Sept. 10, 2013, 2:14 p.m.
Sept. 10, 2013, 2:14 p.m.
When Kurt woke up the next morning, the first thing he noticed was that he was alone in bed. It took him all of a half a second to realize why this wasn't right, his face going pale and his heart dropping to his stomach. Had Blaine woken up and realized that this was a mistake? Had they pushed things too quickly and now Blaine was having second thoughts? Cursing himself for inviting Blaine to stay in the first place, Kurt made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen to start the coffee pot but found it already on with fresh, hot coffee waiting for him along with a note.
"Your dad called while you were still sleeping. Went to get the kids. Everything's fine, just didn't want to wake you. I'll be back soon, while you wait here's some fresh coffee." -Blaine x.
Kurt let out a sigh of relief followed by a small chuckle. Of course Blaine would be that guy, so thoughtful and considerate. He poured himself a cup of coffee and headed to the table to check his emails and wait for Blaine and the kids to get back.
He didn't have to wait long, about a half an hour later he heard a car pull in the driveway and Cory's laugh that reminded him if his own. Smiling, he closed his computer and went to the door to greet them. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Did you boys have fun last night?"
"Papa!" Cory yelled, running to Kurt and hugging him tightly, almost knocking him over.
"Hey buddy, I miss you too. Did you have fun at grandma and grandpa's house?" Kurt asked, pulling Cory inside to make room for Blaine and Tyler to squeeze through the doorway.
"Yeah we did! Grandpa let us watch movies and eat popcorn and chocolate!"
"Then we were too hyper to sleep so we stayed up with Mrs. Carole while she baked cupcakes." Tyler piped in, smiling from ear to ear.
"Oh really? That sounds like a lot of fun, maybe next time me and Blaine can join in." Kurt laughed, walking back towards the kitchen. "Have you already had breakfast boys?"
"No, not yet. I told grandpa that I wanted to wait until we got home so Tyler could try your chocolate chip pancakes." Cory said, hopping into one of the kitchen chairs, looking at Kurt expectantly.
"Ahh, I see how it is. Alright, you am Tyler can go play in your room, I'll let you know when it's ready." Kurt sighed, laughing when he heard Cory telling Tyler that his papa makes the best pancakes in the world but only because of the chocolate chips, otherwise they're just normal boring pancakes.
"You know you don't have to make Tyler's breakfast, right?" Blaine asked, speaking for the first time that morning.
"I know, but I want to. Unless you have to leave, which I understand, I guess I should have asked before I just assumed you were staying." Kurt felt his earlier worries resurface, what if Blaine really did change his mind about them?
"Do you want me to stay?" Blaine tried to keep his face void of emotion, he didn't want Kurt to feel obligated to let him stay.
"Of course I want you to stay silly. You can stay as long as you want." Kurt smiled reassuringly before focusing his attention on making breakfast.
"You might regret saying that later when you have to kick me out." Blaine laughed, leaning against the counter. "Anything I can help you with? I happen to know a thing or two about pancakes."
"I could use an extra set of hands, if you want to grab the chocolate chips out of that far cabinet over there."
Blaine chuckled, letting himself enjoy this time with Kurt, knowing that sooner or later they would have to talk about their sleeping arrangement the night before. For now though, their focus was in makings the best breakfast their kids had ever seen.
"Okay, I'm pretty sure you're Cory's favorite person in the world now." Kurt sighed as he sat down beside Blaine on the couch, exhausted from their game of cops and robbers.
"And why is that?" Blaine asked with a smile that told Kurt he knew exactly why and he was very pleased with himself.
"Creating a blanket fort to use as the police station was brilliant. I don't think I've seen Cory so happy, at least not since before we moved."
"Blanket forts are the best, I use to make them all the time when I was a kid." Blaine shrugged it off, reaching for the remote to adjust the volume of the tv so the boys wouldn't overhear them. "Are we going to talk about last night or are we just going to pretend it didn't happen?"
"I-I guess we should talk about it. It did kind of push our 'just friends' boundary."
"Yeah, kind of, but did it bother you?" Blaine asked, turning so he could face Kurt.
"Honestly, no it didn't, it felt nice having someone there." Kurt admitted, not looking Blaine in the eye.
