A Fresh Start.
First Day of School. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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A Fresh Start.: First Day of School.

T - Words: 1,697 - Last Updated: Sep 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Aug 12, 2013 - Updated: Sep 10, 2013
145 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I can check the first "real" chapter of this story off my list now. :) Thank you to everyone who is reading this story, you're the best!-Krystal :) x

Monday morning, bright and early, Kurt rolled out of bed with a groan. He really was getting too old to be up this early, but he'd promised Cory he would make him pancakes before school so he pushed himself to wake up and head to the kitchen.

It was the start of a new school year at Lima Elementary and Kurt had to admit he was a little nervous for his son to start school. Before they moved to Ohio, Cory had went to a private school in New York, now he was going to the only elementary school in Lima and it's a public school. Kurt had made a promise to himself to never send his children to public school after everything he'd went through, and up until now he'd stuck to that promise.

"Papa?" Cory stumbled into the kitchen, his chestnut brown hair sticking up at every angle, his sky blue eyes still heavy with sleep.

"Good morning sunshine, ready for breakfast?" Kurt smiled at his son, the only good thing in his life right now.

"Pancakes?" Cory wasn't much of a talker in the mornings, it took him a while to get woke up.

"Yep, I even made the chocolate chip kind because I know those are your favorite." Kurt said sitting a plate of chocolate chip pancakes down in front of Cory.

"Wow, thanks Papa, you're the best." Cory's eyes lit up as he eyed the pancakese. Papa never makes the chocolate chip kind except for special occasions, so apparently school is a special occasion.

"You're welcome buddy. Do you want me to pick out your outfit or do you want to do it?" Kurt and Adam had always given Cory the choice of picking out his own clothing and Kurt wasn't about to stop that now.

"Can we do it together?" Cory asked before taking a huge bite of pancake.

"Sure kiddo." Kurt's smile faltered just a bit. Ever since he and Adam had split, Cory had gotten clingy, not wanting to do anything without Kurt there with him.

Cory just hummed, focusing all his attention on his pancakes. He didn't see the sad look on Kurt's face when he turned around.


"Tyler, hurry up man, we gotta go!" Blaine yelled down the hall of his apartment, starting to get impatient.

"I'm coming, I just have to find something first!" Tyler yelled back, his voice sounded a little panicked.

Blaine sighed, sitting his bag down and headed back the hall to Tyler's room. "What're you looking for bud?"

"Dad's ring. I know I had it on my dresser, I never moved it, but now it's not there! I lost it!" Tyler was on the verge of tears, his black/brown hair was already starting to come out of the gel Blaine had put in it that morning from him running his hands through it so much.

"Did you put it in one of the drawers? Or maybe it just got knocked off." Blaine knew Tyler wasn't going to leave without that ring, so he started helping him look for it.

"I don't know, I saw it last night and now it's not there!"

"Hey, hey, calm down, if we both look I'm sure we can find it, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Thanks Uncle Blaine." Tyler gave him a small smile before going back to looking for the ring.

"Did you look behind the dresser?" Blaine asked.

"No, I can't see back there."

"Well here, help me move it and I'll look." Blaine pulled the dresser out just enuough to peek behind it and saw the gold band. "See, I told you we'd find it."

"How did it get back there? I didn't put it there!" Tyler grabbed the ring and slipped it onto the chain he always wore it on before sliding it over his head. It was his dad's wedding band and he never left home without it.

Blaine laughed, sometimes Tyler reminded him of Cooper so much it hurt. "It must have gotten knocked off somehow. Now, let's go before we're late for school.

"Will you be my music teacher again this year?" Tyler asked as they drove towards Lima Elementary.


"Awesome! You're like, the best teacher in the entire school!"

"Thanks bud, I try to make it fun for you guys." Blaine laguhed at Tyler's enthusiasm as they pulled into the school parking lot. "Okay, so you have Mr. Jones for homeroom this year, do you know where his room is?"

"Um, it's the one with all the green isn't it?"

"Yes, it's the one with all the green." Blaine rolled his eyes as they got out of the car. "I know I don't have to say this, but I'm going to anyway. Be good, I don't want to hear that you got in trouble on the first day of school, okay?"

"I know, I know." Tyler huffed, wanting to get inside and see his friends.

"Alright, just so you know. Now get to class, I'll see you after lunch."

"Bye Uncle Blaine, I love you!"

"Love you to buddy, have a good day." Blaine waved as Tyler headed into his classroom. He looked around at all the kids, excited to see their friends and to make new ones, it really was refreshing to be an elementary school teacher.

