked as they sat on one of the couches in the Warbler's practice room.

"Everything. God I've ruined everything, then I had a chance to make it better and I made it worse." Blaine said, finally truly opening up completely.

"What do you mean, and what on Earth happened to your hands?" Sebastian asked, wanting to make sure Blaine was physically okay, he could tell he wasn't emotionally okay.

"Kurt, Sebastian I cheated onn Kurt and we broke up. I had a chance to fix it, he was willing to listen and work things out and I walked away." Blaine got up and started pacing the floor.

"Did I miss something, because I know you're not the cheating type, I tried, remember?" Sebastian couldn't believe that Blaine had really cheated on Kurt.

"Well I did Sebastian. I hooked up with some guy I met on Facebook because I sent Kurt to New York and he wasn't around. Godm I'm horrible, I sent him away then cheated on him because he wasn't here." Blaine started crying as he slid to the floor.

"Wow, that really doesn't sound like you at all Blaine." Sebastian said as he cautiously sat down beside Blaine.

"He was my soulmate, the love of my life, I lost myself after he left. I didn't think it would be that hard without him here." Blaine rested his elbows on his knees, letting his head fall into his hands.

"Did you try talking to him about it? I know first hand how protective Kurt is, was, of you, he'd never just push you away like that." Sebastian asked, hesitating only a second before raising his hand to rub soothingly up and down Blaine's back.

Blaine sighed at the gentleness of Sebastian's touch. "Well I could've tried harder, but I gave up. He would miss our Skype dates and phone dates. I tried to play it off to him having a busy schedule and geting settled, but I could only do that for so long. I thought- Sebastian, I thought he'd forgotten about me. He was in New York and I was here. I gave up." Blaine confessed, it felt good to finally talk about everything.

"Blaine look at me." Sebastian said, prying Blaine's hands from him face, forcing Blaine to look up. You need to stop blaming yourself, what happened wasn't your fault. Kurt should've made time for you, no matter how busy he was."

"I shouldn't have been so weak." Was all Blaine replied with.

Sebastian looked down, still holding Blaine's hands. "Blaine, what happened to your hands?"

"I uh, I was um. I started boxing without gloves, a lot." Blaine said, looking down at his neatly wrapped hands in Sebastian's.

"Why?" Sebastian asked, rubbing his thumbs over Blaine's bandaged knuckles.

"I wanted to feel something." Blaine answered honestly.

"But why feel this, why do this?" Sebastian asked, trying to keep his emotions in check. No matter what anyone though, he really did care about Blaine.

"I really don't know, it just felt good at first but after a while I couldn't feel it so I didn't know when to stop."

"You look exhausted."Sebastian said, taking in the still visible bags under Blaine's eyes.

"Yeah a little. I slept on Kurt's couch last night."

"Well why don't you get some sleep here until it's time for practice, maybe you could even stick around for that, it might help get your mind off of everything for a while. I know the guys miss you." Sebastian suggested as he got to his feet, offering his hand to help Blaine up.

"I don't want to be a downer. I'm really not good company right now." Blaine said, accepting Sebastian's hand, not making any move to let it go after he'd gotten up.

Sebastian noticed Blaine still holding on to his hand, so he squeezed Blaine's hand gently. "You're great company, and you don't need to be alone right now."

"Thanks Sebastian, I could use a power nap." Blaine said, squeezing Sebastian's hand before letting it go and laying down on the couch.

Sebastian shed his blazer and put it over Blaine's arms. "Any time Blaine, get some rest."

As Sebastian went to leave he glanced at Blaine one last time. Last year he'd given anything for this, and now he didn't even want to try. He just wanted to help Blaine by being there, as a friend, because anyone with eyes could see this boy needed help.


Sam, Tina and Artie pulled into the Dalton Academy visitor's lot, looking around for Kurt's Navigator. 

"We beat him here. Good" Sam said, killing the engine.

"Yeah, but now we've gotta get in there, find Blaine and then what?" Tina asked, getting Artie's wheelchair unfolded.

"Not sure, but we have to get it done before Kurt gets here. I'll text Rachel so she knows we made it."

"Good idea, we need to hurry." Artie said as they made their way to the main entrance.

To Rachel: "Hey we made it, Kurt's not here yet, we'll try to find Blaine before he get here. Keep you updated."

To Sam: "Thank God, just hurry, Kurt isn't stable, it's hard to tell what he'll do or say." 

They got in without a problem, now trying to find Blaine was going to be a different story.

"Artie, you've been here before, where should we look first?" Sam asked, remembering that Artie had come with Blaine, Kurt, Santana and Rachel last year.

"I'd say the Warbler practice room, seeing as they're still having class." Artie said, wheeling himself in that direction.

They didn't make it very far before they ran into Sebastian, minus his blazer.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked when he spotted them.

"We're here to find Blaine and we don't have time to talk, we're kind of in a hurry. Sam said, ready to push past Sebastian.

"He's in the practice room. I'll take you." Sebastian said, turning around going back the way he's came.

"What, no sarcastic comments? No rude remarks?" Sam asked shocked at Sebastian's behavior.