"You know how I feel about you Kurt, I want to be with you-"
"But I don't know what I'm doing. Relationships aren't my thing, I've dated guy but I've never had anything too serious. I never wanted anything serious until you came along, and now I just don't want to screw this up. You just got divorced and-"
"And what? I need time to deal with that? I don't need time, what I need is someone who isn't going to cheat on me, I've had time to deal." Kurt sighed, taking Blaine's hand. "Look, I will be the first to say that relationships, serious or otherwise, are far from easy, but when you really want it you have to take a chance."
"I just don't want to hurt you. You're an amazing person, I don't know how I could live with myself if I ever hurt you."
"You really are the sweetest guy on the planet, you know that?" Kurt laughed, squeezing Blaine's hand. "I want to be with you, I want to go on dates with you and hold your hand. I want to be able to call you my boyfriend and bring you your lunch when you forget it because you woke up late. I want everything with you Blaine, even though we haven't known each other long, I feel like I've known you my entire life and that means something to me."
Blaine smiled, intertwining his and Kurt's fingers. "I want everything with you too. From the moment I saw you, I just knew, it was like every part of my body was aching to be near you. I know that sounds cheesy and possibly a little creepy, but it's true. There something about you Kurt Hummel, I don't know what it is, but there's definitely something."
"So does that mean you want to try this too or what?"
"It scares the shit out of me, but yes, I want to be your boyfriend."
"I was so hoping you'd say that." Kurt said, moving his free hand up to cup Blaine's cheek.
"Would it ruin the moment if I said I really want to kiss you now?" Blaine asked, looking from Kurt's eyes to his mouth.
"No, not at all."
"I really want to kiss you now."
"Then why aren't you?" Kurt questioned, leaning in slightly towards Blaine, his eyes never leaving Blaine's.
Blaine didn't reply, he simply leaned in and pressed his lips to Kurt's, slowly raising his hand to grip Kurt's bicep. He'd kissed plenty of guys in his time, but none of those kisses were like this one. This kiss sent a jolt through his entire body, taking his breath away.
Kurt was the one to break the kiss, pulling back slightly to catch his breath. "What are we going to tell the kids?"
"The truth? I think they'll be happy for us." Blaine rested his forehead against Kurt's.
"Papa? Mr. Anderson?" Cory was in the doorway, looking between Kurt and Blaine, his expression unreadable.
"Cory, there's something Blaine and I want to talk to you and Tyler about, can you go get him and come out here?" Kurt asked, hoping Cory wouldn't freak out.
Cory just nodded and ran back to his room, returning a moment later with a very confused Tyler.
"Boys, have a seat, there's something we want to tell you." Blaine let them get sat down before looking to Kurt for support. "I don't really know how to say this, so I'm just going to come out with it."
"Are you and Kurt finally boyfriends?" Tyler asked with a hopeful smile.
"Yes, Blaine and I are boyfriends." Kurt confirmed, taking Blaine's hand in his as if to prove it.
"Awesome!" Tyler looked over at Cory. "That means you and me are like brothers!"
"Cory, are you okay?" Kurt asked worriedly, seeing that Cory was definitely not smiling.
"Yeah, I'm good. I just- Mr. Ander- Blaine isn't going to hurt us like Daddy did is he?"
"Of course not buddy, you don't have to worry." Kurt assured his son, even though he knew he couldn't really know fore sure.
"Promise?" This time Cory was looking at Blaine.
"I promise." Blaine said seriously.
"Okay, good. Can me and Tyler go play now?"
Kurt couldn't help but laugh. "Sure, go ahead."
"That went well, don't you think?" Blaine asked after the boys had left the room.
"Very. I was afraid Cory would think I was trying to replace his dad with you." Kurt admitted, leaning back against the couch, pulling Blaine with him.
"I never thought about that. I would never-"
"I know that and I'm sure Cory knows it. I was just worried about something that I didn't need to worry about I guess." Kurt picked up the remote and started flipping through the channels. "How about a movie? And later I can make us all dinner before you have to go home."
"That sounds perfect." Blaine smiled, snuggling in as close as possible to Kurt, wanting nothing more than to spend forever wrapped up in his arms.