Just as Blaine was rounding the corner to his classroom, he saw a young boy who appeared to be around Tyler's age, talking to a man who Blaine assumed was his dad.

"But Papa, I don't wanna go to school here, I don't have any friends here."

Kurt sighed, he hated seeing his son upset, but he had to get him to class before he was late. "I know Cory, I really do, but I'm sure you'll make friends once you get to class."

"But Papa I-"

"Excuse me? I'm sorry to interrupt, I'm Mr. Anderson. Are you new here?" Blaine asked the kid, Cory, if he'd heard correctly.

Cory just nodded and looked up at his papa.

"We just moved here from New York, he's just a little nervous about his first day." Kurt smiled at the teacher, he's shorter than Kurt, uses way too much hair-gel, and dresses like a fashionable grandpa, but Kurt has to admit he's cute.

"New York? Wow, that's really cool." Blaine tried talking to Cory again. "Who's your teacher?"

"Mr. Jones." Cory said, not letting go of his papa's hand.

"My nephew's in that class, would you like for me to walk you there? It's just around the corner." Blaine pointed in the direction of the classroom.

"But my papa-"

"I'm sure your papa needs to get going, he's probably really busy." Blaine had no idea if that was true or not, but it was worth a shot.

"No he's not. He's just going to visit grandpa and grandma all day until school's out, then him, grandpa and grandma are going to come pick me up and we're going to go to some place called Breadstix for dinner." Cory said matter-of-factly.

"Someone's been listening in on my phone calls, haven't they?" Kurt looked down at his son and raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe, but only because you were talking about it in the kitchen while I was eating my pancakes, I could hear you talking."

"Well I'm sure your papa needs to be getting to Grandma and Grandpa's house, so why don't you come with me and I'll take you to your class?" Blaine held out his hand and smiled.

Cory looked from Blaine's hand to Kurt, as if asking him if it was okay, and when Kurt nodded, he stepped away from him and took Blaine's hand. "You will be here after school, right?"

"Yes Cory, I will be here, now let Mr. Anderson take you to class before you're late." Kurt sent Mr. Anderson a slient thank you, walking away before Cory changed his mind about going with Mr. Anderson.

"What do you teach Mr. Anderson?" Cory asked as they walked towards Mr. Jones' class.

"Music. The best class of the day." Blaine joked, trying to make Cory smile a little.

"Really? I like music! My dad was on Broadway, he might still be actually, me and Papa left before his show finished." Cory wondered what his dad was doing right now.

"You have two dads?" Blaine asked, surprising himself with how curious he actually was, because if Cory has two dad's, that means-

"Yep. Well, I use to, before me and Papa left. He told me that he and dad weren't married antmore so we had to move. I don't know why they're not married anymore, but they yelled a lot so it's okay because now it's quiet and Papa can get his work done." Cory rambled on as they reached the classroom.

"Here we are. I think you'll like Mr. Jones, he's a really nice man and a cool teacher." Blaine opened the door, trying not to think about what Cory had said about his papa. "Mr. Jones, this is Cory, I think he belongs here."

"Ah yes, Mr. Hummel, I was wondering where you were, have a seat anywhere you'd like." Mr. Jones smiled warmly.

"Why don't you sit beside Tyler, that's my nephew, the one I told you about." Blaine pointed to Tyler, who in turn waved at Cory.

"Okay. Mr. Anderson?"

"Yes Cory?"

"Do you think Tyler will be my friend?"

Blaine smiled at the boy, he really was a sweetheart. "I'm sure he will, won't you Tyler?"

"Yeah, I'll be your friend!" Tyler said excitedly, he loved making new friends.

"Really?" Cory asked, sitting beside Tyler.

"Of course."

"Wow, thank you. I've never made a friend that easy before."

"Well you have now."

Blaine smiled at the two boys interacting, he'd have to thank Tyler later for being so nice to Cory. "I'll let you get back to your class now Mr. Jones."

"Alright, thank you Mr. Anderson."

Blaine headed back to his classroom to go over his lesson plans but he couldn't stop thinking about Cory's father. He was beautiful, Blaine had noticed that right off the bat, and the way he carried himself, there was something almost majestic about it. From what Cory had told him, this guy, he hadn't even thought to get his name, had just gone through a divorce. That's why Blaine hated commitment, because if you get married and something goes wrong, divorce is your only option and that is more trouble than it's worth. He's seen too many friends from school get married and divorced, it's just not worth the risk.


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