"No, I talked to him, he explained what happened, this isn't the time." Sebastian said shortly as they reached the door. "Before we go in, I want to tell you that he's sleeping so don't be loud, he's exhausted."

Sam, Tina, and Artie exchanged glances before following Sebastian inside, noticing that he went straight to one of the couches, kneeling down.

"Blaine, hey wake up." Sebastian said softly, nudging Blaine's shoulder gently.

"Hmm is it practice time already?" Blaine mumbled.

"No, but you have some visitors." Sebastian said, looking up at Sam, Tina and Artie who were still standing in the doorway.

Blaine jerked up causing Sebastian to fall backwards. "Kurt?" Blaine asked in a terrified whisper.

"No dude, just us, what happened?" Sam asked, noticing the relief that flooded Blaine's face when he seen it wasn't Kurt.

"I- uh, nothing, I don't want to talk about it." Blaine said quietly, giving Sebastian a pleading look.

"Dude come on, you have to stop shutting people out." Sam said, frustrated.

"I just don't want to talk about it!" Blaine yelled.

"Why don't you trust us? I thought we were your friends Blaine." Sam couldn't handle Blaine shutting down like this again.

"You are, but you were Kurt's friends first, so excuse me if I don't want to talk about our relationship with you." Blaine spat.

"Blaine, that's hardly fair, just because we knew Kurt before we knew you doesn't mean we don't love you just as much." Tina said, taking a step towards Blaine, who was still on the couch.

"She's right bro, you're our friend, besides what could you have done to make us not like you after you tell us?" Artie asked, trying to calm Blaine down, and lighten the mood.

"Cheat." Blaine whispered.

"Blaine, you don't have to tell them anything if you don't want to." Sebastain said, moving to sit beside Blaine.

"No Sebastian, I'm done being weak and hiding. I cheated, there I said it." Blaine said with a sigh, getting up to pace the floor.

"Blaine, no." Tina gasped.

"With him?" Sam asked, his face and voice unreadable.

"What? Oh no, someone else." Blaine muttered, still pacing, not really paying attention.

"Blaine stop, sit down." Sebastian said, worry taking over again. Blaine was about ready to breakm he could tell.

"No don't sit down, we need to get out of here." Sam said walking up to Blaine.

"I'm not leaving, but you should." Blaine threatened.

"Dude what is your problem?!" Sam yelled stepping in Blainne's path causing them to collide.

"My problem? Oh let's see, I sent my soulmate off to New Yorkm, broke because he was gone, cheated onn him, went to New York, told him, watched him break, came back, needed someone to see I was struggling, but no one did, broke even more, had "friends" call said soulmate and have him come "help me", told him we needed to be apart, watched him break all over again, now I'm standing here with you breathing down my neck and yelling at me. That pretty much covers it." Blaine spat, he couldn't take it anymore.

"Blaine we-"

"No, just please shut up Sam, and leave, all three of you."

"We can't, Rachel sent us. Kurt had a break down, he uh, he got violent with her, then left to come here. We came to get you before he got here and things got ugly." Sam confessed, thinking the truth would get Blaine to leave.

"What? K-Kurt got violent with Rachel? Oh my- is she okay?" Blaine asked worried.

"Yeah, just shaken up, but if you don't want Kurt to do anythinng crazy in public, you need to get out of here. He just needs time to cool off." Sam said hoping Blaine got that they needed to leave, now.

"No, that's not going to help. I need to face this, here and now. He's just hurt and angry."

"Blaine, that's not a good idea." Sebastian warned.

"I have to Sebastian, I'll go up to the senior commons, make sure he finds me. As for you guys stay close, but don't let him see you, trust me." Blaine said heading out the door, Sebastian following.

"Hey what's your plan Blaine?"

"Let him get it our of his system, let him cry or do whatever he needs to, take him to the airport and send him back home." It felt weird for him to call New York home for Kurt, he always thought Kurt's home would be where he is.

"Well, I don't suppose I could talk you out of it, so good luck." Sebastian said, squeezing Blaine's shoulder.

"No you can't, and thanks Seb, for everything." Blaine said as he left Sebastian to head for the senior commons.

"Yeah, no problem, anything for you B." Sebastian whispered after Blaine was out of earshot. This was not going to work, and it worried him.

End Notes: Let me know what you thought :)


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First of all: I LOVE THIS: A special early upload for Hanna :)Second of all: OMG, feelings, can't wait for the next chapter. I miss my happy Klaine <3

Hahaha :) Happy Klaine will be back soon. They had to take a vacation ;)

We'll see what Kurt does, and what happens because of that in the next chapter. :) Glad you are enjoying reading this :D <3

That was amazing. What kind of stupid plan is that Blaine, Kurt is just gonna blow up! You should have left when you had the chance and let Kurt have a break to cool down. I hope that Kurt decides not to go to Dalton and cause a huge scene cause that would make things worse. Update soon!! :)

No, thank you Rosiecarr. :) I'm glad you like it <3

Oh I love this story...I only wish Glee would have handled the storyline along these lines...looking forward to see this story pan out! Thank you!

It'll get better... eventually

omg im so nervous!!

omg im so nervous!!