A Fresh Start.
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A Fresh Start.: Crushes.

T - Words: 1,378 - Last Updated: Sep 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Aug 12, 2013 - Updated: Sep 10, 2013
151 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Kurt and Blaine will officially meet soon. I promise. I wanted it to happen in this chapter, but this came out instead. :)-Krystal :) x

When Kurt arrived at Lima Elementary that afternoon to pick Cory up, he noticed that Cory was smiling and laughing with a group of kids his age. He was relieved to see Cory had made friends, he'd been worried about him fitting in after living in New York his entire life.

"Papa!" Cory spotted Kurt and ran up to him.

"Hey buddy, did you have a good day?"

"Yeah I did! I made new friends, do you want to meet them?"

"Sure buddy." Kurt laughed at his son's excitement.

"Tyler, this is my papa. Papa, this is my new friend Tyler."

"Hello Tyler, did you guys have a good first day of school?"

"Yes sir, we played soccer at recess and mine and Cory's team won! He's really good at soccer."

"Yeah, and then we had music class with Mr. Anderson. Did you know that he's Tyler's dad?"

"It sounds like you've had an exciting day but we need to be getting to grandpa and grandma's house, you'll see Tyler tomorrow." Kurt held his hand out for Cory.

"Okay, bye Tyler."

"Bye Cory! See you tomorrow!"

As they were walking towards Kurt's car, Kurt heard someone call out for Cory.

"Cory, wait just a second!" Mr. Anderson ran up to them, slightly out of breath. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to give Cory his homework, he left it in my class."

"Ah, thank you Mr. Anderson." Kurt took the paper with a smile and slipped it into Cory's backpack. "Say thank you Cory."

"Thanks Mr. Anderson, you're the best!"

"You're welcome. I'll let you go now, see you in class tomorrow." Blaine have both Kurt and Cory one final look before heading back to the building, and if he looked at Kurt a little longer than needed, he would say it was because his was admiring his shirt.


"And then Mr. Anderson let us play with some of the instruments!" Cory had been going on about his music class with Mr. Anderson ever since they arrived at Breadstix and didn't show any signs of stopping.

"I think your kid has a crush." Burt said while Cory was re-telling everything for Carole like she hadn't been sitting there the entire time.

"No kidding, he's been going on like this as soon as we got in the car."

"Well I'm glad he's enjoying his new school, I know you are worried about him adjusting."

"Yeah, I know it's been hard on him moving away from the only home he's ever known, but he's doing a lot better than I expected." Kurt looked at Cory and smiled, his marriage may have went to hell, but it was worth all the crap just to have Cory.

"Speaking of adjusting, how have you been doing?" Burt knew Kurt had had it rough since his divorce, but he was good at hiding it.

"Good, good, you know how it is."

"Actually, I don't kiddo, I've never been divorced. Have you talked to Adam at all since you moved here?"

"No. He's probably busy with his show and his newest boyfriend." Kurt didn't want to talk about Adam, especially in front of Cory.

"Daddy has a boyfriend? Cory asked, having heard Kurt talking about Adam.

"Uh, well, he uh-"

"Why don't you have a boyfriend Papa?"


"Yeah Kurt, why don't you have a boyfriend?" Burt laughed.

"Not now Dad." Kurt didn't want to have this conversation, not yet, he's not ready.

"Mr. Anderson doesn't have a boyfriend either, Tyler said he needed on though. Can you be Mr. Anderson's boyfriend Papa?"

"Cory, that's enough!" Kurt didn't mean for it come out so harsh, but he's tired and when he's tired, he gets easily agitated.

"Why don't we go get some ice-cream and let Papa and Grandpa talk. We'll come back and get them when they're ready." Carole took Cory out of the restaurant, leaving Kurt and Burt alone at the table."

"So, Mr. Anderson seems to be a touchy subject, care to explain?"

"It's not- okay, maybe I noticed him, like really noticed him." Kurt gave in, knowing there was no use to try and lie to his dad.

"Why is that a bad thing?"

"He's the first guy I've been even a tiny bit interested in since Afam, and I don't know, it just seems like it's too soon."

"Or maybe you're afraid to put yourself out there because you're scared of getting hurt again."

"I'm perfectly fine by myself you know. I don't need a relationship."

"You can't stay single forever kiddo, that's not who you are. You've got to put yourself out there eventually."

"But not now, I'm just not ready yet." Kurt sighed, he knows his dad is right though.

"You don't have to be ready yet, but one day you are going to be ready and you'll find someone you care about you and Cory in a way Adam never could. That's when you know you've found the right one."

"You really think I'll find someone after everything I've been through?"

"Of course I do kiddo. You'll find the right guy when you least expect it."

Kurt smiled at his dad, he always has the best advice. "Thanks Dad, you always know just what to say."

"No problem buddy." Burt looked down at his watch. "It's getting late, I'm sure you want to get home."

"Yeah, Cory has homework and he'll need a shower before bed." Kurt stood up as his dad paid the bill and then headed out toward the parking lot. "We'll visit you again later in the week."

"Alright kiddo, have a good night." Burt waved at Kurt and Cory as they pulled out of the parking lot. He turned to Carole as soon as the car was out of sight. "I don't think this is the last we've heard of Mr. Anderson, I think both of those boys have a crush."

"I think you're right sweetie. I'll give it a week, maybe less."


Blaine had just settled Tyler into bed and was getting ready to leave the room when Tyler spoke.

"You need a boyfriend Uncle Blaine."

"Tyler, we've had this talk, I don't need or want a boyfriend." Blaine sighed, turning out the light.

"Cory's dad is single, Cory said so. You should be his boyfriend so Cory and I can spend more time together."

"Go to sleep Tyler." Blaine shut the door and made his way to his bedroom where he fell onto the bed with a groan. He doesn't want a boyfriend, he doesn't want commitment. So why can't he stop thinking about that man and the way his eyes always seem to have a sort of shine to them, even in the harsh hallway lights of the school?


"Papa, I'm sorry if I upset you tonight talking about Mr. Anderson." Cory walked into his papa's room dressed for bed.

Kurt sat his book onto the bedside table and let Cory climb up into his bed. "It's okay buddy, I shouldn't have snapped at you. Papa's just not ready to have a boyfriend yet."

"Why? Do you miss Daddy?"

Kurt thought about it before answering. Sure he missed having someone else there, but when he really thought about it, it wasn't Adam he missed. "I- do you miss Daddy?"

"Sometimes. He made the best soup, even better than yours."

"I know buddy, we'll have to call him soon and find out when you can go see him."

"Really? You mean like go back to New York?"

"Or maybe he could come here. Which do you want?"

"I don't want to miss school!"

"You won't have to miss school buddy. We'll talk about this later okay? You need to get to bed."

"Okay Papa. G'night, I love you."

"I love you too Kiddo." Kurt watched Cory run out of his room and picked up his phone.

"Kurt, it's late, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine, I just- Cory misses you and I know you miss him too. I was thinking maybe he could spend Thanksgiving with you, if you don't have plans."

"That would be great. I miss him a lot. I miss you too you know."

"Adam. Don't."

"I'm not, I'm just- never mind."

"I need to go, I have to be up early in the morning to get Cory to school. We'll talk later."

"Okay, tell him I said I love him and miss him."

"I will."

"Bye Kurt, I- if you need anything, just let me know."

"Bye Adam, and you too." Kurt hung up thinking how that call could have been worse. He tossed the phone onto the table with his book and turned the lamp off, he needed to try and get some sleep.


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