Sept. 10, 2013, 2:14 p.m.
Sept. 10, 2013, 2:14 p.m.
Kurt hadn't told Cory or Blaine about his phone call to Adam, not because he hadn't found the time. He and Blaine had been spending as much time together as possible, getting use to being a couple. Cory and Tyler didn't have a problem with this since it meant they got to spend time together as well.
Thanksgiving time snuck up on Kurt before he knew it, giving him only a short amount of time to get Cory to New York to spend his Thanksgiving break with Adam.
"I am so sorry, I know I said we would all spend the weekend together but-"
"Kurt, don't worry, I understand." Blaine reassured Kurt as they pulled into the airport parking lot. Blaine had agreed to drop Kurt and Cory off so Kurt didn't have to pay for parking.
"I should've told you about this as soon as I called Adam, but I just- I was enjoying our time together that I guess I just, forgot." Kurt blushed, feeling bad that he forgot about something so important to his son.
"Jeez Papa, you forgot to mention that I was going to be spending Thanksgiving with Dad in New York? How nice of you." Cory rolled his eyes, throwing his backpack over his shoulder.
"Cory, don't talk to your father like that, he's allowed to forget things." Blaine said, putting his arm around Cory's shoulder.
"Sorry." Cory mumbled, his cheeks flushing a bright shade of red.
"Come on buddy, we need to get through security, our plane leaves in 45 minutes." Kurt held out his hand for his son.
"Why can't Blaine and Tyler come with us?" Cory pouted, not wanting to leave Blaine and his best friend behind.
"Because he has to stay here and take care of things. Besides, I'm not staying, I'm just dropping you off." Kurt wasn't sure how to explain this.
"Oh, okay." Cory's face fell just a bit. He was confused, Thanksgiving is about family, why couldn't he spend it with all his family?
""Hey, don't worry, we'll talk on the phone every night and I'm sure your dad will let you Skype with us too." Blaine tried to cheer Cory up, knowing this whole thing has to be confusing for him.
"I just- I don't get why I can't spend Thanksgiving with all of you, you're all family to me."
"Well buddy, right now is time for you and your dad." Blaine knelt down so he'd be eye to eye with Cory. "Your Papa and I, we get you to ourselves everyday, now it's time for you to spend time with your dad. Do you understand?"
"Yeah, I guess so." Cory sighed, a smile returning to his face. "Maybe I'll get Dad to take me to Central Park, it's really pretty when the leaves are changing color and falling."
"That sounds like a great idea, I'm sure he'll be happy to take you." Blaine gave him a huge smile, pulling him into a hug.
"Thanks for that, you're a lot better with explaining things than I am." Kurt laughed, taking Blaine's hand to help him stand back up.
"No problem, he's just confused, I get it." Blaine shrugged intertwining his fingers with Kurt's.
"I'll be back tomorrow. When do you pick Tyler up from your parents'?"
"Wednesday. We'll have some time alone without the kids." Blaine's eyes sparkled as he looked over at Kurt.
"Blaine Anderson, are you suggesting-"
"Maybe." Blaine winked, actually winked at Kurt in the middle of an airport in Ohio.
"Well then, I guess I'll see you when I get back." Kurt leaned in and pressed a short kiss to Blaine's lips before leading Cory to the security line. For the first time in his life, Kurt felt sad to be leaving Ohio.
When Blaine got back to his apartment, he let out a groan at how quiet it was. Tyler was with his grandma and grandpa, Kurt and Cory were on a plane to New York, he was completely alone and he hated it. He knows it's stupid, Kurt will be back tomorrow, but he still hates feeling alone.
He was just about to turn the t.v. on and sit down with a stack of tests that need graded when his phone rang. "Hello?"
"Blaine, how are you?"
"Mom? Why are- I'm g-good." Blaine almost dropped the phone when he heard his mom's voice. She wasn't one to call just to chat and Tyler wasn't due back until Wednesday. "Is everything okay? Is Tyler-"
"Everything's fine, don't worry. I wanted to talk to you about Kurt."
"H-how do you- Tyler told you." Blaine felt his blood run cold. They hadn't spoken much since Cooper's accident, what could she possibly want to talk about that involved Kurt?