Blaine and Tyler went home that night to get ready for school the next day, giving Kurt time to talk to Cory about everything in private.
"Hey buddy, can I talk to you for a second?" Kurt was standing in the doorway of Cory's room.
"Sure." Cory shut the book he was looking at and placed it on his bedside table, making room for Kurt to sit on the bed with him.
"What's that?" Kurt pointed towards the book, hesitating before reaching for it.
"Please don't be mad, I promise I'll put it back, I just- I wanted to see it."
When Kurt picked it up, he saw that it wasn't just a book, it was his photo album from his wedding. "Oh honey, why would I be mad that you have this?"
"I know you and Daddy aren't together anymore, but sometimes I just miss the way everything was in New York. When I feel sad or upset I go get one of your picture books and look at them, it makes me feel less sad."
"Cory, I want you to know that I will never be mad at you for missing your dad. No matter what happened between him and me, he's still your dad and I understand that." Kurt hadn't realized how much the divorce and the move had effected his son.
"Sometimes I get mad at him for what he did. If he hadn't done it, we could all still be together." Cory said, tears slowly starting to fall from his eyes. "Did he not love us?"
"Your dad made a mistake, a huge mistake, but don't you ever, ever, think he doesn't love you. He's always loved you and he always will." Kurt pulled his son into his lap, making a decision to call Adam tomorrow while Cory is at school and make plans for him to go to New York to see him.
"Papa, can I ask you something?" Cory asked, resting his head on Kurt's shoulder.
"Of course buddy, what's on your mind?"
"Do you love Blaine?"
"Do I- Cory, I- I like Blaine a lot, he makes me happy, but love, that's a big thing."
"You look at him like you use to look at Daddy, and he looks at you like you're the only person around."
"You're observant." Kurt laughed, knowing at least half of that statement was true.
"I got that from you Papa." Cory said, rolling his eyes. "I like Blaine, he's really nice and he makes you happy."
"I love you kiddo." Kurt pulled Cory into a hug. Sometimes he was too mature for his age, which only reminded Kurt of himself.
"I love you too Papa." Cory hugged Kurt back, pulling away after a few minutes. "Can we watch Aladdin?"
"Sure. Do you want to watch it in here or in the living room?" Kurt asked, standing up to get the movie off Cory's shelf.
"In here, but can you make us some popcorn?"
"Yeah, I'll go do that now, you get your pjs on and get ready for bed while I do though just in case you fall asleep during the movie."
"Okay! Thanks Papa."
"You're welcome buddy." Kurt shut the door and headed to the kitchen, shooting Blaine a text to let him know that Cory was fine with them so Blaine wouldn't worry. While the popcorn was popping, he sent another text as well, this one to Adam."Cory wants to see you, he misses you. I'll call you tomorrow so we can try to set something up." -Kurt.
He wasn't expecting to get a text back, he and Adam hadn't really communicated at all since he moved. "I miss him too, I miss both of you. I'll be waiting for your call." -Adam.
Kurt sighed, pocketing his phone and grabbing the popcorn. He pushed the thought of the phone all to the back of his mind, he'd deal with it tomorrow when he was alone.
Kurt dropped Cory off at school the next morning with a promise of his favorite dinner and ice cream for dessert if he didn't get in trouble in any of his classes. In hindsight, he probably should have known that making a promise like that would let Cory know something was up, but all Kurt could think about was calling Adam. What was he even suppose to say?
"Papa, whatever you're worried about, it'll be okay." Cory promised before he got out of the car that morning. He even turned back around to wave and give Kurt an encouraging smile, something he's never done when Kurt drops him off.
"I hope you're right kiddo." Kurt mumbled to himself before pulling back onto the road, heading to the apartment to get this phone call over with. To be honest, he wasn't surer why it was bothering him so much, it's just a phone call, he'd dealt with worse in his life. Still, he couldn't stamp down the feeling of dread when he pulling the car into the driveway and made his way inside. There was no need in putting it off any longer so he pulled his phone out and dialed the number he'd had memorized since sophomore year of college.
"Adam, hey it's uh- me, it's Kurt."