"Yes Tyler told me, he hasn't shut up about it since he got here. He thinks very highly of this Kurt and his son."
"Well they're both amazing people. What's this about mom?" Blaine asked, wanting to get to the point of the conversation.
"Well your father and I had a talk and we want you to bring Kurt home for Thanksgiving. Tyler told us Cory would be in New York, but that Kurt was coming back tomorrow."
"That's very generous of you mother, but Kurt and I already have plans."
"Blaine please, I know we've been distant towards you and Tyler lately, but we've already lost one son, so to speak, we don't want to lose another."
"Don't you dare try to guilt me into this." Blaine spat, feeling tears well up in his eyes at the mention of Cooper.
"That's not what I'm trying to do Blaine. Your father and I want to make things right with you. We know we could've handled things better after Cooper's accident and we know we can't change what we've done, but we just- we want to start over."
"Why should I believe you? You've been very clear that you would rather not have me or Tyler around because he reminds you too much of Cooper. I shouldn't have let him visit you, it was a mistake.
"Blaine please hear me out, just- hold on a second, someone wants to talk to you." Mrs. Anderson sighed, handing the phone to Tyler.
"Uncle Blaine?"
"Tyler, what's-"
"Grandma means it, she really does. I'm sorry I told her about Kurt, I just couldn't help it, but she really wants to have us all here for Thanksgiving. She even said I could help with the cookies if I was good."
"Tyler I-"
"Please? Even Grandpa wants to meet him."
Blaine sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Give the phone back to grandma."
"I'm here."
"I'm not going to promise anything, but I'll talk to Kurt when he gets home tomorrow and see what he says."
"That's fine, it's a lot more than I was expecting. Just let us know once you've spoken to him."
"I will." Blaine couldn't help but smile just a bit at his mother's excited tone.
"Alright, I'll let you go and hopefully we'll see you and Kurt on Thursday."
"Okay, bye Mom."
"Bye Blaine, I love you."
"I love you too." Blaine hung up before he started crying. It had been a long time since his mom had said she loved him. Maybe this Thanksgiving idea wasn't so bad after all.
Kurt couldn't have been happier to when their plane landed in New York, not because he was particularly excited to be back, but because Cory hadn't stopped talking since they took their seats. He knew the kid was excited to be in New York but he had been hoping for a quiet flight.
"Papa, Papa, we're here!" Cory screamed once they stepped off the plane, his arms outstretched.
"Yes I know Cory, now keep your voice down or I'll tell your dad that you're grounded." Kurt threatened, grabbing his son's hand to lead him through the airport to baggage claim.
"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited to be home." Cory sighed, smiling from ear to ear.
"Ohio is our home now buddy."
"I know, I know." Cory rolled his eyes. He would always see New York as home, no matter how many times his papa told him it wasn't anymore.
Once they got all of their luggage, they headed out into the city, both of them feeling a calming peace come over them at being back in the city.
The walk to Adam's apartment didn't take long which Kurt was grateful for. It wasn't exactly fun carrying your son's luggage down the busy streets of New York because he kept sitting it down to run and look at something.
"Ring the bell please." Kurt nudged Cory when they reached the door.
Adam must have been waiting for them because the door swung open before Cory had moved his hand away from the buzzer.
"Daddy!" Cory yelled, running into Adam's arms and burying his head in the crook of Adam's neck.
"Hey buddy I've missed you so much." Adam hugged Cory back, closing his eyes and enjoying having his son back in his arms.
"Adam." Kurt spoke up, stepping inside and sitting the bags down to close the door.
"Kurt." Adam let go of Cory, looking Kurt over. "You look good."
"So do you." Kurt smiled hoping to defuse some of the obvious tension in the room.
"Daddy, I told Papa he has to go to dinner with us before he leaves later." Cory said, looking between his two fathers.
"Oh really? Maybe Papa doesn't-"
"I do." Kurt cut in before Adam could finish.
"Alright then, why don't you go get you bags unpacked, then we'll go to your Papa's favorite restaurant." Adam smiled as he picked up Cory's bags and headed to the guest room.
Kurt watched Cory run after Adam, he really needed to have Cory come to New York more often. Unsure of what to do while he waited for Adam to come back, Kurt sat down on the couch and picked uo one of the Vogue magazines that we're laying in the coffee table.
"Well if this isn't a familiar sight." Adam said when he reappeared, giving Kurt a small smile, albeit a sad one.
"Yeah I guess it is." Kurt chuckled, tossing the magazine back onto the coffee table. "It's good to see you again."
"You too. Ohio has treated you well."
"Thanks." Kurt laughed his face reddening at the complement."
"So how are uh- how are things?" Adam asked, sitting in the other end if the couch.
"Good, good, everything is good."
"Just good?" Adam raised his eyebrow questioningly.
"Okay fine, it's great, I just didn't think you would want to hear about, you know.
"Your new boyfriend? It's not going to kill me if you talk about him Kurt."
"I just- I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"You won't, I promise. What's he like?"
"He's uh- he's great. He's a music teacher at the elementary school in Lima, he's great with kids and he's very romantic. He's perfect really." Kurt smiled, thinking about Blaine.
"He really does make you happy." Adam commented.
"Yeah, yeah he does." Kurt sighed. "Can I tell you something?"
"Sure, what's on your mind?"
"I think I'm in love with him, but I'm afraid to say anything because this whole relationship thing isn't exactly his thing and I don't want to scare him away."
"Kurt, can I be honest?"
"Yeah, of course."
"You could never scare anyone away. If you love this guys he runs away because it's 'not his thing' then he doesn't deserve you. Your love is a very precious and special thing, he's a very lucky man to get to experience it." Adam said, scooting closer to Kurt on the couch.
"Thank you. You always did know just what to say to make me feel better." Kurt gave Adam a smile, reaching out to pat his knee.
"Come here." Adam whispered, pulling Kurt into a bone-crushing hug.
Kurt tensed up for only a second before melting into the hug. Adam always did give the best hugs and Kurt really needed one right now.
"Daddy, Papa. I'm done unpacking, can we go eat now?" Cory asked as he entered the living room.
"S-sure buddy, just let me go get my jacket." Adam said, clearing his throat before getting up and disappearing down the hall.
"I'm glad you and Dad don't hate each other." Cory said, coming over to stand beside the couch.
"Why would we hate each other?" Kurt asked, reaching out to fix Cory's jacket and smooth down any wrinkles in his shirt.
"Dunno, I'm just glad you don't." Cory shrugged, looking at the ground.
"What's wrong buddy?" Kurt knew there was something else Cory wanted to say.
"I'm glad you and Dad get along and I wish more than anything that things were like they use to be, but please don't cheat on Blaine with Dad. I know how much it hurt you when Dad cheated on you. I don't want you to do that to Blaine." Cory said in a rush, still refusing to look at Kurt.
"I would never, ever hurt Blaine like that, I really care about him, so don't worry okay buddy?" Kurt waited until Cory looked at him and nodded before pulling him into a hug. "You are the sweetest kid in the world you know that? I'm glad you've warmed up to Blaine and I being together."
"He makes you happy and that makes me happy. I just want you and Dad to be happy, even if it's with other people." Cory smiled, looking up when Adam walked back into the room. "Can we go now? I'm starving."
"Yes we can go now." Adam laughed, grabbing his wallet from the table.
"You heard what he said, didn't you?" Kurt asked as they walked to the restaurant, making sure Cory wouldn't hear them.
"Yeah, I heard him. He's very mature for his age, he takes that after you."
"Yeah he is. Sometimes he scares me with how mature he can be."
They walked in silence until they made it to the little restaurant that had served as Adam and Kurt's go-to place when they wanted to go out since college.
"Thanks for bringing him here."
"You don't have to thank me. He needs to see you more often, you're his father just as much as I am."
"Except biologically." Adam pointed out as they sat down.
"I thought we agreed a long time ago that DNA didn't mean anything when it comes to being parents? We're both equal when it comes to being his father."
Adam just smiled, picking up the menu and looking through it even though he knew everything this place served.
Kurt rolled his eyes and reached for his menu as well. Some things never change.