"Kurt hey, I wasn't- give me just a second? I'm kind of in the shower."
"Yeah okay." Kurt sat down at the kitchen table, smiling to himself. It was so like Adam to answer the phone in the shower, he couldn't count how many phones Adam had went through because of things like that.
"Alright, sorry I didn't think you'd call until later. How are you, how's Cory?" Adam asked, his voice wavering slightly, something that Kurt didn't miss.
"We're good, everything's good. He misses you though and I promised him we'd work something out so he can see you."
"I'd love that. I miss him too, a lot. Would you let him fly here by himself?"
"Absolutely not. I know how the airports are there." Kurt wasn't about to let his son fly to New York on his own and have to navigate the airport by himself.
"Okay, what if we meet half way between Ohio and New York? Or I could drive down and get him, I don't mind."
"No no, you don't have to do that. I can fly to New York with him, and you can meet us at the airport."
"Oh, I guess that would work too. I didn't think you would-" Adam cut off, trying to find the right words to not offend Kurt.
"You didn't think I would what? Want to see you? We're both adults here Adam, I'm not worried about seeing you." Kurt knew that was a lie but he wasn't going to let Adam know that.
"Kurt, you moved out of state to get away from me, I know you better than that." Adam said, guilt very obvious in his voice.
"That was then, this is now. I was thinkinge about doing this around Thanksgiving, that would give Cory more time with you than just doing it over a weekend."
"Whatever works for you, I'd love to have him here for Thanksgiving."
"Thanksgiving it is then." Kurt wasn't sure what else to say, so he just stayed silent, hoping Adam would say something.
"How's your dad and Carole?"
"Good, good. How's New York?"
"Busy as ever. I ran into some of our friends from college, they asked me about you."
"What'd you tell them?"
"The truth, I told them I made the worst mistake of my life and that you and Cory moved to Ohio."
"Adam, I'm seeing someone." Kurt blurted out, regretting it as soon as it was out of his mouth. Adam didn't need to know about Blaine, why was he telling Adam about Blaine?
"Oh uh- I'm happy for you. Is he- who is he?"
"His name is Blaine, he's Cory's music teacher." Kurt couldn't help but smile thinking about Blaine.
"You sound happy. Does he make you happy?"
"Yeah, yeah he does. He's a good guy, he's good with Cory and he's got a boy Cory's age, well it's his nephew but still. I really like him."
"Can I be honest with you Kurt?"
"Of course."
"I miss you, I miss waking up and seeing you laying beside me, I miss coming home and seeing you sitting at the table with your sketches all over the place, I miss everything we had, but I know we're never going to get that back. I know I hurt you and I know I'm going to deal with that for the rest of my life. I just- I want you to be happy, that's all I want, and if this Blaine guy makes you happy, then I'm happy for you, just do me a favor?"
"A favor?"
"If anything ever happens between you two, if you ever need someone to talk to, a place to stay, anything, call me. I still care about you Kurt and I'll always be here if you need me."
Kurt smiled, taking a deep breath before answering. "I will, I promise, and thank you Adam. I know things ended badly for us, but I still care about you too, I think I always will."
"Just not in that way, not anymore." Adam said what Kurt wouldn't.
"Yeah, I-"
"Don't apologize, I know I screwed up. I just want you to know that I'm still here for you, in whatever way you need me."
"Thank you."
"No problem. Hey, I've got to run, I'm starting rehearsals for a new show today and I don't want to be late on the first day. Tell Cory I said hi and that I love and miss him but I'll see him soon."
"I will. He loves you too and misses you like crazy. Break a leg at rehearsals."
"Thanks Kurt. I'll talk to you soon."
"Yeah, talk to you soon." Kurt hung up and sighed. The phone call wasn't as bad as he had been anticipating, but now he was left with an empty house and nothing to do. He only thought about it for a second before sending Blaine a text, asking what he was doing for lunch.
"Working on lesson plans. Why?" -B
"Let me bring you lunch, I can make you a BLT." -K
"You don't have to do that. I can get something from the cafeteria." -B
"I want to. I want to see you." -K
"Well then, if that's the case bring two and we'll eat together. :)" -B
"It's a date." -K
"It's a date." -B